Spelling suggestions: "subject:"doble.""
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Etické aspekty v práci sociálního kurátora / Ethical questions in the work of a social curatorČERMÁKOVÁ, Dagmar January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with a social curator, a specialized social worker profession. The first part describes attributes of humanity and ethical cathegories, which were chosen acording to the aim of this thesis and which were emhasized as important pillars in the work of a social curator. The next part of the thesis contains description of a target group with which the social curator works and it also describes the mainly occuring types of clients. In the third part of the thesis there is a list and evaluation of all the pillars that the social curator needs with the emphasis put on their meaning for their job. As a main source the author uses a czech legislation, which names a target group of the social curator as well as she uses an ethical code, which is not legaly binding, but it is a outline for a good quality work of all of social workers. It is important to always také into account the maturity and morally formed personaly of the social curator and also their knowledge of ethics and ethical cathegories and their practical use.
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Myšlení a víra Otakara A. Fundy / The thinking and belief of Otakar A. FundaKovářová, Zdenka January 2018 (has links)
1 UNIVERZITA KARLOVA KATOLICKÁ TEOLOGICKÁ FAKULTA Katedra teologické etiky a spirituální teologie Zdenka Kovářová Myšlení a víra Otakara A. Fundy Diplomová práce Vedoucí práce: Mgr. Ing. Prokop Sousedík, PhD. Praha 2018 2 Abstract This diploma thesis critically analyses the thinking of professor O. A. Funda who's work contributes to the problem of secularisation and moral resurgence. The work is divided into three parts, where the first section is presenting Funda's life as a whole picture, showing how his work developed over time, and introducing thinkers who influenced him. It is the second part that presents his thinking in depth on the back of two main subjects of his interests: rationality and transcendence. The last part is a critical analysis with the objective to evaluate whether or not professor managed to overcome the model rationality/transcendence with his own key: reality = complexity of complementarities and components in correlation, in continuity and in context. Keywords ethics, culture, Christianity, God, responsibility, belief, rationality, objectivity, humanity, life, existence, world, freedom, goodness, religion.
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Význam integrace stínových projekcí v učení C. G. Junga pro teologickou etiku mezilidského vztahu / The integration of shadow projections in the teaching of C.G. Jung and its possible benefits for theological ethics of interpersonal relationshipsOtáhal, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
In the first part, this thesis is examining the psychology of C. G. Jung, especially those parts, which are somehow connected to interpersonal relationships. That means foremostly the psychological projections and mechanisms, which are causing those projections. By those mechanisms, I mean the dynamics of consciousness - unconsciousness, the shadow and the cognitive functions. Besides those concepts and mechanisms, the thesis aims to explore the way which Jung ascribes to deal with those shadow projections - in favor of improving the interpersonal relationships. This deed lays mainly in the so-called individuation, with main focus on the shadow integration. The aim of the second part of this thesis is to reflect upon the C. G. Jung's psychology from the theological ethics point of view. The thesis is defining the criteria of goodness of the interpersonal relationship from the theological ethics standpoint. Then further uses those criteria to clarify the conditions under which could be maintained the dialogue and cooperation between theology and psychology and thus, under which conditions is theologically acceptable to utilize C. G. Jung's findings.
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Tomášův komentář k Etice Nikomachově / The Thomas commentary on the Nicomachean EthicsMOUČKOVÁ, Pavlína January 2011 (has links)
The thesis focuses on Aristotelian-Thomist ethics system. In mainly deals with the differences in concept of beatitude, good and related issues, like the science of virtues. The emphasis is placed on understanding and covering the differences in aproach of St. Thomas Aquinas and Aristotele to these ethical topics. Firs the thesis characterises the main issue in Nicomachean Ethics, then outlines the thoughts and ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas in his Commentary, with emphasis on its diference from Aristoteles teachings. First three chapters are therefore the more descriptive part of the thesis, which is based on both primary and secondary textual sources. The fourth chapter is, then, the crucial, practical part, that summarizes St. Thomas theses and ideas concerning beatitude, good and happiness, coming from his unrivaled Commentary on the Ethics.
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Reflexe hodnot v sociální práci se zaměřením na práci v Charitě / Reflection of Values in Social Work focused on Charity Work.BAZALOVÁ, Eva January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with an analysis of a concept of a value on the basis of the selected literature. It tries to point out a connection of ethical theories with a practical human behaviour. It has been structured from an explanation of key concepts as ethics, morality, manners; it examines a word of the value and fundamental philosophical theories which are associated with values. In detail it analyses the values in terms of so called philosophy of the material and formal subjectivism. It focuses on representatives of the phenomenology - Max Scheler, Nikolai Hartmann and Dietrich von Hildebrand. It specifies approaches to the values as well as in terms of a human personality, especially from a perspective of the analytical psychology. The thesis shows an importance of the values in the practical application - in the professional ethics of social work, where ethical codes provide an orientation for employees. Caritas Czech Republic was chosen as a model organization. That is also why a theological perspective on the values has been mentioned and basic values and principles of the Code of Caritas Czech Republic as well. This study should be a stimulus for a further exploration of the concept of the value and its significance for human beings. It considers the values to be a fundamental motivation that will lead mankind to a good behaviour (virtues) in the future.
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Pohádky K. J. Erbena z pohledu teologické antropologie / Theological anthropology and anthropology contained in K.J.Erben's fairy talesVOHRADSKÁ, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
The core thesis is an attempt to contextual interpretation of fairy tales K. J. Erben from the perspective of theological anthropology. And in the context of the overall issue of fairy tales then they found values that can be picked up and interpreted in this way. Own interpretation precedes five theoretical chapters where first discuss the issue of fairy tales, their typology, origin and development. And about the specifics of time and formation by K. J. Erben. Homer and J. R. R. Tolkien become the inspiration for subsequent interpretation. Both works have been interpreted by Christian. Integrative and reconstructive theory and is shown in the interpretation of two great works of world literature. Odyssey, a work whose creation is not much known, is a model for integrative theory. The Lord of the Rings introduces reconstructive theory, because here it is the opposite. From the peculiar structure of the classic fairy tale, then based on its own interpretation. Its core is the study of the morphology of fairy V. J. Propp. Fairytale Firebird and Foxy Fox is an introduction to the interpretation of other fairy tales. First, its symbols are analyzed and presented in the context of the fairy happening. Later, finding the core at a time when there was not a fairy tale. And that its structure is given in connection with the initiation ritual. Consequently, there are elaborated some aspects of man: man as "soulful dust", sinner and image of God. Continuously to and in relation to other fairy tales, this topic is distributed to more general plane fatality, life, death, good and evil. Question the value is processed in the chapter on aesthetics and symbolism, with an emphasis on symbolism symbol, myth and ritual.
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Propojení duchovních proudů východu a západu a křesťanský aspekt v učení O.M. Aivanhova. / The Synthesis of Eastern and Western Spiritualities and the Christian Aspect in the Teaching of O.M. AivanhovAVRAMOVA, Radka January 2010 (has links)
This work discourses about the teaching of bulgarian {--} french philosopher, pedagogue and spiritual teacher Omraam Mikhaël Aivanhov. It is divided in several thematic chapters discoursing always a certain philosofical {--} spiritual theme from the point of view how is it treated in the teaching of Aivanhov. Among those themes are for example: Creation, Good and evil, About God, Jesus and Christ, Reincarnation, Soul, Ressurection, Holy Trinity. Aivanhov has fresh and undogmatic approach to these themes and he accents that his teaching can serve to a man for the practical work on him or herself. He does not stick to any particular tradition neither he arteficially syncretizes. He rather sees the various levels of the creation and its Creator as a reality which has universal laws and principles. And a mission of man is according to Aivanhov to discover those laws and principles and to live in harmony with them.
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Východiska k řešenínežádoucíchnásilných jevů jsou koncipována křest'anskou etikou, jeŽ májedinečnou propojenost s humánními aspekty, z kterých trvale vychází. V teoretické části je etika členěna optikou různýchteologů, filosofu čisociologů dřívě.iŠÍi dneŠnídoby. Empirická část předkládá aktuální výzkum ke školskésociální Práci, která k nám díkyCharlottě a Alici Garrigue Masarykové historicky patří. Tato ProÍ'esrríČinnost u nás po Ii. světové válce jižale nepokračovaia. K jejíabsenci jsou PřidánY relevantní reflexe, u výzkumu .ie analýza a sumarizace, Poslední slova Ch, MasarYkové nesla všem lidem úžasnéposelství ,,Zmocněte se cJobra, pravcla je přece krásná". Křest'anská etika má ve svém poslání stejný význam, KlíČováslova: dobro a zlo, vývoj křest'anské etiky, morálka, humanismus, Školskásociálrrí práce, stav dnešníspolečnosti zřetelný na dětech. negativa technického rozvoje, nutnost redukce nežádoucích násiJných jevů. Annotation Methods of handling undesirable violent phenomena are embedded in Christian ethics, which is inextricably linked to the humane aspects that it originates from. In the theoretical part of this work the ethics is divided by the perspectives oť various theologians, Philosophers or sociologists of previous and present times. The empirical Part Presents relevant research in...
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Republikánský mýtus polské aristokracie: Raně novověké pojetí politické identity Stanisława Orzechowského a Andrzeje Frycze Modrzewského / Republican Myth of Polish Aristocracy: Early Modern Concept of Political Identity developed by Stanislaw Orzechowski and Andrzej Frycz ModrzewskiKvětina, Jan January 2018 (has links)
As the main research interest of this study one is able to highlight the issue of early- modern political thought, whose patterns have been analysed as protomodern grounds within the formative process of national identity. The thesis is based on the assumption that the political discourse of Polish aristocracy can be read as a specific part of European republicanism. Republican attributes are thus supposed to have stood for an essential core of Polish political culture at that time; core that was widely accepted by different political writers irrespective of their ideological distinctions. Hence, the study aims to prove that one is able to find the grounds of Polish "national" self-identification neither in ethnical nor in strict class traits, because concerning the question of identity, there was a crucial concept of a republic, closely linked to the peculiar values of liberty, equality and common good, which played a decisive role. In this regard, the thesis contradicts the traditional categories of Sarmatism or Sonderweg and instead of them, it introduces the concept of republican triangle as the hypothesis that is able to identify interdependence between political thought of that time and the image of Polish noble identity. Regarding methodological approaches, the study is based on the...
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Člověk ve světle vědy / Human in the light of scienceHoudek, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
The paper thematizes the concept of science in mid- and late thinking of Friedrich Nietzsche in the context of his understanding of scientific cognition of both: human and its world. The study introduces the problem of science and cognition in general in connection with significant motives of Nietzsche's thinking: morality, the revaluation of all values, thinking and living "beyond good and evil", freedom, human body, the superhuman motive, ascetic ideals, and more. Emphasis is put on the problem of veracity in the context of Nietzsche's attitude to idealism. Keywords Human; Superhuman; Nietzsche; Moral Philosophy; Cognition; Truth; Error; Intelect; Body; The Will to Power; Drive and Instinct; Evolution; Idealism; Nihilism; Amor fati; Beyond Good and Evil; Freedom; Ascetic ideals
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