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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Supervisie in maatskaplike werk : riglyne vir die praktyk (Afrikaans)

Pelser, Magdalena Francina 24 February 2010 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Die studie handel oor bepaalde riglyne wat in die praktyk van supervisie vir maatskaplike werk aangewend kan word. Verandering en veranderde behoeftes in die moderne samelewing het tot radikale veranderings in maat¬skaplikewerk-dienslewering aanleiding gegee en verhoogde druk vir doel¬matigheid en produktiwiteit na vore laat kom. Supervisie in maatskaplike werk kan beskou word as 'n deurslaggewende komponent in die verhoging van maatskaplike werkers se produktiwiteit en die doeltreffende bestuur van ‘n welsynsorganisasie. Inligting vir die studie is nie slegs van die maatskaplikewerk-literatuur verkry nie, maar ook van ander aanverwante vakgebiede. Die studie bied nie finale en totaal volledige antwoorde vir die probleme wat in die praktyk van supervisie ervaar word nie, maar is ‘n empiries en praktyk-beproefde maatskaplikewerk-georiënteerde raamwerk wat ‘n psigodinamiese interaktiewe benadering in supervisie voorstaan. Daar is gepoog om supervisie as 'n onderrigmetode vir voortgesette oplei¬ding in maatskaplike werk te konseptualiseer en te beskryf, terwyl verskil¬lende funksies, modelle en strategies geïdentifiseer is wat as moontlike basiese beginaela en metodes vir supervisie in maatskaplike werk aangebied kan word. Daar is ook gepoog om aan welsynsorganisasies as 'n dinamiese veranderingsisteem in die veranderde en ontwikkelende samelewing riglyne vir die supervisietaak te voorsien. Ten einde bogenoemde doelstellings te bereik, is daar van die volgende ondersoekmetodes gebruik gemaak: 'n Literatuurstudie is oor supervisie gedoen met die doel om die nuutste inligting en resentste teoretiese ont¬wikkelings te bekom. Verder is kennis en inligting versamel deur eie ervaring van maatskaplikewerk-supervisie veral as resultaat van die dosering van die MA (MW) Supervisiekursus aan die Universiteit van Pretoria. Empiriese gegewens is ook op 'n beperkte skaal ingewin deur middel van vraelyste wat deur persone wat die kursus deurloop en voltooi het, voor en na afhandeling van die kursus voltooi is. Die gegewens van die vraelyste is ontleed en verwerk. 'n Belangrike standpunt wat in die studie gehuldig word, is dat 'n bepaalde situasie geassesseer en bepaal moet word en dat strategieë en metodes wat vir die situasie die beste is, soos bepaal deur spesifieke faktore geselek¬teer en aangewend moet word om 'n supervisiesisteem in die organisasie te vestig wat by die organisasie se doelstellings en beleid sal pas. Die korrekte opleiding van supervisors is 'n belangrike komponent om die komplekse taak van supervisie reg en kreatief uit te voer. Goeie, rele¬vante en stimulerende opleiding in supervisie tesame met die deeglike selektering van persone wat oor bepaalde kwaliteite beskik wat nodig is om van hom of haar 'n goeie supervisor te maak, moet betyds geïdentifiseer word. Na aanleiding van die studie is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat uitge¬breide navorsing oor supervisie noodsaaklik is om lig te werp op nuwe ont¬wikkelings, strategieë, kennis, relevante opleiding en die implementering van 'n doeltreffende supervisiesisteem in die moderne welsynsorganisasie. Laasgenoemde behels onder andere 'n veranderde perspektief van maatskap¬likewerk-supervisie en die uitbreiding van die funksies en rol van super¬visie. Die volgende word na aanleiding van die studie aanbeveel dat: Gespesialiseerde opleiding vir supervisie aangebied en aangemoedig word. Poste vir tweedevlaksupervisors geskep moet word. Organisatoriese opleidingsprogramme ontwikkel moet word. Supervisors en maatskaplike werkers geselekteer en gepas moet word. Minimum vereistes en standaarde vir supervisors geïdentifiseer word. Strategieë vir doeltreffende supervisie nagevors en ontwerp word. Die funksies van supervisie sowel as die opleidingsmodelle verder ontwikkel moet word. ENGLISH: This study examines specific quidelines that can be used in the practice of supervision for social work. Changes and changed needs in modern society have resulted in radical changes in the services rendered in social work, as well as in increased pressure for efficiency and productivity. Super¬vision in social work can be regarded as a decisive component in increasing both the productivity of social workers as well as the efficiency of the management of welfare organizations. Material for the study has been obtained not only from literature on social work, but also from other related disciplines. This study does not claim to provide the ultimate and complete solutions to the problems encountered in the practice of supervision in social work, but provides a framework advocating a psycho-dynamic, interactive approach to supervision. This framework is social work-orientated and has been proven empirically as well as in practice. An attempt has been made to conceptualize and describe supervision as a method of instruction for continued training in social work, while various functions, models and strategies have been identified that can be offered as possible basic principles and methods for supervision in social work. An attempt has also been made to provide welfare organizations, as a dynamic and changing system in a changing and developing society, with guidelines for the task of supervision. In the pursuit of the above objectives, the following methods of inquiry have been used A survey of the literature on supervision was done for the purpose of finding out what the latest information and most recent theoretical developments are. Additional knowledge and information was gleaned from personal experience of supervision in social work - especially experience in teaching the MA (Social Work) Supervision Course at the University of Pretoria. Empirical data have also been gathered on a limited scale by means of questionnaires filled out both before and after the completion of their courses, by people who have completed the super¬vision course. The data thus gathered have been analysed and processed. An important point of view adopted in the study is that a particular situation has to be assessed and defined so that the appropriate strategies and methods, as dictated by specific factors, can be selected and applied in order to establish a system of supervision that is suitable to the organization's policies and objectives. For the complex task of sUperV1SlQn to be accomplished correctly and creatively, supervisors have to be given the correct training. Good, relevant and stimulating training in supervision should be the prerogative of previously selected persons in possession of the specific qualities needed in a good supervisor. These qualities have to be identified in good time for the candidates to receive specialized training. In the light of the study a conclusion was reached that extensive research on supervision is needed to illuminate aspects like new developments, strategies, knowledge, relevant training and the implementation of an effective system of supervision in the modern welfare organization. What is envisaged is a changed perspective of supervision in social work and the expansion of the functions and role of supervision. The following recommendations are made that: Specialized training in supervision be offered and encouraged. Posts for second level supervisors be created.>p> Organizational training programmes be developed. Supervisors and workers be selected with a view to compatibility. Supervisors be carefully selected. Minimum requirements and standards for supervisors be identified. Strategies for efficient supervision be researched and designed. The functions of supervision as well as the training models be further developed. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Social Work and Criminology / Unrestricted

Measuring the relationship between intraday returns, volatility spill-overs and market beta during financial distress / Wayne Peter Brewer

Brewer, Wayne Peter January 2013 (has links)
The modelling of volatility has long been seminal to finance and risk management in general, as it provides information on the spread of portfolio returns. In order to reduce the overall volatility of a stock portfolio, modern portfolio theory (MPT), within an efficient market hypothesis (EMH) framework, dictates that a well-diversified portfolio should have a market beta of one (thereafter adjusted for risk preference), and thus move in sync with a benchmark market portfolio. Such a stock portfolio is highly correlated with the market, and considered to be entirely hedged against unsystematic risk. However, the risks within and between stocks present in a portfolio still impact on each other. In particular, risk present in a particular stock may spill over and affect the risk profile of another stock included within a portfolio - a phenomenon known as volatility spill-over effects. In developing economies such as South Africa, portfolio managers are limited in their choices of stocks. This increases the difficulty of fully diversifying a stock portfolio given the volatility spill-over effects that may be present between stocks listed on the same exchange. In addition, stock portfolios are not static, and therefore require constant rebalancing according to the mandate of the managing fund. The process of constant rebalancing of a stock portfolio (for instance, to follow the market) becomes more complex and difficult during times of financial distress. Considering all these conditions, portfolio managers need all the relevant information (more than MPT would provide) available to them in order to select and rebalance a portfolio of stocks that are as mean-variance efficient as possible. This study provides an additional measure to market beta in order to construct a more efficient portfolio. The additional measure analyse the volatility spill-over effects between stocks within the same portfolio. Using intraday stock returns and a residual based test (aggregate shock [AS] model), volatility spill-over effects are estimated between stocks. It is shown that when a particular stock attracts fewer spill-over effects from the other stocks in the portfolio, the overall portfolio volatility would decrease as well. In most cases market beta showcased similar results; this change is however not linear in the case of market beta. Therefore, in order to construct a more efficient portfolio, one requires both a portfolio that has a unit correlation with the market, but also includes stocks with the least amount of volatility spill-over effects among each other. / MCom (Risk Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Measuring the relationship between intraday returns, volatility spill-overs and market beta during financial distress / Wayne Peter Brewer

Brewer, Wayne Peter January 2013 (has links)
The modelling of volatility has long been seminal to finance and risk management in general, as it provides information on the spread of portfolio returns. In order to reduce the overall volatility of a stock portfolio, modern portfolio theory (MPT), within an efficient market hypothesis (EMH) framework, dictates that a well-diversified portfolio should have a market beta of one (thereafter adjusted for risk preference), and thus move in sync with a benchmark market portfolio. Such a stock portfolio is highly correlated with the market, and considered to be entirely hedged against unsystematic risk. However, the risks within and between stocks present in a portfolio still impact on each other. In particular, risk present in a particular stock may spill over and affect the risk profile of another stock included within a portfolio - a phenomenon known as volatility spill-over effects. In developing economies such as South Africa, portfolio managers are limited in their choices of stocks. This increases the difficulty of fully diversifying a stock portfolio given the volatility spill-over effects that may be present between stocks listed on the same exchange. In addition, stock portfolios are not static, and therefore require constant rebalancing according to the mandate of the managing fund. The process of constant rebalancing of a stock portfolio (for instance, to follow the market) becomes more complex and difficult during times of financial distress. Considering all these conditions, portfolio managers need all the relevant information (more than MPT would provide) available to them in order to select and rebalance a portfolio of stocks that are as mean-variance efficient as possible. This study provides an additional measure to market beta in order to construct a more efficient portfolio. The additional measure analyse the volatility spill-over effects between stocks within the same portfolio. Using intraday stock returns and a residual based test (aggregate shock [AS] model), volatility spill-over effects are estimated between stocks. It is shown that when a particular stock attracts fewer spill-over effects from the other stocks in the portfolio, the overall portfolio volatility would decrease as well. In most cases market beta showcased similar results; this change is however not linear in the case of market beta. Therefore, in order to construct a more efficient portfolio, one requires both a portfolio that has a unit correlation with the market, but also includes stocks with the least amount of volatility spill-over effects among each other. / MCom (Risk Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

A model for effective curriculum implementation in accredited private higher education institutions in Botswana

Rudhumbu, Norman 05 December 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to propose a model (framework) for effective implementation of curricula in accredited Private Higher Education Institutions (PHEIs) operating in a highly regulated higher education environment in Botswana. The study used a mixed methods research approach that employed concurrent triangulation design. A structured questionnaire and a semi-structured interview guide were used to collect data on the views of both 306 lecturers and 12 academic middle managers (AMMs) respectively, on how the curriculum is implemented in the accredited PHEIs. Data analysis was done using statistical tables, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Mann Whitney U-Test, regression analysis, correlation analysis and structural equation modelling (SEM). Results of the study showed that characteristics of the external environment, lecturer, institution as well as characteristics and conception of the curriculum were all statistically, significantly and positively related to effective curriculum implementation in accredited PHEIs and hence acted as predictors of effective curriculum implementation in these institutions. The study also showed that factors in the above predictor variables which included heavy workloads, lack of training on pedagogical issues, limited opportunities for staff development in some of the PHEIs, limited teaching resources as well as a highly regulated higher education environment were major challenges affecting effective curriculum implementation in the PHEIS. It emerged from the study that a 1% improvement on each of the predictor variables could lead to improvements in the way curriculum is currently implemented in these institutions. Based on these results, a framework was proposed for enhancing curriculum implementation in accredited PHEIs. / Inhloso yalolu cwaningo kwabe kuwukuthuthukisa imodeli yokuqaliswa kwekharikhulamu ngempumelelo eziKhungweni Zemfundo Ephakeme Zangasese ezigunyaziwe (ama-PHEI) eziqhuba umsebenzi wazo ngaphansi kwesimo semfundo ephakeme esilawulwa kakhulu. Lolu cwaningo lwasebenzisa indlela yokucwaninga exubile ngokulandela i-concurrent triangulation design. Ucwaningo lwasebenzisa i-structured questionnaire kanye ne-semi-structured interview guide ukuqoqa idatha mayelana nemibono yabafundisi basenyuvesi abangama-306 kanye nabaphathi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme abasezikhundleni zokuphatha ezimaphakathi (ama-AMM) abayi-12, ngokulandelana, mayelana nendlela okuqaliswa ngayo ikharikhulamu kuma-PHEI agunyaziwe. Ukuhlaziywa kwedatha kwenziwa ngokusebenzisa amathebula ezibalo, i-Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), i-Mann Whitney U-Test, i-regression analysis, i-correlation analysis kanye ne-structural equation modelling (SEM). Imiphumela yocwaningo yabonisa ukuthi izici zobunjalo besimo sangaphandle, izici zomfundisi, izici zesikhungo kanye nezici eziphathelene nekharikhulamu kanye nomsuka womqondo wokusungulwa kwayo, konke kwabe kukhombisa ukuhlobana okucacile futhi obuboniswa nayizibalo phakathi kwalokhu nokuqaliswa kwekharikhulamu ngempumelelo kuma-PHEI agunyaziwe futhi ngalokho-ke lokhu kwasebenza njengezibikezeli zokuqaliswa kwekharikhulamu ngempumelelo kulezi zikhungo. Ucwaningo lwabonisa nokuthi ezinye izimo, ngaphezu kwezibikezeli, ezibandakanya umsebenzi omningi ngokweqile okumele wenziwe ngumfundisi ngamunye, ukuntuleka kokuqeqeshwa mayelana nezindaba eziphathelene nokufundisa, amathuba ayingcosana kakhulu okuthuthukiswa kwabasebenzi kwezinye zalezi zikhungo ezingama-PHEI, izinsizakufundisa eziyingcosana kanye nesimo semfundo ephakeme esilawulwa kakhulu, kwabe kuyizinselelo ezinkulu ezinomthelela ekuqalisweni kwekharikhulamu ngempumelelo ezikhungweni ezingama-PHEI. Kwahlaluka ocwaningweni ukuthi ukuphuculwa kwesimo nge-1% esibikezelweni ngasinye kungaholela ekutheni ibe ngcono indlela okusetshenziswa ngayo ikharikhulamu kulezi zikhungo. Ngokususela kule miphumela, kwathuthukiswa imodeli yokwenza ngcono ukuqaliswa kwekharikhulamu kuma-PHEI agunyaziwe. / Die doel van die studie was om ʼn model (raamwerk) voor te stel vir doeltreffende kurrikulumimplementering in geakkrediteerde private hoëronderwysinstellings (PHEIs) wat in ʼn hoogs gereguleerde hoëronderwysomgewing funksioneer. ʼn Gemengdemetode-navorsingsbenadering is gevolg, met gebruik van gelyktydige-triangulasie-ontwerp. ʼn Gestruktureerde vraelys en ʼn halfgestruktureerde onderhoudsgids is gebruik om data in te samel oor die sienings van 306 dosente en 12 akademiese middelbestuurders (AMMs) onderskeidelik, oor hoe die kurrikulum geïmplementeer word in die geakkrediteerde PHEIs. Data is ontleed met behulp van statistiese tabelle, Analise van Variansie (ANOVA), die Mann Whitney U-Test, regressieontleding, korrelasieontleding en strukturele vergelykingsmodellering (SEM). Die resultate van die studie het getoon dat eienskappe van die eksterne omgewing; van die dosent; van die instelling, sowel as eienskappe en beskouings van die kurrikulum, almal positiewe, beduidende en statistiese verwantskappe met doeltreffende kurrikulumimplementering in geakkrediteerde PHEIs het, en dus as voorspellers van doeltreffende kurrikulumimplementering in hierdie instellings opgetree het. Die studie het ook getoon dat faktore in die bogenoemde voorspellerveranderlikes – insluitende aansienlike werkslas, gebrek aan opleiding oor pedagogiese kwessies, beperkte geleenthede vir personeelontwikkeling in sommige van die PHEIs, beperkte onderrighulpbronne, sowel as ʼn hoogs gereguleerde hoëronderwysomgewing – groot uitdagings was wat doeltreffende kurrikulumimplementering in die PHEIs beïnvloed het. Dit het uit die studie geblyk dat ʼn 1%-verbetering in elk van die voorspellerveranderlikes verbeteringe kan teweegbring in die manier waarop die kurrikulum in hierdie instellings geïmplementeer word. Op grond van hierdie resultate is ʼn raamwerk voorgestel om kurrikulumimplementering in geakkrediteerde PHEIs te versterk. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum and Instructional Studies)

The management of classroom discipline by educators and HODs of Gauteng East primary schools

Magabe, Raymond Peace 07 May 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Sesotho / Classroom discipline is one of the pillars of good education globally. This study aimed to determine the role of teachers and HODs in maintaining effective classroom discipline among learners in selected primary schools in Gauteng East. The research question set by the researcher to gather the relevant information was: How does a purposively selected group of primary school HODs and teachers in the Gauteng East District view their experiences, skills and knowledge of classroom discipline and management in a post-corporal punishment era, as explored through a qualitative study using multiple techniques of data gathering? The researcher sought to determine how classroom discipline and management took place and which strategies teachers and HODs could adopt for effective classroom discipline and management. A qualitative research approach was employed for the empirical inquiry carried out at the selected research sites. Information about classroom discipline and management strategies was gathered from selected participants, made up of 24 teachers and six HODs from six primary schools. This was achieved using semi-structured interviews, focus group interviews, document analysis and observation tools. The study revealed that all the selected participants were applying the reactive or punitive disciplinary approach rather than a proactive or positive approach. The literature review on the causes of poor classroom discipline and management, along with the research-based behavioural strategies and the empirical enquiry in the selected schools, allowed the researcher to critically assess the current disciplinary strategies implemented by teachers and HODs in Gauteng East primary schools and to make meaningful recommendations for improvement of discipline and classroom management. The main recommendations entail that teachers and HODs extend their horizons in order to be able to use the three models of control proposed by Wolfgang and Glickman in their classrooms. Use of the three models would aid them in exercising effective and meaningful classroom discipline and in utilising the strategies emanating from the research on effective classroom management. These main recommendations are further extended in the additional recommendations put forward. / Klaskamerdissipline is wêreldwyd een van die hoekstene van goeie onderwys. Hierdie studie is uitgevoer om die rol van onderwysers en departementshoofde in die doeltreffende handhawing van klaskamerdissipline by leerders in uitgesoekte laerskole in Gauteng-Oos te bepaal. Die navorsingsvraag wat deur die navorser gestel is om die tersaaklike inligting in te samel, was: Hoe beskou ʼn doelbewus gekose groep laerskooldepartementshoofde en laerskool-onderwysers in die Gauteng-Oos-distrik hul ervarings, vaardighede en kennis van klaskamerdissipline en -bestuur in ʼn post-lyfstraf-era, soos ondersoek in ʼn kwalitatiewe studie met behulp van verskeie data-insamelingstegnieke? Die navorser het gepoog om te bepaal hoe klaskamerdissipline en -bestuur plaasgevind het en watter strategieë deur onderwysers en departementshoofde aangewend kan word vir doeltreffende klaskamerdissipline en -bestuur. ʼn Kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering is gevolg vir die empiriese ondersoek wat by die gekose navorsingsplekke uitgevoer is. Inligting oor klaskamerdissipline en -bestuurstrategieë is verkry van gekose deelnemers bestaande uit 24 onderwysers en ses departementshoofde van ses laerskole. Dit is gedoen deur halfgestruktureerde onderhoude, fokusgroeponderhoude, dokumentontleding en waarnemingshulpmiddele te gebruik. Die studie het getoon dat al die gekose deelnemers die reaktiewe of strafbenadering tot dissipline gevolg het, eerder as ʼn proaktiewe of positiewe benadering. Die literatuuroorsig oor die oorsake van swak klaskamerdissipline en -bestuur, tesame met die navorsingsgebaseerde gedragstrategieë en die empiriese ondersoek in die geselekteerde skole, het dit vir die navorser moontlik gemaak om die huidige dissiplinêre strategieë wat deur onderwysers en departementshoofde in laerskole in Gauteng-Oos geïmplementeer word, krities te assesseer en om sinvolle aanbevelings vir die verbetering van dissipline en klaskamerbestuur te doen. Die vernaamste aanbevelings behels dat onderwysers en departementshoofde hul horisonne moet verbreed sodat hulle in staat sal wees om die drie modelle van beheer wat deur Wolfgang en Glickman voorgestel word, in hul klaskamers te gebruik. Die gebruik van die drie modelle sal hulle help om doeltreffende en sinvolle klaskamerdissipline te beoefen, en om die strategieë wat uit die navorsing oor doeltreffende klaskamerbestuur voortspruit, te gebruik. Hierdie hoofaanbevelings word verder uitgebrei in die bykomende aanbevelings wat gemaak is. / Kgalemo ka phaposing ya ho rutela ke e nngwe ya ditshiya tsa thuto e hantle lefatsheng ka bophara. Phuputso ena e ne e reretswe ho tseba boikarabello ba matitjhere le Dihlooho tsa mafapha (di-HOD) ba ho boloka kgalemo e sebetsang phaposing ya ho rutela hara baithuti dikolong tse kgethilweng tsa mathomo Gauteng Botjhabela. Potso ya patlisiso e entsweng ke mofuputsi ho bokella tlhahisoleseding e nepahetseng e ne e le hore na: Sehlopha se kgethilweng ka boomo sa dihlooho tsa mafapha (di-HOD) le matitjhere a Setereke sa Gauteng Botjhabela se bona boiphihlelo ba sona jwang, bokgoni le tsebo tsa kgalemelo ya phaposing ya ho rutela le tsamaiso nakong ya kamora nako ya ho tloswa ha ho shapuwa ha baithuti jwalo ka ha ho hlahlojwa ka phuputso ya boleng ho sebediswa mekgwa e mengata ya ho bokella datha? Mofuputsi o ile a batla ho tseba hore na kgalemo ya phaposing ya ho rutela le tsamaiso di etsahetse jwang le hore na ke mawa afe ao matitjhere le dihlooho tsa mafapha (di-HOD) ba ka a sebedisang bakeng sa kgalemo e sebetsang ya phaposing ya ho rutela le tsamaiso. Mokgwa wa ho etsa dipatlisiso wa boleng o ile wa sebediswa bakeng sa patlisiso ya tlhahlobo e entsweng dibakeng tsa patlisiso tse kgethilweng. Tlhahisoleseding mabapi le kgalemo ya phaposing ya ho rutela le maano a tsamaiso e ile ya bokellwa ho tswa ho bankakarolo ba kgethilweng, ba entsweng ka matichere a 24 le dihlooho tsa mafapha (di-HOD) tse tsheletseng dikolong tse tsheletseng tsa mathomo. Sena se fihletswe ka dipuisano tse batlang di hlophisitswe, dipuisano tsa sehlopha se kgethilweng, manollo ya ditokomane le disebediswa tsa temoho. Phuputso e senotse hore bankakarolo bohle ba kgethilweng ba ne ba sebedisa mokgwa wa kgalemo o sebetsang kapa o fanang ka kotlo ho fapana le mokgwa o sebetsang kapa o nepahetseng. Tlhahlobo ya dingodilweng ka disosa tsa boitshwaro bo bobe ba phaposing ya ho rutela le tsamaiso, hammoho le maano a boitshwaro a ipapisitseng le dipatlisiso tse matla dikolong tse kgethilweng, e dumelletse mofuputsi ho lekola ka botebo maano a kgalemo a tshebetsong a sebediswang ke matitjhere le dihlooho tsa mafapha (di-HOD) dikolong tsa mathomo tsa Gauteng Botjhabela le ho etsa ditlhahiso tse nang le moelelo bakeng sa ntlafatso ya boitshwaro le tsamaiso ya phaposi ya ho rutela. Ditlhahiso tsa mantlha di kenyeletsa hore matitjhere le dihlooho tsa mafapha (di-HOD) ba batle mekgwa e meng eo ba ka sebetsanang le sena ka yona e le hore ba kgone ho sebedisa dimmotlolo tse tharo tsa taolo tse hlahisitsweng ke Wolfgang le Glickman diphaposing tsa bona tsa ho rutela. Tshebediso ya dimmotlolo tse tharo e ka ba thusa ho sebedisa kgalemo e sebetsang le e nang le moelelo phaposing ya ho rutela le ho sebedisa maano a tswang dipatlisisong a mabapi le tsamaiso e sebetsang ya phaposi ya ho rutela. Ditlhahiso tsena tsa mantlha di boetse di atoloswa ho feta ditlhahisong tsa tlatsetso tse hlahisitsweng. / Educational Management and Leadership / D. Ed. (Education Management)

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