Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dogs""
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Exhumed from asterisks : from commomplace Russian tyrannies to the dark spaces of Bulgakov’s Heart of a dogFlider, Marina 22 July 2011 (has links)
Few spaces have been as tyrannically predetermined as St. Petersburg and Soviet Moscow. This paper aims to present a theoretical narrative delineating the tyranny of space through both Russian capitols by examining both Peter the Great’s and Lenin’s predetermined construction of Russian spaces. First will be an examination of the manner in which Peter the Great undercut authentic Russian tradition by replacing historical with European spatial consciousness. In the second chapter, a few case studies from the history of Russian letters will be provided so as to best demonstrate the continuing anxiety of spatial representation plaguing Russian writers through the nineteenth century. Chapter three concerns Lenin’s spatial despotism. In contrast to Peter the Great, who opened Russia (and Russian consciousness) to the West, Lenin will compress space by reclaiming Russia’s capital of old, Moscow. This compression of space is best embodied in the kitsch, micromanagement, and tyranny of the Soviet communal apartment. Finally, the goal is to show the shift from the highly cerebral production of the place that is St. Petersburg to the unconscious social cues that constituted the mapping, reading, and minute control of Soviet spaces as evidenced in the works of Mikhail Bulgakov’s Heart of a Dog. By defamiliarizing common spaces, Bulgakov points to Russia’s inability to reconcile space with its national identity. / text
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Ermittlung der Genauigkeit der Neurolokalisation durch den Vergleich mit dem Ergebnis der durchgeführten Diagnostik bei 214 HundenLöffler, Carina 04 November 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die neurologische Untersuchung stellt die Grundlage der klinischen Neurologie dar und führt durch die Festlegung einer Neurolokalisation (neuroanatomischen Diagnose) zur Eingrenzung eines Krankheitsprozesses auf eine bestimmte Region im Nervensystem. Basierend auf der Neurolokalisation erfolgt die weitere klinische Aufarbeitung des Patienten wie die Erstellung einer Liste an möglichen Differentialdiagnosen und notwendigen diagnostischen Maßnahmen zum Nachweis der Erkrankung im Nervensystem. In der veterinärmedizinischen Literatur existieren zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt nur wenige Angaben über die Genauigkeit der festgelegten Neurolokalisation. Die wenigen vorliegenden Studien analysierten zudem lediglich die Genauigkeit der Neurolokalisation in ausgewählten Segmenten des Nervensystems. Das Ziel dieser prospektiven Studie war es daher, das Ergebnis der neurologischen Untersuchung (Neurolokalisation) mit dem Ergebnis weiterführender diagnostischer Maßnahmen zu vergleichen und dabei die Genauigkeit der Neurolokalisation zu ermitteln. Weiterhin wurde untersucht, ob Faktoren wie die Körpermasse des Patienten, die klinische Erfahrung des Untersuchers und die Lokalisation im Nervensystem einen Einfluss auf den Grad der Übereinstimmung zwischen Neurolokalisation und tatsächlich ermittelter Lokalisation der Läsion haben.
Es wurde bei 214 Hunden verschiedener Hunderassen eine vollständige neurologische Untersuchung durch einen Tierarzt aus der Abteilung Neurologie der Klinik für Kleintiere durchgeführt. Mit Hilfe der neurologischen Untersuchung wurde bei jedem Tier eine Neurolokalisation festgelegt. Danach erfolgte die diagnostische Aufarbeitung jedes Patienten der Studie in der Klinik für Kleintiere zum Nachweis einer Läsion im Nervensystem. Im Anschluss an die Diagnostik wurde die Übereinstimmung zwischen der festgelegten Neurolokalisation und der nachgewiesene Lokalisation der Läsion ermittelt.
Bei den 214 Hunden wurden, resultierend aus der neurologischen Untersuchung, insgesamt 237 Neurolokalisationen im gesamten Nervensystem festgelegt. Mit Hilfe der diagnostischen Maßnahmen konnten bei den 214 Hunden 221 Läsionen im gesamten Nervensystem nachgewiesen werden. Die allgemeine Übereinstimmung zwischen festgelegter Neurolokalisation und nachgewiesener Lokalisation der Läsion lag bei 71 Prozent. Bei 13 Prozent (27/214) der untersuchten Hunde stimmte die Neurolokalisation nicht mit der Lokalisation der Läsion überein. Bei 16 Prozent (35/214) der Patienten konnte keine Läsion im Nervensystem mit Hilfe der diagnostischen Maßnahmen ermittelt werden. Dies bedeutete nicht, dass der Patient keine neurologische Erkrankung hatte, sondern vielmehr dass eine Reihe von neurologischen Erkrankungen existieren, die selbst mit modernster Technik nicht nachweisbar sind. Anhand der Untersuchungen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde festgestellt, dass die klinische Erfahrung des Untersuchers und die Körpermasse des Patienten keinen Einfluss auf die Übereinstimmung zwischen Neurolokalisation und in der Diagnostik nachgewiesener Lokalisation der Läsion hatten. Das Rückenmarksegment Th3-L3 erwies sich als Lokalisation mit der höchsten Übereinstimmung zwischen neuroanatomischer Diagnose (Neurolokalisation) und Lokalisation der Läsion.
Schlussfolgernd aus den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit kann man sagen, dass die Neurolokalisation mit einer Genauigkeit von 71 Prozent eine relativ verlässliche Grundlage für die weitere diagnostische Aufarbeitung eines Patienten ist. Jedoch hat diese Arbeit auch Schwachstellen der neurologischen Untersuchung aufgedeckt. So war beispielsweise die Untersuchung des Flexorreflexes der Vorder- und Hintergliedmaßen zur Festlegung der Neurolokalisation im Bereich der vier Rückenmarkssegmente eine nicht zu unterschätzende Fehlerquelle. Diese Erkenntnis sollte sich in Zukunft auf eine Ausweitung der diagnostischen Maßnahmen im Falle eines fehlenden Nachweises einer Läsion auswirken. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie zeigen außerdem, dass die Grundkenntnis über die Funktionalität der einzelnen anatomischen Strukturen des Nervensystems sowie die intensive Kenntnis über die Grundelemente der neurologischen Untersuchung ausreichend sind für eine zuverlässige Festlegung der Neurolokalisation.
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"When the Dog Bites..." A Socio-ecological Approach to Dog Bite Injury Prevention by Targeting Dog Owners in the United StatesSinha, Saswati Dolly 20 November 2009 (has links)
The CDC estimates that 4.7 million Americans get bitten by dogs every year. Most of these dog bite injuries involve a family-owned pet and a household member or person familiar to the dog. This capstone examines six topics: dog bite injuries and its impact on communities; new strategies for dog bite injury prevention; incidence of dog bite injuries requiring emergency room treatment among children from 2001 to 2008; dog bite injury healthcare costs; implementation of dog bite injury prevention; and legal issues and outcomes in dog bite injury. A novel approach to dog bite injury research should include a socio-ecological perspective that captures complex risk factors surrounding behavior and sociological background of dog owners before, during, and after dog bite injury incidence that is collected in a national integrated data system and translates prevention science effectively according to the CDC Injury Research Agenda.
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This thesis determines and compares the sparing effect of ketamine on the minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of isoflurane in rabbits and dogs using two methods in a crossover random design. One method determined the MAC of isoflurane and ketamine combined after previous determination of the MAC of isoflurane during the same day. The second method determined the MAC for the combination without prior determination of the MAC of isoflurane. The concentration of ketamine and norketamine in plasma were also determined in dogs.
For the first method, the MAC of isoflurane in rabbits was 2.15 ± 0.09% (mean ± SD) and decreased to 1.63 ± 0.07% during ketamine administration (1 mg/kg bolus and a constant rate infusion [CRI] of 40 µg/kg/min). In dogs, the same ketamine dose decreased the MAC of isoflurane from 1.18 ± 0.14% to 0.88 ± 0.14%. Re-determination of MAC of isoflurane performed after stopping the CRI yielded a MAC value of 2.04 ± 0.11% in rabbits and of 1.09 ± 0.16% in dogs.
MAC values of the isoflurane and ketamine combination determined for the second method were 1.53 ± 0.22% in rabbits and 0.79 ± 0.11% in dogs. MAC values of isoflurane after stopping the CRI of ketamine were 1.94 ± 0.25% in rabbits and 1.10 ± 0.17% in dogs.
The MAC value obtained in dogs for the isoflurane and ketamine combination with the first method was significantly higher with respect to the MAC value obtained with the second method (0.88 ± 0.14 versus 0.79 ± 0.11%); whereas in rabbits, MAC values were similar.
During ketamine administration in dogs, plasma concentrations of ketamine at MAC values were similar for the first and second method (824 ± 195.7 ng/mL and 729 ± 133.4 ng/mL, respectively). After stopping the CRI, plasma concentrations during isoflurane MAC were also similar for the two methods (407 ± 176.2 ng/mL and 347 ± 81.2 ng/mL, respectively).
MAC values for the isoflurane and ketamine combination obtained with both methods were statistically different in dogs but not in rabbits, however these findings may be the result of the design of the study and tolerable experimental error derived from MAC studies rather than true species differences.
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Ecology and conservation of the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in JapanSaeki, Midori January 2001 (has links)
Raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides viverrinus Temminck) were used as a model species to study wildlife management and conservation issues in the countryside of Japan. Radio-tracking data were used to analyse habitat use, movements, home range configuration and stability, social aspects, and factors influencing raccoon dog behaviour. Comparisons were drawn with European badgers (Meles meles Linnaeus) in the UK in order to highlight aspects of movements and habitat use of omnivorous Carnivores. Two key issues concerning the conservation of raccoon dogs in Japan were investigated: road-kills and agricultural damage. The Japan Highway Public Corporation provided road-kill data on the National Expressways, and a questionnaire survey was conducted on agricultural damage to local governments, authorities of wildlife administration. Socio-cultural issues on wildlife conservation in Japan were critically reviewed and discussed. Two types of habitat users appeared to exist in the study area. One type of raccoon dogs ('mountain type') inhabited a more semi-natural environment, including secondary forest and herbaceous areas, whereas a second type ('village type') inhabited more managed environments, such as rice fields and cropland. The results suggested that habitat selection occurred at home-range and location scales and differed between the two types of raccoon dogs. The mean size of home range of the raccoon dogs was 111 ± 16.9 ha (95% kernel estimate) and 160±34.5ha (95% maximum convex polygon (MCP)). There was no significant difference in home-range size between age classes or sexes. Seasonal home ranges were larger in yearlings than adults, and largest in autumn; and there was no difference between sexes. Season affected nightly movements, i.e. mean inter-fix speed, mean 100% MCP, and mean range span over the night; however, sex and age did not. All variables of nightly movement were smallest in winter. The mean fractal dimension of movements, i.e. degree of 'tortuousity' with self similarity, was 1.226 and significantly differed from 1.0 (a straight line) and 2.0 (a Brownian random movement). The mountain type had significantly larger fractal dimension than the village type, possibly reflecting habitat complexity and/or heterogeneity. Badgers generally preferred pasture and avoided arable habitat, but showed some variability by year and at scales of selection. A Badger Removal Operation may have influenced habitat selection of the badgers. The mean size of home range of badgers was 56.1 ± 7.7 ha (95% kernel estimates) and 56.2 ± 7.3 ha (95% MCP). The mean fractal dimension of the badgers' movements was 1.198 and was significantly different from 1.0 and 2.0. The raccoon dogs and the badgers showed similarities in movements, such as nightly home range, range span over night, and fractal dimension of movements. Sexual differences in spatial use existed in badgers but not in raccoon dogs. Road-kills of raccoon dogs appeared to be the highest, in percentage terms, of all wildlife species in Japan and this figure was linearly related to the traffic. Some road-features, such as whether the road was in a cutting and its proximity to water, were positively associated with road-kills, while the presence of coniferous plantations as roadside habitat was dissociated with road-kills. Nationwide estimates of road-kills of raccoon dogs, based on available data for National Expressways only, were made with different assumptions. Conservative estimates put the number of road-kills at 110,000 - 370,000 per year. The potential for road-kill numbers to be used, after controlling for traffic data, as an index of population trends, is discussed. In a questionnaire survey of agricultural damage sent to 46 prefectures, all respondents (96%) reported some damage by wildlife, and over 80% of respondents reported macaque and boar damage, while nearly 70 % reported raccoon dog and deer damage. Sixty-nine agricultural products were reported to have been damaged by wildlife, and 41 of these by raccoon dogs. Maize and fruits were major crops damaged by raccoon dogs. Although about a half of respondents employed culling, its effectiveness is unclear. Although Japan seems far behind other developing countries in its approach to wildlife conservation issues, the situation could be substantially improved through increased scientific understanding and education. Radical changes may be also required in the legal status of wildlife and its management schemes.
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Med tassar mot ett mål : kan vårdhund öka välbefinnande, motivation och aktivitet vid rehabilitering?Centurion Arce, Linda, Andersson, Catarina January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Användning av vårdhund inom svensk sjukvård har ökat och då antalet studier som gjorts inom området rehabilitering är få ansågs detta vara ett relevant område att fördjupa sig i. Syfte: Att undersöka om rehabilitering med vårdhundsförare och vårdhund kan öka välbefinnande, motivation och aktivitet hos vårdtagare i jämförelse med konventionell träning. Metod: Single case design. Två deltagare studerades under sju träningspass i fyra veckor med videoinspelning, VAS och intervju. Resultat: Självskattning på VAS visade inga skillnader mellan de olika träningarna, medan observationerna av träningarna med vårdhund visade att deltagarna log längre tid och de hade även mer fysisk kontakt, fler finmotoriska övningar och hälften så lång tid av grovmotoriska övningar. Deltagarna beskrev båda träningarna som värdefulla, givande och roliga. Träningarna med vårdhund upplevdes även som lättsamma och en stund då de slapp tänka på det tråkiga som hänt. Slutsats: Båda typerna av träning var lika uppskattade enligt VAS, medan observationerna och intervjuerna visade att träningarna med vårdhund gav ökat välbefinnande. Då välbefinnande är en viktig faktor för motivation och aktivitet, är fler studier inom området av intresse eftersom träning med vårdhund förefaller vara en betydelsefull tillgång inom rehabilitering. / Background: The use of Animal Assisted Intervention (AAI) within Swedish health care has increased and as the number of studies done in the field of rehabilitation is few, this was considered a relevant field to explore. Aim: To investigate whether AAI could increase wellbeing, motivation and activity of patients in comparison with conventional rehabilitation. Method: Single case design. Two participants were studied at seven training sessions for four weeks with video recording, VAS and interview. Result: Self-assessment on VAS showed no differences between the various trainings, while observations showed that the participants smiled longer, had more physical contact, more fine motor skill exercises and half the time of gross motor exercises at AAI sessions. Participants described both trainings as valuable, rewarding and fun. AAI sessions were also described as easy-going and a moment of distraction from the bad things that had happened. Conclusions: According to VAS both trainings were equally appreciated, while the observations and interview showed that AAI provided increased wellbeing. Wellbeing is an important factor for motivation and activity. Thus more studies in the area are of interest since the use of AAI appears to be an important asset in rehabilitation.
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The exercise physiology of the racing greyhound /Staaden, Ross. January 1984 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Murdoch University, 1984.
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Cave Canem : the moral regulation of the domestic dog owner in Ottawa and criminology of the dangerous dog from 1890 to 2001 /Edgar, Karen January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.) - Carleton University, 2002. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 136-143). Also available in electronic format on the Internet.
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Canine design creating the modern dog park /Doyle, Don Richard. Lau, Tin-Man. January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis(M.I.D.)--Auburn University, 2006. / Abstract. Vita. Includes bibliographic references.
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An exploratory analysis of the emergence and implications of Breed Specific Legislation: knee-jerk reaction or warranted response? /Huitson, Niki Rae. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.) - Simon Fraser University, 2005. / Theses (School of Criminology) / Simon Fraser University.
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