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Zvyšování bezpečnosti chodců v silničním provozu / Increasing the Safety of Pedestrians in Road TrafficDoležalová, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
My thesis is engaged in increasing safety of pedestrians in urban traffic. My work analyses cases of accidents in a specific area and attitudes and experiences of pedestrians as well as local inhabitants. The aim of my work is to map an accident rate – a case study and formation of applicable measures in the town Třeboň, thus in an urban area. The first part of my work is engaged in theory, which is divided in used proper terminology in accordance with the law followed by a universal view of issues of traffic and their safety. The empirical part of my work then examines analysis of dangerous places in a selected locality. These places were chosen on the base on a questionnaire survey among local residents with the goal to point out these dangerous places by actual traffic accidents in the town Třeboň. It is necessary to determine applicable measures in dangerous places from particular traffic accidents and thus to help increasing safety of pedestrians in a given place. Because of acquisition of necessary data, analysis of documents, a questionnaire survey and subsequent evaluation of results is used in my work. In conclusion I evaluated results and created a draft measure.
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Monitoring sedání násypů dopravních staveb / Monitoring of settlement in road constructionsKarlín, Petr January 2013 (has links)
This thesis considers some issues regarding geotechnical monitoring of settlement of subsoils on roads, highways in the Czech Republic. The first part try to explain process of construction embankments with following standards and prescriptions. Second part belongs to geotechnical monitoring of settlement of subsoils, where author had selected 7 measuring profiles for further work on archive exploration. From these exploration were excluded information about exact location. Third part is creation of 9 geotechnical models in 2D - Plaxis software, comparison with real data and short part about using this kind of work for practice use.
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Problematika pevných překážek na pozemních komunikacích / The issue of obstacles on roadsHonzírková, Sabina January 2022 (has links)
The master´s thesis entitled The issue of obstacles on roads deals with the analysis of accidents with a obstacle in a selected area in the Czech Republic. The main purpose of the master´s thesis is to find out the details of the occurrence of traffic accidents with a obstacle and their other properties (type of obstacle, accident time, climatic conditions etc.).
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Pojem a vývoj objektivní odpovědnosti v českém deliktním právu a její inspirační zdroje / The Concept and Development of Strict Liability in Czech Tort Law and its Inspirational SourcesLovětínský, Vojtěch January 2021 (has links)
The Concept and Development of Strict Liability in Czech Tort Law and its Inspirational Sources Abstract The thesis deals with an analysis of strict liability in Czech tort law taking into account the inspirational sources of its regulation, including in particular German and Austrian law, the Principles of European Tort Law (PETL) and the Draft of Common Frame of Reference (DCFR). Further, a historical and possible future development of strict liability is analysed as well as the risks for which strict liability is imposed. The thesis is divided into two main parts. The subject-matter of the first General Part is especially the concept of the strict liability and the reasons for its application. Further, some related problems are analysed in this part which are relevant for the legal theory as well for the legal practice (e.g. defences, contributory negligence, possibility of the concurrence of claims). The subsequent Special Part contains an analysis of the types of strict liability and consists of four main chapters. The first chapter deals with a short overview of the historical development of the strict liability in Czech tort law. In the second chapter particular types of liability in the effective Czech Civil Code are presented and critically evaluated. In the third chapter the author deals with some...
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Silnice I/42 VMO Žabovřeská I. / Road I/42 VMO Žabovřeská I.Kaderka, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
Master’s thesis focuses on verification of software functions of modelling software Aimsun and his behavior on model of real traffic situation at the Brno Large city circuit in the stretch of road I/42 Žabovřeská I. Describes possible ways of transport surveys and some of them applies to a given section. From the survey results is compiled model in software Aimsun and traffic situation is assessed in several variants. Based on the results are proposed next steps to find solution of traffic situation in a given section.
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Odpovědnost za škodu způsobenou autonomním dopravním prostředkem / Liability for damages caused by an autonomous vehicleKosina, Kryštof January 2021 (has links)
Liability for damages caused by an autonomous vehicle Abstract For several years now, autonomous vehicles have been one of the most interesting topics associated with the upcoming Industry 4.0 and the spread of artificial intelligence in society. This thesis therefore deals with the topic of autonomous vehicles as a subset of autonomous systems, specifically in connection with civil-law liability. It is probable that in the future there will be a massive expansion of autonomous means of transport in society, and it cannot be ruled out that a situation will arise where their setting will result in damage. The aim of this thesis is to present the models of liability, the use of which is discussed by jurisprudence in connection with autonomous vehicles, and to assess the possibility of using the current institutes of Civil Code, to find a suitable future solution. For this purpose, the thesis first deals with the concept of autonomous vehicles according to the Civil Code and other legislation and by using existing definitions of artificial intelligence deals with specific features of autonomous systems, as well as the status of specific persons associated with the operation of autonomous vehicles in light of current legislation, their typology and conditions of their operation itself. The second part of this...
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Financování dopravní obslužnosti / Financing of transport servicesKUČEROVÁ, Petra January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is occupying with transport services and it's financing. Main goal is appraisal of financial resources for transport services in South Bohemia region. At the beginning, work charakterize transport. It's talking about what role is transport playing in national economy, what is it's meaning and how it's influencing society. Then it's talking about regulation and controlling sphere of transport by transport government policy and shortly describing it's basic strategic documents. Definition of transport services and factors and meanings, which are influencing it, is necessary. In the end theoretical part describing three methods of financing transport services and talking about terms like compensation or provable loss, which are closely related to financing. Practical part is focused on South Bohemia region. It is describing transport services and analyzing financial resources. Public bus transport and regional train transport are solved separately. For analyze were used chosen statistic methods. In the end work is occupying with secondary goal of research, which is suggestion of yet unused method of financing transport services.
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Dopravní síť Pardubic, srovnání s Hradcem Králové / Traffic network of Pardubice, comparison with Hradec KrálovéDvořáková, Iva January 2009 (has links)
Description and evaluation of a traffic network of Pardubice in all transport sectors (air, water, railway, road and cycling) and its comparison with a network of Hradec Králové. Integration of both transport systems. Suggestions for improvement of traffic infrastructure and transport integration. Optimalization of connection of chosen urban neighbourhood with a town centre by urban mass transportation.
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Doprava v EU: současné trendy v železniční a silniční dopravě / EU Transport: current trends of rail and road transportŠuhajová, Martina January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to the EU Common transport policy with a focus on rail and road transport. The first chapter briefly describes the historical development of transport and ultimately defines its basic concepts. The following chapter is exclusively focused on the basic characteristics of the critical areas of selected transport sectors, which in the context of the integration of European transport systems play a crucial role. The third chapter deals with the characteristics of three Transport White Papers and defines the objectives of the Common Transport Policy and TEN-T policy. Another part deals with the Trans-European transport network and the evaluation of the success of the construction of TEN-T. The last chapter analyzes the success of the objectives of the EU Common Transport Policy defined in the third chapter.
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Studie mimoúrovňové křižovatky MÚK Brno Východ / Technical study of the interchange Brno - EastMarušák, Lubomír January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the modification of the interchange of motorway D1 in Brno – east (km 203). It’s aim to design an optimal solution for omnidirectional connection on the road I/50. Currently it has the shape of a letter Y which allows only a two-way ride. Further, the aim is to propose the connection of the road II/430 to the road junctions. Part of this thesis is proposal to extend the motorway to a six-lane in the place of interchange due to capacity utilization. For this thesis was chosen one from four concepts of the junction within the scope of the study. The work is complemented by a tradic survey on the current arrangement which was carried out using statistical radars.
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