Spelling suggestions: "subject:"erbio"" "subject:"elbio""
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Mitochondrial dysfunction in a cell model of thyroid oncocytomaHoque, Martha <1977> 03 April 2008 (has links)
The role of mitochondrial dysfunction in cancer has long been a subject of great interest. In this study, such dysfunction has been examined with regards to thyroid oncocytoma, a rare form of cancer, accounting for less than 5% of all thyroid cancers.
A peculiar characteristic of thyroid oncocytic cells is the presence of an abnormally large number of mitochondria in the cytoplasm. Such mitochondrial hyperplasia has also been observed in cells derived from patients suffering from
mitochondrial encephalomyopathies, where mutations in the mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) encoding the respiratory complexes result in oxidative phosphorylation dysfunction.
An increase in the number of mitochondria occurs in the latter in order to compensate for the respiratory deficiency. This fact spurred the investigation into the presence of analogous mutations in thyroid oncocytic cells.
In this study, the only available cell model of thyroid oncocytoma was utilised, the XTC-1 cell line, established from an oncocytic thyroid metastasis to the breast. In order to assess the energetic efficiency of these cells, they were incubated in a medium lacking glucose and supplemented instead with galactose.
When subjected to such conditions, glycolysis is effectively inhibited and the cells are forced to use the mitochondria for energy production. Cell viability
experiments revealed that XTC-1 cells were unable to survive in galactose medium. This was in marked contrast to the TPC-1 control cell line, a thyroid tumour cell line which does not display the oncocytic phenotype. In agreement
with these findings, subsequent experiments assessing the levels of cellular ATP over incubation time in galactose medium, showed a drastic and continual decrease in ATP levels only in the XTC-1 cell line.
Furthermore, experiments on digitonin-permeabilised cells revealed that the respiratory dysfunction in the latter was due to a defect in complex I of the respiratory chain. Subsequent experiments using cybrids demonstrated that this defect could be attributed to the mitochondrially-encoded subunits of complex I as opposed to the nuclearencoded
subunits. Confirmation came with mtDNA sequencing, which detected the presence of a novel mutation in the ND1 subunit of complex I. In addition, a mutation in the cytochrome b subunit of complex III of the respiratory chain was detected.
The fact that XTC-1 cells are unable to survive when incubated in galactose medium is consistent with the fact that many cancers are largely dependent on glycolysis for energy production. Indeed, numerous studies have shown that
glycolytic inhibitors are able to induce apoptosis in various cancer cell lines.
Subsequent experiments were therefore performed in order to identify the mode of XTC-1 cell death when subjected to the metabolic stress imposed by the forced use of the mitochondria for energy production. Cell shrinkage and
mitochondrial fragmentation were observed in the dying cells, which would indicate an apoptotic type of cell death. Analysis of additional parameters however revealed a lack of both DNA fragmentation and caspase activation, thus
excluding a classical apoptotic type of cell death. Interestingly, cleavage of the actin component of the cytoskeleton was observed, implicating the action of
proteases in this mode of cell demise. However, experiments employing protease inhibitors failed to identify the specific protease involved.
It has been reported in the literature that overexpression of Bcl-2 is able to rescue cells presenting a respiratory deficiency. As the XTC-1 cell line is not only respiration-deficient but also exhibits a marked decrease in Bcl-2 expression, it is a perfect model with which to study the relationship between Bcl-2 and oxidative phosphorylation in respiratory-deficient cells. Contrary to the reported literature studies on various cell lines harbouring defects in the respiratory chain, Bcl-2 overexpression was not shown to increase cell survival or rescue the energetic
dysfunction in XTC-1 cells. Interestingly however, it had a noticeable impact on cell adhesion and morphology. Whereas XTC-1 cells shrank and detached from the growth surface under conditions of metabolic stress, Bcl-2-overexpressing
XTC-1 cells appeared much healthier and were up to 45% more adherent. The target of Bcl-2 in this setting appeared to be the actin cytoskeleton, as the cleavage observed in XTC-1 cells expressing only endogenous levels of Bcl-2,
was inhibited in Bcl-2-overexpressing cells. Thus, although unable to rescue XTC-1 cells in terms of cell viability, Bcl-2 is somehow able to stabilise the cytoskeleton, resulting in modifications in cell morphology and adhesion.
The mitochondrial respiratory deficiency observed in cancer cells is thought not only to cause an increased dependency on glycolysis but it is also thought to blunt cellular responses to anticancer agents. The effects of several therapeutic agents were thus assessed for their death-inducing ability in XTC-1 cells. Cell viability experiments clearly showed that the cells were more resistant to stimuli
which generate reactive oxygen species (tert-butylhydroperoxide) and to mitochondrial calcium-mediated apoptotic stimuli (C6-ceramide), as opposed to stimuli inflicting DNA damage (cisplatin) and damage to protein kinases(staurosporine). Various studies in the literature have reported that the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-coactivator 1(PGC-1α), which plays a fundamental role in mitochondrial biogenesis, is also involved in protecting cells against apoptosis caused by the former two types of stimuli. In accordance with these observations, real-time PCR experiments showed that
XTC-1 cells express higher mRNA levels of this coactivator than do the control cells, implicating its importance in drug resistance.
In conclusion, this study has revealed that XTC-1 cells, like many cancer cell lines, are characterised by a reduced energetic efficiency due to mitochondrial dysfunction. Said dysfunction has been attributed to mutations in respiratory
genes encoded by the mitochondrial genome. Although the mechanism of cell demise in conditions of metabolic stress is unclear, the potential of targeting thyroid oncocytic cancers using glycolytic inhibitors has been illustrated. In
addition, the discovery of mtDNA mutations in XTC-1 cells has enabled the use of this cell line as a model with which to study the relationship between Bcl-2 overexpression and oxidative phosphorylation in cells harbouring mtDNA
mutations and also to investigate the significance of such mutations in establishing resistance to apoptotic stimuli.
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Activation of innate immunity by human vaccine adjuvants at injection siteMosca, Flaviana <1978> 16 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Morphological and functional study of cerebral aging in ratBalietti, Marta <1974> 25 May 2009 (has links)
Aging is a physiological process characterized by a progressive decline of the “cellular homeostatic reserve”, refereed as the capability to respond suitably to exogenous and endogenous stressful stimuli. Due to their high energetic requests and post-mitotic nature, neurons are peculiarly susceptible to this phenomenon. However, the aged brain maintains a certain level of adaptive capacities and if properly stimulated may warrant a considerable functional recovery.
Aim of the present research was to verify the plastic potentialities of the aging brain of rats subjected to two kind of exogenous stimuli: A) the replacement of the standard diet with a ketogenic regimen (the change forces the brain to use ketone bodies (KB) in alternative to glucose to satisfy the energetic needs) and B) a behavioural task able to induce the formation of inhibitory avoidance memory.
A) Fifteen male Wistar rats of 19 months of age were divided into three groups (average body weight pair-matched), and fed for 8 weeks with different dietary regimens: i) diet containing 10% medium chain triglycerides (MCT); ii) diet containing 20% MCT; iii) standard commercial chow. Five young (5 months of age) and five old (26-27 months of age) animals fed with the standard diet were used as further controls. The following morphological parameters reflecting synaptic plasticity were evaluated in the stratum moleculare of the hippocampal CA1 region (SM CA1), in the outer molecular layer of the hippocampal dentate gyrus (OML DG), and in the granule cell layer of the cerebellar cortex (GCL-CCx): average area (S), numeric density (Nvs), and surface density (Sv) of synapses, and average volume (V), numeric density (Nvm), and volume density (Vv) of synaptic mitochondria. Moreover, succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) activity was cytochemically determined in Purkinje cells (PC) and V, Nvm, Vv, and cytochemical precipitate area/mitochondrial area (R) of SDH-positive mitochondria were evaluated.
In SM CA1, MCT-KDs induced the early appearance of the morphological patterns typical of old animals: higher S and V, and lower Nvs and Nvm. On the contrary, in OML DG, Sv and Vv of MCT-KDs-fed rats were higher (as a result of higher Nvs and Nvm) vs. controls; these modifications are known to improve synaptic function and metabolic supply. The opposite effects of MCT-KDs might reflect the different susceptibility of these brain regions to the aging processes: OML DG is less vulnerable than SM CA1, and the reactivation of ketone bodies uptake and catabolism might occur more efficiently in this region, allowing the exploitation of their peculiar metabolic properties. In GCL-CCx, the results described a new scenario in comparison to that found in the hippocampal formation: 10%MCT-KD induced the early appearance of senescent patterns (decreased Nvs and Nvm; increased V), whereas 20%MCT-KD caused no changes. Since GCL-CCx is more vulnerable to age than DG, and less than CA1, these data further support the hypothesis that MCT-KDs effects in the aging brain critically depend on neuronal vulnerability to age, besides MCT percentage. Regarding PC, it was decided to evaluate only the metabolic effect of the dietetic regimen (20%MCT-KD) characterized by less side effects. KD counteracted age-related decrease in numeric density of SDH-positive mitochondria, and enhanced their energetic efficiency (R was significantly higher in MCT-KD-fed rats vs. all the controls). Since it is well known that Purkinje and dentate gyrus cells are less vulnerable to aging than CA1 neurons, these results corroborate our previous hypothesis.
In conclusion, the A) experimental line provides the first evidence that morphological and functional parameters reflecting synaptic plasticity and mitochondrial metabolic competence may be modulated by MCT-KDs in the pre-senescent central nervous system, and that the effects may be heterogeneous in different brain regions. MCT-KDs seem to supply high energy metabolic intermediates and to be beneficial (“anti-aging”) for those neurons that maintain the capability to exploit them. This implies risks but also promising potentialities for the therapeutic use of these diets during aging
B) Morphological parameters of synapses and synaptic mitochondria in SM CA1 were investigated in old (26-27 month-old) female Wistar rats following a single trial inhibitory avoidance task. In this memory protocol animals learn to avoid a dark compartment in which they received a mild, inescapable foot-shock. Rats were tested 3 and 6 or 9 hours after the training, divided into good and bad responders according to their performance (retention times above or below 100 s, respectively) and immediately sacrificed. Nvs, S, Sv, Nvm, V, and Vv were evaluated. In the good responder group, the numeric density of synapses and mitochondria was significantly higher and the average mitochondrial volume was significantly smaller 9 hours vs. 6 hours after the training. No significant differences were observed among bad responders. Thus, better performances in passive avoidance memory task are correlated with more efficient plastic remodeling of synaptic contacts and mitochondria in hippocampal CA1. These findings indicate that maintenance of synaptic plastic reactivity during aging is a critical requirement for preserving long-term memory consolidation.
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Meccanismo di trasferimento elettronico nel Complesso I mitocondrialeLeoni, Serena <1979> 23 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Contribution of Vision and Proprioception to the Precision of Reaching MovementsMonaco, Simona <1978> 25 May 2009 (has links)
Ren and colleagues (2006) found that saccades to visual targets became less accurate when somatosensory information about hand location was added, suggesting that saccades rely mainly on vision. We conducted two kinematic experiments to examine whether or not reaching movements would also show such strong reliance on vision. In Experiment 1, subjects used their dominant right hand to perform reaches, with or without a delay, to an external visual target or to their own left fingertip positioned either by the experimenter or by the participant. Unlike saccades, reaches became more accurate and precise when proprioceptive information was available. In Experiment 2, subjects reached toward external or bodily targets with differing amounts of visual information. Proprioception improved performance only when vision was limited. Our results indicate that reaching movements, unlike saccades, are improved rather than impaired by the addition of somatosensory information.
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Mitochondrial dysfunction in hereditary optic neuropathiesCasalena, Gabriella Assunta <1980> 23 April 2009 (has links)
Mitochondrial pathologies are a heterogeneous group of clinical manifestations characterized by oxidative phosphorylation impairment. At the beginning of their recognition mitochondrial pathologies were regarded as rare disorders but indeed they are more frequent than originally thought. Due to the unique mitochondria peculiarities mitochondrial pathologies can be caused by mutations in both mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. The poor knowledge of pathologic mechanism of these disorders has not allowed a real development of the “mitochondrial medicine”, that is currently limited to symptoms mitigation.
Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) was the first pathology to be linked to a point mutation in the mtDNA. The mechanism by which point mutations in mitochondrial gene encoding Complex I subunits leads to optic nerve degeneration is still unknown, although is well accepted that other genetic or environmental factors are involved in the modulation of pathology, where a pivotal role is certainly played by oxidative stress. We studied the relationship between the Ala16Val dimorphism in the mitochondrial targeting sequence of nuclear gene SOD2 and the 3460/ND1 LHON mutation. Our results show that, in control population, the heterozygous SOD2 genotype is associated to a higher activity and quantity of MnSOD, particularly with respect to Val homozygotes. Furthermore, we demonstrated that LHON patients harboring at least one Ala allele are characterized by an increased MnSOD activity with respect to relative control population. Since the ATP synthesis rate – severely reduced in LHON patients lymphocytes - is not affected by the SOD2 genotype, we concluded that SOD2 gene could modulate the pathogenicity of LHON mutations through a mechanism associated to an increase of reactive oxygen species production.
Autosomal dominant optic atrophy (ADOA) is a pathology linked to mutations in nuclear gene encoding Opa1, a dynamin-related protein localized in the mitochondrial matrix. Although the clinical course is slightly different, the endpoint of ADOA is exactly the same of LHON: optic nerve degeneration with specific involvement of retinal ganglion cells. Opa1 is a relatively new protein, whose major role is the regulation of mitochondrial fusion. Mitochondrial morphology is the results of the equilibrium between two opposite force: fusion and fission, two processes that have to be finely regulated in order to preserve mitochondrial and cellular physiology. We studied fibroblasts deriving from ADOA patients characterized by a new deletion in the GTPase domain of the OPA1 gene. The biochemical characterization of ADOA and control fibroblasts has concerned the evaluation of ATP synthesis rate, mitochondrial membrane potential in different metabolic conditions and the morphological status of mitochondria. Regarding ATP synthesis rate we did not find significant differences between ADOA and control fibroblasts even though a trend toward increased reduction in ADOA samples is observed when fibroblasts are grown in absence of glucose or in the medium containing gramicidin. Furthermore, we found that also in ADOA fibroblasts membrane potential is actively maintained by proton pumping of fully functional respiratory chain complexes. Our results indicate that the mutation found in the pedigree analyzed acts primary impairing the mitochondrial fusion without affecting the energy production, supporting the notion that cell function is tightly linked to mitochondrial morphology.
Mitochondrial dysfunctions are acquiring great attention because of their recognized relevance not only in aging but also in age-related pathologies including cancer, cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, and neurodegenerative disorders. The involvement of mitochondria in such detrimental pathologies that, currently, have become so common enhances the necessity of standardization of therapeutic strategies capable of rescuing the normal mitochondrial function. In order to propose an alternative treatment for energy deficiency-disorders we tested the effect of substrates capable to stimulate the substrate-level phosphorylation on viability and energy availability in different experimental models grown under different metabolic conditions. In fibroblasts, the energy defect was achieved by culturing cells in presence of oligomycin, an inhibitor of ATP synthase complex. NARP cybrids have been used as model of mitochondrial pathology. Cell viability and ATP content have been considered as parameters to assay the capability of exogenous substrate to rescue energy failure. Our results suggest that patients suffering for some forms of ATP synthase deficiency, or characterized by a deficiency in energy production, might benefit from dietary or pharmacological treatment based on supplementation of α-ketoglutarate and aspartate.
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Insulin and TOR pathways regulate cellular and organismal growth through the myc oncogene in DrosophilaParisi, Federica <1981> 21 April 2009 (has links)
A large body of literature documents in both mice and Drosophila the
involvement of Insulin pathway in growth regulation, probably due to its role
in glucose and lipid import, nutrient storage, and translation of RNAs
implicated in ribosome biogenesis (Vanhaesebroeck et al. 2001). Moreover
several lines of evidence implicate this pathway as a causal factor in cancer
(Sale, 2008; Zeng and Yee 2007; Hursting et al., 2007; Chan et al., 2008).
With regards to Myc, studies in cell culture have implied this family of
transcription factors as regulators of the cell cycle that are rapidly induced in
response to growth factors. Myc is a potent oncogene, rearranged and
overexpressed in a wide range of human tumors and necessary during
development. Its conditional knock-out in mice results in reduction of body
weight due to defect in cell proliferation (Trumpp et al. 2001).
Evidence from in vivo studies in Drosophila and mammals suggests a
critical function for myc in cell growth regulation (Iritani and Eisenman 1999;
Johnston et al. 1999; Kim et al. 2000; de Alboran et al. 2001; Douglas et al.
2001). This role is supported by our analysis of Myc target genes in
Drosophila, which include genes involved in RNA binding, processing,
ribosome biogenesis and nucleolar function (Orain et al 2003, Bellosta et al.,
2005, Hulf et al, 2005).
The fact that Insulin signaling and Myc have both been associated
with growth control suggests that they may interact with each other.
However, genetic evidence suggesting that Insulin signaling regulates Myc
in vivo is lacking.
In this work we were able to show, for the first time, a direct
modulation of dMyc in response to Insulin stimulation/silencing both in vitro
and in vivo. Our results suggest that dMyc up-regulation in response to
DILPs signaling occurs both at the mRNA and potein level. We believe
dMyc protein accumulation after Insulin signaling activation is conditioned to
AKT-dependent GSK3β/sgg inactivation. In fact, we were able to
demonstate that dMyc protein stabilization through phosphorylation is a
conserved feature between Drosophila and vertebrates and requires
multiple events. The final phosphorylation step, that results in a non-stable
form of dMyc protein, ready to be degraded by the proteasome, is
performed by GSK3β/sgg kinase (Sears, 2004). At the same time we
demonstrated that CKI family of protein kinase are required to prime dMyc
DILPs and TOR/Nutrient signalings are known to communicate at
several levels (Neufeld, 2003). For this reason we further investigated TOR
contribution to dMyc-dependent growth regulation. dMyc protein
accumulates in S2 cells after aminoacid stimulation, while its mRNA does
not seem to be affected upon TORC1 inhibition, suggesting that the Nutrient
pathway regulates dMyc mostly post-transcriptionally.
In support to this hypothesis, we observed a TORC1-dependent
GSK3β/sgg inactivation, further confirming a synergic effect of DILPs and
Nutrients on dMyc protein stability.
On the other hand, our data show that Rheb but not S6K, both
downstream of the TOR kinase, contributes to the dMyc-induced growth of
the eye tissue, suggesting that Rheb controls growth independently of S6K..
Moreover, Rheb seems to be able to regulate organ size during
development inducing cell death, a mechanism no longer occurring in
absence of dmyc. These observations suggest that Rheb might control
growth through a new pathway independent of TOR/S6K but still dependent
on dMyc.
In order to dissect the mechanism of dMyc regulation in response to
these events, we analyzed the relative contribution of Rheb, TOR and S6K
to dMyc expression, biochemically in S2 cells and in vivo in morphogenetic
clones and we further confirmed an interplay between Rheb and Myc that
seems to be indipendent from TOR.
In this work we clarified the mechanisms that stabilize dMyc protein in
vitro and in vivo and we observed for the first time dMyc responsiveness to
DILPs and TOR. At the same time, we discovered a new branch of the
Nutrient pathway that appears to drive growth through dMyc but
indipendently from TOR.
We believe our work shed light on the mechanisms cells use to grow
or restrain growth in presence/absence of growth promoting cues and for
this reason it contributes to understand the physiology of growth control.
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Trasduzione del segnale e poliamine nell'apoptosi di cellule cardiacheCetrullo, Silvia <1979> 23 April 2009 (has links)
Apoptotic cell death of cardiomyocytes is involved in several cardiovascular diseases including ischemia, hypertrophy and heart failure, thus representing a potential therapeutic target. Apoptosis of cardiac cells can be induced experimentally by several stimuli including hypoxia, serum withdrawal or combination of both. Several lines of research suggest that neurohormonal mechanisms play a central role in the progression of heart failure. In particular, excessive activation of the sympathetic nervous system or the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is known to have deleterious effects on the heart. Recent studies report that norepinephrine (NE), the primary transmitter of sympathetic nervous system, and aldosterone (ALD), which is actively produced in failing human heart, are able to induce apoptosis of rat cardiomyocytes.
Polyamines are biogenic amines involved in many cellular processes, including apoptosis. Actually it appears that these molecules can act as promoting, modulating or protective agents in apoptosis depending on apoptotic stimulus and cellular model.
We have studied the involvement of polyamines in the apoptosis of cardiac cells induced in a model of simulated ischemia and following treatment with NE or ALD.
H9c2 cardiomyoblasts were exposed to a condition of simulated ischemia, consisting of hypoxia plus serum deprivation. Cardiomyocyte cultures were prepared from 1-3 day-old neonatal Wistar rat hearts. Polyamine depletion was obtained by culturing the cells in the presence of α-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO). Polyamines were separated and quantified in acidic cellular extracts by HPLC after derivatization with dansyl chloride. Caspase activity was measured by the cleavage of the fluorogenic peptide substrate. Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity was measured by estimation of the release of 14C-CO2 from 14C-ornithine. DNA fragmentation was visualized by the method of terminal transferase-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL), and DNA laddering on agarose gel electophoresis. Cytochrome c was detected by immunoflorescent staining. Activation of signal transduction pathways was investigated by western blotting.
The results indicate that simulated ischemia, NE and ALD cause an early induction of the activity of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), the first enzyme in polyamine biosynthesis, followed by a later increase of caspase activity, a family of proteases that execute the death program and induce cell death.
This effect was prevented in the presence of DFMO, an irreversible inhibitor of ODC, thus suggesting that polyamines are involved in the execution of the death program activated by these stimuli.
In H9c2 cells DFMO inhibits several molecular events related to apoptosis that follow simulated ischemia, such as the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria, down-regulation of Bcl-xL, and DNA fragmentation.
The anti-apoptotic protein survivin is down-regulated after ALD or NE treatement and polyamine depletion obtained by DFMO partially opposes survivin decrease.
Moreover, a study of key signal transduction pathways governing cell death and survival, revealed an involvement of AMP activated protein kinase (AMPK) and AKT kinase, in the modulation by polyamines of the response of cardiomyocytes to NE. In fact polyamine depleted cells show an altered pattern of AMPK and AKT activation that may contrast apoptosis and appears to result from a differential effect on the specific phosphatases that dephosphorylate and switch off these signaling proteins.
These results indicate that polyamines are involved in the execution of the death program activated in cardiac cells by heart failure-related stimuli, like ischemia, ALD and NE, and suggest that their apoptosis facilitating action is mediated by a network of specific phosphatases and kinases.
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Studio di marcatori epiteliali del cancro del colon-retto mediante analisi dell'RNA con la tecnica del microarrayLauriola, Mattia <1980> 07 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Biological effects of bioactive components and extracts derived from edible plants commonly used in human nutritionDanesi, Francesca <1977> 27 May 2009 (has links)
The main aim of this PhD research project was the evaluation of the biological effects of bioactive compounds derived from edible plants, with particular attention on their possibility to counteract oxidative damage and inflammation.
After a preliminary study of in vitro antioxidant activity, regarding the modification eventually occurring after home freezing and cooking of edible vegetables, cultured mammalian cells were used as experimental model systems.
Soluble extract and essential oils derived from different cultivars of Brassicaceae and Lamiaceae were tested as possible tools for the counteraction of the oxidative damage due to reactive oxygen species (ROS), underlining differences related to cultivar and agronomic techniques.
Since accumulating evidence indicates that phytochemicals exhibit several additional properties in complex biological systems, a nutrigenomic approach was used to further explain the biological activity of a green tea extract, and to evidence the anti-inflammatory role of bioactive compounds derived from different foods.
Overall, results obtained could contribute to a better understanding of the potential health benefit of plant foods.
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