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Early Design Stage Energy Optimization of Bysjöstrand Ecovillage, SwedenAn, Anastasiia January 2020 (has links)
Decisions made at the early stage of building and settlement design can greatly influence the energy performance of the built environment. However, the type of feasible design intervention and their impact strong depends on project: if it is a new development or a re-development, whether the setting of the project is urban or rural, etc. Utilizing Bysjöstrand EcoVillage as a case, the aim of this thesis is to improve the energy performance of a new development at its early design stage through the passive and active use of solar energy. The study evaluated the energy saving potential of various passive solar design strategies as well as the solar energy potential of the new development. The steps taken to reduce the energy consumption are focused on the annual heating demand of buildings, since it accounts for more than a half of the total energy consumed by the village. The energy saving potential of the following passive solar design approaches were considered: building siting, building orientation, windows-to-wall ratio (WWR) analysis and insulation thickness optimization from the economic perspective. Furthermore, an assessment of energy generation potential from on-site photovoltaic (PV) systems was conducted. The financial viability of each building’s PV system was also conducted. According to the results, the evaluated passive solar design strategies can reduce the annual heating energy consumption close to 17 %. Regarding onsite energy generation, electricity from roof-installed PV systems can cover over 100% of the annual energy consumption estimated for the residential lighting and equipment within the eco-village. In summary, this study has demonstrated that with the above design considerations a 50 % reduction of energy consumption from the utility grid is possible. This study is useful for architects, energy engineers, and other parties who are involved in residential buildings energy performance optimization.
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Early Design Stage Energy Optimization of Bysjöstrand Ecovillage, Sweden.An, Anastasiia January 2020 (has links)
Decisions made at the early stage of building and settlement design can greatly influence the energy performance of the built environment. However, the type of feasible design intervention and their impact strong depends on project: if it is a new development or a re-development, whether the setting of the project is urban or rural, etc. Utilizing Bysjöstrand EcoVillage as a case, the aim of this thesis is to improve the energy performance of a new development at its early design stage through the passive and active use of solar energy. The study evaluated the energy saving potential of various passive solar design strategies as well as the solar energy potential of the new development. The steps taken to reduce the energy consumption are focused on the annual heating demand of buildings, since it accounts for more than a half of the total energy consumed by the village. The energy saving potential of the following passive solar design approaches were considered: building siting, building orientation, windows-to-wall ratio (WWR) analysis and insulation thickness optimization from the economic perspective. Furthermore, an assessment of energy generation potential from on-site photovoltaic (PV) systems was conducted. The financial viability of each building’s PV system was also conducted. According to the results, the evaluated passive solar design strategies can reduce the annual heating energy consumption close to 17 %. Regarding onsite energy generation, electricity from roof-installed PV systems can cover over 100% of the annual energy consumption estimated for the residential lighting and equipment within the eco-village. In summary, this study has demonstrated that with the above design considerations a 50 % reduction of energy consumption from the utility grid is possible. This study is useful for architects, energy engineers, and other parties who are involved in residential buildings energy performance optimization.
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Model za arhitektonsku analizu objekata zasnovan na BIM tehnologiji i upotrebi virtuelne realnosti / Architectural analysis model based on BIM technology and virtual realityLazić Marko 31 January 2017 (has links)
<p>Analiza arhitektonskih objekata u pogledu ispitivanja performansi aktuelna je oblast istraživanja u domenu arhitekture i urbanizma. U kontekstu BIM tehnologije i tehnologije virtuelne realnlosti formiran je model koji predviđa njihovu upotrebu u cilju poboljšanja procesa donošenja odluka u arhitektonskom projektovanju. Modelom je predviđena automatizacija analiza koje se mogu sprovesti na idejnom arhitektonskom projektu uz pomoć podataka koji se mogu dobiti korišćenjem BIM tehnologije. U okviru konceptualnog modela zasnovanog na metodu centralnog modela predviđene su višesturke analize od koje se mogu klasifikovati u jednu od tri grupe: Analiza objekta sa ispitivanjem svih ili većeg broja .ifc klasa, analiza pojedinih .ifc klasa i analiza spoljašnjih gabarita objekta. Prema pod-modelima predstavljena je analiza cene koštanja objekta, analiza energetske efikasnosti i analiza godišnje osvetljenosti objekta.</p> / <p>Performance based analysis of architectural structures has become an important area of research in the field of architecture and urban planning. The conceptual model is presented in context of BIM and virtual reality technology usage for decision making processes in architecture. The model defines automation of several analysis that can be performed in early design stage of architectural project using data collected from BIM technology software. Multiple analysis are defined in central model framework and classified into three groups: Analysis of the object with the examination of all or a large number of .ifc class, analysis of individual .ifc class and analysis of the external properties of structures. According to these sub-models, analysis of the cost estimate, analysis of energy efficiency and analysis of daylight illumination are presented in dissertation.</p>
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