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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Secrets des femmes / Secrets des femmes.

Préfontaine, Jennifer. January 2006 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is a critical edition of the Secrets des femmes, a text attributed to Arnold de Vilanova. In the exegetic tradition, this attribution has been widely argued. Our preliminary findings lead to the same conclusions. The text composed in French couldn't have been written by Vilanova, who would have composed it in Latin, the language of the "clerks", or in Catalan, his first language. Critical tradition shows that the Secrets des femmes is based on three manuscripts. But we have demonstrated that the Mazarine's manuscript is not at the base of this work, but rather of a text entitled Les Termes et secrets des femmes. For the critical edition, which is the objective of our study, there is no doubt that the Arsenal's text is the basic manuscript, while the Vatican's manuscript is the Arsenal's metalanguage.

Secrets des femmes

Préfontaine, Jennifer. January 2006 (has links)
No description available.


蔡瑞珩, 13 June 2015 (has links)
《鍼經指南》為元代竇默,字漢卿,所著。其所記載的鍼刺手法上承《黃帝內經》、《難經》,下啟《金鍼賦》、《玉龍歌》、《鍼灸大成》等,為鍼刺手法發展史上里程碑,亦是後世各種複式手法發展的啟蒙。 本文通過對《鍼經指南》相關鍼刺手法的篇章進行整理,從"呼吸補瀉"、"燃轉補瀉"、"提插補瀉"、"迎隨補瀉"、"寒熱補瀉",及"手指補瀉十四法"等方面展開分析,分別探討《鍼經指南》的學術淵源和《鍼經指南》對元明時期鍼刺手法發展的影響。最後將相關醫家觀點與《鍼經指南》中鍼刺手法理論進行對比分析,討論其異同點。 通過資料整理,學術思想的對比分析,筆者總結《鍼經指南》對鍼刺手法理論主要貢獻是:1.提出調息治神法﹔ 2.熱補涼瀉復合補瀉手法﹔ 3."提鍼豆許"手法技巧﹔ 4."瀉南補北"迎隨補瀉理論。元代與明代主要鍼灸醫家的手法技巧和鍼刺理論均從《鍼經指南》的內容中發展與推衍出來。 根據研究結果顯示,鍼刺手法自《鍼經指南》后空前發展。鍼刺補瀉理論體系更加完善,手法操作更加繁複。符合由簡而繁的事物發展規律。此外,後世醫家在臨床實踐中將《鍼經指南》的鍼刺手法理論與當代文化思想結合并產生新的鍼刺手法及鍼刺理論,從另一方面體現了理論與實踐相結合的哲學思想。 關鍵詞:誠刺手法﹔《鍼經指南》﹔竇漢卿

The Weather of 1785: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Meteorological Reconstruction Using Forensic Synoptic Analysis

McNally, Louis K. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Nukhbat-un min Kitâb al-Ikhtiyârain

Husain, S. M. January 1928 (has links)
No description available.

Vital heat, conception and development in Aristotle

Littlehailes, Lucy Elizabeth January 1990 (has links)
In this account of the pan that heat plays in the conception and development of living substances according to Aristotle, I begin by examining the concept of heat. I discover that Aristotle uses a distinction between to thermon and thermotes: the former is, in living substances, material; the latter is never material, being the powerful aspect of heat. For example, an animal possesses heat (to thermon) which maintains it through its power (thermotes) to concoct. I then turn to the biological works. Conception, it seems, does not fit the standard account of change, but is rather a concoction, performed by the heat of the semen. Nor is the usual account of conception ascribed to Aristotle adequate: I attempt to demonstrate that he held a more moderate account in which pneuma, the nature of which is to thermon, is transmitted to the embryo. I then examine the development of the embryo, which is performed using to thermon as a tool. The transmission and development of the rational psuche in particular has often caused problems: I offer an account of the transmission of psuche from parent to embryo, and describe the part that pneuma plays in this transmission and in the development and operation of the various levels of psuche. Development extends from foetal development until adulthood, and this poses another problem for the standard account of change as it appears to be neither substantial nor accidental change, yet these are apparently exhaustive possibilities. I conclude that development, like conception, is a concoction performed by the vital heat. Finally, I turn to the conception and development of spontaneously generated animals, and of abnormal animals such as monsters. I demonstrate the relationship between these generations and sexual generation, and the significance of heat and pneuma.

The Arabic version of Aristotle's Meteorology : critical edition, translation and notes

Petraitis, Casimir January 1964 (has links)
No description available.

Flat floors and apple bows : evidence for the emergence of an improved merchant vessel type from the North of England during the eighteenth century

Broadwater, John D. January 1999 (has links)
This study provides a detailed description of eighteenth-century English merchant vessels and tests the hypothesis posed in 1962 by Professor Ralph Davis that during the eighteenth century a significantly improved merchant vessel type emerged in England that required a smaller crew but carried more cargo than previous English vessels, thus boosting England's position as one of the world's greatest maritime nations. The study also develops vessel descriptions that will assist nautical archaeologists in identifying and classifying shipwreck remains. Merchant vessels were chosen for study because of the relative scarcity of scholarly publications on commercial vessels from the age of sail and because of the wealth of new archaeological data on English merchant vessels that has emerged during the past two decades. A wide range of historical and archaeological information was reviewed and, in spite of initial indications to the contrary, it was possible to amass an incredible wealth of information on seventeenth- and eighteenth-century merchant vessels built in England or her colonies. This study presents descriptions, illustrations and draughts of a variety of eighteenth-century English merchant vessels, along with a number of archaeological examples that demonstrate a richly diverse range of hull forms and rigs. Much of the detailed archaeological information was recovered from a group of sunken vessels from the Battle of Yorktown, 1781, especially site 44YO88, which proved to be an English collier built in 1772 and leased as a naval transport. There is much evidence to suggest that the highest quality, most capacious, most efficient, most long-lived, most stable and strongest merchant vessels in England during the eighteenth century were being produced in the northern ports where the primary export was coal. Rather than representing a radical new design, those colliers appear to have embodied the best compromise of qualities for a bulk cargo carrier, qualities that were already known and appreciated a century earlier, but which may have found a new harmony in the collier. Even with the many descriptions and widespread praise focused on the flat-floored, apple-bowed colliers of northern England, there does not appear to be sufficient evidence to assert that English colliers represented, in the eighteenth century, a radically improved vessel type. However, it seems reasonable to assume that those sturdy, reliable vessels successfully satisfied the economic needs of the times and provided a new source of pride for English shipbuilders. It also seems reasonable to speculate, in retrospect, that their appearance, in the large numbers that flowed out of northern yards in the eighteenth century, improved the overall efficiency and quality of the English merchant marine.

Text of The compleat angler, 1653, 1655, 1661 and 1676

Bevan, Jonquil January 1969 (has links)
No description available.


周瑩, 13 June 2015 (has links)
中國茶文化源遠流長,茶作為一種日常飲品,與咖啡、可可並稱為世界三大無酒精飲料。近年來,隨著人們生活水平的日益提高,茶葉的保健功效越來越受到社會的重視。據各文獻史料記載,我國飲用茶葉已有千年曆史,記載有關茶葉的文獻古籍繁多。而一直以來,茶葉與“健康”一詞密不可分,古人經過歸納前人的記述總結出了茶葉的二十四功效,如清熱、消食、醒酒、去疾等,並對茶有著極高的評價,然而很少人注意到通過飲茶所達到的有利功效需要建立在適度飲茶,科學飲茶的前提下,盲目品飲只會起到相反效果。與此同時,隨著醫學經驗、藥學知識的日益豐富,不當飲茶所帶來的一些副作用同樣也引起了古代醫學家與茶人的重視,人們開始不僅只是單純的追求茶葉的口感,更多的是開始關注飲茶對身體的影響及飲茶時的身心體驗,通過自己多年的親身感悟,長期與他人的經驗分享,總結歸納出了飲茶的利弊,教導後人飲茶需有度,因人而飲。 本文擬在分析我國古代文獻中飲茶不當導致的疾病,尋找飲用單一味茶葉對人體所產生的不良反應,其中不包括複方茶及非茶之“茶”,通過歸納、整理,探究古代不當飲茶所造成的對人體的危害疾病,提出適度飲茶,健康飲茶,科學飲茶的觀念,為今後的茶學及醫學研究不當飲茶致病因素提供古代文獻線索依據。 關鍵字:過度飲茶,過派飲茶,飲茶致病

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