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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating the best methods for structural stabilization procedures for Historical earthen building conservation in Saudi Arabia: a technology-led construction analysis

ALAIDAROUS, AHMED A H 01 September 2016 (has links)
[EN] Over time, the construction potentialities and traditional architecture of Saudi Arabia have declined substantially. The modern generation in Saudi Arabia has neglected the traditional structural and architectural designs for building towns, cities and homes. The materials used in the construction of traditional structures has been replaced by more westernized building materials such as concrete, cement and glass. Westernized methods of design and architecture often fail to last long due to the climatic and topographical conditions of the country, such as extreme heat and fast sand-blowing winds. Reviving traditional architectural and structural building married with westernized building technologies will yield strong structures that are capable of withstanding the harsh conditions of the country. This research seeks to identify the most applicable methods of structural procedures that can be used in historical earthen buildings in Saudi Arabia for conservation purposes. This dissertation addresses the important structural and architectural perspectives of traditional Saudi Arabian buildings. It also examines the perspectives of the Saudi population that affect the selection of building materials and architectural styles that are widely used. An examination of the old techniques employed in traditional Saudi Arabian buildings, how they can help in the formulation of a new approach for contemporary architecture and how this can be implemented in Saudi Arabia are also discussed in this dissertation. In the preparation of this dissertation, conforming processes were performed in order to fulfil the set objectives of the study. The first step was configured to examine different earthen architectural structures in Saudi Arabia. This stage involved travelling to different locations, observing the structures and also conducting interviews with older contractors. To collect more information on the topic, visits to Yemen and South Morocco were made, as these are two countries that have already married earthen architecture with modern architecture. The traditional architecture of Morocco and Yemen is similar to that of Saudi Arabia, but it has taken longer for these countries to shift to modern architecture. A laboratory examination was carried out to examine the relationship between the soil composition, stability, and strength of the structures that are built. Empirical studies were also conducted to examine the compactness, solidity, dimensional steadiness and permeability of the materials used in the constructions. These factors influence the choice of building materials for the conservation of traditional architecture and to solve the current need for cheap housing in the urban fabric. The results of this study indicate that the Adobe and Cob traditional architectural styles are two of the leading architectural styles in Saudi Arabia, with each style symbolizing the perspective of the people living in a particular locality. This dissertation also found that different architectural patterns were influenced by functionality, convenience, efficiency and availability of the construction materials needed. This explains the reason for different structural and architectural patterns in different parts of Saudi Arabia. This study concludes that mixing traditional architectural methods with modern technologies would serve to construct stronger and longer-lasting houses in Saudi Arabia. The new houses would not only serve to conserve the magnificent architecture of the country but would also help in building cheap houses, hence solving the rising demand for housing in urban areas. This study will add to the literature available on architectures in Saudi Arabia. / [ES] Con el tiempo, las posibilidades de construcción con técnicas tradicionales en Arabia Saudita han disminuido considerablemente. La nueva generación de Arabia Saudita ha dejado caer en el olvido los diseños arquitectónicos y estructurales tradicionales a la hora de construir pueblos, ciudades y viviendas. Los materiales utilizados en la construcción de las estructuras tradicionales han sido sustituidos por materiales de construcción más occidentalizados, tales como el hormigón, el cemento y el vidrio. Los métodos arquitectónicos y de diseño occidentalizados no suelen perdurar mucho tiempo debido a las condiciones climáticas y topográficas del país, tales como el calor extremo y las fuertes tormentas de arena. La revitalización de la construcción de estructuras y arquitecturas tradicionales, unida a las tecnologías de construcción occidentalizadas, dará como resultado unas estructuras sólidas capaces de soportar las duras condiciones del país. Esta investigación busca identificar los métodos de construcción de estructuras más aplicables que puedan ser utilizados en edificios históricos de tierra en Arabia Saudita para fines de conservación. Esta tesis aborda la importancia de las perspectivas estructurales y arquitectónicas para los edificios tradicionales de Arabia Saudita. La tesis también analiza el punto de vista de la población saudí frente a la selección de materiales de construcción y a los estilos arquitectónicos utilizados frecuentemente. En esta investigación también se examinan las antiguas técnicas empleadas en los edificios tradicionales de Arabia Saudita, cómo éstas pueden ayudar en la formulación de un nuevo enfoque para la arquitectura contemporánea y cómo pueden introducirse en la construcción actual en Arabia Saudita. En la preparación de esta tesis se ha trabajado con una metodología que permite cumplir con los objetivos establecidos al inicio del estudio. El primer paso fue examinar las diferentes estructuras arquitectónicas de tierra de Arabia Saudita. Esta etapa consistió en viajar a diferentes lugares para observar las estructuras así como para realizar entrevistas a los antiguos constructores. Para recopilar más información sobre el tema se hicieron también visitas a Yemen y al sur de Marruecos, dado que en estos dos países ya se ha unido la arquitectura de tierra con la arquitectura contemporánea. La arquitectura tradicional de Marruecos y Yemen es similar a la de Arabia Saudita, pero en estos países la nueva arquitectura contemporánea se ha desarrollado más tarde. Se han realizado ensayos de laboratorio para determinar la relación entre la composición del suelo y la estabilidad y solidez de las estructuras construidas. También se realizaron estudios empíricos para determinar la compactación, solidez, estabilidad dimensional y la permeabilidad de los materiales utilizados en las construcciones. Estos factores influyen en la elección de materiales de construcción para la conservación de la arquitectura tradicional y para resolver la necesidad actual de construir viviendas económicas en el tejido urbano actual. Los resultados de este estudio indican que las técnicas constructivas tradicionales del adobe y el cob (pared de mano) son dos de las principales técnicas de Arabia Saudita, y cada una de ellas tiene relación con las particularidades de las poblaciones que viven en un determinado lugar. Con esta tesis también se ha determinado que los diferentes patrones arquitectónicos estaban influenciados por la funcionalidad, la comodidad, la eficiencia y la disponibilidad de los materiales de construcción necesarios. Esto explica la razón por la que existen diferentes tipologías estructurales y arquitectónicas en distintas partes de Arabia Saudita. Este estudio concluye que la unión de los métodos arquitectónicos tradicionales con las nuevas tecnologías puede servir para construir viviendas más sólidas y de larga duración en Arabi / [CA] Amb el temps, les possibilitats de construcció amb tècniques tradicionals a l'Aràbia Saudita han disminuït considerablement. La nova generació d'Aràbia Saudita ha deixat caure en l'oblit els dissenys arquitectònics i estructurals tradicionals a l'hora de construir pobles, ciutats i habitatges. Els materials utilitzats en la construcció de les estructures tradicionals s'han substituït per materials de construcció més occidentalitzats, com ara formigó, ciment i vidre. Els mètodes arquitectònics y de disseny occidentalitzats no solen perdurar molt de temps degut a les condicions climàtiques i topogràfiques del país, com ara la calor extrema i les fortes tempestes d'arena. La revitalització de la construcció d'estructures i arquitectures tradicionals, unida a les tecnologies de construcció occidentalitzades, donarà com resultat unes estructures sòlides capaces de suportar les dures condicions del país. Esta investigació pretén identificar quins són els mètodes de construcció d'estructures més aplicables que es poden utilitzar en els edificis històrics de terra d'Aràbia Saudita amb fins de conservació. Esta tesi aborda la importància de les perspectives estructurals i arquitectòniques per als edificis tradicionals d'Aràbia Saudita. La tesi també analitza el punt de vista de la població saudita front a la selecció de materials de construcció y als estils arquitectònics més àmpliament utilitzats. En esta investigació també s'examinen les antigues tècniques emprades en els edificis tradicionals d'Aràbia Saudita, com estes poden ajudar en la formulació d'un nou enfocament per a l'arquitectura contemporània i com poden introduir-se en la construcció actual a Aràbia Saudita. En la preparació d'esta tesi s'ha treballat amb una metodologia que permet complir amb els objectius establerts a l'inici de l'estudi. El primer pas va ser examinar les diferents estructures arquitectòniques de terra d'Aràbia Saudita. Esta etapa va consistir en viatjar a diferents llocs per a observar les estructures així com per a realitzar entrevistes als antics constructors. Per a recopilar més informació sobre el tema es van fer també visites al Iemen i al sud del Marroc, ja que en aquests dos països ja s'ha unit l'arquitectura de terra amb l'arquitectura contemporània. L'arquitectura tradicional del Marroc i del Iemen és semblant a la d'Aràbia Saudita, però en estos països la nova arquitectura contemporània s'ha desenvolupat més tard. S'han realitzat assajos de laboratori per a determinar la relació entre la composició del sòl i l'estabilitat i solidesa de les estructures construïdes. També es van realitzar estudis empírics per a determinar la compactació, solidesa, estabilitat dimensional i la permeabilitat dels materials emprats en les construccions. Estos factors influeixen en l'elecció de materials de construcció per a la conservació de l'arquitectura tradicional i per a resoldre la necessitat actual de construir cases econòmiques en el teixit urbà actual. Els resultats d'este estudi indiquen que les tècniques constructives tradicionals de l'adob i el cob (paret de mà) són dos de les principals tècniques d'Aràbia Saudita, i cada una d'elles té relació amb les particularitats de les poblacions que viuen en una lloc determinat. Amb esta tesi també s'ha determinat que els diferents patrons arquitectònics estaven influenciats per la funcionalitat, la comoditat, l'eficiència i la disponibilitat dels materials de construcció necessaris. Açò explica la raó per la qual hi ha diferents tipologies estructurals i arquitectòniques en distintes parts d'Aràbia Saudita. Este estudi conclou que la unió dels mètodes arquitectònics tradicionals amb les noves tecnologies modernes pot servir per a construir habitatges més sòlids i de llarga duració a Aràbia Saudita. / Alaidarous, AAH. (2016). Investigating the best methods for structural stabilization procedures for Historical earthen building conservation in Saudi Arabia: a technology-led construction analysis [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/68476

Contribuição às construções em terra comprimida e compactada e influências no conforto / Contribution to compressed and compacted earth buildings and influences on comfort.

Maia, Leonardo Ribeiro 04 March 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação buscou analisar o espaço arquitetônico contemporâneo construído com as técnicas de Taipa de Pilão (terra compactada) e Blocos de Terra Comprimida (BTC) e sua influência no conforto dos ocupantes. A utilização da terra justifica-se na possibilidade do auxílio da melhoria da qualidade das edificações e desenvolvimento de sistemas construtivos econômicos e de alto desempenho, explorando suas qualidades e vantagens. Para isso, realizou-se a revisão bibliográfica sobre o material terra e sobre as técnicas de construção que o utilizam, além de apresentar o estado da arte (últimos 15 anos) dessas técnicas e sistemas construtivos, seus processos e avaliações. O trabalho analisou os fenômenos físicos referentes à transferência de calor e umidade e as questões subjetivas que envolvem o conforto nas diversas áreas onde o conceito esteja presente (arquitetura, filosofia, história, medicina, biologia, química e psicologia). Ao final, discutiu as soluções projetuais da arquitetura de terra contemporânea e concluiu que edificações construídas com terra podem proporcionar mais do que a neutralidade (\"não desconforto\") exigida pelas normas: proporciona aos ocupantes prazer, bem-estar, expressão de seu corpo e da cultura, além de expandir e evocar sentidos, emoções e sentimentos humanos e emocionar. / Earth and Compressed Earth Blocs and their influence on users\' comfort. The earth use is justified to improve the quality of buildings and development of economic and highperformance construction systems by exploring their qualities and advantages. To reach that, this work presents a literature review about the material \"earth\" and its building techniques. In addition, it presents the state-of-the-art of this techniques and buildings systems as well their process and evaluations. Also, the work analyses the physical phenomenon of heat and humidity transfer and the subjective issues involving comfort in diverse areas that the concept could be presented (architecture, philosophy, history, medicine, biology, chemistry and psychology). Finally, it discusses the design solutions of the contemporary earth architecture. It concludes that the earth-buildings can provide more than the neutrality (\"not discomfort\"), required by the regulations. These buildings provides pleasure, well-being, expression of body and represents culture of their occupants. It evokes human senses and feelings that thrills us.

Contribuição às construções em terra comprimida e compactada e influências no conforto / Contribution to compressed and compacted earth buildings and influences on comfort.

Leonardo Ribeiro Maia 04 March 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação buscou analisar o espaço arquitetônico contemporâneo construído com as técnicas de Taipa de Pilão (terra compactada) e Blocos de Terra Comprimida (BTC) e sua influência no conforto dos ocupantes. A utilização da terra justifica-se na possibilidade do auxílio da melhoria da qualidade das edificações e desenvolvimento de sistemas construtivos econômicos e de alto desempenho, explorando suas qualidades e vantagens. Para isso, realizou-se a revisão bibliográfica sobre o material terra e sobre as técnicas de construção que o utilizam, além de apresentar o estado da arte (últimos 15 anos) dessas técnicas e sistemas construtivos, seus processos e avaliações. O trabalho analisou os fenômenos físicos referentes à transferência de calor e umidade e as questões subjetivas que envolvem o conforto nas diversas áreas onde o conceito esteja presente (arquitetura, filosofia, história, medicina, biologia, química e psicologia). Ao final, discutiu as soluções projetuais da arquitetura de terra contemporânea e concluiu que edificações construídas com terra podem proporcionar mais do que a neutralidade (\"não desconforto\") exigida pelas normas: proporciona aos ocupantes prazer, bem-estar, expressão de seu corpo e da cultura, além de expandir e evocar sentidos, emoções e sentimentos humanos e emocionar. / Earth and Compressed Earth Blocs and their influence on users\' comfort. The earth use is justified to improve the quality of buildings and development of economic and highperformance construction systems by exploring their qualities and advantages. To reach that, this work presents a literature review about the material \"earth\" and its building techniques. In addition, it presents the state-of-the-art of this techniques and buildings systems as well their process and evaluations. Also, the work analyses the physical phenomenon of heat and humidity transfer and the subjective issues involving comfort in diverse areas that the concept could be presented (architecture, philosophy, history, medicine, biology, chemistry and psychology). Finally, it discusses the design solutions of the contemporary earth architecture. It concludes that the earth-buildings can provide more than the neutrality (\"not discomfort\"), required by the regulations. These buildings provides pleasure, well-being, expression of body and represents culture of their occupants. It evokes human senses and feelings that thrills us.

Human|Nature : in dialogue with Nature in the City

Kruger, Jana Margaretha January 2018 (has links)
Natural areas in proximity to urban environments are constantly under pressure from development. Conservation is not high on the list of priorities, mostly because the general public do not experience the benefits of nature first hand. In Pretoria, South Africa, this is not due to a lack of open space, but rather due to the fact that conservation areas are under-utilised. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) recommends that some areas be made more accessible to the benefit of greater conservation efforts. The dissertation considers the potential contribution of sensitive developments in urban conservation areas and how they should be approached. What is an architecture that supports and introduces human activities yet respects a sensitive environment? How does architecture place Man in relation with Nature? The investigation is centred at Wonderboom nature reserve in the north of Pretoria. This municipal reserve is a place of natural and historical significance: it forms part of the Magaliesberg and has remnants from the Stone Age, Iron Age and ZAR periods within its boundaries. The proposed development focuses on illustrating how nature has a significant impact on human well-being. A health practice which focuses on rehabilitation that makes use of the natural environment as primary stimulant, is introduced. The centre includes a cafeteria and is designed to support other recreational activities and occasional events too. The project looks to precedents of programme, form, materiality and similar experience for guidance. Mark DeKay’s interpretation of Integral Theory’s application to sustainable architecture is applied as criteria for architectural decisions. Design is the primary means of inquiry. Various conceptual approaches were considered before a concept was finalised which was then further iterated. The nonlinear process has been documented. The final design proposes three volumes each offering a different perspective of the environment. The exterior spaces and routes in between are carefully considered for their experiential value. The building is drawn from the environment; constructed with materials from site as far as possible. Low-tech, passive solutions favour processes which are labour intensive and can employ unskilled labourers. The construction process narrates an understanding of place and is in itself a means of engaging with the landscape. The dissertation concludes that an architectural solution best suited to an urban protected area is one with a holistic approach. In addition to performing well in terms of sustainability and being seamlessly integrated into natural systems, architecture should delight. Individual experience and collective meaning are just as important when designing to place humans in relation with nature. / Mini Dissertation MArch(Prof)--University of Pretoria, 2018. / Architecture / MArch(Prof) / Unrestricted

Desenho do processo e qualidade na construção do painel monolitico de solo-cimento em taipa de pilão / Drawing of process and quality in the construction of monolithic panel of soil-cement in rammed earth

Heise, Andre Falleiros 25 June 2004 (has links)
Orientador: Andre Munhoz de Argollo Ferrão / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T13:09:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Heise_AndreFalleiros_M.pdf: 6063672 bytes, checksum: bed385d402a20c2a72ee8254c79b8275 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004 / Resumo: O universo da construção civil vem se tornando o foco principal das pesquisas científicas e tecnológicas nos diversos campos do conhecimento humano, por ser um dos responsáveis pelo alto grau de problemas ambientais e sociais. Através da inovação tecnológica é possível diminuir estes problemas, utilizando processos que geram poucos resíduos poluentes e incluem as pessoas em seus processos, melhorando as condições e a qualidade de vida da população. Os principais objetivos deste trabalho são: mapear, identificar etapas, calcular suas médias produtivas e propor melhoramentos para o processo de produção do painel monolítico de solo-cimento em taipa de pilão. O autor investigou cinco canteiros de obra que utilizaram a tecnologia de construção do painel monolítico de solo-cimento, mapeou os canteiros de obra, identificou os painéis e as atividades do processo, bem como as ferramentas e equipamentos, materiais e mão-de-obra e as informações necessárias; identificando finalmente a ocorrência de não conformidades. A partir da investigação do processo foi possível indicar possibilidades de melhorias com o investimento em equipamento, treinamento e qualificação de mão de obra e utilização de procedimentos de execução e de controle de qualidade das atividades. E para as etapas do processo foram calculadas as médias produtivas e através das tabelas e gráficos foram analisadas as produtividades do processo, resultando, assim, em recomendações para melhoria da eficiência e da produtividade do processo / Abstract: The universe of the building site is turning the main focus of the scientific and technological researches in the several fields of the human knowledge, for being one of the responsible for the high degree of environmental and social problems. Through the technological innovation it is possible to reduce these problems, using processes that generate few pollutant residues and they include the people in its processes, improving the conditions and the quality of life of the population. The principal objectives of this work: to map, to identify stages, to calculate your productive averages and to propose improvements for the process of production of the monolithic panel of soil-cement in rammed earth. The author investigated five builder¿s yard that used the technology of construction of the monolithic panel of soil-cement, it mapped the builder¿s yard, it identified the panels and the activities of the process, as well as the tools and equipments, materials and labor and the necessary information; identifying the occurrence of non conformities finally. Starting from the investigation of the process it was possible to indicate possibilities of improvements with the investment in equipment, training and qualification of work hand and use of execution procedures and of control of quality of the activities. And for the stages of the process the productive averages were calculated and through the tables and graphs were analyzed the productivities of the process, resulting, like this, in recommendations for improvement of the efficiency and of the productivity of the process / Mestrado / Edificações / Mestre em Engenharia Civil

Construire en terres d'excavation, un enjeu pour la ville durable / Building with excavated earth, an issue for the sustainable city

Gasnier, Hugo 10 May 2019 (has links)
La thèse explore les potentiels d’utilisation des terres de déblais comme matériau de construction et examine la pertinence d’une valorisation de cette ressource pour une construction soutenable dans le contexte français actuel avec un focus plus particulier sur la région parisienne. Elle s'articule autour d'une double question qui s’inscrit dans le cadre de la transition écologique des milieux habités : est-t-il pertinent de transformer les terres d’excavation générées par les chantiers des grands centres urbains en ressource pour l’architecture et quels potentiels offrent-elles pour la construction de la ville durable? La croissance des grandes villes entraine chaque année la production de millions de tonnes de terres de déblais qui sont issues des terrassements nécessaires à la construction de nouveaux immeubles ou extraites lors de la création d’infrastructures de transport (tunnels, gares, routes, …). À lui seul, le chantier du Grand Paris Express « devrait peser de 30 à 40 millions de tonnes » de terres d’excavation qui seront principalement acheminées par péniches en dehors de Paris pour être stockées ou enfouies dans des sites adaptés. Ce processus représente un coût financier, énergétique et écologique phénoménal et l’enfouissement d’une ressource pourtant potentiellement utilisable, d’où l’intérêt de s’interroger sur les possibilités d’utilisation de ces terres comme matériau de construction. Au commencement de cette thèse en 2015, peu de recherches et encore moins de pratiques portaient sur ce sujet. Or, dès les premières rencontres, les acteurs ont exprimés leur intérêt pour cette possible valorisation des terres de déblais comme ressource. Il était donc temps, d’une part, de faire le point sur les connaissances scientifiques concernant la matière terre, les pratiques actuelles en architecture de terre et les professionnels spécialistes de la construction en terre. D’autre part, il s’agissait de décrypter le contexte et le système des acteurs des terres d’excavation sur le territoire du Grand Paris. Enfin, la présence d’acteurs motivés sur le Grand Paris a facilité la réflexion prospective sur le potentiel d’utilisation de ces terres en architecture, y compris en ayant la possibilité d’en observer les premiers résultats concrets. / This thesis explores the potentials of using excavated earth as a building material and examines the relevance of a valorization of this resource for sustainable buildings in the actual French context with a more particular focus on the Parisian region. It is structured around a double question within the framework of the ecological transition of the inhabited environment: is it relevant to transform the excavated earth of the construction sites of major urban centers into a resource for architecture and which are the potentials for the construction of a sustainable city ?The growth of big cities is generating millions of tons of excavated earth yearly, issued from the necessary earthworks for the construction of new buildings or excavated during the creation of transport infrastructures (tunnels, railway stations, roads,…). On is own, the Grand Paris Express construction site « should generate 30 to 40 millions of tons »[1] of excavated earth that will be principally shipped by barges out of Paris to be stocked or buried in adapted sites. This process has a huge financial, energetical and ecological cost, and a potential usable resource is buried, hence the importance of the question on the possibilities of using this earth as a building material.At the beginning of this thesis in 2015, few researches and even less practices had been done on the subject. But, ever since the first meetings, the actors expressed their interest for the possible valorization of the excavated earth as a resource.On one hand, it was time to make an inventory of the scientific knowledges of the material earth, the current practices in earthen architecture and the professional earthen building specialists. On the other hand, it was necessary to decrypt the context and the system of actors around the excavated earth in the Grand Paris territory. Finally, the presence of motivated actors in the Grand Paris has facilitated the prospective reflection on the potential use of these earths in architecture including having the opportunity to observe the first concrete results.


JULIA TELES DA SILVA 10 May 2019 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação apresenta um debate sobre a técnica que aproveita os materiais disponíveis no local. Este debate começa pelo próprio conceito de técnica e pela ideia de progresso técnico, para se esclarecer mais sobre a natureza da técnica que estamos pesquisando. Diferentes movimentos que se relacionam à técnica que estamos pesquisando são apresentados, como a tecnologia apropriada, a permacultura e a arquitetura popular tradicional. O objeto de estudo é a construção em terra crua, bambu e fibras naturais, que são os materiais pesquisados no Laboratório de Investigação em Living Design (LILD). É utilizada a metodologia prática deste laboratório e sua experiência prévia com técnicas que trabalham com estes materiais para dar prosseguimento à investigação. / [en] This dissertation presents a discussion on the technique that uses materials available on site. This discussion begins with the concept of technique and the idea of technical progress, to further clarify the nature of the technique that we are researching. Different movements that relate to the technique that we are researching are presented, such as appropriate technology, permaculture and traditional folk architecture. The object of investigation is buildings with mud, bamboo and natural fibers, which are the materials studied by the Laboratório de Investigação em Living Design (LILD). This study uses the practical methodology of the laboratory and its previous experience with techniques that work with these materials to continue the investigation.

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