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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Politiche in favore dell'imprenditorialita giovanile e importanza dei legami sociali. Una ricerca / Youth entrepreneurship policies and the importance of social ties. A sociological research.

Moar, Luisa <1959> January 1900 (has links)
In uno scenario caratterizzato da globalizzazione e forti scompensi nei sistemi dei mercato del lavoro, a svantaggio soprattutto dei giovani, la ricerca ha inteso approfondire il tema delle relazioni che intercorrono tra la condizione giovanile e le politiche del lavoro, tematizzando la questione dell’imprenditorialità giovanile. Questo fenomeno è stato osservato lungo alcuni vettori specifici relativi all’attitudine imprenditoriale, espressa in termini di opportunità percepite, capacità imprenditoriali, paura di fallire e intenzionalità a intraprendere, e della valenza dei legami sociali nelle dinamiche di avvio di lavoro autonomo. Al fine di sondare le opinioni di giovani imprenditori potenziali in merito al tema dell’imprenditorialità la survey è stata rivolta a un campione di giovani aspiranti imprenditori europei, coinvolti in percorsi di politica attiva del lavoro, ovvero iniziative educative, di orientamento e di sostegno all’imprenditorialità. Considerando le variabili del capitale umano, del capitale sociale e dello status famigliare e la loro influenza nei diversi percorsi di imprenditorialità giovanile, la ricerca ha voluto verificare alcuni possibili orientamenti sociali. La ricerca ha messo in evidenza che i giovani provenienti da contesti familiari con alti livelli di capitale umano e sociale tendono a esprimere un approccio imprenditoriale caratterizzato da fiducia in se stessi, apertura in termini di innovazione, utilizzando quindi il pieno potenziale dei legami deboli. Al contrario un basso status di famiglia appare come correlato ad una bassa autostima, mancanza di innovazione, limitate reti sociali, e meno prospettive in termini di successo imprenditoriale. / Strong inequalities in the labour market characterize the current European scenario. In particular, many scholars maintain that young people are the losers of the globalization process. In this context, the research aims at deepening the relationship between young people and labour market policies addressed to youth entrepreneurship. This phenomenon has been observed along some specific vectors related to the entrepreneurial attitude expressed in terms of perceived opportunities, business skills, fear of failure and intent to undertake, and the relevance of social ties in the dynamics of self-employment and business creation. In order to collect the relevant information the research has addressed a survey to a sample of young aspiring European entrepreneurs, involved in active labour policies, i.e. education and training courses, vocational guidance, coaching measures and services supporting entrepreneurship. Considering variables regarding human capital, social capital and family status, and their influence in the different entrepreneurial paths of youth entrepreneurship, the research tried to design some possible social trends. The research has highlighted that young people coming from family contexts with high levels of human and social capital, tend to express an entrepreneurial approach characterized by self-confidence, openness in terms of innovation, thus using the full potential of weak ties. By contrast a low family status appears as correlated to a low self-confidence, lack of innovation, limited social networks, and less prospects in terms of entrepreneurial success.

Labour, LGBT* rights, and Europe. Discourses in Italy and Serbia

Dioli, Irene <1980> 10 June 2013 (has links)
At the time of writing, all three elements that are evoked in the title – emancipation and social inclusion of sexual minorities, labour and labour activism, and the idea and substance of “Europe” – are being invested by deep, long-term, and – to varied degrees – radical processes of social transformation. The meaning of words like “equality”, “rights”, “inclusion”, and even “democracy” is as precarious and uncertain as are the lives of those European citizens who are marginalised by intersecting conditions of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and class – in a constellation of precarities that is both unifying and fragmented (fragmenting). Conflicts are played, in hidden or explicit ways, over material processes of redistribution as well as discursive practices that revolve around these words. Against this backdrop, and roughly ten years after the European Union provided an input for institutional commitment to the protection of LGBT* workers' rights with the Council Directive 2000/78/EC, the dissertation contrasts discourses on workplace equality for LGBT* persons produced by a plurality of actors, seeking to identify values, semantics, and agendas framing and informing organisations’ views and showing how each actor has incorporated LGBT* rights into its own discourse, each time in a way that is functional to the construction and/or confirmation of its organisational identity: transnational union networks, by presenting LGBT* rights as a natural, neutral commitment within the framework of universal human rights protection; left-wing organisations, by collocating activism for LGBT* rights within a wider project of social emancipation that is for all the marginalised, yet is not neutral, but attached to specific values and opposed to specific political adversaries (the right-wing, the nationalists); business networks, by acknowledging diversity as a path to better performance and profits, thus encouraging inclusion and non-discrimination of “deserving” LGBT* workers.

Soggettività neoliberale e gioco d'azzardo "legale": la fragilità messa a valore / Neoliberal subjectivity and "legal" gambling: the exploited weakness

Greppi, Gabriele <1975> 09 June 2016 (has links)
Il lavoro di tesi dottorale riguarda l’analisi dei rapporti che si sono venuti a instaurare tra vulnerabilità sociale legata all’emergere delle nuove povertà, lo sgretolamento del legame sociale, i processi di individualizzazione del rischio e il fenomeno del gioco d’azzardo “legale” in Italia, con particolare riferimento al contesto territoriale dell’Emilia-Romagna. Più in particolare, nella tesi si indaga la propensione, legata ad uno stato di vulnerabilità sociale dei soggetti con disagio socio-economico, alla frequentazione delle sale da gioco e alla spesa in gioco d’azzardo “legale” (escludendo tutto il campo del gioco d’azzardo clandestino e delle sub-culture criminali) nel contesto territoriale dell’Emilia Romagna.Esistono,infatti, fattori crescenti di “spinta” al gambling legati alle condizioni di disagio (economico e socio-relazionale) dei soggetti più esposti agli effetti della crisi economica. I presupposti di fatto da cui parte questa ricerca riguardano la constatazione di un’alta e crescente incidenza fra la popolazione italiana del gioco d’azzardo “legale” (alcuni osservatori hanno addirittura ipotizzato l’esistenza di una correlazione diretta fra contrazione dei redditi e dei consumi e la crescita esponenziale del gioco d’azzardo “legale” in Italia), nonostante e strettamente connessa ai processi di impoverimento sociale degli ultimi anni. Sul piano della ricerca i principali obiettivi del progetto sono i seguenti: - conoscenza della “definizione della situazione” dei soggetti rispetto alle proprie biografie, al proprio futuro ed al loro rapporto con il gioco d’azzardo legale; - conoscenza e comprensione dell’interdipendenza fra la cultura del “rischio”, la vulnerabilità sociale, l’indebitamento e il consumo di gioco d’azzardo legale; - spunti interpretativi che possano risultare utili ai policy makers e agli operatori del Welfare mix nelle azioni di prevenzione, assistenza ed aiuto ai giocatori d’azzardo patologici. / The doctoral thesis deals with the analysis of the reports that have come to be established between social vulnerability linked to the emergence of new forms of poverty, the disintegration of the social bond, the processes of risk individualization and the phenomenon of the game of "legal" gambling in Italy, with particular reference to the territorial context of Emilia-Romagna. More particularly the thesis investigates the propensity, linked to a state of social vulnerability of the subjects with socio-economic hardship, the attendance of the gambling halls and spending in the "legal gambling" (excluding the entire field of game of illegal gambling and the criminal sub-cultures) in the territorial context of Emilia Romagna. There are, in fact, increasing factors "pushed" to gambling related to conditions of discomfort (economic and socio-relational) of the most exposed to the effects of economic crisis. The conditions from which this research concerning the finding of a high and growing incidence among the Italian population of the "legal gambling" (some observers have even suggested the existence of a direct correlation between contraction in incomes and consumption and the exponential growth of the "legal gambling" in Italian), and although closely related to the social impoverishment processes of recent years.In terms of research the main objectives of the project are as follows: - Knowledge of the "definition of the situation" of the parties with respect to their biographies, their future and their relationship with the legal gambling; - Knowledge and understanding of the interdependence between the culture of "risk", social vulnerability, the debt and the legal gambling consumption; - Interpretative insights that could be useful to policy makers and practitioners Welfare mix in prevention, assistance and help to pathological gamblers.

Poste in gioco Lavoro e soggettività tra formale e informale, gratuito e remunerato / Work and subjectivity at stake between formal and informal, unpaid and paid / Travail et subjectivaté en jeu entre formel et informel, gratuit et rémunéré

De Angelis, Gianluca <1982> January 1900 (has links)
L’analisi proposta insiste sulle dinamiche di soggettivazione e impoverimento del lavoro a partire dalla torsione reticolare del capitalismo e dei suoi principi organizzativi. In mancanza di una consolidata tradizione analitica specifica sul lavoro gratuito, il ragionamento muove dalla relazione tra l’economia formale e informale. Tale prospettiva di analisi permette di individuare nell’estensione del terreno di cattura del capitalismo l’elemento chiave della svalutazione del lavoro e del suo mancato riconoscimento. Con il passaggio al nuovo paradigma del capitalismo, infatti, il processo di accumulazione del capitale si estende ad ambiti diversi da quelli tradizionalmente produttivi, sfumando i confini tra interesse e disinteresse, produttivo e improduttivo, ampliando le aree di compenetrazione tra economia formale e informale ed estendendo la produzione di valore anche oltre i confini del riconoscimento economico. Traducendo nel desiderio di realizzazione del sé del soggetto quello di riproduzione del capitale, infatti, il dispositivo soggettivante permette di enfatizzare gli aspetti passionali della produzione di valore. Alla maggiore opportunità di realizzazione del sé attraverso il lavoro, però, corrisponde anche una forte individualizzazione dei rischi. Mentre, quindi, da un lato il capitale accresce le proprie capacità di accumulazione penetrando sempre più nella soggettività, dall’altro aumentano, per quanti coinvolti, i rischi di impoverimento e di isolamento. Per indagare la relazione tra lavoro gratuito e remunerato, i regimi di giustificazione che la qualificano e i rischi individuali e organizzativi che ne derivano, sono stati sviluppati tre studi di caso: il primo in un laboratorio di ricerca pubblico, il secondo in una cooperativa sociale e il terzo sui volontari per Expo 2015. In questa prospettiva, il lavoro gratuito, economicamente non riconosciuto, diventa una condizione condivisa, giustificabile soggettivamente, ricorrendo alle grammatiche dell’autoterapia e della passione, quando il lavoratore guarda al presente, e della promessa e della scommessa, quando è rivolto al futuro. / This work aims to analyse subjectivation processes and impoverishment of work starting from understanding the reticular torsion of capitalism and its organizational principles. Scholars have traditionally not given enough attention to unpaid work, thus my considerations move from formal and informal dinamics of economy. This is because from this point of view, we can see why the expansion of fields of capitalist capture constitute one of the key factors at the origin of work devalutation and its lack of monetary recognition. The accumulation process, in the new capitalist paradigm, seems to concerns with new lands, different from the traditional ones of production. Borders between interest and disinterest, productive and unproductive get blurred, expanding areas of interpenetration between formal and informal economy and the production of value outside of the monetary recognition. In this way, the desire of capital reproduction is translated in the individual desire of self-realization. Effectively, the subjectyfing dispositive emphasizes passional aspects of value production, while growing the indvidualization of risks. Thus, on one hand the capital increase its own accumulation opportunities, through colonizing individual subjectivity, on the other hand, the same process increase impoverishment and isolation risks for those who are involved. In order to investigate the relation between paid and unpaid work with the giustificational regimes that qualify this relation and individual and organizational risks, I have used three case studies: the first one in a research laboratory managed by a governmental organization, the second in a social cooperative and the third on volunteer workers for the Universal Exposition 2015, Milan Expo. From these case studies emerges that unpaid work is a shared condition, but justified only at individual level, borrowing the grammar from self-therapy and affection, when the worker looks towards the present, while promise and bet grammars when the worker looks towards the future. / Ce travail présente les dynamiques de subjectivation et de gratuitisation du travail à partir de la torsion réticulaire du capitalisme et de ses principes organisationnels. Les raisonnements présentés sont puisés de l’évolution de la relation entre les dimensions formelle et informelle de l’économie. Cette perspective d’analyse permet de déterminer dans l’extension progressive du capitalisme un des éléments de la dévaluation du travail. Le processus d’accumulation du capital progresse et se développe sur des territoires différents des milieux traditionnels de production. Dans ce mouvement, les zones de compénétration entre l’économie formelle et informelle grandissent et on assiste à une production de la valeur qui se répand sans reconnaissance économique. Par la traduction du désir de reproduction du capital dans le désir de l’autoréalisation des sujets, le dispositif subjectivant permet d’emphatiser les aspects passionnels de la production. Il s’avère qu’à côté de l’opportunité de réalisation de soi par le travail, il y a surtout une grave individualisation des risques. En effet, pendant que le capital agrandit les opportunités d’accumulation en pénétrant dans la subjectivité, les risques de l’appauvrissement et d’isolation grandissent. Pour étudier la relation entre travail gratuit et rémunéré, les régimes de justification qui la qualifient et les risques individuels et organisationnels qui en dérivent, trois études de cas ont été réalisées : la première dans un laboratoire public de recherche, la deuxième dans une coopérative sociale et la troisième avec les bénévoles de l’Exposition Universelle 2015. Cette thèse montre que le travail gratuit est une condition de classe qu’on justifie subjectivement. Lorsque le regard du travailleur est tourné sur le présent, il fait recours aux grammatiques de l’auto-thérapie et de la passion. A l’inverse, lorsque le regard est tourné vers le futur, ce sont les rhétoriques de la promesse et du pari qui sont mises en avant.

La donna nel mercato del lavoro: rappresentazioni, esperienze e pratiche di work-life balance: un'indagine empirica in alcune realtà aziendali emiliano-romagnole

Sansavini, Mila <1977> 12 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Formazione, apprendimento e nuove prospettive e-learning. Lo sviluppo delle nuove tecnologie didattiche e la creazione di sistemi di apprendimento lungo l’intero arco della vita

Lusetti, Marialuisa <1970> 21 May 2008 (has links)
The thesis of this paper is based on the assumption that the socio-economic system in which we are living is characterised by three great trends: growing attention to the promotion of human capital; extremely rapid technological progress, based above all on the information and communication technologies (ICT); the establishment of new production and organizational set-ups. These transformation processes pose a concrete challenge to the training sector, which is called to satisfy the demand for new skills that need to be developed and disseminated. Hence the growing interest that the various training sub-systems devote to the issues of lifelong learning and distance learning. In such a context, the so-called e-learning acquires a central role. The first chapter proposes a reference theoretical framework for the transformations that are shaping post-industrial society. It analyzes some key issues such as: how work is changing, the evolution of organizational set-ups and the introduction of learning organization, the advent of the knowledge society and of knowledge companies, the innovation of training processes, and the key role of ICT in the new training and learning systems. The second chapter focuses on the topic of e-learning as an effective training model in response to the need for constant learning that is emerging in the knowledge society. This chapter starts with a reflection on the importance of lifelong learning and introduces the key arguments of this thesis, i.e. distance learning (DL) and the didactic methodology called e-learning. It goes on with an analysis of the various theoretic and technical aspects of e-learning. In particular, it delves into the theme of e-learning as an integrated and constant training environment, characterized by customized programmes and collaborative learning, didactic assistance and constant monitoring of the results. Thus, all the aspects of e-learning are taken into exam: the actors and the new professionals, the virtual communities as learning subjects, the organization of contents in learning objects, the conformity to international standards, the integrated platforms and so on. The third chapter, which concludes the theoretic-interpretative part, starts with a short presentation of the state-of-the-art e-learning international market that aims to understand its peculiarities and its current trends. Finally, we focus on some important regulation aspects related to the strong impulse given by the European Commission first, and by the Italian governments secondly, to the development and diffusion of e-learning. The second part of the thesis (chapters 4, 5 and 6) focus on field research, which aims to define the Italian scenario for e-learning. In particular, we have examined some key topics such as: the challenges of training and the instruments to face such challenges; the new didactic methods and technologies for lifelong learning; the level of diffusion of e-learning in Italy; the relation between classroom training and online training; the main factors of success as well as the most critical aspects of the introduction of e-learning in the various learning environments. As far as the methodological aspects are concerned, we have favoured a qualitative and quantitative analysis. A background analysis has been done to collect the statistical data available on this topic, as well as the research previously carried out in this area. The main source of data is constituted by the results of the Observatory on e-learning of Aitech-Assinform, which covers the 2000s and four areas of implementation (firms, public administration, universities, school): the thesis has reviewed the results of the last three available surveys, offering a comparative interpretation of them. We have then carried out an in-depth empirical examination of two case studies, which have been selected by virtue of the excellence they have achieved and can therefore be considered advanced and emblematic experiences (a large firm and a Graduate School).

La responsabilità sociale dell’impresa: teorie e significati sociali. Con una ricerca empirica sul punto di vista dei lavoratori

Morri, Lorenzo <1972> 21 May 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Innovazione organizzativa e istituzionale della pubblica amministrazione. Un approccio interpretativo e l'analisi di un dispositivo partecipativo nel settore della cultura

Dall’Agata, Claudia <1967> 21 May 2009 (has links)
The thesis aims at inquiring into the issue of innovation and organizational and institutional change in the public administration with regard to the increasingly massive adoption of participatory devices and practices in various arenas of public policies. The field of reference regards transformations of the types of public actions and regulation systems, concerning governance. Together with the crisis of the public function and of the role played by the insitutions what is emerging are different levels of governement, both towards an over national and a local direction, and a plurality of social interlocutors, followed by a post-bureaucratic pattern of the public administration that is opening itself in the direction of environment and citizens. The public adminstration is no longer considered an inert object within the bureaucratic paradigm but as a series of communicative processes, choices, cultures and practices that actively builds itself and the environment it interacts with. Therefore, the output of the public administration isn’t the simple service being supplied but the relationship enacted with the citizen, relationship that becomes the constituent basis of adminstrative processes. The intention of thesis is to take into consideration the relation between innovation of the public administration and participatory experimentations and implementations regarded as exchanges in which citizens and the public administration hold talks and debates. The issue of the organizational change of the public administration as output and effect of inclusive deliberative practices has been analysed starting from an institutionalist approach, in other words examining the constituent features of institutions, “rediscovering” them with regard to their public nature, their ability to elaborate collective values and meanings, the social definition of problems and solutions. The participatory device employed by the Forlì city council that involved enterprises and cultural associations of the area in order to build a participatory Table, has been studied through a qualitative methodology (participant observation and semi-strutctured interviews). The analysis inquired into the public nature both of the participatory device and the administrative action itself as well as into elements pertaining the deliberative setting, the regulative reference framework and the actors which took part in the process.

Donne esteuropee nel mercato dell'assistenza e della cura in Italia: percorsi, vulnerabilità e strategie. Un approfondimento nel territorio forlivese

Di Muzio, Giorgia <1978> 10 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Salute e sicurezza sul lavoro: significati e problemi della valutazione dei rischi da stress lavoro-correlato nelle aziende sanitarie

Grandi, Stefano <1966> 19 May 2011 (has links)
Work environment changes bring new risks, in particular an increase in certain diseases and illnesses caused by stress. The European Agreement of October 2004 defines stress as “a state accompanied by physical, psychological or social dysfunctions, due to the fact that people do not feel able to overcome the gap in relation to requests or expectations for them”. A new strategy aims to reduce accidents and occupational illnesses through a series of actions at European level. The approaches to prevent work related stress must specifically aim to face up organizational and social aspects, to provide training to managers and employees on management of stress, to reduce the impact and to develop suitable systems for rehabilitation and return to work for those who suffered health problems. The enterprises will have to carry out the obligations laid down by legislation, adopting detection systems customised on their size and on their specific interests. Currently manifold tools and methodologies are proposed from different subjects as employer associations, advisors for safety, psychologists etc., but none of these has been identified as a model to follow. After the reconstruction of the theoretical framework where the theme is placed in, the thesis, through a background analysis done by collecting the comments of experts who are involved in the management of occupational safety and the examination of a concrete assessment of work-related stress risk, carried out at a local health authority of Emilia-Romagna region, aims to highlight the main sociological implications related to the emergence of these new risks.

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