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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Towards an Ecosystem Approach for Non-Target Reef Fishes: Habitat Uses and Population Dynamics of South Florida Parrotfishes (Perciformes: Scaridae)

Molina-Ureña, Helena 14 May 2009 (has links)
The goal of this research was to develop statistically robust ecosystem-based approaches, while optimizing data acquisition on relatively unexploited fish species in South Florida reefs, i.e., parrotfishes, Family Scaridae, in Biscayne Bay (with seasonal roller frame beam trawl surveys, 1996-2000) and Florida Keys (with annual Reef Fish Visual Censuses, 1997-2001), by following these steps: (I) analysis of information gaps for the stocks, including systematics, biogeography, population dynamics, reproductive ecology, trophodynamics, habitat use, and fisheries dynamics of Western Atlantic parrotfishes; (II) determination of primary research objectives from prioritization in Step I; (III) determination of essential fish habitats, ontogenetic shifts, migrations, and reef-seagrass habitat, from integration of stratified sampling design for fisheries-independent surveys, habitat selection theory-based analyses, and length-based analyses; (IV) estimation of population dynamics and fisheries-specific parameters encompassing life history demographics from empirical data or comparisons to theoretical expectations adapted to local conditions; (V) simulation modeling of a realistic range of fishing scenarios and demographic characteristics to evaluate the efficacy of potential traditional fisheries and spatial management strategies; and (VI) application of sampling optimization procedures and fisheries ecology approaches. Four scarid species had an estimated combined abundance of ca. 36.8 x 106 individuals in the Florida Keys. Connectivity among seagrass beds, coral reefs and deep waters had three major patterns: seagrass dwellers, reef dwellers, with inshore-to-offshore ontogenetic , and a seagrass-reef connection, using Biscayne Bay as an important recruitment ground. Marine protected areas of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary did not show effects on abundance, size composition or spatial distribution of any parrotfish studied. Simulations suggested relatively short longevities (5-10 years), moderate body growth curvature, high instantaneous natural mortality rates (0.3-0.6 y super minus one), and low annual survival rates (27-54%). Simulated estimates of fishing mortalities ranged from 0.3 to 0.6 y super minus one, indicating low levels of exploitation, but low Spawning Potential Ratios (SPR = 23.5-26%). Proposed potential exploitation based on a legal minimum size equal to their size at first maturity and fishing rates equal or below to their natural mortality should secure SPR values at 45-48%.

Diversity and Ecosystem Functioning : Redundancy and Resilience in Freshwater Bacterial Communities

Peter, Hannes January 2011 (has links)
Bacteria are immensely diverse and hold key-positions in essentially all biogeochemical cycles. In freshwater ecosystems, bacteria degrade and mineralize organic compounds, linking the pool of dissolved organic matter to higher trophic levels. Aware of the global biodiversity loss, ecologists have started identifying the relationship of diversity and ecosystem functioning. Central to this is the question if species can functionally replace other species, hence being functionally redundant. Functional redundancy might allow communities to maintain functioning when diversity is lost. Due to their large numbers and great diversity, bacterial communities have been suspected to harbor large amounts of redundancy. The central aim of this thesis is to investigate the coupling of diversity and ecosystem functioning of bacterial communities and to understand how environmental perturbation affects this relationship. I manipulated the diversity of complex communities by a dilution technique, and measured the performance of bacterioplankton and biofilm-forming communities at different diversities. Reduction of bacterial diversity differently affected different functions, and that the presence or absence of certain species might be causing this pattern. However, for ecosystems to function, the interplay of multiple functions, i.e. multifunctionality, has to be sustained over long periods of time. In bacterial biofilm communities reduced diversity affected multifunctionality, as reflected by extracellular enzyme activities. A continuous cultivation system was used to address the importance of diversity for resistance and resilience upon environmental perturbation. The analysis of co-occurrence of bacterial taxa showed that the communities form a dense network before the perturbation and that these patterns are disturbed by the environmental perturbation. The final chapter of the thesis presents experimental evidence for the positive effects of temporal and spatial refuges for bacterial communities and the functions they provide. Overall, I found several indications for a lower amount of functional redundancy as previously assumed and it becomes apparent from this thesis that a multifunctional perspective and the consideration of environmental heterogeneity is pivotal.

Social-ecological resilience and planning: an interdisciplinary exploration

Wilkinson, Cathy January 2012 (has links)
Despite considerable expansion in the scope and function of the state with respect to environmental protection, the world’s biological diversity and ecosystem services continue to deteriorate. Finding ways to better govern human-nature relations in cities is an important part of addressing this decline. The aim of this thesis is to explore the potential of social-ecological resilience to inform urban governance in theory and practice, through a focus on strategic spatial planning. Resilience has become an increasingly important urban policy discourse and much hope is placed in its potential to improve urban governance. However, there is an acknowledged gap between social-ecological resilience as an ideal and the ability to govern towards it in practice. At the time this doctoral research commenced there had been no engagement with social-ecological resilience in the planning theory literature and minimal engagement by empirical planning research. It is to this gap the thesis contributes. Social-ecological resilience scholarship is found to offer planning theory a partly new way of understanding complex human-nature relations. This is relevant to calls by planning theorists for more attention to matters of substance, including ecological processes. With respect to practice, planners see potential for social-ecological resilience to critically inform strategic spatial planning, including through the framing of problems, tools for analysis/synthesis and governance options. There are also however, lessons for social-ecological resilience scholarship that emerge from the detailed empirical research which suggests that attention to the politics of the everyday activities of administrators, elected officials, planning officials, conservationists and citizens operating within the so-called ‘mangle of practice’ is critical to explaining the gap between the ideal of governing for urban resilience, and what happens in practice. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript. Paper 5: Manuscript.</p>

Climate Related Impacts on a Lake : From Physics to Biology

Blenckner, Thorsten January 2001 (has links)
Climatic variation and change affect the dynamics of organisms and ecosystem processes. This thesis examines phytoplankton as a target variable to trace climatic impacts on Lake Erken (Sweden) with special emphasis on the spring bloom. A strong correlation between the timing of the spring bloom and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) illustrates the link between atmospheric pressure variations and local biological processes. The predictive power increased by applying a recently established regional Scandinavian Circulation Index (SCI). Changes to an earlier timing of the spring bloom and elevated water temperature were induced by the global warming trend. The climate signal was still persistent in summer manifested by an enhanced summer phytoplankton biomass. Between spring and summer, the phytoplankton was mainly controlled by phosphorus limitation. The application of a new method to measure alkaline phosphatase activity revealed that P-limitation varied between species and among individual cells. Combining the above knowledge and literature data, the impact of the NAO on the timing of life history events, biomass and trophic cascade in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems was quantitatively tested with a meta-analysis. In all environments, pronounced effects of the NAO were apparent, indicating the generality of climate effects found in different ecosystems. Finally, a regional climate model was applied, forcing a physical lake model from which future lake conditions were simulated. The simulation revealed a one-month shorter ice cover period with two years out of ten being completely ice free. Internal eutrophication is one of the expected consequences. In conclusion, the strong influences of global and regional climate are apparent in local physical, chemical and biological variables and will most probably also in future affect the structure and function of processes in lakes.

Carbon dynamics in spruce forest ecosystems - modelling pools and trends for Swedish conditions

Svensson, Magnus January 2006 (has links)
Carbon (C) pools and fluxes in northern hemisphere forest ecosystems are attracting increasing attention concerning predicted climate change. This thesis studied C fluxes, particularly soil C dynamics, in spruce forest ecosystems in relation to interactions between physical/biological processes using a process-based ecosystem model (CoupModel) with data for Swedish conditions. The model successfully described general patterns of C and N dynamics in managed spruce forest ecosystems with both tree and field layers. Using regional soil and plant data, the change in current soil C pools was -3 g C m-2 yr-1 in northern Sweden and +24 g C m-2 yr-1 in southern Sweden. Simulated climate change scenarios resulted in increased inflows of 16-38 g C m-2 yr-1 to forest ecosystems throughout Sweden, with the highest increase in the south and the lowest in the north. Along a north-south transect, this increased C sequestration mainly related to increased tree growth, as there were only minor decreases in soil C pools. Measurements at one northern site during 2001-2002 indicated large soil C losses (-96 g C m-2 yr-1), which the model successfully described. However, the discrepancy between these large losses and substantially smaller losses obtained in regional simulations was not explained. A simulation based on Bayesian calibration successfully reproduced measured C, water and energy fluxes, with estimated uncertainties for major components of the simulated C budget. Site-specific measurements indicated a large contribution from field layer fine roots to total litter production, particularly in northern Sweden. Mean annual tree litter production was 66% higher at the most southerly site (240 g C m-2 yr-1 compared with 145 g C m-2 yr-1 in the north), but when field and bottom layers were included the difference decreased to 16% (total litter production 276 g C m-2 yr-1 and 239 g C m-2 yr-1 respectively). Regional simulations showed that decomposition rate for the stable soil C fraction was three times higher in northern regions compared with southern, providing a possible explanation why soil C pools in southern Sweden are roughly twice as large as those in the north. / QC 20100922

Coarse detritus in oligotrophic lake littoral zones : utilization by intervertebrates and contribution to carbon flow

Bohman, Irene January 2005 (has links)
Syftet med denna avhandling är att öka förståelsen av hur grovt organiskt material, sk grovdetritus, tex löv och makrofytrester, bryts ner i sjöars strandzoner. Motivet bakom intresset för detta är att små näringsfattiga sjöar i skogsrika områden ofta är beroende av tillförsel av energi utifrån och att nedbrytningen av grovdetritus är relativt lite undersökt i sjöar. Utifrån tillförd detritus, i löst och partikulär form kan utgöra extra energikälla för sjöekosystem, men bara om några organismer kan tillgodogöra sig detta organiska material. I sötvatten kan sådana organismer vara bakterier, svampar och ryggradslösa djur. Under nedbrytningsförloppet produceras en mängd mellanprodukter som kan användas av andra konsumenter tex fisk. På så sätt återcirkuleras energi och näring från detritus utan fullständig nedbrytning. Vidare har det föreslagits att hög biodiversitet kan resultera i hög ekosystemfunktion, t ex effektiv nedbryning. Därför kan studier av både samhällen och enskilda arter av nedbrytare öka förståelsen av förändringar i hela ekosystemets funktion. Inom ramen för avhandlingen har jag studerat vilka arter som deltar i nedbrytningen av grovdetritus och vilka möjliga vägar för det fortsatta nyttjandet av detta material som finns. Jag har särskilt betonat det säsongsmässiga mönstret för omsättningen av grovdetritus och för tillgängligheten av mellanprodukter. Resultaten visar att både mikroorganismer och ryggradslösa djur successivt processar tillgängligt grovt organiskt material under hela året. Viktminskningsmönstret över året hos löv och makrofytrester är nära kopplat till förekomst och tillväxt hos olika arter av nedbrytande ryggradslösa djur, sk fragmenterare. Av de vanligaste förekommande tio arterna fragmenterare, var nio nattsländelarver. Därför drar jag slutsatsen att dessa arter av nattsländelarver spelar en avgörande roll för omsättningen av grovdetritus i sjöstränder i sydöstra Sverige. Samtidigt visar resultaten att sötvattengråsuggan spelar mindre roll för nedbrytningen av grovdetritus än förväntat. Denna art föredrar andra födoämnen åtminstone under våren och undviker de grunda bottnarna där grovdetritus finns under vintern. I laboratorieexperiment har jag visat att nedbrytning av löv i närvaro av fragmenterare huvudsakligen ger upphov till två olika produkter: löst organiskt material och finpartikulära rester. Därmed har jag visat att fragmenterare kan omsätta grovdetritus snabbare än mikroorganismer. Slutsatsen blir att mikroorganismernas kvantitativa bidrag till nedbrytning av grov grovdetritus är beroende av mängden fragmenterare. Jag har också visat att olika kombinationer detritussorter och fragmenterararter kan påverka när olika nedbryningsprodukter blir tillgängliga för andra organismer. Sammanfatningsvis har jag visat att grovdetritus är en attraktiv födoresurs för ryggradslösa djur i näringsfattiga sjöars strandzoner, precis som i små bäckar. Dessutom visar jag att de arter av fragmenterare som är speciella för sjöar, tillsammans omsätter tillgängligt grovdetritus i ett finskaligt tidsmönster över året. Detta mönster har utvecklats genom anpassning till trädens lövfällning och nedvissningen av vattenväxter som sker på hösten i vårt klimat. Jag vill också betona att ökade kunskaper om nedbrytning av grovdetritus krävs för att kunna förutsäga effekter av olika störningar i dessa ekosystem. Slutligen rekommenderar jag att nedbrytningshastigheten för grovdetritus testas som mått på ekosystemfunktion också i sjöar. / The general aim of this thesis was to increase the understanding of the mechanisms behind coarse detritus turnover in oligotrophic lake littoral zones. The reason for this interest is that small lakes located in forested areas often display dependence on detritus based energy sources, both external and internal. Additionally, in lake ecosystems the coarse detritus resource has been comparatively less studied than in streams. Both dissolved and particulate external detritus constitute extra energy contribution to ecosystems, but only if some organisms can assimilate the provided matter. The most common capable organisms to do so in freshwaters are bacteria, fungi and invertebrates, and they return a variety of intermediary products available for other consumers. Further, it has been suggested that a positive relation between species diversity and ecosystem function exists. Therefore the study of both community and individual species of decomposers may provide information significant to understand changes in ecosystem function. Within the outline of the thesis, I studied what species are involved in the processing of coarse detritus carbon and what are the key routes for the further use of this littoral carbon. I specially emphasize the temporal pattern of the detritus turnover and the availability of decomposition products to other organisms in the lake ecosystem. The results showed that microorganisms and invertebrates in the lake littoral zone successively process carbon from coarse detritus during the whole year. The weight loss from coarse detritus displayed a seasonal distinctive pattern temporally connected to shredder appearance and growth. Therefore, I emphasize the key role of certain trichopteran shredder species for litter processing in lakes in this region, southeast Sweden. At the same time, the shredder function of Asellus aquaticus was less important than expected. A. aquaticus was shown to utilize of a quite broad range of food sources and to prefer other habitats during the main decomposition period for leaf litter. In the laboratory I discovered that the decomposition of leaf litter principally results in two products, DOM from passive leakage and FPOM from active leaf litter processing by shredders. The experiment showed that shredders have the potential to consume leaf litter resources before microbial decomposition influence litter weight considerably. Thus, the quantitative importance of microorganisms (fungi and/or bacteria) for leaf litter turnover is suggested to directly depend on density of shredders in lake littoral zones of the kind studied. I have also shown that the combination of detritus types and invertebrate processor species influence the temporal accessibility of intermediate decomposition products. I conclude that coarse detritus is an attractive food resource for invertebrates also in small oligotrophiclakes like it is in smaller streams. I also conclude, that the lake specific set of shredder species recycle this carbon resource yearly in a fine-scaled temporal sequence - adapted to the predictable seasonal variation of detritus quality on these latitudes. Further, I stress the importance of increased knowledge of decomposing processes before predicting the effects of disturbance on this kind of widespread freshwater systems. Finally, I propose that the decomposition rate of coarse detritus should be tested as an assessment tool for integrating disturbances on ecosystem functions in small oligotrophic lakes, respecting the unique lake characteristics.

Effects of urbanization on stream ecosystem functions

Sudduth, Elizabeth January 2011 (has links)
<p>As the human population continues to increase, the effects of land use change on streams and their watersheds will be one of the central problems facing humanity, as we strive to find ways to preserve important ecosystem services, such as drinking water, irrigation, and wastewater processing. This dissertation explores the effects of land use change on watershed nitrate concentrations, and on several biogeochemical ecosystem functions in streams, including nitrate uptake, ecosystem metabolism, and heterotrophic carbon processing. </p><p>In a literature synthesis, I was able to conclude that nitrate concentrations in streams in forested watersheds tend to be correlated with soil solution and shallow groundwater nitrate concentrations in those watersheds. Watershed disturbances, such as ice storms or clear-cutting, did not alter this relationship. However both urban and agricultural land use change increased the nitrate concentrations in streams, soil solution, and groundwater, and altered the correlation between them, increasing the slope and intercept of the regression line. I conclude that although the correlation between these concentrations allows for predictions to be made, further research is needed to better understand the importance of dilution, removal, and transformation along the flowpaths from uplands to streams.</p><p>From a multi-site comparison of forested, urban, and urban restored streams, I demonstrated that ecosystem functions like nitrate uptake and ecosystem metabolism do not change in a linear unidirectional way with increasing urbanization. I also showed that Natural Channel Design stream restoration as practiced at my study sites had no net effect on ecosystem function, except those effects that came from clearing the riparian vegetation for restoration construction. This study suggested further consideration is needed of the ecosystem effects of stream restoration as it was practiced at these sites. It also suggested that more study was needed of the effects of urbanization on ecosystem metabolism and heterotrophic processes in streams.</p><p>In a 16-month study of ecosystem metabolism at four sites along an urbanization gradient, I demonstrated that ecosystem metabolism in urban streams may be controlled by multiple separate effects of urbanization, including eutrophication, light, temperature, hydrology, and geomorphology. One site, with high nutrients, high light, and stable substrate for periphyton growth but flashy hydrology, demonstrated a boom-bust cycle of gross primary production. At another site, high benthic organic matter standing stocks combined with low velocities and high depths to create hypoxic conditions when temperature increased. I propose a new conceptual framework representing different trajectories of these effects based on the balance of increases in scour, thermal energy and light, eutrophication, and carbon loading. </p><p>Finally, in a study of 50 watersheds across a landscape urbanization gradient, I show that urbanization is correlated with a decrease in particulate carbon stocks. I suggest that an increase in dissolved organic matter quality may serve to compensate for the loss of particulate carbon as fuel for heterotrophic microbial activity. Although I saw no differences among watershed landuses in microbial activity per gram of sediment, there was a strong increase in the efficiency of microbial activity per unit organic sediment with increasing watershed urbanization. Ultimately, I hope that this research contributes to our understanding of stream ecosystem functions and the way land use change can alter these functions, with the possibility of better environmental management of urban streams in the future.</p> / Dissertation

Ecosystem Services Linking Social and Ecological Systems : River Brownification and the Response of Downstream Stakeholders

Tuvendal, Magnus, Elmqvist, Thomas January 2011 (has links)
The theoretical framework of ecosystem services and that of resilience thinking are combined in an empiricalcase study of a social-ecological system. In the River Helge å catchment in southern Sweden, a slow increase in dissolved organiccarbon (DOC) results in brownification of the water with consequences on ecosystem services in the lower part of the catchmentof concern by local resource managers. An assessment of ecosystem service delivery was conducted to (1) identify plausibledrivers of brownification in the study site and assess future ecosystem service delivery for stakeholders in downstream areas.An analysis of the perspective of beneficiaries, using qualitative methods, was pursued to (2) evaluate the impacts ofbrownification on downstream stakeholders.

Effects of variation in ecosystem carryover on biodiversity and community structure of forest floor bryophytes and understory vascular plants : a retrospective approach

Traut, Bibit Halliday 21 November 1994 (has links)
Graduation date: 1995

Scaling-up valued ecosystem components for use in watershed cumulative effects assessment

Ball, Murray Alexander 15 April 2011
The accumulating impacts from human development are threatening water quality and availability in the watersheds of Western Canada. While environmental impact assessment (EIA) is tasked with identifying such cumulative impacts, the practice is limited to individual projects, is not widely applied, overlooks activities occurring on the landscape, and fails to capture the effects of multiple projects over time. Limitations of the project-by-project approach are spurring the emergence of a regional framework for assessing aquatic cumulative effects within watershed boundaries. Watershed-based cumulative effects assessment (WCEA) will need a standard set of ecosystem components and indicators for assessment across the watershed, but it is not clear how such valued ecosystem components (VECs) and related measurable parameters should be identified. This study examined how aquatic VECs and indicators were used within project-based EIA in the South Saskatchewan River watershed and considered whether they could be scaled up for use in WCEA. A semi-quantitative analysis compared a hierarchy of assessment components and measurable parameters identified in the environmental impact statements of 28 federal screening, 5 federal comprehensive and 2 provincial environmental assessments from the South Saskatchewan River watershed, and examined factors affecting aquatic VEC selection. While provincial assessments were available online or at a central archive, federal assessments were difficult to access. Results showed that regulatory compliance was the dominant factor influencing VEC selection, followed by the preferences of government agencies with different mandates, and that provincial licensing arrangements interfered with VEC selection. The frequency of VECs and indicators used for aquatic assessment within EIA does not reflect the aquatic cumulative effect assessment (CEA) priorities for the watershed. The effective selection of VECs and indicators for aquatic cumulative effects assessment in practice requires both the implementation of WCEA and updating of guidelines for project-based EIA.

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