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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strumenti di prevenzione e riduzione degli sprechi alimentari. Un piano nazionale per l'Italia / Food waste prevention. A national plan for Italy

Azzurro, Paolo <1971> 12 June 2015 (has links)
Negli ultimi anni lo spreco alimentare ha assunto un’importanza crescente nel dibattito internazionale, politico ed accademico, nel contesto delle tematiche sulla sostenibilità dei modelli di produzione e consumo, sull’uso efficiente delle risorse e la gestione dei rifiuti. Nei prossimi anni gli Stati Membri dell’Unione Europea saranno chiamati ad adottare specifiche strategie di prevenzione degli sprechi alimentari all’interno di una cornice di riferimento comune. Tale cornice è quella che si va delineando nel corso del progetto Europeo di ricerca “FUSIONS” (7FP) che, nel 2014, ha elaborato un framework di riferimento per la definizione di “food waste” allo scopo di armonizzare le diverse metodologie di quantificazione adottate dai paesi membri. In questo scenario, ai fini della predisposizione di un Piano Nazionale di Prevenzione degli Sprechi Alimentari per l’Italia, il presente lavoro applica per la prima volta il “definitional framework” FUSIONS per l’analisi dei dati e l’identificazione dei principali flussi nei diversi anelli della filiera e svolge un estesa consultazione degli stakeholder (e della letteratura) per identificare le possibili misure di prevenzione e le priorità di azione. I risultati ottenuti evedenziano (tra le altre cose) la necessità di predisporre e promuovere a livello nazionale l’adozione di misure uniformi di quantificazione e reporting; l’importanza del coinvolgimento degli stakeholder nel contesto di una campagna nazionale di prevenzione degli sprechi alimentari; l’esigenza di garantire una adeguata copertura economica per le attività di pianificazione e implementazione delle misure di prevenzione da parte degli enti locali e di un coordinamento a livello nazionale della programmazione regionale; la necessità di una armonizzazione/semplificazione del quadro di riferimento normativo (fiscale, igienico-sanitario, procedurale) che disciplina la donazione delle eccedenze alimentari; l’urgenza di approfondire il fenomeno degli sprechi alimentari attraverso la realizzazione di studi di settore negli stadi a valle della filiera. / In recent years, food waste prevention is assuming a pivotal role within international, European and national strategies addressing waste prevention, resource efficiency and sustainability of production and consumption patterns. In the coming years the European Union Member States will be asked to adopt specific strategies to prevent food waste within a common reference framework. This framework is being developed within the “FUSIONS” research project (7FP) which, in 2014, released the “FUSIONS definitional framework for food waste”. The main aim of the FUSIONS’s framework is to provide Member States with a common definition to be used as a reference point in National strategies targeting food waste reduction. In this scenario, this study applies for the first time the "FUSIONS definitional framework" to identify and quantify the main streams generated along the food supply chain and to identify, with the support of an extensive stakeholder’s consultation, the priorities for action in the view of developing a National Plan for Food Waste Prevention in Italy. The results highlight (among others) the following priorities: to define and adopt at national level common quantification and reporting methodologies for food waste streams; to engage stakeholders within the framework of a national food waste prevention campaign; to set a national coordination for planning and financing regional intervention on food waste prevention; to harmonise and simplify the regulatory framework relating to food donation; to improve knowledge on food waste generated along the supply chain by strengthening the research activities.

Enhancing Resource Management in Socio-Ecological Systems: Modeling Collective Conditionality in Rural Policies

Zavalloni, Matteo <1983> 12 May 2016 (has links)
The collective approach toward natural resource management in agriculture is increasingly gaining attention, by both the literature and policy makers. In the thesis I analyse the implementation of collective approaches in rural policies aimed at natural resource management. More specifically, I analyse how two design elements of this type of policies, collective conditionality constraints and subsidy levels, affect the 1) emergence of cooperation among farmers and 2) the distribution of the benefits. In the analyses I address the effect of these policies in a range of situations, namely in case the action subsidized by policy is a public good, a club good, or only a private cost (and thus cooperation is purely linked to the implementation of the policy). The distributional effect is addressed only in the club good case. The results show that indeed the proper use of collective conditionality constraints associated to subsidies can improve the cooperation of farmers and thus leading to more effective agri-environmental policies. It seems that the collective approach for natural resource management is a strategy that deserves higher attention and policy effort. However, it should not be taken lightly or naively implemented, as the "sophistication" of mechanisms also increases the scope for unexpected policy outcomes. A more aware implementation of such strategy also requires a greater, inter-disciplinary, effort for research, towards a proper understanding of actual effects of real life policy options and coordination mechanisms.

The Design of Economic Incentives for More cost-Effective European Agri-Environmental Measures

Vergamini, Daniele <1983> 12 May 2016 (has links)
We compare the cost-effectiveness of two simulated auction models (AM1, AM2) with that of classical payment mechanisms as a marginal flat rate payment (MFR) and average flat rate payment (FR). The models follows the one-shot budget constrained auction model first introduced by Latacz-Lohmann and Van Der Hamsvoort (1997), and subsequently by Viaggi et al. (2008) and Glebe (2008). The first model (AM1) deals with one-dimensional bids and it allows farmers to make an offer about a per hectare agri-environmental payment that they would like to receive in order to implement a generic agri-environmental measure on their agricultural land. In the second auction model (AM2) we further extend the analysis, allowing farmers to offer a combination of payment and a measure of their uptake in the agri-environmental program (i.e. a share of their land to commit under the program). Once simulated for AM1 and AM2 the optimal bidding behavior of a population of farmer taken from FADN data of E-R 2010 and 2011, assuming a fixed budget level and the sole objective for the public regulator to maximizes farmers participation to the AEM, we analyzed the total payment, the total cost and the total contracted area comparing the result with MFR and FR payment. The results confirm that the auction has the potential to reduce farmers’ information rent when compared with uniform policy instruments. Though the scale of saving depends crucially on auction design hypotheses and farmers' expectation about the maximum acceptable bid cap. The simulation while reflects a number of plausible assumptions, also remains rather simplified and could be improved in further research. However, it can contribute to feed the debate at EU policy level about the role in considering auction design and bidding behaviour so as to limiting the inefficiency related to the actual agri-environmental payments.

Use of Industrial Reclaimed Filler to Modify Asphalt Mixture and Binder Performances. Advanced rheological performance evaluation and 3D DEM Modeling of bituminous binders and mastics

Mazzotta, Francesco <1986> January 1900 (has links)
The mechanical performance of an asphalt mixture is largely dependent on the properties of its constituents and by the way they reciprocally interact in the bituminous layer. In particular, the stress-strain response of the road pavements is closely related to the rheological behavior of the bituminous binder and of its interaction with the finest part of the lytic skeleton. Therefore, it is important to study in the laboratory by means of advanced rheological tests, how mastics (Bitumen-Filler Systems) and mortars (Bitumen-Filler-Sand Systems) react to dynamic loads and thermal stresses. Moreover, the understanding of the contacts mechanisms within the bitumen-filler system, through 3D micro-mechanical models, should allow for a deeper analysis of the mastic rheological behavior. Based on these considerations, in a socio-economic context in which it is necessary to reduce the environmental impact caused by the construction and maintenance of transportation infrastructures, bituminous mastics containing different reclaimed fillers from the industrial production wastes were studied. For this purpose, advanced rheological tests have been first validated and then implemented and combined with the 3D DEM models development. Results showed that the methods used to study the bituminous mastics and mortars allowed to understand the effects due to the addition of innovative and recycled fillers within the mixtures blend, highlighting as these can increase the asphalt mixture performance during its service life.

Producers' Perceptions and Consumers' Behaviour Toward Certified Beans from Integrated Production (IP) in the Brazilian Central Region

Silva, Aluisio Goulart <1975> January 1900 (has links)
Integrated production (IP) is part of the Brazilian government program to promote sustainable agricultural production. IP ensure minimum food quality standards for domestic market, and export. Furthermore, IP is considered a good option to reduce negative environmental impacts of intensive crops in tropical Savannas, including common beans, as a Brazilian staple food. Although its advantages, and the government’s effort to promote IP, few growers are adopting IP. Maybe, the perception about IP usefulness and/or its ease of use is not too clear. Moreover, the production sector is driven by market signs, and there is few information on the consumer's preferences toward IP certified products in Brazil. In this study, we sought to identify some critical factors that can influence the IP adoption in beans' production. Moreover, we sought to verify the consumers’ perceptions and intention of purchasing IP certified beans (hypothetical product). This report comprises four chapters: (1) an introduction illustrating the context in which the research was based; (2) the results on the study of IP adoption based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM); (3) the choice experiment results applied to identify consumers preferences and willingness-to-pay (WTP) for IP label; (4) the results on the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) applied to identify consumers’ perception toward IP certified beans. This research contributes with rich information for the beans’ supply chain, providing several insights to growers, retail and other agents, including policy makers. Beans’ production sector seems to be positively intentioned to adopt IP, but further studies should be conducted to test other adoption indicators using TAM model. Surveyed consumers are willing to pay a premium price for IP labelled beans. They showed a positive attitude toward purchasing IP labelled beans. It is an important information to motivate production sector to offer certified beans to the market.

Social Sustainability and Resilience of the Rural Communities: the case of Soy producers in Argentina and the expansion of the production from Latin America to Africa / Résilience et Durabilité sociale des Communautés Rurales: le cas des producteurs de Soja en Argentine et l’expansion de la production de l’Amérique Latine à l’Afrique

Severi, Claudia <1975> January 1900 (has links)
Soy is one of the most important and fast growing food commodities in the global market. Thanks to the introduction of GM soy varieties, Argentina has become the third producer in the world, what entailed significant impacts at environmental, social and economic level. Objective of the study is to assess the social resilience of the rural communities cultivating soy in Argentina and to evaluate the current sustainability of the soy system. At the same time, the analysis of the expansion of the soy production from Latin America to African countries represents an element of continuity in the evaluation of the phenomenon at global level. The case study of the soy system in Argentina, with its specific focus on rural communities, highlights how strongly social and ecological resilience are intertwined in the identification of mechanisms to guarantee social sustainability, which, in turn, is strictly interrelated with environmental and economic sustainability. The agricultural sector showed a good capacity of adaptation and reorganization demonstrating being economically performing, but social and environmental costs were heavy, consisting in a deep disruption of the original rural communities structure and of the original natural ecosystem. The soy system appears extremely rigid – because of the hyper specialization and the marked dependence on export – what makes it very vulnerable to changes in the international demand for soy. The current system is strongly criticized by the civil society, blaming it to be the cause of environmental problems and of health risks. To effectively contrast the negative consequences of the soy model, a significant role must be played by policy makers, who should define sustainability policies to enhance the resilience of the rural communities and to move towards more sustainable food production systems.

Terra e Sviluppo: impatti di genere delle acquisizioni di terra su larga scala in Africa / Land and Development: gender implications of Large Scale Land Acquisitions in Africa

Servidio, Francesca <1978> January 1900 (has links)
Secondo il Report IFAD sulla povertà rurale, nel 2008, circa due terzi della popolazione africana viveva nelle aree rurali ed era in qualche modo coinvolta in attività agricole commerciali o di sussistenza (IFAD, 2011). L’agricoltura rappresenta il più importante settore economico per la popolazione africana e le donne risultano cruciali per la produzione agricola: rappresentano infatti il 62,8 per cento della forza lavoro (FAO, 2014). Dopo la crisi alimentare del 2007-2008 si è andato intensificando il fenomeno delle acquisizione di terre su larga scala in paesi del Sud del mondo, in particolare nel continente africano, da parte di multinazionali, governi, aziende nazionali e singoli soggetti privati. Questo processo è stato denominato anche land grabbing dalle principali organizzazioni internazionali e della società civile e ha avuto grande impatto mediatico a livello internazionale. L'intensificarsi del fenomeno ha portato a una progressiva perdita di controllo e accesso ad ampie porzioni di territorio da parte delle comunità locali, che non possono più disporre delle risorse naturali collegate alla terra. La cessione di ampi terreni avviene in molti casi senza trasparenza informativa, con violazione dei diritti umani e senza il consenso delle comunità che vi abitano e che coltivano tali aree, e a cui viene imposto un cambio radicale di vita. La terra è una risorsa centrale per l'identità, il sostentamento e la sicurezza alimentare di una comunità, dunque le conseguenze sono molteplici a livello sociale, culturale, economico e politico. Gli impatti sulle relazioni di genere e in particolare sulle donne delle comunità rurali risultano essere cruciali nel discorso sullo sviluppo. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è indagare come le relazioni di genere, a seguito delle trasformazioni nella gestione della terra, si modificano amplificando squilibri già esistenti e creando conseguenze sulle logiche di potere delle comunità rurali e sulle vite delle persone che ne fanno parte. / According to the IFAD Rural Poverty Report, in 2008 about two thirds of the African population lived in rural areas and were involved in agricultural activities in some form, either for commercial purposes or subsistence (IFAD, 2011). Agriculture is the most important economic sector for the African population and women are crucial within its production, representing 62,8 % of the workforce (FAO, 2014). After the food crisis of 2007-2008, the phenomenon of large-scale land acquisitions in developing countries by national and transnational companies, governments and individuals has been intensifying, particularly seen in Africa. This process, also referred to as land grabbing by the main international organisations and civil society has had a strong media impact at an international level. The intensification of the phenomenon has led to local communities progressively losing control and access to large pieces of land, no longer able to use the natural resources derived from it. As land is fundamental for the identity, the sustenance and the alimentary safety of a community, land grabbing therefore has had a variety of consequences at a social, cultural, economic and political level. The transfer of control often takes place without informative transparency or agreement from the local communities living and working in these areas, who are forced into a radical change of life, often accompanied by human rights violations. The impacts on gender relations are crucial to this narrative, in particular how women from rural communities are affected. The aim of this work is to investigate how these gender relations are changed as a consequence of the shifts in the management of land, where existing imbalances are amplified, with a strong impact on the distribution of power in rural communities and the lives of the people who belong to them.

Unlocking the Potential of Women in the Rural Development Process of Republic of Srpska: The Role of Extension Service

Rakic, Renata <1974> January 1900 (has links)
In Bosnia Herzegovina the development of clear policy objectives and endorsement of a long-term, coherent and mutual agricultural and rural development policy have also been affected by structural problems: a lack of reliable information on population and other relevant issues, the absence of an adequate land registry system and cadastre. Moreover in BiH the agricultural and rural sectors are characterized by many factors that have typically affected transition countries such as land fragmentation, lack of agricultural mechanization and outdated production technologies, and rural aging, high unemployment and out-migration. In such a framework the condition and role of women in rural areas suffered for the lack of gender disaggregated data and a consequent poor information that lead to the exclusion of gender related questions in the agenda of public institutions and to the absence of targeted policy interventions. The aim of the research is to investigate the role and condition of women in the rural development process of Republic of Srpska and to analyze the capacity of extension services to stimulate their empowerment. Specific research questions include the status of women in the rural areas of Republic of Srpska, the role of government in fostering the empowerment of rural women, and the role of the extension service in supporting rural women. The methodology - inspired by the case study method developed by R. Yin - is designed along the three specific research questions that are used as building blocks. Each of the three research questions is investigated with a combination of methodological tools - including surveys, experts interviews and focus groups - aimed to overcome the lack of data and knowledge that characterize the research objectives.

Moldovan family farms: social buffer or economic driver? A survey-based assessment / L'agricoltura familiare in Moldavia: ammortizzatore sociale o catalizzatore economico? Un'indagine conoscitiva / Семейные фермы в Республике Молдова: социальный амортизатор или экономический двигатель? Оценка на основе опроса

Piras, Simone <1986> January 1900 (has links)
After obtaining independence from the USSR in 1991, the Republic of Moldova carried out an insider privatization of the land belonging to former Soviet collective farms. As a result, almost 900,000 small family farms emerged, the majority of whom are still active today. Although they play an important socioeconomic role, policy makers neglect them as a residual, shrinking phenomenon. By adopting the theoretical perspective of peasant economics, this dissertation aims at assessing the health status of these farms over ten years after the land reform, and their evolution over time. Data from an original mixed quantitative and qualitative survey carried out on a sample of 126 farms in spring 2015, and the databases of the Household Budget Survey for the period 2006-2013 are used. The main drivers of farmers’ livelihood choices are identified by means of a 31-item Likert scale, and a comprehensive picture of the typical family farm is drawn. Farms are then grouped according to land size, level of commercialization and location, and their evolution over time is analyzed by means of Markov transition chains and multinomial logistic regressions. A focus on production strategies follows. Finally, the impact of agriculture on poverty levels and the implications of alternative livelihood choices are assessed by means of counterfactual incomes and life levels calculated through propensity score matching. It emerges that families were allocated land plots without the tools for working them. Therefore, they adopt low-input, labour-intensive production strategies and are mainly subsistence-oriented. Farm income, although small, plays a key role in relieving vulnerable people from poverty, so that land is a fundamental social buffer. Moreover, home food production is important for social and self-appraisal. For these reasons, an agricultural development strategy based on farm intensification rather than growth and on leasing rather than sale of land is proposed. / Dopo l’indipendenza dall’URSS (1991), la Moldavia ha privatizzato le terre delle fattorie collettive distribuendo voucher ai lavoratori. Questo processo ha generato circa 900.000 piccole aziende familiari, in maggioranza ancora attive. Benché rivestano un’importante funzione socioeconomica, queste sono trattate dalle istituzioni come un fenomeno residuale e in esaurimento. Adottando il punto di vista della peasant economy, questa tesi si ripropone di valutarne lo stato di salute a distanza di oltre dieci anni dalla riforma agraria. A tal fine, vengono utilizzati i dati raccolti dall’autore attraverso un’indagine realizzata nella primavera 2015 su un campione di 126 famiglie e le banche dati dell’Indagine sui Redditi delle Famiglie per il 2006-2013. In primo luogo, si identificano le motivazioni degli agricoltori e viene presentata una descrizione densa della tipica famiglia contadina. Successivamente, queste sono raggruppate secondo la terra posseduta, il livello di commercializzazione e la posizione geografica, e la loro evoluzione è analizzata usando matrici di transizione di Markov ed equazioni logistiche multinomiali. Segue un focus sulle strategie di produzione. Infine, l’impatto dell’agricoltura sulla povertà e le implicazioni di diverse strategie di sopravvivenza sono analizzati attraverso i redditi teorici calcolati con il propensity score matching. Emerge che le famiglie hanno ricevuto la terra ma non i mezzi per lavorarla, per cui sono costrette ad adottare tecniche di produzione ad alta intensità di lavoro e bassa intensità di capitale, e producono quasi esclusivamente per l’autoconsumo. Il reddito agricolo aiuta le famiglie vulnerabili a combattere la povertà, per cui la terra rappresenta uno strumento di welfare. Inoltre, la capacità di produrre cibo e la proprietà terriera sono motivo di autorealizzazione e generano considerazione sociale. Per questi motivi, si suggerisce una strategia di sviluppo agricolo che punti sull’intensificazione della produzione piuttosto che sulla concentrazione della proprietà e che agevoli l’affitto delle terre piuttosto che la loro vendita. / После провозглашения в 1991 году независимости, Республика Молдова провела процесс приватизации земли принадлежащей бывшим советским колхозам. Таким образом, появились почти 900.000 небольших семейных ферм, из которых многие ещё функционируют. Несмотря на то, что эти фермы играют важную социально-экономическую роль, законодатели пренебрегают ими, так как видят в них устаревший феномен, который скоро исчезнет. Приняв точку зрения теории крестьянского хозяйства, эта диссертация посвящена оценке состояния здоровья семейных хозяйств, за десять лет после принятия земельной реформы, и их эволюции во времени. Были использованы данные, собранные с помощью опроса, проведённого автором весной 2015 на образце 126 семей и базы данных Обследования Бюджетов Домашних хозяйств на 2006-2013 годы. Прежде всего, была выявлена мотивация фермеров с помощью 31 – балльной шкале Лайкерта, а также была представлена всеобъемлющая картина типичной семейной фермы. Затем, фермы были сгруппированы в соответствии с размером земельного участка, уровнем коммерциализации и географическим расположением. Их эволюция анализирована с помощью Марковских переходных цепей и мультиноминальных логистических регрессий. Следует анализ сфокусированный на стратегиях производства. Также анализируется, с помощью теоретических доходов которые были выявлены с использованием методологий propensity score matching, влияние сельского хозяйства на уровень бедности и последствия различных стратегий выживания. Выясняется, что семьям были выделены земельные участки без инструментов для обрабатывания их, поэтому они вынуждены выбрать для себя методы производства которые включают в себя интенсивные трудовые показатели при маленьких затрат и производят почти исключительно для собственного потребления. Доходы от семейных ферм, даже если они маленькие, играют ключевую роль в освобождении уязвимых групп населения от бедности, таким образом, земля является основным социальным амортизатором. Кроме того, производство домашних продуктов и владение землёй являются причиной для самореализации и порождает социальную позитивную оценку. По этим причинам, предлагается стратегия развития сельского хозяйство которое обратит внимание больше на интенсификации производства чем на увеличения размера земельных участков в собственности и на способствования арендования земли, а не на её продажу.

Performances and Durability of Asphalt Mixtures Made with Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement

Noferini, Luca <1984> 27 May 2016 (has links)
According to most recent surveys, 265 mil tonnes of asphalt for road applications were produced in the European area in 2014. In the same year, the amount of available RAP was more than 50 mil tonnes. The use of RAP in new blended mixes reduces the need of neat bitumen, making RAP recycling economically attractive. In spite of its economic and environmental benefits, the use of RAP is often subjected to restrictive policies pursued by agencies due to uncertainty related to RAP mixes field performances. This thesis focuses on the effects of RAP on performances and durability of new asphalt mixes produced incorporating RAP with a standard hot-in-plant process. The influence of RAP being incorporated in new mixes was investigated through an extensive laboratory testing campaign on asphalt mixtures and on bitumen recovered from the same mixes. A specific typology of asphalt mixture has been produced with different RAP percentages of 10%, 20% and 30%. In the first phase of the research, asphalt materials have been characterized and compared in terms of resistance to fatigue, stiffness and volumetric properties. The second phase of the research aims to investigate the effects of RAP on asphalt binder as a composite blend of neat and RAP bitumen. Bituminous samples have been recovered from asphalt samples tested in phase 1 and then have been studied and compared with standard and dynamic laboratory tests. Findings show that HMA can be successfully produced incorporating up to 20% of RAP in the fresh mix. For these percentages of RAP being recycled, no negative effects on performances and durability of recycled mixtures have been noted. However, the final bitumen grade of the mix may be adjusted if more than 20% of RAP is added. Furthermore, practical implications regarding production methods and paving of RAP mixes are proposed.

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