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Úroveň znalostí problematiky srdeční zástavy u pacientů po kardiopulmonální resuscitaci a jejich příbuzných ve srovnání s běžnou populací. / Level of knowledge about cardiac arrest in patients after cardiopulmonary resuscitation and their relatives in comparison to general population.Křečková, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
Providing emergency basic life support in life threatening situations is a duty of everyone. Adequate knowledge of all recommended procedures is a prerequisite for succesful management of a critical situation including identification of an emergency, activation of rescue system and provision of first help. Cardiac arrest is a significant socioeconomic burden. Survival of cardiac arrest victims depends on the underlying disease and lenght of cardiac arrest. Early CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is a most important factor of potential survival. However, effectivity of CPR for longterm survival reaches only around 10%. Therefore, ongoing education of general population in all techniques of CPR is justified and necessary. Just the initiation of CPRitself increases the chances for survival 2-3 fold. But, unfortunately, this emergency help is not provided always. This work is focused on evaluation of the quality of informations on recommended procedures and activities during acute setting and provision of lay person basic life support. In a theoretical introduction I describe the history of CPR and education of general population. Empirical part provides quantitative research based on a questionnaire with 100 respondents. Respondents are divided into two groups, persons who survived cardiac arrest...
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Vznik muzeí v Koreji a jejich vzdělávací role / The Establishment of Museums in Korea and Their Educational RoleMelounová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
5 Abstract: The aim of this thesis is firstly to deal with the emergence and development of museums on the Korean peninsula and since 1948 only in the Republic of Korea. Secondly it aims to concentrate on their educational activities. The very first modern museum in Korea called the Imperial Museum was established at the beginning of the 20th century. A year after the museum opened its door to the public, Korea was annexed by Japan. That had a great impact on the development of the first museums in Korea. After the liberation from Japanese rule in 1945 the museums were handed over to Koreans. Museum activity had only just begun when the Korean War broke out. The focus of the following part is the National Museum of Korea (NMK), the most important museum in South Korea. For most of its history the museum moved from one place to another. In 2005 it finally found its place in a newly built modern building in Soul's district called Jongsan. By taking NMK as an example the thesis explores the museum educational activities. It offers a closer look at programs for foreigners and the growing number of immigrants and senior citizens, popular lecture series, wide range of guided tours etc. Finally, some exhibition projects are introduced. Keywords: Korean museums, National Museum of Korea, museum education,...
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Specifika školní edukace žáků s lehkým mentálním postižením v hodinách tělesné výchovy s možností využití prvků jógy / Specific of the school education for pupils with mild mental disability in the physical education classes with the choice to implement yoga elementsKorbelářová, Jitka January 2016 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the issue of education of pupils with the slight mental disabilities in physical education classes, taking into account the possibility to implement elements of yoga and relaxation and its later influence on the pupils. In the theoretical section, the goal is to analyze the groundwork of term base for the quantitative research, examine the expression of a light mental disability, and engage with the physical education and concepts of yoga and relaxation. The empirical section focuses on development of the methodical resources for the teacher and subsequent assessment in the elementary school's enviroment. KEYWORDS Education, mental disability, light mental disability, yoga, relaxation, motorics
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Edukační prostředí školní třídy / Educationen environment of a classroomBuršová, Markéta January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis targets the education environment of a primary school classroom and research is focused on its social and physical environment. The theoretical part describes physical and social environment of classroom and briefly describes basic methods that are used for research psychosocial environment of classroom. The practical part details the research of actual social climate in classroom realized by using standardized questionare My Class Inventory - Actual form and physical environment using author's original questionare, which was created for the purpose of this work. The work also includes description and evaluation of acquired results. Finally, the conclusions are formed and discussed.
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Hodnocení žáků II. stupně ZŠ a jeho vliv na motivaci k učení / Evaluation of the upper grades pupils in the primary school and his influence to motivation to learnMusilová, Miroslava January 2012 (has links)
This paper titled "Evaluation of the lower secondary education students and its influence on learning motivation" is focused on the most frequently used methods of evaluation at today's schools. It considers not only evaluation methods complying with students but also relation between evaluation and learning motivation. It includes an analysis of current situation of students' self-evaluation. The whole paper is divided into a theoretical and an empirical part. The theoretical part portrays the core essence and the importance of the evaluation, its principles and qualities. It describes some important concepts, such as a pedagogical evaluation and its legal framework. It identifies function and techniques of the evaluation from the school legislation point of view and at the same time it illustrates the current tendencies in its development. It maps some types, forms and evaluation function. It explains in more details motivational function of evaluation as well as self-evaluation. The empirical part deals with a detailed research which is dedicated to exploration of the most frequently used pedagogical evaluation methods at the chosen schools. Simultaneously, it investigates which evaluation methods are preferred by students themselves and whether evaluation somehow impacts their motivation level...
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Muzikoterapie jakožto podpora studenta s Downovým syndromem / Music therapy as a support for student with Down syndromeKoucun, Jan January 2012 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá úlohou muzikoterapie, jako podpůrného prostředku pro člověka, který potřebuje pomoc na cestě životem. Popisuje průběh a vývoj jednotlivých muzikoterapeutických setkání, jejich dopad na klienta při uvědomování si vlastních hodnot a jejich transformaci do osobního a studentského života. Práce byla vypracována na základě vývoje kazuistiky v čase, rozhovorů a reflexe celé práce. Klíčová slova: Muzikoterapie, Klient, Muzikoterapeut, Hudba, Edukace, Downův syndrom, Mentální postižení Abstract This thesis describing with the role of music therapy as a means of support for someone who needs help along the way. It describes the progress and development of individual music therapy meetings, their impact on the client in recognizing one's own values and their transformation into a personal and student life. The work was developed based on the development of case reports in time, interviews and reflection of the whole work. Keywords: Music therapy, Client, Music therapist, Music, Education, Down syndrome, Mental disability
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Úloha edukace při ukončování ústavní výchovy v přípravě na samostatný život / The Role od Education in Ending Institutional Care in Preparation for Independent LifeNovotná, Mariana January 2013 (has links)
Anotace: Tato diplomová práce se věnuje vzdělávání a přípravou dětí z ústavní výchovy na samostatný život. V teoretické části najdeme především okolnosti a příčiny pobytu dětí v ústavních zařízeních, funkce jednotlivých zařízení a také, jak se této přípravě jednotlivé organizace pro děti s nařízenou ústavní výchovou věnují. Nedílnou součástí je analýza jednotlivých nevládních organizací na území hlavního města Prahy, které děti v tomto směru vzdělávají a pomáhají jim s přechodem do samostatného života. Praktická část se zaměřuje na jeden ze střednědobých vzdělávacích projektů, který umožňuje svým klientům vyzkoušet si úkoly patřící k samostatnému životu v bezpečném prostředí, ještě než ústavní zařízení opustí. Praktickou část tvoří především kvalitativní výzkum provedený metodou rozhovoru, které vycházejí z cílů projektu. Výzkum zjišťuje znalosti a dovednosti klientů, které si během kurzu osvojili. Annotation: This diploma thesis is dedicated to education and training of children in institutional care to independent life. In the theoretical part we can find especially the circumstances and causes why children have to stay in institutions, the functions of individual institutions, as well as the preparation of individual organizations for children in the institutional education pay. An integral part is an...
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Současnost a budoucnost systému preventivně výchovné činnosti v oblasti ochrany obyvatelstva na území České republiky / The present and future of systém of preventive educational activities in civil protection of population in the territory of Czech republicVOKÁČOVÁ, Nikol January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis is dedicated to the system of preventive educational activity in the area of population protection in the Czech Republic. The thesis introduces a comprehensive picture of the current state of knowledge of the population, pupils and teachers about the protection of the population and its integration into the lessons in the Pilsen region. The thesis is methodically divided into two parts : Theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part is used empirical research method, which focuses on the study of documents and literature. In the practical part, a qualitative research was then carried out in the form of semi-structured interviews directed at three groups of inhabitants, namely the inhabitants, teachers and pupils of primary schools. The research was realised in selected cities of the Pilsen Region, namely in Plzeň, Klatovy, Žinkovy, Blovice and Nepomuk. Subsequently, a comparison of the data was performed. The output of thesis is to present a proposal of identified shortcomings based on the acquired knowledge, including in particular the promotion of actions related to the PVČ and higher utilization of the potential of modern communication technologies.
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Role asistenta pedagoga v inkluzivním vzdělávání z pohledu učitele na základní škole / Role of the teacher assistant in inclusive education from the perspective of teacher at elementary schoolSládková, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is the role of the teacher's assistant in inclusive education from the perspective of a teacher at elementary school. The aim is to find out how teachers perceive the position of teacher's assistant in the education of pupils with special educational needs. The theoretic part deals with basic and inclusive education, including relevant legislation, support measures, defining the position of teacher's assistant, his / her competences, job description and possibilities of cooperation with the class teacher. The empirical part analyzes interviews with class teachers who teach a pupil with special educational needs and thanks to they can cooperate with teacher assistants. Everything is complemented with findings from the observation of the activities of the teacher's assistant in the given class. At the end of the thesis, research questions are answered and some suggestions are defined. The research shows that the teacher's assistant is a necessary support in the classroom especially for pupils with mental disabilities.
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Historie kojenecké výživy od roku 1945 do roku 2008 / History of infant nutrition since 1945 to 2008VACUŠKOVÁ, Miluše January 2009 (has links)
Nutrition of children of each age has its particular aspects. For the new born and infantile age it is mainly breast-feeding that is very significant. Nutrition with breast milk is ideally balanced, ensures the intake of high-quality nutrition that is well tolerated by the young organism and ensures the optimal growth and psychological development of the child. Thanks to its composition, breast milk increases the protective impact on the child with respect to infections and creates a natural bond between the mother and the child. In the Thesis, I was trying to look up decisive moments in the infantile nutrition concept both in this country and worldwide and to map the issue of breast feeding and formula feeding since the end of the Second World War up to the present. Also, I wanted to emphasize the irreplaceability of breast milk as wel as supplementing of artificial milks with probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics and their importance in the nutrition of children. Objective No. 1 of the Thesis has been to look up the key points in the infantile nutrition concept in the world since the beginning of the nineteenth century and since 1945 until this day in the Czech Republic. Objective No. 2 has been to prove that infantile formula nutrition has been focusing also on the immunological aspect apart from the nutritional ones. Objective No. 3 has been to create and aducational program proposal, which can serve as a practical guide for the application of theoretical data in clinical practice. Data necessary to achieve the determined objectives have been acquired by studing, analyses and comparison of available written documents relating to the natural and formula nutrition of infants. Most of these documents have been intended for the educational purposes at secondary school and universities in the Czech Republic. Also, data heve been taken from publications for parents and broad public published since 1945 until this day. By way of illustration, certain charts containing schemes of artificial nutrition corresponding to the time of creation have been used. On these schemes I wanted to show the chages in the concepts brought about by the development not only in the knowledge and thinking of people dealing with the nutrition of infants but also in the new possibilities and technology of the food processing industry.
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