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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avoiding Electro Static Discharge (ESD) problems during handling of automotive electronics

Johansson, Erika January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Avoiding Electro Static Discharge (ESD) problems during handling of automotive electronics

Johansson, Erika January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Classical over-the-barrier model for ionization of poly-cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in keV-collisions with atomic ions

Forsberg, Björn January 2011 (has links)
We are developing a novel classical over-the barrier model for electron transfer from an in nitely thin conducting disc to a point charge projectile to model multiple electron capture in e.g. keV collisions of atomic ions with poly-cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). In its nal form, the present model will incorporate the polarization of the PAH molecules due to the active electron and the point charge projectile at a general angle of incidence. This will drastically improve the description of the potential barrier in comparisons with simpler versions of the model where the nite size and polarizability of the target molecule is neglected or treated in an averaged fashion. In this work we arrive at expressions for the electrostatic potential energy barrier experienced by the active electron in the two spatial orientations where the point charge projectile is located along the normal symmetry axis and in the tangent plane of the disc. Applied to coronene (C24H12) such barriers compare better with high level density functional theory (DFT) calculations than with the results from the simpler versions of the classical over-the-barrier models for atomic and spherical cluster targets. These results thus strongly supports the conducting disc approximation of PAHs. Finally we discuss the nal steps in the model development and possible extensions of the model to include less symmetric elliptical discs or spherical caps.

Prediction of Detonation Performance of CHNO Explosives

Abrahamsson, Anders January 2022 (has links)
Produktion av nya energetiska material är dyrt. Målet med detta arbete är att utveckla en metod som uppskattar Chapman-Jouget detonationstrycket och detonationshastigheten hos nya CHNO-sprängämnen. En sådan metod möjliggör valet att bara syntetisera och testa de mest lovande kandidaterna som nya energetiska material, därmed undviks resursslösande arbete. Den här metoden använder sig av density functional theory (DFT) och den elektrostatiska potentialen till att uppskatta bildningsentalpier och kristalldensiteter. Beräkningarna gjordes på traditionella sprängämnen och de beräknade detonationstrycken och detonatioshastigheterna visade bra överensstämmelse med experimentell data. Detonationstrycken hamnade inom ±10% och detonatioshastigheterna inom ±5% av experimentell data. / Producing new energetic materials is expensive. This work aims to develop a method of estimating the Chapman-Jouget detonation pressure and the detonation velocity of potential new CHNO explosives. This would allow choosing the most promising candidates for synthesis and testing thus avoiding wasting resources. This method utilizes density functional theory (DFT) and the electrostatic potential to estimate heats of formation and crystal densities. The calculations were performed on traditionally used explosives and the calculated detonation pressures and detonation velocities showed good accordance with experimental data. The calculated detonation pressures fell within ±10% and the detonation velocities within ±5% of experimental data.

Quantum chemical prediction of penetration of the blood brain barrier for the design of pharmaceuticals / Kvantkemisk prediktion av penetration av blod-hjärnbarriären för design av läkemedel

Youssef, Peter, Sjögren, Melina, Svensson, Sebastian, Sievert, Fabian January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this project was to investigate a potential connection between a molecule's capacity to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and its electrostatic potential on the surface of the molecule. A molecule's capacity to penetrate the blood-brain barrier is quantified by their log BB value. This was done by creating a set of 58 molecules, divided into a test set and a calibration set, in Gaussian 16. The molecules were then optimized and their quantum chemical properties were calculated by using HS-95. By using stepwise regression in both Matlab and Excel these different parameters were then used to search for a correlation between the parameters and experimental log BB values. This resulted in an equation with 10 variables with an adjusted R2 value of 0,6456. When tested against the test set the mean fault was 0,1443. Outliers were then identified and removed and stepwise regression was executed once more. This resulted in an equation with 10 variables with an adjusted R2 0,8749. When this was tested against the test set the mean fault was 0,0798. The results showed that the variables that were important were the electrostatic potential, surface area and volume.

Effects of pH and Cation Composition on Sorption of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) to Soil Particles / Effekter av pH och katjonsammansättning på sorption av per- och polyfluoral- kylsubstanser (PFAS:er) till jordpartiklar

Ullberg, Malin January 2015 (has links)
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) have drawn great attention recently, due to their environmental persistence, potential toxicity and global distribution. PFAS is a large family of substances, characterized by a perflourinated carbon chain and a functional group. All PFASs are synthetic and have been widely used since the 1950s due to their unique properties of being both hydrophobic and oleophobic, making them useful for many industries. To be able to predict the fate of PFASs in the environment and to obtain detailed understanding of the transport processes, their partitioning behavior between soil particles and water depending on a range of parameters must be investigated. The aims of this study was to investigate the effects of pH, cation composition, functional group and perfluorocarbon chain length on sorption of PFASs to soil particles, by batch sorption experiment in laboratory scale. The laboratory-scale experiments were combined with modelling of the net charge to evaluate if net charge is a good predictor for sorption of PFASs to soil particles. 14 PFASs of varying length and functional groups were studied (PFBA, PFPeA, PFHxA, PFHpA, PFOA, PFNA, PFDA, PFUnDA, PFDoDA, PFTeDA, PFBS, PFHxS, PFOS and FOSA). The effect on sorption of Na+, Ca2+ (two different concentrations) and Al3+ were investigated at pH-range 3-6. Modelling of net charge was carried out in the geochemical model Visual MINTEQ. The soil had 45% organic carbon content. The adsorption of PFASs was strongly correlated with perfluorocarbon chain length, showing a stronger adsorption to particles with increasing perfluorocarbon chain length (i.e. more hydrophobic). The relation between sorption (represented by the distribution coefficient log Kd) and perfluorocarbon chain length was linear for all PFSAs and C3 to C10 PFCAs. The PFSAs (sulfonate functional group) sorbed stronger to soil particles than the PFCAs (carboxylic functional group), and FOSA (sulfonamide functional group) sorbed the strongest. For most PFCAs, (C5-C13) there was a trend of decreasing log Kd (i.e. decreased sorption) with increasing pH, due to pH-dependent changes of the soil particle surfaces. For short and intermediate perfluorocarbon chain length PFCAs (C5-C8) and for PFHxS among the PFSAs, cations had a clear effect on sorption. Aluminium ions (trivalent, Al(NO3)3) had the largest effect, followed by calcium (divalent, Ca(NO3)2) where higher concentration resulted in stronger sorption. Sodium (univalent, NaNO3) had the least influence on sorption. The net charge modelled with Visual MINTEQ takes into account many parameters (including pH) that affect the surface charge and sorption of PFASs to soil particles. When comparing log Kd for the different PFASs with pH and net negative charge, net charge was a better predictor of sorption of PFASs to soil particles than solution pH alone. / Per- och polyfluoroalkylsubstanser (PFAS:er) har dragit stor uppmärksamhet till sig på senare tid, på grund av deras persistenta egenskaper, potentiella toxicitet och globala utbredning. PFAS är en stor grupp ämnen, kännetecknad av en perflourinerad kolkedja och en funktionell grupp. Alla PFAS är syntetiska och har använts i stor utsträckning sedan 1950-talet på grund av deras unika egenskaper av att vara både vatten- och fettavstötande, vilket gör dem användbara för många industriella tillämpningar. För att kunna förutsäga var dessa föroreningars hamnar i miljön och få mer detaljerad förstående för transportprocesserna, måste deras fördelningbeteende mellan jordpartiklar och vattenundersökas för en rad olika parametrar. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka effekterna av förändrat pH, katjonsammansättning, funktionell grupp och perfluorkolkedjelängd på sorption av PFAS:er till jordpartiklar. Detta gjordes med sorptionsexperiment i laboratorieskala. Laboratorieexperimentet kompletterades med modellering av nettoladdning, för att se huruvida detta väl kunde förklara sorptionen till jordpartiklar. 14 PFAS:er av varierande längd och med tre olika funktionella grupper studerades (PFBA, PFPeA, PFHxA, PFHpA, PFOA, PFNA, PFDA, PFUnDA, PFDoDA, PFTeDA, PFBS, PFHxS, PFOS och FOSA). Effekten på sorption av Na+, Ca2+ (två olika koncentrationer) och Al3+ undersöktes vid pH-intervallet 3-6. Modellering av nettoladdning utfördes i den geokemiska modellen Visual MINTEQ. Jorden som användes hade en halt av organiskt kol på 45%. Adsorptionen av PFAS:er var starkt positivt korrelerad med kedjelängden på de perfluorinerade kolkedjan. Ju längre kolkedja (dvs. mer hydrofob), desto starkare adsorption till partiklar. Relationen mellan sorptionen (här uttryckt som partitioneringskofficienten log Kd) och kedjelängd var linjär för alla PFSA och för C3 till C10 för PFCA. PFSA (sulfonat) adsorberade starkare än PFCA (karboxyl), och FOSA (sulfonamid) adsorberades starkast. För de flesta PFCA, (C5-C13) fanns en allmän trend där log Kd (dvs. sorption) minskade med ökande pH, på grund av pH-beroende förändringar på jordpartiklarna. För korta och medellånga PFCA (C5-C8) och för PFHxS hade katjonsammansättningen en tydlig effekt på sorptionen. Aluminiumjoner (trevärd, Al(NO3)3) hade den största effekten, följt av kalcium (tvåvärd, Ca(NO3)2) där den högre koncentrationen resulterade i starkare sorption. Natrium (envärd, NaNO3) hade minst påverkan på sorptionen till jordpartiklar. Visual MINTEQ tar hänsyn till många parametrar (inklusive pH), när nettoladdningen på jordpartiklarnas yta räknas ut. När log Kd för olika PFAS:er jämfördes med endera pH eller negativ nettoladdning, drogs slutsatsen att nettoladdning korrelerade bättre med sorption än pH.

Quantum chemical studies of the reactivity of gold nanoparticles towards molecular radicals

Larsson, Sofia January 2022 (has links)
Kvantkemiska studier av reaktiviteten hos guldnanopartiklar Au3-Au11 och Au13 mot O- centrerade molekylradikaler OH , OOH , OCH3   och H2O undersöks. Olika molekylära ytegenskaper tas med i beräkningen, elektrostatiska ytpotentialen, den genomsnittliga lokala joniseringsenergin, electron attachment energy och spinndensiteten (VS(r), IS(r), TS(r), ES(r) och S(r)). De erhållna resultaten gäller slutna och öppna skalsystem. Där system med slutna skal bildas från växelverkan mellan en guldklusterradikal och en fri radikal, och system med öppna skal bildas från växelverkan mellan ett jämnt antal guldatomer med en fri radikal. För system med slutna skal Aux-R (där x = 3, 5, 7, 9 eller 11 och R är en O-centrerad radikal) finns det en övergripande trend av bindningsenergin gentemot ES(r), vilket återspeglar elektrofilictiten hos guldnanopartiklar. Multivariata modeller visar vidare hur de olika parametrarna korrelerar gentemot varandra för system med slutna skal.För strukturerna Aux-R (där x=3-11) medl ägst bindningsenergi, dvs. inklusive både slutna och öppna skalsystem, är den tydligaste trenden bindningsenergi vs minimum i ES(r) och parametern TS(r). Vid jämförelse av resultaten av interaktionerna med de fria radikalerna med H2O är trenden alltid tydligast för H2O. I linje med tidigare studier finns det även en korrelation av bindningsenergierna med VS,max och ES,min för H2O. Slutligen sträcker sig trenden med bindningsenergi vs ES,min vidare till systemet som innehåller den icke-plana Au13-strukturen. Denna studie visar kopplingen mellan reaktiviteten hos guldnanopartiklar mot fria radikaler till den lokala ES(r), samtidigt som bidraget från andra ytegenskaper visas. Detta kan vara av betydelse för fortsatta studier kring naturen av interaktioner av guldnanopartiklar. / The nature of gold nanoparticle interactions towards molecular radicals are investigated. Quantum chemical studies of the reactivity of gold nanoparticles Au3-Au11 and Au13 towards O-centered molecular radicals OH , OOH , OCH3   and H2O are performed. Different molecular surface properties are taken into account; the surface electrostatic potential, average local ionization energy, electron attachment energy and spin density (VS(r), IS(r), TS(r), ES(r) and S(r)). The obtained results concern closed and open shell systems. Where closed shell systems are formed from the interaction of a radical gold cluster and a free radical, and open shell systems are formed from the interaction of an even number of gold atoms with a free radical. For closed shell systems Aux-R (where x = 3, 5, 7, 9 or 11 and R is an O-centered radical) there is an overall trend of the binding energy vs the local electron attachment energy, reflecting the electrophilicity of the gold nanoparticles. Multivariate plots further show how the different parameters correlate together for closed shell systems. Looking at the lowest energy structures Aux-R (where x = 3-11), i.e. including closed and open shell systems, the clearest trend is of binding energy vs minima in the local electron attachment energy ES,min and the TS(r) parameter. When comparing the results of the interactions with the free radicals with H2O, the trend is always clearest for H2O. Concurring with previous trends, there is a correlation of the binding energies with VS,max and ES,min for H2O. Lastly, the trend of Binding energy vs ES,min further extends to systems containing the non-planar Au13 structure. This study extends the reactivity of gold nanoparticles towards free radicals to the local electron attachment energy, while showing the contribution of other surface properties. This might be of importance for further studies concerning the nature of gold nanoparticle interactions.

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