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Dramatika Václava Vlčka / Plays by Václav VlčekTauchenová, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with Václav Vlček, a Czech prominent author of the second half of the 19th century (1839-1908), and his dramatic production. The introduction contains the information concerning the author himself, his social status, and Czech cultural life of that time. The attention is paid to two most interesting art disputes he was in with the forthcoming young modernist generation. Then we will primarily focus on his dramatic production, his historical tragedies, comedies and psychological plays. We will try to analyse common features in his drama, focusing mainly on his heroines modelled on the basis of Romantic heroines, and the characters of rulers who are depicted as saints and therefore lose all their dramatic nature due to their faultlessness. Next chapter is devoted to a partial reconstruction of the form of Vlček's plays performed in the Prozatímní divadlo (The Prague Provisional Theatre) and the National Theatre. Rare extant material, especially the two stage books and a prompt book, will be used. The chapter also describes criticism of that time, mainly the two most significant critics, Jan Neruda and Josef Durdík. By means of textual examples we will try to analyse Vlček's dramatical language which was very similar to the language of many of his speeches and proclamations. The aim...
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Korespondence Jakuba Demla s Vladimírem Evermodem Balcárkem / The Correspondence of Jakub Deml with Vladimír Evermod BalcárekŽehrová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The thesis presents an edition of lettres by writer Jakub Deml (1878-1961) with his long- standing friend, priest Vladimír Evermod Balcárek (1885-1974). Their mutual correspondence from 1905 to 1959 on the one hand records a lot of events from poet's private life, on the other hand it is a source for deeper understanding of his works. The edition is completed by editorial comment, list of correspondence, name index and explanatory notes which purpose is to clearif further circumstances of the mentioned events. Additonal comments try to introduce the personality of addressee, Vladimír Evermod Balcárek and the two most dramatic events which are mentioned in the lettres. Key words correspondence - Jakub Deml - Vladimír Evermod Balcárek - Eliška Wiesenbergerová - Josef Florian - Otokar Březina - Roman Catholic Church
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Svatá královna Eliška? Proměna a idealizace obrazu české královny / The holy queen Elisabeth? The metamorphose and idealisation of a Bohemian queen's imageMikulíková, Klára January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is devoted to Eliška Přemyslovna, the Czech Queen, and deals with the topic from several points of view. Besides her historical image created on the basis of historical, mainly narrative sources, aim is to capture also the transformation of the image in the example of godly woman and female saint, especially in the context of today's pursuit of her beatification. In this context, the historical origins of idealization of Queen Eliška which accompanied the beatification process already in the High Middle Ages will also be looked for. Another goal is to probe into the cause of canonization of medieval noble ladies and monarchs and recently canonized saints Czech and Moravian and to follow transformations of this process from the Middle Ages to the present. The attention will also be paid to motivation of current effort for beatification of Eliška.
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Příspěvek k výzkumu makrostylistických posunů na příkladu románu M. Stavariče v českém překladu / Contribution to the investigation of macro-stylistic shifts, as exemplified by the Czech translation of M. Stavaric's novelŽáková, Radka January 2017 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT The goal of this diploma thesis is a complex analysis of the translation of the novel stillborn written by Michael Stavarič, translated into Czech by Radka Denemarková as Mrtvorozená Eliška Frankensteinová. The theoretical part presents the concept of translation norms (a starting point for reconstructing the translation method chosen), Skopos theory, the theory of metatexts, phenomena pertaining to self-translation (the new concept of "self-non-translation", i.e. the decision of an author-translator not to translate their own work) and Popovič's (1975, 1983) "typology of stylistic shifts and changes in translation" as a basic tool for the subsequent micro-textual contrastive analysis of selected parts of the translation. In the empirical part, the author and his work are briefly introduced, the thesis then provides a narratological analysis of the original; in the following part the translator and her work are introduced. This is followed by a description of the translation's reception in the Czech cultural environment based on an analysis of the available literary reviews ("epitexts") of the translation; these results are compared with the results of the analysis of the German literary reviews of the original. Additional information came from interviews with the author and the translator. A...
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Začlenění Lucemburska mezi země Koruny české / Incorporation of Luxembourg among the Lands of the Bohemian CrownStehlík, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The object of this diploma thesis is the incorporation of Luxembourg among the Lands of the Bohemian Crown. This theme was chosen primarily for the reason that it have not been compiled and analyzed by historiography so far. Available literature usually takes the incorporation of Luxembourg in the Bohemian Crown automatically as a fact without further reasoning. As a result of this approach there is considerable amount of inaccuracies and mistakes in literature. Primary inaccuracy is in a date or in a time period determining the incorporation of Luxembourg in the Bohemian Crown, when literature often indicate the reign of King Charles IV or even the reign of King John of Luxembourg. The purpose of this diploma thesis is not only analyzing the process of incorporation, but also disproves continuing inaccuracies. For this reason the diploma thesis draws and analyzes essential facts primarily from original sources and confront them with available literature. First chapter briefly introduces the institution of the Bohemian Crown for her distinguish from the Kingdom of Bohemia. Further it analyzes the terms "crown" and "incorporation". At last it describes a beginning of the Bohemian Crown and analyzes fundamental documents of this institution. Following second chapter describes the personal union...
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"...moje srdce nelétá". Jiří Orten v knižní ilustraci. / "...my heart does not fly". Jiří orten in book illustration.KOLÁŘOVÁ, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis titled ``my heart does not fly{\crq}{\crq} Jiří Orten in book illustration deals with the poetic works of Jiří Orten from the viewpoint of illustrating Orten{\crq}s poetry. The theoretical part of the thesis includes Orten{\crq}s biography and the description of his poetic works, which are important for the interpretation of the illustrations. An interview with Jaroslav Šerých, who is one of the illustrators of Orten{\crq}s poetry, has been made for a deeper understanding of the issue of illustrating Orten{\crq}s poems. The practical part of the thesis consists in creating collections of illustrations inspired by some Orten{\crq}s poems. The final versions of the illustrations are completed in typography. The main aim of this thesis is a creation of author{\crq}s own illustrations for Orten{\crq}s poems and writing an essay about it.
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Motiv ženy v díle Jakuba Demla / Women as a literary motif in work of Jakub DemlBrkičová, Nea January 2012 (has links)
The work deals with the motif of a woman in the works of Jakub Deml. It starts by presenting some necessary facts and events of his life. In the main part, it tries to identify the basic archetypes of feminity in Deml's works, focusing especially on the Marian Cult, that strongly influences the transformation of living persons into supra-personal and symbolical ones. In the final analysis, the question of whether the motives of archetypal women are really dominating or whether they just mirror the poet's spiritual search and fight is adressed. Key words Eliška Wiesenebergerová, Jakub Deml, Kateřina Sweerts-Sporcková, catholic mysticism, catholic poetry, marian cult in the literature, Marie Rosa Junová, Matylka Demlová, Miriam, motif of a woman in the literature, Pavla Kytlicová, Forgotten Light
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Vše pro bratry. Historie rodinného života v 19. století na příkladě rodiny Lamblových / Everything for brothers. History od family life in 19. century in example of Lambl's familyPaurová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
The Lambl's family was a part of the famous intellectual family in Bohemia in the second half of the 19th century. The Lambl's brothers were respected experts in their profession. František Sudimír became a highly educated economic officer, Karel Milan was a highly educated economic pedagogue, Vilém Dušan was a very famous doctor and Jan Baptista was a highly educated agricultural expert and at the same time he worked as a organizer of the economic school systém. Eight of the brothers and sisters lived to an adult age, four sisters (Marie, Barbora, Eliška, Anna) and four brothers. All the brothers got married and set up their own families, only one of the sisters - the youngest Ann, got married. The brothers and sisters took a part in the Bohemia patriotic life (for example Vilém Dušan was politically active in 1848, he was in correspondence, apart from others, with Karel Havlíček). The sisters then were involved in the women's society mainly. All brothers and sister made up a compact group for the duration of seventy years. They kept the warmly family relationships and supported each other. The brothers and sisters have not lost contact during their adult age. The sisters helped their unmarried or widowed brothers and helped them with a household, and looked after them in places of their...
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Poslední lucemburská princezna. Životní osudy Elišky Zhořelecké v letech 1390 - 1425. / The Last Princess of Luxembourg. The Life of Elizabeth of Görlitz in the period between years 1390 - 1425.The Last Princess of Luxembourg.Bolerazká, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
Title: The Last Princess of Luxembourg. The Life Elizabeth of Görlitz in the Period between Years 1390 - 1425. Abstract: The thesis aims to describe the life of the last princess of the House of Luxembourg, Elisabeth of Görlitz. Based on an analysis of narrative and diplomatic material spanning between 1390 - 1425 it describes her life from birth until the moment she ultimately became a widow. Elisabeth of Görlitz (1390 - 1451) was the granddaughter of the emperor Charles the IV. and the Swedish king Albrecht I. During a significant period she used to be the only heir of the House of Luxembourg and therefore since her childhood she was an important woman from the political point of view. She married Anthony Duke of Brabant after several unsuccessful engagements. This marriage led Elizabeth to the Western Europe, where she spent the rest of her life. Thanks to this marriage, Luxembourg became the property of the newly married couple. After few years Anthony died in one of the most famous battles of Hundred Years' War - The battle of Agincourt. Soon after that, Elizabeth got married for the second time. Her second husband was John III the Pitiless, the former Prince-Bishop of Liège, which was during this time most known for his efforts of acquiring Holland and Zeeland. However, John died a few years after the...
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