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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Targeting of the sarco endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase

Newton, Tom January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

The involvement of cyclic nucleotides in the regulation of endo-polygalacturonate trans-eliminase synthesis in Erwinia carotovora.

Williams, John 01 January 1976 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Fluorescent antibody labeling of endo-polygalacturomate trans-eliminase in cucumber tissue.

Hubbard, Jonathan Pierson 01 January 1974 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

A study of Endo-β-mannanase in barley (Hordeum vulgare)

Scott, Lisa Marie January 2008 (has links)
Endo-β-mannanase is an endohydrolase enzyme responsible for the breakdown of mannan-containing polysaccharides common in the cell walls of many plants. The action of endo-β-mannanase in barley, its optimum temperature and pH for action, temporal and spatial localization, activity in the presence of hormones and sugars and its effect on the seed's mechanical strength were assayed. The development of a spectrophotometric assay for endo-β-mannanase detection was also trialed. The optimum temperature and pH for these experiments were found to be 37℃ and pH 7. Using these parameters, the endo-β-mannanase enzyme was found to be initially localized in the seed coat and moved through to the endosperm over time. The detected level of enzyme activity increased in the presence of gibberellic acid and glucose, or decreased when abscisic acid was added. Similar results were seen when the embryo was removed and the endosperm and seed coat were incubated in hormone- and sugar-containing media. The presence of exogenous endo-β-mannanase did not affect the mechanical strength of the seed but there was a strong correlation between increasing endo-β-mannanase activity and decreasing mechanical strength over time. The spectrophotometric assay for quantifying endo-β-mannanase in extracts showed promise but did not reach fruition due to unexplained sources of variation. The localization and regulation of endo-β-mannanase in barley were similar to those seen in other plants, such as tomato, lettuce and coffee. These findings have biotechnological applications within the brewery industry. By increasing the mobilization of reserves such as mannan, it is thought that the seedling can utilize this secondary carbohydrate source instead of, or at least supplementing, glucose which was mobilized from starch. This will theoretically reduce the starch and glucose lost during the malting period leaving a higher sugar content free for fermentation.

The role of cell-surface neutral metalloendopeptidases in craniofacial development

Spencer-Dene, Bradley January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

Human FEN1 expression and solubility patterns during DNA replication and repair

Carrier, Richard J. January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Cloning and Expression of Arabidopsis endo-1,4-£]-glucanase in Pichia pastoris

Chao, Shih-hsien 05 February 2010 (has links)
In recent years. as industrialized society developed. people have made a lot of environment pollution problems owing to overusing fossil fuel, moreover. fossil fuel is going to deplete. As the result. the study of the substitute energy is promoted. Ligonocellulose (lignin, cellulose and hemicelluloses are included) are the most plentiful renewable resources in the nature, and it have high economic values which extensively use on food, paper and energy. Recent years, it is a hot issue that decomposing cellulose into the minimum unit called glucose, and further, fermenting into alcohol to generate biomass energy. This research goal is cloning Arabidopsis endo-1,4-£]-glucanase and transfer to Escherichia coli(DH5£\). Selection pPICZ£\A the success transferr DNA Fragment. Then to sequence and because of cell in pPICZ£\A have expression in Pichia. pastoris. AOX1 promoter have Mass productions Arabidopsis endo-1,4-£]-glucanase gene in Pichia pastoris. Carries on the extracellular expression by the methyl alcohol induction way. Can obtain recombinant DNA protein. However the Western blotting analysis demonstration has this enzyme active protein At4g11050 pellet Molecular weight about 89 KDa. Again by way of congo red and Dye-CMC assay activeness of the examination enzyme protein. The result discovers At4g11050 in the pellet cell activity compares with negative control has the obvious activity.

A study of Endo-β-mannanase in barley (Hordeum vulgare)

Scott, Lisa Marie January 2008 (has links)
Endo-β-mannanase is an endohydrolase enzyme responsible for the breakdown of mannan-containing polysaccharides common in the cell walls of many plants. The action of endo-β-mannanase in barley, its optimum temperature and pH for action, temporal and spatial localization, activity in the presence of hormones and sugars and its effect on the seed's mechanical strength were assayed. The development of a spectrophotometric assay for endo-β-mannanase detection was also trialed. The optimum temperature and pH for these experiments were found to be 37℃ and pH 7. Using these parameters, the endo-β-mannanase enzyme was found to be initially localized in the seed coat and moved through to the endosperm over time. The detected level of enzyme activity increased in the presence of gibberellic acid and glucose, or decreased when abscisic acid was added. Similar results were seen when the embryo was removed and the endosperm and seed coat were incubated in hormone- and sugar-containing media. The presence of exogenous endo-β-mannanase did not affect the mechanical strength of the seed but there was a strong correlation between increasing endo-β-mannanase activity and decreasing mechanical strength over time. The spectrophotometric assay for quantifying endo-β-mannanase in extracts showed promise but did not reach fruition due to unexplained sources of variation. The localization and regulation of endo-β-mannanase in barley were similar to those seen in other plants, such as tomato, lettuce and coffee. These findings have biotechnological applications within the brewery industry. By increasing the mobilization of reserves such as mannan, it is thought that the seedling can utilize this secondary carbohydrate source instead of, or at least supplementing, glucose which was mobilized from starch. This will theoretically reduce the starch and glucose lost during the malting period leaving a higher sugar content free for fermentation.

Effets de l'ozone troposphérique sur le blé tendre (Triticum aestivum L.) : caractérisation de l'endoprotéolyse vacuolaire et du niveau d'oxydation des protéines dans la feuille drapeau / Effect of tropospheric ozone on wheat (Triticum eastivum L.) : characterization of vacuolar endoproteolytic activity and level of oxidized proteins

Have, Marien 12 September 2013 (has links)
Pas de résumé en français / The present study was undertaken to investigate whether vacuolar endoproteolysis and/or protein carbonylation (measured here with a newly developed method) were functionally linked and if either of these processes or both could differentiate between ozone sensitive and tolerant wheat cultivars (cvs). Two winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cvs released in 1986 (Soissons) and 2006 (Premio) were grown in the field and exposed to ambient and semi-controlled chronic ozone concentrations, from pre-anthesis to harvest, using a new linear ozone fumigation device that generates gradients of the pollutant. Grain yield and quality were more affected by the ozone treatments in the older cv Soissons that appeared to be the most sensitive. Because stomatal conductance did not differ significantly between the two cvs, differential ozone sensitivity was rather ascribed to differences in the biochemical and molecular responses between the two cvs. Ozone detrimental effects were mainly characterized by premature induction of leaf senescence, causing the shortening of the assimilation and grain-filling periods. Even though Soissons exhibited higher constitutive levels of carbonyl content in total soluble proteins, the increases in protein carbonylation, in response to the ozone treatments, were equivalent in both cvs. Thus basal levels of protein carbonyl seems a more relevant parameters to distinguish between ozone sensitive and tolerant wheat cvs than actual change in this parameter in response to ozone treatments. However, ozone induced more carbonyl groups on Rubisco large subunit (LSU) and small subunit (SSU) in Soissons and this was associated with a more pronounced decline in LSU and SSU contents and a lower Rubisco activity. Increased protein carbonyl levels and losses in total chlorophyll contents were concurrent, suggesting a link between the extent of oxidative stress and senescence development. Moreover, ozone treatments induced a stimulation of endoproteolytic activities that resulted mostly from increases in cysteine protease activities, for both cvs. Surprisingly, total proteolytic and cysteine protease activities were more enhanced in the tolerant cv, whereas elevated proteolysis is usually associated with high sensitivity to environemental stresses, like drought. Expression analysis for three genes encoding papain-like cysteine proteases showed poor correlation with total cysteine protease activities, which suggested that post-transcriptional regulation mechanisms were prevalent over transcriptional ones. Increased endoproteolytic activities were associated with increased protein carbonylation and with a decline in total soluble protein contents. Oxidized proteins could be more susceptible to proteolysis. Therefore, we suggest that ozone-induced ROS caused protein oxidation on one hand and acted as a signal that triggered senescence processes, such as enhanced proteolysis, on the other hand

La dystrophie endothéliale cornéenne de Fuchs sous l'angle de la mitochondrie : marqueur de progression et avenue de traitement

Méthot, Sébastien 25 March 2024 (has links)
Thèse ou mémoire avec insertion d'articles. / L'endothélium cornéen est la couche cellulaire la plus postérieure de la cornée. Elle a pour rôle de maintenir la cornée en déturgescence nécessaire à sa transparence. À cette fin, les cellules endothéliales cornéennes agissent comme une barrière pour limiter l'entrée de liquide et, à l'aide de pompes Na⁺/K⁺ ATPases, expulsent les liquides du stroma cornéen vers la chambre antérieure. La dystrophie endothéliale cornéenne de Fuchs (FECD) est une maladie de la cornée qui compromet le rôle de l'endothélium menant à des pertes de vision. La pathologie est caractérisée par une perte de cellules endothéliales accélérée et la formation d'excroissances de matrice extracellulaire appelées les guttaes. La perte de l'intégrité de l'endothélium cornéen provoque des infiltrations de liquide dans le stroma menant à une perte de la transparence de la cornée. Le seul traitement curatif pour la FECD est la transplantation de cornée pour laquelle la quantité de greffons est limitante. Les causes de la FECD ne sont pas encore bien comprises. Toutefois il existe des évidences d'une implication des mitochondries et du stress oxydatif. Ces deux éléments seraient liés dans un cercle vicieux où les dommages mitochondriaux causés par le stress oxydatif mèneraient à une augmentation de la production d'espèces réactives de l'oxygène. L'effet de ce cercle vicieux sur la fonction mitochondriale et comment cela affecte la progression de FECD reste peu connu et c'est à ce niveau que les travaux de cette thèse sont contributoires. En prenant en compte la démonstration de variation dans la masse mitochondriale entre les cellules endothéliales FECD réalisée précédemment dans notre équipe, nous avons tout d'abord lié la masse mitochondriale à des marqueurs de santé mitochondriale et d'état de la cellule. Ceci a permis de lier ces marqueurs à la progression de la pathologie. En effet, nous avons montré que le statut apoptotique et oxydatif ainsi qu'un niveau de calcium et de potentiel membranaire mitochondrial des cellules de l'endothélium provenant de patients FECD variaient en fonction de leur masse mitochondriale. Nous avons émis l'hypothèse que les variations de masse mitochondriale observées sont liées à des évènements dans la progression de la FECD liée à une surutilisation mitochondriale qu'on a appelé le «burnout mitochondrial». Nous avons ensuite lié la présence des guttae aux différents indicateurs du «burnout mitochondrial». En mesurant l'aire des guttae en conjonction avec les marqueurs de santé mitochondriale et d'état cellulaire, il a été possible de montrer que la présence des guttae est liée à un bilan négatif pour la santé mitochondriale et le statut apoptotique et oxydatif des cellules endothéliales des patients FECD. Nos travaux montrant que l'endommagement des mitochondries par la FECD jouait un rôle central dans la progression de la pathologie nous ont permis de soulever l'hypothèse que l'ajout de mitochondries saines dans les cellules endothéliales ralentirait la progression de la pathologie. Pour tester cette hypothèse, nous avons transplanté des mitochondries via la co-incubation avec des endothélia de patients FECD. Nous avons ensuite évalué l'effet de la transplantation de mitochondries sur les différents marqueurs cellulaires de progression de la FECD. Une amélioration de la santé mitochondriale, autant au niveau du potentiel mitochondrial que du calcium mitochondrial et de la mitophagie, a été observée à la suite de la transplantation. Nous avons également observé une amélioration de l'état cellulaire par la diminution du stress oxydatif et une perte du statut apoptotique pour la majorité des cellules endothéliales. Les travaux de cette thèse mettent en lumière une chronologie des évènements de la FECD liés à la progression de la pathologie ainsi que l'apparition de guttae. Ces travaux présentent aussi une nouvelle avenue de traitement pour la FECD en utilisant la transplantation mitochondriale. Cela pourrait permettre de diminuer, voire d'abolir, le besoin de greffons de cornée pour traiter la pathologie. / The corneal endothelium is the most posterior cell layer of the cornea. Its role is to maintain the cornea in deturgescence which is necessary for its transparency. To this end, corneal endothelial cells act as a barrier to limit fluid entry and, with the help of Na⁺/K⁺ ATPase pumps, expel fluids from the corneal stroma to the anterior chamber. Fuchs corneal endothelial dystrophy (FECD) is a corneal disease that compromises the role of the endothelium leading to loss of vision. The pathology is characterized by accelerate dendothelial cell loss and the formation of extracellular matrix growths called guttae. The loss of integrity of the corneal endothelium causes fluid infiltration into the stroma leading to a loss of corneal transparency. The only curative treatment for FECD is corneal transplantation for which the quantity of grafts is limited. The causes of FECD are not well understood yet, however there is evidence of the involvement of mitochondria and oxidative stress. These two elements appear to be linked in a vicious circle where mitochondrial damage caused by oxidative stress leads to an increase in the production of reactive oxygen species. The effect of this vicious circle on mitochondrial function and how it affects the progression of FECD remains unknown and it is at this level that the work of this thesis is contributory. Considering the demonstration of variation in mitochondrial mass between FECD endothelial cells made previously in our team, we first linked mitochondrial mass to markers of mitochondrial health and cell status. This made it possible to link these markers to the progression of the pathology. Indeed, we showed that the apoptotic and oxidative status as well as a level of calcium and mitochondrial potential of endothelial cells from FECD patients varied according to their mitochondrial mass. We hypothesized that the observed mitochondrial mass variations are related to events in the progression of FECD related to mitochondrial overuse that we have named "mitochondrial burnout". Then, we linked the presence of guttae to different indicators of "mitochondrial burnout". By measuring the area of guttae in conjunction with markers of mitochondrial health and cellular state, it was possible to show that the presence of guttae is linked to a negative outcome for mitochondrial health and the apoptotic and oxidative status of cells. endothelial disease of FECD patients. Our work shows that the damage of mitochondria by FECD plays a central role in the progression of the pathology, we raised the hypothesis that the addition of healthy mitochondria to endothelial cells would slow down the progression of the pathology. To test this hypothesis, we transplanted mitochondria via co-incubation to FECD patient endothelium. We then evaluated the effect of mitochondria transplantation on the different cellular markers of FECD progression. An improvement in mitochondrial health, both in terms of mitochondrial potential and mitochondrial calcium and mitophagy, was observed following transplantation. We also observed an improvement in the cellular state by the reduction of oxidative stress and a loss of apoptotic status for a majority of endothelial cells. The work of this thesis sheds light on a chronology of FECD events related to the progression of the pathology as well as the appearance of guttae. This work also presents a new avenue of treatment for FECD using mitochondrial transplantation. This could reduce or even eliminate the need for corneal grafts to treat the pathology.

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