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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investment Analysis with the EMPS Model with Emphasis on Transmission Capacity Increase to other Power Systems

Bakken, Mats Elvethon January 2010 (has links)
The EMPS model is a fundatmental model for optimizing and simulation of power systems with substantial amounts of hydro power, developed by SINTEF Energy Research. Recently SINTEF Energy Research developed investment functionality making it possible to run optimal investment analysis of thermal power, wind power and transmission capacities.The purpose of this thesis is to study and learn how to use both the EMPS and the newly developed investment model. The investment model is to be improved to use price segments instead of weekly average prices when calculating the profits and to implement the option to set a maximum capacity. Furthermore simplistic models of Germany and the Netherlands are to be constructed to be able to use the investment model to find the optimal transmission capacity between Norway and the Netherlands.The investment analysis resulted in an investment of 6000 MW in transmission capacity between Norway and the Netherlands. 6000 MW was the limit due to limitations in the grid from "Sørlandet" to the other parts of Norway. However the way the Netherlands are modelled do not take into account that the prices in the Netherlands also would change as a function of this capacity increase so it is fair to say that the invested capacity is too large. The investment analysis does show that an investment should be made as it is very profitable. For instance would an investment in the region of 1200 MW result in the full investment costs beeing payed back within 3 years of installation according to the investment analysis. The investment functionality is a program that is quick and easy to use. It provides the user a way to specify a lot of different investment alternatives. The program can be used to see the optimal investment in one or more investment alternatives and it also shows the impact they possibly have on each other. The program saves the user a lot of time as the user no longer has to manually add the investments into the EMPS model. There are however still a few errors that have to be fixed in the program and new features that could be added to improve the results, such as non-linear investment costs.

Power Plant with CO2 Capture based on Absorption : Integration Study

Ystad, Paul Andreas Marchioro January 2010 (has links)
This thesis gives a detailed evaluation of the integration of power plants and post-combustion CO2 capture based on absorption. The study looks at natural gas combined cycles and pulverized coal power plants. Also the absorption process has been evaluated separately, aiming at reducing energy requirements in the capture process. In the first part of the thesis a theoretical part was given on fundamentals of CO2 capture by absorption, power generation, and process integration. Based on this theory, several case studies were defined for each of the three main processes. Simulation models were built accordingly and investigated. Simulation results from the capture process showed that there was a reboiler energy saving potential of 29% and 27% for NGCC and PC plant, respectively, when including vapor compression and absorption intercooling in the capture process. Another interesting observation made was reduced cooling duty in the overhead condenser of the stripper when applying vapor compression.Analysis of steam extraction from the NGCC plant showed it was possible to cover 1 MJ/kg CO2 directly from the HRSG. This steam can be provided directly from the LPB. For duties above 1 MJ/kg CO2 a secondary extraction point was required. In this study the IP/LP crossover was considered the most appropriate point to extract the remaining steam. The efficiency penalty when integrated with the different CO2 capture cases ranged from 7-8%, giving a net plant efficiency of 49.6-50.5%. At part load it was shown that the LPT should be throttled in order to secure constant pressure at the extraction point.For the PC plant the feedwater heat system showed potential in terms heat recovery in the return stream from the capture process. By integrating the return stream with FWH2, energy savings of 11.9% compared to the base case plant were found. Also it was found that the IP/LP crossover pressure should be set to 4.5 bar, since the IPT has the highest efficiency and therefore power production in this unit should be maximized. The final results for the PC plant efficiency range from 30-31.7% and the percentual efficiency penalty was 10-11.7% for the four capture case studies. As was the case for the NGCC plant, the LPT should be throttled when operating at part load.

Energibruk og inneklima i passiv- og lavenergihus / Energy consumption and indoor environment in passive and low energy houses

Nesland, Oddvar January 2010 (has links)
Det er gjennomført målinger av energibruken til ulike formål i fem leiligheter i Løvåshagen borettslag i Bergen. Tre av leilighetene er av lavenergistandard, mens de to siste er av passivhusstandard. Hovedmålsetningen med oppgaven har vært å framskaffe data for virkelig energibruk i norske passiv- og lavenergihus, slik at det kan gjøres sammenligninger med planlagte verdier. Resultatene viser til dels store variasjoner i energiforbruket i leilighetene. Energiforbruket til oppvarming av varmt tappevann var blant energipostene som viste størst variasjoner. I en av passivhusleilighetene var tappevannsforbruket omtrent dobbelt så stor som i enkelte av lavenergileilighetene. Energitilskuddet fra solfangerne i passivhusleilighetene så også ut til å være mindre enn forventet.Energiforbruket til ventilasjon viste seg å være markant større i lavenergileilighetene enn i passivhusleilighetene. Årsaken til dette er ulikt ventilasjonsaggregat i de to leilighetstypene. Årlig spesifikt energiforbruk i leilighetene er blitt estimert på grunnlag av måleresultatene. Energiforbruket i de to passivhusleilighetene ville gitt henholdsvis karakter C og D på energimerkeskalaen, mens lavenergileilighetene trolig ville endt opp med karakteren C. Forbruket ser generelt ut til å ligge over det som var forventet. Dette gjelder spesielt for leilighetene av passivhusstandard.De store variasjonene i det totale energiforbruket og variasjonen i forbruket til oppvarming av varmt tappevann, viser at energiforbruket i passiv- og lavenergihus i stor grad er brukeravhengig.

Technical-economic Analysis of Fast Chargers for Plug-in Electric Vehicles in Distribution Networks

Gunderson, Nina Wahl January 2010 (has links)
The project is focusing on on finding the optimal grid connection of fast charging stations for electric vehicles. The project was carried out in cooperation with Lyse, which is the regional utility company in Rogaland, Norway. Lyse is developing combined filling stations for gas vehicles and fast chargers for electric vehicles. The first combined station will be built close to an existing petrol station in Luravika, Sandnes. There is space for four fast chargers at the site. The closest distribution substation is located about 200m up the street. There are both a gas pipe and a 22kV cable close to the site. The area is in an urban environment and the distribution grid consists of underground cables and pipes. Different load cases were studied using Powel Netbas for load flow simulations and a simulation tool called Dynko for economic analysis. Each load case included a certain power rating on the EV charging station. To achieve short charging times, the power rating should be high. Power ratings spanning from 125kW to 500kW were analysed for the charging station. Two solutions for grid connection were evaluated. One involved using the existing distribution substation. The other involved installing a new substation close to the new load. The optimal dimensioning of cables and transformers were analysed. The quality of supply and fulfilment of the Norwegian PQ code were evaluated.The economic results showed that it is optimal to use the existing distribution substation as long as the total maximum load at the combined filling and charging station is less than 263kVA. For larger loads, a new substation should be built close to the new load. Replacing the transformer in the existing substation is not an optimal solution for any of the load cases. The cables should be chosen so that the loading is close to 30%. The average optimal transformer loading was around 75%, but the results had a large variance. The quality of supply was investigated for the worst case scenario. All values concerning voltage variations and harmonics were well within the limits of the Norwegian PQ code. The loading of the high voltage distribution grid was considered acceptable. No adjustments are needed in the 22kV grid.

Elektrisk trevekst i ekstrudert Polypropylen (PP) kabelisolasjon / Electrical treeing in extruded Polypropylene (PP) cable insulation

Stokland, Ketil January 2010 (has links)
Denne oppgaven søker å undersøke egenskapene til det nye isolasjonsmaterialet syndiotaktisk polypropylen (sPP) knyttet til elektrisk trevekst ved sammenligning med det mer brukte materialet isotaktisk polypropylen (iPP). For å belyse temaet er det gjort en bakgrunnsstudie av elektrisk trevekst knyttet til partielle utladninger (PD), treform, overflateutladninger(tracking) og mekanisk belastning. Undersøkelsesmetoder som har blitt utformet og benyttet er spenningssetting av nål-plategap med digital filming av treveksten, og høyspent måling av resistiviteten til ulike trekanaler i sPP og iPP. Hovedpunkter for undersøkelsene har vært initieringstid, vekstrate, tid til jord og tid til gjennomslag, samt definering av tretype, og resistivitet.Datamaterialet er basert på i alt 64 tester og det finnes til sammen ca 290 timer med video- og bildeopptak av elektrisk trevekst i iPP og sPP.Følgende hovedkonklusjoner kan trekkes fra studien:•Betydningen av hulrom ved nålespissen for nål-plategap prøveobjekt er antydet å være typen trevekst i form av tykkelse på trekanalene. Resultatene tyder på en middels sterk sammenheng mellom denne parameteren sammen med spenningsnivå som definerende for type trevekst i form av en eller flere trekanaler i kontakt med jord ved gjennomslag.•Hulrom ved nålespissen har vist en sterk tendens til å påvirke antall trekanaler mot jord for 9 og 11kV, men ikke 7 og 13kV, altså gjelder det i kombinasjon med spenningsvariasjoner. Det er ikke avdekket noen tydelig sammenheng mellom omfanget av jordveksten og hulrom.•Hulrom ser ikke ut til og nevneverdig påvirke tid til jord og tid til gjennomslag i sPP, om noe så ved å forlenge levetiden noe. •Resultatene viser ingen tydelig sammenheng mellom hulrom og initieringstid i sPP.•Initieringstiden i sPP tenderer mot å være lengre enn i iPP.•Den gjennomgående tendensen i resultatene er at elektrisk trevekst vokser raskere i sPP enn i iPP. Dette gjelder både tid til treveksten når jord, og tid til gjennomslag. •I motsetning til nevnte tendens har sPP vist generelt bedre verdier ved 9kV enn iPP. •Resultatene fra resistansmålingene av trekanaler i sPP var inkonsekvente. Forsøksmetoden krever videre utvikling og større prøvemengder.

Subsea varmeveksling : Eksperimentell undersøkelse av varmeovergang ved naturlig og tvungen konveksjon for rør nedsenket i vann / Subsea Heat Exchange : Experimental investigation of heat transfer with natural and forced convection for tubes submerged in water

Olsen, Øystein January 2010 (has links)
Rapporten tar for seg design, bygging og utføring av målinger på en forsøksrigg som skal simulere en passiv varmeveksler til bruk i subsea varmeveksling. Målet med forsøkene er å undersøke varmeovergangen ved forskjellige rørtemperaturer og vannstrømninger.Forsøksriggen som blir designet og bygget består av et vertikalt rør plassert i en vannrenne som har justerbar vannhastighet. Røret blir varmet opp ved hjelp av termoelementer og avgir varme til vannet rundt. Rørveggtemperaturen blir målt ved forskjellige effekter for å finne varmeovergangstallene.Målingene fra forsøkene stemmer godt overens med teorien for naturlig konveksjon ved stillestående vann, men avviker fra teorien allerede ved liten vannhastighet. De målte varmeovergangstallene ved strømning er mye høyere enn de teoretiske beregnede varmeovergangstallene for naturlig og tvungen konveksjon.Det blir oppdaget store usikkerhetsmomenter ved modellen, der hovedproblemet er ujevn varmefluks. Det antas også at det er stor usikkerhet i strømningshastighetsmålingene.På grunn av usikkerhetsmomentene blir det anbefalt å jobbe videre med modellen for å eliminere disse, eller å bygge en ny modell basert på erfaringene fra denne rapporten.

Voltage Source Converter Technology for Offshore Grids : Interconnection of Offshore Installations in a Multiterminal HVDC Grid using VSC

Vormedal, Pål Kristian Myhrer January 2010 (has links)
This master thesis has investigated the possible application of voltage source converters (VSC) for the interconnection of offshore installations, i.e. wind farms and petroleum platforms, in a multiterminal DC (MTDC) grid. The master thesis is written at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Electric Power Engineering and is a continuation of the project written during the autumn of 2009. The work has been carried out in cooperation with Statnett SF, the Norwegian TSO, as a contribution to an ongoing research and development program on offshore electrification. The motivation behind this thesis is the possibilities the VSC technology bring about for the realization of renewable wind energy far from shore and supplying petroleum installations from the main onshore grid, thus reducing emissions. A theoretical study has been conducted, describing the VSC technology from basic operation to topics related to the implementation of a high power rated offshore MTDC grid. A suggested model of a small power system was established in the simulation program PSS®E. The model consisted of a four converter MTDC connecting three separate AC systems. One of the AC systems was a simplified representation of a main onshore grid, and the other two were small offshore AC grids made up of a wind farm and a petroleum platform. The MTDC was modeled using ABB’s HVDC Light Open model v 1.1.9-2, developed for use in PSS®E. A series of dynamic simulations have been performed using the model to demonstrate and analyze the principles of operation for a MTDC and the interaction between the AC systems and the MTDC. The dynamic simulations demonstrate the basic operation of a MTDC with a master-slave control scheme for the active power control, as implemented in the HVDC Light model. The simulation results confirm the functionality of a MTDC as described in the theoretical analysis of the technology.The analysis based on both the literature and simulations conclude that VSC technology is a realistic solution for an offshore grid with the objective of supporting passive network installations far from shore. Simulation results conclude that an advanced control system for the active power control operation (Poption) of all the converters in a MTDC may greatly improve the performance of the system following a disturbance. Both theoretically and through simulations it has been demonstrated that the VSC MTDC provides stability improvements to the connected AC grid, by actively controlling the injected active and reactive power to the grid. The possibility to use the MTDC as an alternative path for transferring large amounts of power has been investigated, and this was found to be beneficial for the system. The difficulties related to fault protection in a MTDC have been highlighted, and a theoretical analysis concluded that the protection scheme using IGBT circuit breakers is the preferred solution with present available technology.

Environmentally focused measures for sustainable vehicle transportation

Nesbjørg, Lene January 2010 (has links)
Emissions from road traffic contribute a substantial part of the total CO2 emissions from the transport sector. The amount of passenger cars is rapidly increasing, which leads to an increase in CO2 emissions, even though the average CO2 emissions from new cars are decreasing. This thesis has evaluated the vehicle technologies available at present and examined the measures currently in use to reduce CO2 emissions from passenger cars, focusing on the European Union and Norway. Suggested measures for reduction in CO2 have been discussed. A harmonisation in fiscal taxation system throughout the European Union should be implemented, where a purely and directly CO2 based taxation system would give the largest CO2 reductions.In Norway a large part of the taxation potential is already utilized through registration tax and fuel tax. The taxes should be altered to be purely CO2 based if the objection of a tax is to prohibit the increase in emissions. By using a taxation system that affects a person’s usage of a car, and not the ownership, could make more people seek other means of transportation.A taxation system should not be implemented without measures to expand and upgrade the public transportation. Vast improvements in the Norwegian public transportation is a must if the reduction of CO2 possible and significant.

Control of Power Electronic Converters in Distributed Power Generation Systems : Evaluation of Current Control Structures for Voltage Source Converters operating under Weak Grid Conditions

Midtsund, Tarjei January 2010 (has links)
The performance of different current controller structures for Voltage Source Converters (VSC) under weak grid conditions caused by large grid impedance is investigated. The VSC is synchronized to the grid by a Phase Locked Loop (PLL). Current control techniques and PLL techniques for handling both symmetrical and asymmetrical conditions are presented and discussed. The investigated current control structures are; the conventional Proportional Integral (PI)-controller in the synchronous rotating reference frame, dual PI-controllers implemented in positive- and negative-sequence rotating reference frame, the Proportional Resonant (PR)-controller in the stationary reference frame, the phase current hysteresis controller, and a space vector base hysteresis controller in the synchronous rotating reference frame. The PLL-techniques used for synchronization are; a conventional synchronous rotating reference frame PLL, a PLL with notch filter, and a Decoupled Double Synchronous Reference frame PLL (DDSRF-PLL).The different current control strategies and PLL-techniques are studied by simulations. The results show how large grid impedance can influence the dynamic response of the system and how the interaction between the PLLs, the current controllers and the large grid inductance can even trigger instability when the voltage measurements are highly influenced by the operation of the converter. The PI-controllers in the synchronous rotating reference frames are particularly sensitive to oscillations that can be reinforced when the measured voltage feed-forward terms are used in the control system. The response of the PR-controller is instead slowed down by the interaction with the PLL, while both the hysteresis controllers are quickly tracking the reference value as long as the interaction with the PLL is not leading to instability.Operation under asymmetrical weak grid conditions are investigated for current controllers that exploit PLL techniques designed to remove the oscillations that occur in the positive sequence reference frame voltage during unbalanced grid voltage. The simulations show that the DDSRF-PLL has a shorter transient period than the PLL with notch filter, but with a small steady state 100 Hz oscillation under the weak asymmetrical grid conditions.The results indicate that the tuning of the PLL is of large importance for the stability of the control system, and that a slower PLL can lead to less interaction with the current controllers at the cost of a slower and less accurate dynamic overall control performance.

Utvikling av smarthusløsning for boliger benyttet av funksjonshemmede / Development of smart house solutions for residential buildings used by physically disabled persons

Fløystad, Martin January 2010 (has links)
Hensikten med oppgaven har vært å undersøke behovet for forskjellige funksjoner som bør implementeres i en standardpakke for smarthus rettet mot funksjonshemmede. Det ble bygget en modell med det utstyret som var tilgjengelig og vurdert om det var andre komponenter på markedet som kunne ha vært aktuelle å bruke. Behovsanalysen ble basert på to rapporter utgitt av Sosial og Helsedepartementet og egne vurderinger. Det ble utarbeidet et spørreskjema som grunnlag for intervjuer av personer i målgruppen. Denne informasjonen ble ikke tatt med i analysen, av den grunn at personene som ble kontaktet ikke representerte den ønskede målgruppen. Behovsanalysen ble lagt til grunn for funksjonsvalgene for modellen. Modellen bestod av KNX kompatible komponenter og ble programmert i ETS3. Med fokus på å bruke funksjonene og programmere modulene på en smart måte, viste det seg at modellen imøtekom de aller fleste kravene fra behovsanalysen. For å tilfredsstille alle kravene, er det nødvendig til å bruke nye avanserte moduler for dette formålet. Nye moduler kan erstatte de som ble brukt, med det resultat at antallet moduler kan reduseres, men fortsatt opprettholde funksjonaliteten i modellen.

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