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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Capabilities of enjoyment" : plaisirs et jouissance dans l'oeuvre en prose de Herman Melville / "Capabilities of enjoyment" : the use of pleasures in Herman Melville's fiction

Marsoin, Edouard 09 December 2016 (has links)
Prenant le contre-pied d’une certaine tradition critique qui privilégie la vision d’unMelville sombre et désincarné, ce travail cherche à souligner les potentialités, possibilités etpuissances du plaisir dans la fiction melvillienne. Il s’agit d’étudier les représentations etproblématisations de cet affect qui signale la rencontre du corps sentant et des matières. Cetterencontre est elle-même prise dans des formes et des codes culturels déterminant les conditions depossibilité du plaisir, et dont les traces sont disséminées dans le texte littéraire. En cela, la fictionmelvillienne est à la fois matérialiste et affective. Dans les mondes fictifs melvilliens, le plaisir et lajoie entrent dans des relations de contraste dynamique avec la souffrance et la mort, ce qui peutdonner naissance à des formes complexes de jouissance. L’oeuvre en prose de Melville produit ainsiun discours qui interroge, inquiète ou célèbre la possibilité du plaisir et des plaisirs sous différentsangles : esthétique, épistémologique, éthique, diététique, genré, politique et économique. Uneapproche à la fois textuelle, contextuelle et intertextuelle, mobilisant des outils d’analyse issus de laphilosophie, la psychanalyse ou la théorie littéraire, informe notre étude de l’usage des matières àplaisirs (nourriture, alcool, tabac) dans la poétique melvillienne (chapitre 1), des liens entreaffectivité et pensée, constitutifs de ce que l’on nomme une épistémè de la jouissance (chapitre 2),des éthiques et régimes élaborés par des sujets fictifs pour régler leurs plaisirs (chapitre 3), et de lacomposante collective (sociale, politique et économique) des plaisirs possibles (chapitre 4). / This thesis counters a commonly held critical view according to which Melville is a darkand disembodied author; in contrast, it aims to highlight the possibilities, potentialities andcapabilities of enjoyment in his fiction. Its object is to study the representations andproblematizations of pleasure as an affect which signals the encounter of a feeling body with matter.Such an encounter is enmeshed in cultural forms and codes that determine pleasure’s conditions ofpossibility and whose traces are disseminated through the literary text. Melville’s fiction is thereforematerialistic and affective. In melvillean fictional worlds, pleasure and joy enter into dynamic,contrasting relationships with pain and death, which can give rise to complex forms ofenjoyment/jouissance. Melville’s prose work consequently produces a discourse that interrogates,troubles or celebrates the possibility of pleasure and pleasures from aesthetic, epistemological,ethical, dietetical, gendered, political, and economic viewpoints. A textual, contextual andintertextual approach, mobilising analytical tools drawn from philosophy, psychoanalysis, andliterary theory, informs my study of the use of pleasurable matters (food, alcohol, tobacco) inMelville’s poetics (chapter 1), the links between feeling and thinking in what I call an episteme ofenjoyment (chapter 2), the ethical and dietetical systems elaborated by fictional subjects to regulatetheir pleasures (chapter 3), and the collective (social, political and economic) dimensions ofavailable pleasures (chapter 4).

The influence of perfectionism on social physique anxiety

Petherick, Caroline Margaret January 2002 (has links)
Activity promotion advocates regular exercise as a way of reducing mortality, thus providing a cost-effective strategy for public health improvement. However, many individuals embarking on a regime have unpleasant experiences and are more likely to withdraw. One construct identified in the literature that may contribute to this negative affect is social physique anxiety (SPA; Hart et al., 1989). Although the correlates and consequencesa ssociatedw ith SPA have provided invaluable insight, there still lacks conceptual focus. Therefore, adopting the tenets of Lazarus (1999), one individual difference factor important in the cognitive appraisal process that may contribute to SPA is perfectionism (Hewitt & Flett, 1991). This motivational construct has been found to influence the appraisal process and predispose individuals to experience anxiety. Therefore, the purpose of Study 1 was to firstly, investigate the influence of individual differences in perfectionism on SPA and to secondly, explore the mediating influence of coping strategies on SPA, threat, and levels of enjoyment among beginner exercise class participants. In the first part of Study 1, four hundred and four (376 females, 28 males) participants completed measures of social physique anxiety, perfectionism, ability, importance, capacity beliefs, self-efficacy, threat, and enjoyment. In the second part of Study 1, only those participants who deemed that being good at exercise was important to them (N = 317) were used in the analyses. Path analyses results using structural equation modelling procedures provided adequate support for the first part of Study 1 (x I /df = 2.41, BBNNFI = 0.96, Robust CFI = 0.99), and little support for the second part of Study 1 (x2/df = 7.87, BBNNFI = 0.66, Robust CFI = 0.77). Although the research has acknowledged the importance of secondary 11 appraisal characteristics as contributing to threat, the importance of differing motivational orientations as contributing to variations in cognitions and affective responses (Deci & Ryan, 1985) may be equally important. Therefore, in addition to Study 1, the purpose of Study 2 was to investigate the influence of perfectionism on levels of self-determination (Deci & Ryan, 1985), SPA, threat, and enjoyment through the mediational role of perceived competence and autonomy. In addition to the measures used in Study 1, two hundred and eighteen participants (192 females, 26 males) further completed a measure of locus of causality for exercise and a measure of regulation in exercise behaviour. Path analyses results provided little support for Study 2 (x 2/df= 11.85, BBNNFI = 0.23, Robust CFI = 0.27). Overall, the results from the second part of Study 1 and Study 2 provide little support for the hypothesised relationships due to the overall poor fit of the models found. However, the results of the first part of Study 1 provided adequate fit indices suggesting that socially prescribed perfectionism more than self oriented perfectionism influences SPA. In turn SPA significantly and negatively influenced self-efficacy as would be expected. Furthermore, both self-efficacy and capacity beliefs significantly and positively influenced exercise enjoyment. The importance of investigating perfectionism and other individual difference factors as antecedents of SPA are discussed, and future research recommendations proposed. 111

Urban euphoria: Integrative elements, recreation, and renewal

January 2016 (has links)
Successful cities provide public open spaces that encourage spontaneous, social interactions to connect various individuals. Without such gathering spaces, cities risk developing a culture of independent, specialized individuals rather than a culture of codependent, associative identities. As the population and the activities of cities continue to grow, recreational spaces also become important in providing spaces for physical and mental recuperation. Conventional play spaces in cities today provide generic playground equipments targeted toward specific activities or user groups, neglecting the needs of the wider population. By understanding the elements of play and the relationship between humans and their urban environment, places of recuperation can be introduced into typologies of everyday routines. Most cities define growth in quantitative measures of population, production, wealth, unemployment, etc., giving less attention to the enjoyable qualities of urban living. By prioritizing elements of play throughout recreational spaces, cities can provide places of relief from busy movements and seek to encourage people to interact with their surroundings. With focus on the working population, architectural intervention in the public and private spaces of a typical office tower seeks to integrate places of recuperation into the daily lives of office workers. While the public spaces can provide multi-functional play components for physical movements, private spaces may provide opportunities for creative discoveries or relaxation. Through investigations in the creative, ludic nature of play, overlooked urban spaces can be transformed into engaging places of renewal and influence one's recreational experience throughout the city. / 0 / SPK / specialcollections@tulane.edu

How does Head Mounted Displays affect users' expressed sense of in-game enjoyment

Mattiasson, Jesper, Lu, Dongsheng January 2013 (has links)
In recent years, the rapid development of new head-mounted display technology (HMDs) for gaming provides usage opportunities for the mass market. A kickstarter project initiated by a well-known HMD developer Oculus Rift inspired our study. The main purpose of this study was to find out how a HMD will affect user’s expressed level of enjoyment. The method utilized in this study was a quantitative research method based on a research experiment. The thesis reports on a comparative study, in which the same game is played both with and without a HMD. Based on the analysis of our collected data, the results showed that playing games with a HMD does really give a boost in user’s enjoyment level. This may seem as a reasonable conclusion because the HMDs can provide the user with a more realistic and completely immersive in-game environment. Unfortunately there were some limitations in our study, one of the most crucial one was that the hardware was outdated, which significantly affected the reliability of the test results. For future prospects, it is recommended to use a more modern setup to acquire more reliable results, as well as optimizing the experience for the users.

Shhh… Don’t Tell: Divergent Effects of Secrecy on Consumption Enjoyment

Jia, Lei 06 November 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Media enjoyment as a function of individual responses and emotional contagion

Lin, Shu-Fang 24 August 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Mutual Enjoyment: A Levinasian Conception of Freedom

Darrisaw, Aaron 01 December 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Established scholars typically regard the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas as one that offers a morally elevated, and even religious, sense to the meaning of ethics. He uses many descriptions to encapsulate his understanding of ethics, but a common shorthand is “the calling into question of freedom.” This dissertation aims to answer the following question: What becomes of freedom after it has been submitted to Levinas’s ethical critique? Engaging this question emphasizes the distinctively political significance of Levinas’s philosophy, a significance that is often regarded as lacking. However, my project treats freedom as a unique prism through which to interpret Levinas’s philosophy. Focusing on his analyses of the organic body and enjoyment (jouissance), I argue that his conception of the sensible body reveals the limit at which the liberal tradition becomes incapable of securing the freedom it promises. Where liberalism fails in this regard, I propose the idea of “mutual enjoyment,” which summarizes an interpretation of Levinas’s thought that emphasizes the materiality of social freedom. Part of this endeavor requires countering those interpretations that tend to stress the “absoluteness” of Levinasian alterity and the “height” of “the Other.” By attending more closely to the organic body—and less “the face”—we find in Levinas a notion of responsibility “for the Other” that is concretely conceptualized as a form of human solidarity, oriented towards the satisfaction of mutually sustained and articulated social needs.

Promoting children's engagement in dance: a qualitative pedagogy study

Liu, Kun 27 April 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore teaching approaches used by a middle school dance teacher who promotes children’s engagement in dance and enhances their enjoyment of dancing. The study uses both ethnography and autoethnography research approaches. The goals of the research were; (a) to explore the connection between the dance teacher’s and my own joy of doing and learning dance from our personal narratives that chart our life trajectories into becoming dance teachers, and (b) to explore how a middle school dance teacher in a Canadian Middle School teaches dance as she tries to enable all the children in her classes to enjoy and want to engage in dance. The focus research question in this study was “How do dance teachers engage children and enable all children in school to enjoy dance?” This research drew on flow, process and happiness theories. As the researcher I observed two dance classes (grade 6 and 8), over a twelve week period, noting the teacher’s and her students' behaviors. In addition, I interviewed (1) the dance teacher prior and after the dance classes, and (2) two students from each class in relation to observed classes. The findings from the ethnography offered emerging themes on how to engage students in dance, that included, (1) purposeful pedagogy, (2) creating trust, (3) within and between groups for each other, (4) encouraging quality movements, and (5) addressing shy, nervous and resistant students. The autoethnography insights allowed themes to emerged from the teacher’s personal background, in particular in relation to her joy in performing dance at festivals and in her desire to encourage her own children (three young boys) to engage in dance. The key findings from interviewing the students was that they felt involved by creating their own dance, enjoyed working in groups which were mixed gender but where they could choose which group to be in, and where able to create a dance festival performance. Selecting a dance style, music and costume, all motivated the students for the final performance. / Graduate / 0273 / 0533 / 0727 / elenakunliu@gmail.com

Computer-aided exercise

Yim, Jeffrey W.H. 30 June 2008 (has links)
An underlying goal of designers of some exercise video games is to increase people's motivation to exercise. Research in the field of exercise psychology shows that performing physical activity in groups increases exercise participation and adherence. However it is unclear whether the benefits of grouping apply to video games involving physical activity. This research investigates whether the motivational benefits of grouping translate to exercise games. We experimentally validate three properties of collaborative exercise games. Experiments were performed using a custom exercise game, designed with game requirements intended to increase exercise motivation. We discovered that the exercise enjoyment and engagement benefits of grouping do translate to exercise games: players preferred collaborative over single-player exercise games, and found our collaborative exercise game equally enjoyable and engaging in both co-located and distributed settings. Most interesting, non-exercisers and exercisers found the game equally enjoyable and engaging. These results indicate that collaborative exercise video games are a promising approach to helping with exercise enjoyment and engagement, and that developers should consider incorporating multiplayer support into their exercise games. / Thesis (Master, Computing) -- Queen's University, 2008-06-23 15:44:59.46

Exploring the effects of a running program on self-efficacy and enjoyment of high school students: a case study

Wang, Shu-Hua 30 November 2017 (has links)
In Taiwan, the running race has become a prevalent physical activity (PA) over the past decade. A personalized running program, Run-Up, is a middle distance running unit that integrates a series of educational activities into an existing high school physical education (PE) course for enhancing students’ efficacy beliefs and enjoyment of running. Self-efficacy theory (SET) provided a framework to help the researcher understand how and why the Run-Up program activities affect students’ efficacy beliefs and perspectives on running. This qualitative case study was designed to explore the effectiveness of the Run-Up program in promoting high school students’ self-efficacy and enjoyment of a middle distance running in a single class of grade twelve students in Taiwan. Data collection methods included semi-structured interviews with students and the teacher, their course feedback forms, and the samples of their journal entries including the students’ course work and teacher’s teaching notes. Data were analyzed by using constant comparison. Three resulting themes explicated how diverse learning activities integrated with multiple learning strategies in the Run-Up program could serve as an avenue to foster high school students’ self-efficacy and enjoyment of running. Comments from both the teacher and students highlighted the value of the Run-Up program as an educational PA program. / Graduate

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