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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Narrating the entrepreneuring organization-the case of BS Cultural and Educational Enterprise Group

Li, Shang-jen 15 February 2011 (has links)
Abstract This study explores the entrepreneuring organization which presents itself as the organizer of value creation, how to create a sustained momentum in entrepreneuring along its developmental process. Based on the findings from previous study, the so-called entrepreneuring organization is the one which based on its distinguished position in the marketsset and conducted its own innovation and value creation activities. And what refers to entrepreneuring here is to differentiate it from conventional definition concerning entrepreneurship which mainly related to venture creation, it is more about the process where members in such organization conduct innovation and value creation activities. Two major issues are investgated: How sustained momentum in entrepreneuring is emerged along the developmental process; How members conduct innovation and value creation activities collectively. The purpose of this study is to conduct explorative exposition in understanding the process regarding how entrepreneuring organization functions. The narrative inquiry method and the perspective of collective entrepreneurship are applied in proceeding to this study. The ¡§Entrepreneuring process model¡¨ has been depicted from this study and has sorted out research findings as follows: 1). The entrepreneurial setting is merged from the process of cycleing construction:¡§emergion¡¨-¡§filtering and selection¡¨-¡§retaining¡¨, as organization develops. 2). The sustained momentum in entrepreneuring is coming from the interaction among members and entrepreneurial setting which tranfroms individual agency into collective synergy effectively. 3). Three steps are pointed out to transform individual agency into collective synergy: a. The process transforming into collective synergy is activated via the believing in competent individuals who can create entrepreneuring. b. The collective synergy is produced from effective harmonizing between the needs for individuals to proceed to their own development and for organization to function as intergral whole. C. Aggregating individuals as a whole via interplay between calculative and social commitments.

Becoming Expatriate Entrepreneurs: A Phenomenological Exploration of Entrepreneuring in Taiwan

Amjadi, Mansour 10 May 2012 (has links)
Becoming Expatriate Entrepreneurs: A Phenomenological Exploration of Entrepreneuring in Taiwan The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of an important but under-researched domain of expatriate entrepreneurs¡¦ lived-experience. Heideggerian existential-phenomenology of being-in-the-world was explored as an alternative, departing from the dominant mainstream economic, personality, and behavioral perspectives in entrepreneurship and migration research. Through the phenomenological inquiry, four themes emerged from the expatriate entrepreneurs cases in Taiwan. These intriguing themes are a) adapting and engaging in the local context by enterprising, b) entrepreneuring as brokering in diverse contexts, c) the mutuality of business ventures: Co-creating with the localpreneurs, and d) constructing an entrepreneurial identity, which contribute to both migration and entrepreneurship research. Furthermore, it is proposed that the expatriate entrepreneurial becoming could be understood as situated entrepreneuring which illustrates connecting past and present, connecting to the new context, and also connecting to the material world. Finally, Theoretical, methodological, and practical implications, as well as potential areas for the pursuit of a wide array of further inquires in the field of expatriate, migration and entrepreneurship, are identified. . Keywords: Expatriate Entrepreneur, Migration, Phenomenology, Lived Experience, Situated Entrepreneuring, Taiwan

Exploring Embodied Knowledge in Taiwan B&Bs Entrepreneuring: The Creation Process of Stylized Knowledge

Lin, Shao-Yi 05 September 2012 (has links)
Based on past studies, entrepreneurial knowledge is known for the two functions: opportunity recognition and coping with the liabilities of newness, and the utility of knowledge is simplified and addressed to be a beneficial tool to advance entrepreneurial process. This perspective brings a problem to view the production of entrepreneurial knowledge as an input-output process, in which the entrepreneur¡¦s experience is seamlessly able to be translated into the entrepreneurial experience. Also this production process of entrepreneurial knowledge ignores the subjectivity of entreperneur and the notion of creativity of entrepreneurial knowledge. In light with the lens of entrepreneuring, this study aims to investigate the creation process of entrperneurial knowledge, arguing that entrepreneurial knowledge is knowledge to ¡§make things done¡¨ with that an entrepreneur is capable of tackling his/her problem and moving the entrepreneurial process forward. The creativity of such entrepreneurial knowledge is crafted from the bodily practice in everyday life instead of originating from intellectual operation. The body philosophy of Freanch phenomenologist Merlau-Ponty is adopted in this research to probe the notions of perception, embodiedment, body schema, and habits in the creative process of entrepreneurial knowledge, and how these body practices enhance and create a stylized entrepreneurial knowledge. Bed and Breakfast (B&Bs) is the primary research field, which has been growing as an eminent industry in Taiwan with NTD 16.83 billions annual value of production and 1.85 million visitng guests per year. On the foundation of phenomenological analysis of B&Bs entrepreneurs¡¦ stories, this paper argues that the creation of entrepreneurial knowledge reveals a bodily engagement process, in which entrepreneurial knowledge is accumulated and re-invented through the movement of embodiment. An entrepreneur also increases his/her bodily engagement along with the various pratices and then starting a becoming-entrepreneur process. In the end, the creation of entrepreneurial knowledge develops the composition of subjectivity. This finding risists the entities holding by the conventional entrepreneurial studies, drawing the attention to the becoming process of entrepreneurial subject. Besides, it is also manifested that the creativity of entrepreneurial knowledge emerges in entrepreneurs¡¦ daily practice. Six practices to broaden the possibility of entrepreneurial knowledge are confirmed under the context of Taiwan B&B¡¦s industry. This research intends to axplicate that the creative process of entrepreneurial knowledge unfolds a self-discovery process. Through the re-construct the relationship of self and world, people will re-discover themselves and re-create their life-worlds to live up the existence of subject as well as to disclose the meaning of entrepreneuring. With the understading of bodily practice and its roots in phenomenology and life-world perspective, entrepreneurial knowledge extends its connotation from economic function and implies a new possibility of guneine knowledge of self.

Rendezvous in turbulent times:about the becoming of institution-changing networks in Myanmar/Burma

Hermes, J. (Jan) 26 April 2016 (has links)
Abstract The resolution of humanitarian crises in, for example, ethnic conflict regions, is dependent on the interaction of different actors. They need to collectively engage to change the conflicting parties’ perception of one another and their ways of interacting. The efforts of these institution-changing networks can be seen as an integral element of a change process to transform harmful societal practices which have become institutionalized over decades into socially and economically conducive practices. Located at the cross-roads of sociological institutionalism and critical entrepreneurship discourse this study borrows from both the Industrial Marketing and Purchasing rooted business network mobilization approach and organizational legitimacy discussion. It provides processual and contextual understanding of how individual actors act in the process of forming collectives for institutional change as an early stage of a peace-building process. The data of this study consists of a set of conversations with governmental, non-governmental and private sector actors and observations and secondary data about the peace-building and democratization process in Myanmar/Burma. These were used to produce insight into individual actors’ acting for forming institution-changing networks. Pluralism, non-linearity and non-teleology were identified as characteristics of institutional entrepreneurial acting in turbulent and unpredictable contexts generally. Exploring the pluralist characteristic further, the study identifies in Myanmar/Burma’s peace-building context reticence, adaptability, incentivization, and perseverance as ways of acting to instigate the forming of networks and the creation of legitimacy therein. Due to the underlying non-linearity and non-teleology of these ways of acting the formation of networks is referred to as process of becoming. Theoretically this study responds to the need for processual conceptualizations of networks changing over time through a rich and locally contextualized understanding of network forming processes. Methodologically, it advocates for a network- or meso-level approach to help transcending the distinction between individual and structure levels of analysis which allows viewing institutional entrepreneurship processes where they are enacted. Practically, this study gives guidance to business actors about balancing the conduct of business and building society at the same time. / Tiivistelmä Humanitaaristen kriisien ratkaisu esimerkiksi alueilla, joissa on etnisiä konflikteja, riippuu eri toimijoiden vuorovaikutuksesta. Heidän täytyy pyrkiä verkostoissa vaikuttamaan konfliktin osapuolten vuorovaikutustapoihin ja näkemyksiin toisistaan. Näiden instituutioita muuttavien verkostojen pyrkimykset voidaan nähdä keskeisenä osana prosessia, joka muuttaa ajan saatossa institutionalisoituneita haitallisia yhteiskunnallisia käytäntöjä sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti hyödyllisiksi käytännöiksi. Tämä tutkimus sijoittuu sosiologisen institutionalismin ja kriittisen yrittäjyyden diskurssin yhtymäkohtiin. Se pohjaa keskusteluun organisatorisesta legitimiteetistä sekä liiketoimintaverkostojen mobilisoinnin lähestymistapaan, joka juontaa juurensa teollisten markkinoiden tutkimuksesta. Tämä tutkimus tarjoaa prosessuaalisen ja kontekstuaalisen näkökulman yksittäisten toimijoiden toimintaan kollektiivien muodostumisen prosessissa, joka tähtää institutionaalisen muutoksen aikaansaamiseen rauhanrakentamisprosessin varhaisessa vaiheessa. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin kansalaisjärjestöjen, yksityissektorin ja valtiollisten toimijoiden haastattelujen lisäksi havaintoja ja sekundaariaineistoa rauhanrakentamisen ja demokratisointisoinnin prosesseista Myanmarissa/Burmassa. Aineiston pohjalta syvennettiin ymmärrystä yksittäisten toimijoiden toimimisesta instituutioita muuttavien verkostojen muodostumisessa. Pluralismi, epälineaarisuus ja epäteleologisuus tunnistettiin institutionaalisen yrittäjämäisen toimimisen ominaispiirteiksi turbulenteissa ja arvaamattomissa konteksteissa. Pluralistisia ominaisuuksia tarkasteltiin syvemmin ja Myanmarin/Burman rauhanrakennusprosessin kontekstissa pidättyväisyys, sopeutumiskyky, kannustimien asettaminen ja pitkäjänteisyys tunnistettiin tavoiksi käynnistää verkostojen muodostuminen ja niiden legitimiteetin luominen. Näiden toimintatapojen epälineaarisuuden ja epäteleologisuuden takia verkostojen luomiseen viitataan muodostumisen prosessina. Teoreettisesti tämä tutkimus vastaa tarpeeseen käsitteellistää muuttuvia verkostoja prosessuaalisesti luomalla moninaisen ja paikallisesti kontekstualisoidun ymmärryksen verkostojen muodostumisen prosessista. Metodologisesti tutkimus edistää verkosto- ja mesotason lähestymistapaa, joka auttaa ylittämään yksilön ja rakenteen tasojen erotuksen ja mahdollistaa institutionaalisen yrittäjämäisen prosessin tarkastelun sen toteuttamistasolla. Käytännössä tämä tutkimus antaa neuvoja liike-elämän toimijoille samanaikaisesti tapahtuvaan liiketoiminnan harjoittamiseen ja yhteiskunnan rakentamiseen.

Analýza přínosů projektů OHK Brno pro podnikatele v regionu / Analysis of project OHK Brno for business subject in region

Majer, Petr January 2008 (has links)
This thesis seeks to analyze the impact of a range of projects of Chamber of Commerce Brno on the entrepreneurs from the respective region. The thesis describes the structure and the overall operation of the Chamber of Commerce Brno as well as its several projects. In order to evaluate, there are three marketing researches that need to be taken into a consideration. Those marketing researches had been realised during the period of 2005 – 2007. Baring the results risen from the abovementioned marketing researchs in mind, the created situation has been assessed, and based on the personal experience the recommendations dedicated to the management have been created.

(Inter)Actions, Images & Inquiry: Social Media Affordances and Micro-Social Processes in the Emergence of Macro-Organizational Phenomena

Sweitzer, Stormy Compeán 26 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Organizace občanské společnosti poskytující sociální služby a vykazující ekonomické aktivity v Pardubickém kraji / Civic society organizations providing social services and entrepreneurial activities in Pardubice region

Marková, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
SYNOPSIS This thesis covers partial universe of civic society organizations that provide social services in Pardubice region. The primary goal of the thesis is to explore, through a questionnaire research, whether the income generated by these organizations is a determining factor in their association with the concept of social economy and social enterprise. The secondary goal is to identify, using semi-structured interviews with the representatives of civic society organizations, how they fulfill principles of social enterprise based to the "softer definition" developed by EMES. The first two chapters introduce concepts of public sector and social economy as well as identify their similarities and differences. It is followed by a description of social services and support of civic society organizations from the view point of several parties. The third chapter is dedicated to the actual research.

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