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Market entry timing and associating factors: A case study of Swedish firmsDO XUAN, KHOA, Van Looy, Yannick January 2014 (has links)
Abstract Keywords Market entry timing, associating factors Background Market entry timing is an important concept that influences the success of firms in international business. Companies earn big profits due to their perfect market entry timing. In contrast, McKinsey 2005 report showed that for every successful entry, there are four failures. On the other hand, the academic world also pays attention to entry timing by investigating its associating factors. Since there are gaps in academic research together with the need for deeper understanding, this thesis is dedicated to market entry timing. Purpose The purpose is to understand associating factors and their relation to foreign market entry timing. Method This study is a multiple case study exploratory research analysed through pattern finding for qualitative research. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with four companies. Conclusion There are nine factors associating with entry timing decisions: home and host country characteristics, firm capabilities and characteristics, competition, cultural distance, economic factors, Window of Opportunity, Word-of-Mouth, Stepwise internationalization, near-market knowledge. The research focuses on the last four factors and their influence in entry timing were discovered. Window of Opportunity can be perceived as “right business connections” and companies tend to enter foreign markets once they find the right business connection. Word of Mouth has an impact on entry timing in the situation that firms can be prompted to enter foreign market when positive Word of Mouth effect existed. Stepwise internationalization is the choice of firms, whose entry timing would be slower than other options. Near-market knowledge of the economic system can be transferred between countries that firms operate in and firms will be likely to enter market when they gain necessary knowledge of a similar economic system.
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THREE ESSAYS ON ENTRY TIMINGKubilay Cirik (5929595) 17 January 2019 (has links)
In this dissertation, I strive to enhance our understanding of the effect of entry timing on firm
performance using both empirical and formal modeling techniques. I accomplish this through
addressing three major unanswered issues in entry timing research. In the first essay of my
dissertation, I theoretically examine the effect of selection bias on entry timing associated
performance outcomes via the introduction of a novel concept called First-mover Benefits (FMB)
which is both theoretically and empirically distinct from the traditional First-mover Advantages
(FMA) concept. The second essay of my dissertation empirically investigates this distinction in a
unique entrepreneurial setting: the marijuana retailing industry in the State of Washington. The
randomized order of entry into the geographically separate jurisdictions in Washington State via
the lottery system gives me the opportunity to look at the overlooked effects of two key macrocontingencies:
market growth rate and rivalry intensity without any selection bias concern. The
main result of this essay indicates that pioneering advantages are more likely to be found in markets
with higher level of rivalry intensity. My final essay focuses on the sustainability dimension of
pioneering advantage. Taking advantage of the Washington State marijuana retailing industry
dataset that eliminates the selection bias issue, I examine how long entry timing associated
performance benefits are sustained in this nascent industry context. I find that pioneering
advantages last for only four quarters. Overall, this dissertation helps partially resolve the longstanding
controversy surrounding the potential effect of entry timing on performance.
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The Entry Strategy of Taiwanese Firm¡¦s Foreign Direct Investment in ChinaTu, Cheng-Ching 20 June 2001 (has links)
In1987, the Government released the law about restricting people to cotact between Taiwan and China, and the trade between Taiwan and China became more and more important. With the trend of economic community in globe and the industrial environment in Taiwan changed, the Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) should think about them how to keep advantages in global competition. Internationalization is the best choice that can help Taiwanese enterprises promote their competitive position in the world. China is a developing market and a lot advantages, such as rich resources and cheaper labors. Above all, China has become the major location of Taiwanese firm¡¦s foreign direct investment.
Compared with the process of MNEs located in North America/European Unit (developed countries, DC), the international process of Taiwan¡¦s MNEs is very different with in other countries. This is interested topic to investigate the entry strategies of Taiwanese firm¡¦s FDI in China. Focused on China, this thesis try to find out the model of entry mode and entry timing. The two basic types of entry mode are wholly owned subsidiary (WOS) and joint venture (JV). This study also defined the FDI timing of 1993 is the intermediary to differentiate early entrant from latter entrant.
The study collects 48 effective cases from electronics and non-electronics industries. The analytical technique used in this research includes descriptive statistics, factor analysis, cluster analysis, bivariate correlations, Multivariate Analysis Covariate of Variance (MANCOVA) and logistic regression. The study finds that the strategic roles of the MNEs have significant influences on the choice of entry mode. With different strategic motivations, the type of entry mode and the timing of entry are also difference. The relationship between entry mode and entry timing is not significant. In the view of global logistic management, Taiwan¡¦s MNEs will be an early entrant in China.
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A Research of the Relation between the Resources and Decisions of MNCs' Parent Firms and Its Subdiarys' Performance - With Foreign Banks' Taiwan Branches as an Example.Tsung, Pei-lun 23 June 2008 (has links)
Former research on entry strategies are generally focused on finding the determining factors for MNCs' entry timing or entry mode. Albeit MNCs' ultimate reason of investing in foreign markets are gaining profits, number of papers discussing MNCs' strategies and the performance of their subsidiary are far away from representing its importance ¡V especially in the realm of service industries. Meanwhile, along with advanced technology and the trend of globalization, international trades are flourishing. Financial firms are as well in the bloom due to their job as being capital borrowers and lenders. In Taiwan, since the government allowed foreign banks to invest in 1964, foreign banks contributed much in breeding financial innovation and training professionals. Their performances are as well benchmarks for domestic banks.
Combined with aforementioned backgrounds and motives, this thesis aims at discussing the relation between the resources and decisions of the foreign banks' parent firms and its Taiwan branches' performance in order to figure out the key factor affecting the performance of these banks' Taiwan branches. Thus, this study will serve foreign banks' Taiwan branches as samples and list resource condition variables of their parent banks according to OLI framework. The entry timing of these foreign banks is served as the strategy behavior variable. Via analyzing sample data before and after the Financial Holding Company Act and Merger and Acquisition of Financial Institutions Act with multiple regressions, this study intends to confirm the key factor affecting the performance of these banks' Taiwan branches. According to the results, the key factor would be entry timing. That is, regardless of the environmental challenges posed against these banks, the first mover advantage dominates in explaining the performance of these banks' Taiwan branches.
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Essays on International Market Entry StrategySong, Myunggook 2010 August 1900 (has links)
Two important issues regarding international market entry strategy remain largely unexplored: international launch time window (the elapsed time between product launch in the home country and launch in the focal country) and country sequence. First, I investigate the factors that drive international launch time window and its impact on the performance of new products in foreign markets. The results show that launch time window is positively associated with word of mouth, but negatively related to prelaunch advertising efforts and foreign demand potential. Second, I examine the determinants of the sequence of countries in which firms introduce new products and its impact on performance in foreign countries. The findings include that a country‘s order in the international launch sequence of a new product affects the product‘s performance in that country. Country order is negatively related to country revenues. A country‘s cultural distance (economic openness) is positively (negatively) associated with its order in the sequence. I also find that there is cross-country spillover effect - lagged revenues from other countries and lagged marketing efforts in the home country are positively related to a new product‘s revenues in the focal foreign country. The more culturally sensitive a product, the earlier culturally closer countries are in the launch sequence for that product. Based on the cross-country performance spillover effects, I recommend a launch sequence that can maximize overall performance in foreign markets.
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Emerging markets: A case study on foreign market entry in BangladeshTantu, Feleke, Rahman, Md.Ashiqur January 2011 (has links)
Abstract Title: Emerging Markets – A Case Study in Foreign Market Entry toBangladesh Keywords: emerging market, entry strategy, market entry, factors behind entry choice, entry mode, entry node, entry timing Background: Internationalism and international marketing are hot topics among the strategy discussions of the companies and as a result companies continuously look for new, unreached sales potential to their products and services as well as better use of their resources. Purpose: To find the most efficient international market entry strategy for companies moving from developed/transition economy to an emerging market. Theoretical framework: The base for the start of internationalisation process is company’s inner motives and resources. Motives and resources combined with the cultural distance, competition and general external environment of host country form potential company-specific risks for the entry to foreign market. Potential customers in combination with company resources shows how big is the match between market demand and what company can offer and therefore determines the potential reward. Risks and reward are both input to the decision making process where the potential benefits and drawbacks are analysed against each other. The output of this decision making is the entry strategy. Methodology: Internet was mainly used to collect secondary data about company resources, cultural distance and external environment. Interviews with 150 retailers inBangladesh were conducted to collect primary data about the competition and consumer behaviours in the hosiery market ofBangladesh. Then comparative analysis was made based on the model developed by the authors to reach to the decision. Conclusion: The most effective entry strategy for the entry to emerging markets is indirect exporting through an agent in case there is high location risk, moderately high competition risk, medium country risk and moderately low demand risk, the company has no surplus finances for big investments and no prior experience in doing business in an emerging market.
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新創事業資源取得時機與市場進入時機之探討 / The study of Resource Acquisition Timing and Market Entry Timing for New Ventures許瞻桂, Hsu. Chan-kuei Unknown Date (has links)
在以事業單位為分析對象之下,事業進入產業是一項不可逆轉的資源承諾(resource commitment),新創事業特別需要自外部取得資源,因而僅以產品上市代表進入並不貼切;且各種資源有本身環境的變化,其取得也有時機的議題,因而本研究藉由組織生態觀點所強調的環境資源豐富性與可得性、競食與共生群體等概念,從環境觀點分別探討新事業進入產業的「資源取得時機」與「市場進入時機」。
根據Eisenhardt(1989)建議,探索性個案研究仍可帶先驗構念( a priori constructs)進入田野,本研究第一階段即是帶著「環境有利程度」、「資源可得性」等概念以及產業知識進入田野,進行半結構化的訪談,針對草創期間資源之取得過程以及市場進入時機之回顧,從受訪者對其時機議題的說法歸納其中的道理(reasoning)。從前導個案中又發現「資源效益性」、「補救成本」與「持有成本」的概念以及時機相關理論意涵之後,確認本主題具有研究價值,於是再繼續進行第二階段多重個案的探索,將構念之面向及意涵發展得更加完整,並從個案複現所得到之研究發現推導出命題和觀念模式。
個案內分析乃利用開放性譯碼對訪談逐字稿分析與時機有關的概念賦予標籤(Labeling)並編碼(Coding),得出該個案的時機相關意涵與概念關係圖。跨個案分析部分先確認構念意涵與效度,再歸納主要的研究發現;前者乃透過不斷反覆於資料與構念之間,逐一界定本研究所發現之重要構念的涵意,並加以精緻化,再將該構念在所有個案逐字稿之證據整合建立證據表,以確認構念的聚合效度與區別效度;後者運用複現邏輯(replication logic)將研究發現之相關證據從個案逐字稿中一一加以引用,藉以強化研究發現。整個研究是一個不斷重複於資料與理論建構的過程(an iterative process),在新增個案之構念及關係皆已重複的情況下,研究者認為已經達到理論飽和。
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