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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Benthic foraminiferal faunal changes during the Eocene/Oligocene climate transition at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites 1209A and 1211A from the Shatsky Rise, central Pacific Ocean

Julian, Meaghan Elizabeth 15 May 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Benthic foraminiferal faunal changes during the Eocene/Oligocene climate transition at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites 1209A and 1211A from the Shatsky Rise, central Pacific Ocean

Julian, Meaghan Elizabeth 15 May 2009 (has links)
No description available.

An investigation into use of the freshwater gastropod Viviparus as a recorder of past climatic change

Bugler, Melanie Jane January 2011 (has links)
Through isotopic analysis of Viviparus lentus (V. lentus) a high resolution record of stepwise changes in δ18O and δ13C across the Eocene / Oligocene transition and Oi-1 glacial maximum has been produced for the continental Solent Group strata, Isle of Wight (UK). Comparison of this V. lentus δ18Ocarb. record with high resolution marine δ18Ocarb. records shows that similar isotopic shifts exist in the near coastal continental and marine realms. In order to calculate palaeotemperatures from this new continental record an investigation into the biology of modern Viviparus and its effect on the isotopic composition of its shell carbonate was undertaken. Experimental measurements of the 18O/16O isotope fractionation between the biogenic aragonite of Viviparus and its host freshwater were undertaken on samples derived from the Somerset Levels in order to generate a genus specific thermometry equation. The results from using this new Viviparus equation on fossil V. lentus shell fragments suggests that aquatic and terrestrial biota were being affected by climate change associated with the Late Eocene Event. This conicides with a decrease in mammal species richness in the Osborne Member, reaching its climax at the end of the Osborne / Seagrove Bay Members. This event is followed by a brief warming in the Bembridge Limestone which was marked by a within-Europe mammal turnover involving dispersal from the south and an increase in species richness, concurrent with this is an increase in size of Harrisichara gyrogonites. An additional investigation into seasonal isotopic variability using whole well preserved V. lentus specimens has also revealed a shift from tropical /subtropical to temperate climatic zones occurring before the Eocene /Oligocene boundary and Oi-1 glacial maximum. Overall the evidence provided by these investigations would suggest that climatic change was already in progress prior to the build up of glacial ice on Antarctica.

New insights into Cenozoic Silicon cycling in the Southern Ocean : refined application of silicon isotope ratios in biogenic opal

Egan, Katherine Elizabeth January 2014 (has links)
The marine silicon and carbon cycles are intrinsically linked by a unique group of primary producers; the diatoms. These siliceous-walled phytoplankton play a significant role in carbon export, making them a critical component of the global biological carbon pump with the power to affect climatic change. In this thesis, the silicon isotope composition (δ30Si) preserved in diatom opal is used together with the δ30Si of sponge opal, a powerful new proxy for deepwater silicic acid concentration, to document the Cenozoic Silicon cycle, shedding light on its role in carbon cycling and global climatic change. This study has developed a novel size-separation methodology to produce the first core top calibration of diatom δ30Si. The calibration demonstrates that diatom δ30Si exhibits a strong negative correlation with surface water silicic acid concentration, supportive of its application as a proxy for silicic acid utilisation. The refined method is used to produce a diatom δ30Si record, for the first time combined with sponge δ30Si, to gain insight into the Southern Ocean silicon cycle over one of the largest Cenozoic climatic shifts; the onset of Antarctic glaciation (~33.7 Ma). The two δ30Si records yield the first geochemical footprint to demonstrate that diatom proliferation, coincident with the onset of Antarctic circumpolar current flow, was a precursor event to the Eocene-Oligocene Transition. Diatoms are shown to have played a role in climate cooling through enhanced export and burial of organic carbon on the seafloor. The first long term reconstruction of silicic acid concentration in subsurface waters of the Southern Ocean, which spans the Late Eocene to the earliest Pliocene, provides new evidence that oceanic vertical mixing rates, coupled with the efficient removal of silicon from the surface by the diatoms, have been the most important factor in controlling the silicon chemistry of the ocean over the Cenozoic.

The Greenhouse - Icehouse Transition : a dinoflagellate perspective

van Mourik, Caroline A. January 2006 (has links)
<p>Through the analysis of the stratigraphic and spatial distribution of organic walled dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts) from climatologically and oceanographically key sites, this project aims to contribute to a better understanding of the Eocene-Oligocene (E/O) environmental changes and their timing. A central issue is to identify the global environmental changes which are responsible for the Eocene cooling and its underlying mechanisms with the focus on the Oligocene isotope-1 (Oi-1) event, thought to mark the onset of major Antarctic glaciation.</p><p>Two low-latitude sites were selected, Blake Nose (western North Atlantic) and Massignano (central Italy). For the first time a coherent taxonomy and biostratigraphy of dinocysts was established for the late Eocene at these latitudes. A high resolution correlation was established between the Massignano E/O Stratotype Section and the stratigraphically more extended ‘Massicore’. The composite section was used to analyse sea surface temperature (SST) change across the greenhouse-icehouse transition by means of dinocyst distribution.</p><p>At Massignano, the Oi-1 event was recognised both qualitatively and quantitatively. In the power spectrum of the SST<sub>dino</sub> the ~100 and ~400 kyr eccentricity cycles may be distinguished and correlated with La04. When orbitally tuned, the E/O GSSP dates ~100 kyr older than the Oi-1 event. The boundary’s age could either be ~33.75 or ~34.1 Ma, both differ significantly from the ~33.9 Ma age in the GTS 2004.</p><p>Furthermore, when the data from the low-latitude sites were combined with extensive datasets from the Proto North Atlantic and adjacent regions, a suite of species sensitive to changes in SST was recognised. Their first and last occurrences reflect seven distinct phases of decreasing SSTs during the Middle Eocene to earliest Oligocene.</p><p>These results clearly indicate that atmospheric cooling together with higher frequency orbital forcing played a key role in the transition from the Greenhouse to the Icehouse world.</p>

The Greenhouse - Icehouse Transition : a dinoflagellate perspective

van Mourik, Caroline A. January 2006 (has links)
Through the analysis of the stratigraphic and spatial distribution of organic walled dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts) from climatologically and oceanographically key sites, this project aims to contribute to a better understanding of the Eocene-Oligocene (E/O) environmental changes and their timing. A central issue is to identify the global environmental changes which are responsible for the Eocene cooling and its underlying mechanisms with the focus on the Oligocene isotope-1 (Oi-1) event, thought to mark the onset of major Antarctic glaciation. Two low-latitude sites were selected, Blake Nose (western North Atlantic) and Massignano (central Italy). For the first time a coherent taxonomy and biostratigraphy of dinocysts was established for the late Eocene at these latitudes. A high resolution correlation was established between the Massignano E/O Stratotype Section and the stratigraphically more extended ‘Massicore’. The composite section was used to analyse sea surface temperature (SST) change across the greenhouse-icehouse transition by means of dinocyst distribution. At Massignano, the Oi-1 event was recognised both qualitatively and quantitatively. In the power spectrum of the SSTdino the ~100 and ~400 kyr eccentricity cycles may be distinguished and correlated with La04. When orbitally tuned, the E/O GSSP dates ~100 kyr older than the Oi-1 event. The boundary’s age could either be ~33.75 or ~34.1 Ma, both differ significantly from the ~33.9 Ma age in the GTS 2004. Furthermore, when the data from the low-latitude sites were combined with extensive datasets from the Proto North Atlantic and adjacent regions, a suite of species sensitive to changes in SST was recognised. Their first and last occurrences reflect seven distinct phases of decreasing SSTs during the Middle Eocene to earliest Oligocene. These results clearly indicate that atmospheric cooling together with higher frequency orbital forcing played a key role in the transition from the Greenhouse to the Icehouse world.

Evidências geológicas de mudanças climáticas (greenhouse-icehouse) na Antártica Ocidental durante a passagem Eoceno-Oligoceno / Geological evidences of a climatic change (greenhouse-icehouse) of Western Antarctica during the Eocene-Oligocene transition

Canile, Fernanda Maciel 05 October 2010 (has links)
Durante o Eoceno e o Oligoceno (55 a 23 Ma) a Terra esteve sujeita a período de grandes mudanças climáticas. Registros geológicos, reforçados por modelos climáticos, indicam que o clima global durante esse período passou de estágio praticamente livre de calotas polares para situacao climática próxima a que hoje podemos encontrar na Antártica. Grande parte desses registros são indiretos, retirados de sedimentos de fundo marinho ou de material fóssil. Evidência terrestre clara da variação climática (greenhouse-icehouse) para o Eoceno-Oligoceno pode ser encontrada em Wesele Cove, ilha Rei Jorge, Antártica Ocidental. Tais evidências correspondem a uma sucessão de cerca de 60m com pelo menos 13 derrames de lava basáltica, de alguns metros de espessura cada, sobreposta, em contato erosivo, por diamictito e arenito. A sucessão basáltica é correlacionada com a Formação Mazurek Point/Hennequin, datada radiometricamente como do Eoceno, e o diamictito e arenito correspondem ao Membro Krakowiak Glacier da Formação Polonez Cove, datada, paleontológica e radiométricamente como pertencente ao Oligoceno inferior. Cada camada de basalto toleítico exibe uma zona inferior, mais espessa (1 a poucos metros), de rocha fresca, que é seguida transicionalmente por uma zona de alteração, variando de alguns decímetros a 1-1,5 m de espessura. O pacote de basalto está inclinado 25º para leste, provavelmente por tectonismo. A sucessão foi recentemente exposta devido ao rápido recuo da atual geleira Wyspianski. A evidência inicial de campo sugere que a sucessão representa um registro geológico de variação paleoclimática de condições mais amenas para condições glaciais, que pode ser correlacionada com a mudança do ótimo climático do final do Eoceno (greenhouse) para as condições de icehouse do Oligoceno, registradas na curva de paleotemperatura cenozóica estabelecida pela determinação de 18O em carapaças de foraminíferos. Este estudo teve como foco central a análise estratigráfica e geoquímica da ocorrência, a fim de interpretar a sucessão de eventos paleoclimáticos documentados no afloramento e analisá-los, no contexto da história paleoclimática da Antártica. Os dados obtidos mostraram que a transição de zonas não alteradas para alteradas observada em cada derrame de basalto pode de fato ser atribuídas à ação moderada de processos intempéricos no topo de cada derrame. Eles também demonstram uma origem glacial, em parte subglacial com contribuição marinha, dos diamictitos sobrepostos, que apresentam feições, tais como, clastos de litologias e tamanhos variados, facetados e estriados, clastos tipo bullet shaped, clastos partidos por congelamento, estrias intraformacionais e fósseis marinhos encontrados na matriz do diamictito. As condições climáticas amenas responsáveis pelo intemperismo do basalto durou até o surgimento do último horizonte de lava, seguida por movimentação tectônica que inclinou o pacote. Esses eventos indicam condições paleoclimáticas menos rigorosas relativamente longas durante o Eoceno, precedendo o estabelecimento do manto de gelo oligocênico nesta parte da Antártica. / During the Eocene and Oligocene (55 23 Ma) the Earth was undergoing a period of great climatic changes. Geological records, reinforced by climate models indicate that global climate during this period went from a stage in which the Earth was virtually free of polar ice caps to a stage close to what we find today in Antarctica. Most of these records are indirect, taken from the deep-sea cores or fossil material. Clear terrestrial evidence of climate change (greenhouse-icehouse) for the Eocene-Oligocene transition is found in Wesele Cove, King George Island, West Antarctica. This evidence includes a succession of at least thirteen, few meters thick, basaltic lava flows overlain disconformably by diamictite and sandstone. The basaltic section is correlated with the Mazurek Point/Hennequin Formation, radiometric dated as Eocene, and the diamictite and sandstone correspond to the Krakowiak Glacier Member of the Polonez Cove Formation, dated as Early Oligocene, on paleontological and radiometric basis. Each tholeiitic basalt layer exhibits a lower, thicker (1 to few meters) fresh zone, transitionally followed up by a zone of saprolith, varying from decimeters to 1-1.5 m in thickness. The entire basalt package of around 60 m, is tilted 25º to the east. The succession has been recently exposed due to fast retreat of the present Wyspianski Glacier. The initial field evidence suggests that the succession represents the geological record of paleoclimatic variation from mild to glacial conditions, that could correlate with the change from the late Eocene optimum climatic (greenhouse) to icehouse conditions in the Oligocene, as recorded on the Cenozoic paleotemperature curve established by 18O determinations on calcareous foram tests. This study had focus on the stratigraphy and geochemistry analysis of the occurrence, in order to interpret the succession of palaeoclimatic events documented in outcrop and analyze them in the context of paleoclimatic history of Antarctica. Data obtained consistently showed that the supposed transition from unaltered to altered zones observed in each basalt layer may in fact be assigned to the moderated action of weathering processes on top of each flow. They also demonstrate a glacial, in partly subglacial with marine contribution, origin for the overlying diamictites, which has features such clasts of diverse lithologies and sizes, faceted and striated clasts, bullet shaped clasts, clasts broken by freezing and thaw, intraformational striae and marine fossils found in the matrix of the diamictite. The mild paleoclimatic conditions responsible for weathering of the basalt lasted until the emplacement of the highest lava horizon, followed by tectonic movement that tilted the package. These events indicate a relatively long paleoclimatic mild conditions during the Eocene, preceding the establishment and displacement of the Oligocene ice-sheet in this part of Antarctica.

The Stratigraphic, Sedimentologic, and Paleogeographic Evolution of the Eocene- Oligocene Grasshopper Extensional Basin, Southwest Montana

Matoush, Joseph P. 01 May 2002 (has links)
Grasshopper basin, located in southwest Montana, is an east-tilted graben bounded by the listric Muddy-Grasshopper fault and the Meriwether Lewis fault on the eastern and western margins of the basin, respectively. This basin contains a complex stratigraphy of intertonguing facies comprised of five unconformity-bounded sequences of Tertiary alluvial, flu vial, deltaic, and lacustrine sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Sequence 1 consists of the Challis volcanic Group (Middle Eocene). The sedimentary rocks of the Medicine Lodge beds (Late Eocene-Late Oligocene) represent sequence 2 and approximately 90% of the basin-fill within Grasshopper basin. Sequence 3 consists 11 of the Sedimentary Rocks of Everson Creek (Late Oligocene-Early Miocene), sequence 4 is represented by the Sedimentary Rocks of Bannack Pass (Middle-Late Miocene), and the Six Mile Creek Formation (Late Miocene?) corresponds to sequence 5. Sequence 2 is the synrift deposit for the Muddy-Grasshopper fault, and was dominated by lakes that filled axially by rivers from the north. Transverse sediment influx was present on small fan-delta complexes shed into the lake from the eastern margin and periodic large fluvial-dominated alluvial fan and deltaic deposition from the western margin. Paleocurrent analyses are consistent with these observations and show predominantly south-southeastward axial paleoflow directions with west-directed and east-directed paleoflow on the eastern and western margins, respectively. Petrologic studies, including sandstone petrography and conglomerate petrology, reveal a mixed "basement uplift" and "recycled orogen" tectonic provenance. These findings support a model for Eocene-Oligocene rifting characterized by moderate to high relief superimposed on the Cretaceous-Early Tertiary Sevier fold-and-thrust belt. Paleogeographic reconstructions of Grasshopper basin reveal the lack of a southern basin margin. A correlation of the basin-fill contained in the Medicine Lodge and Horse Prairie basins to the south with the Medicine Lodge beds (sequence 2) in Grasshopper basin suggests that each of these basins represents a third of a larger preexisting extensional basin that was partially dismembered by later phases of continued extension. Large extensional folds in Grasshopper basin had a small influence on facies architecture in the basin.

Evidências geológicas de mudanças climáticas (greenhouse-icehouse) na Antártica Ocidental durante a passagem Eoceno-Oligoceno / Geological evidences of a climatic change (greenhouse-icehouse) of Western Antarctica during the Eocene-Oligocene transition

Fernanda Maciel Canile 05 October 2010 (has links)
Durante o Eoceno e o Oligoceno (55 a 23 Ma) a Terra esteve sujeita a período de grandes mudanças climáticas. Registros geológicos, reforçados por modelos climáticos, indicam que o clima global durante esse período passou de estágio praticamente livre de calotas polares para situacao climática próxima a que hoje podemos encontrar na Antártica. Grande parte desses registros são indiretos, retirados de sedimentos de fundo marinho ou de material fóssil. Evidência terrestre clara da variação climática (greenhouse-icehouse) para o Eoceno-Oligoceno pode ser encontrada em Wesele Cove, ilha Rei Jorge, Antártica Ocidental. Tais evidências correspondem a uma sucessão de cerca de 60m com pelo menos 13 derrames de lava basáltica, de alguns metros de espessura cada, sobreposta, em contato erosivo, por diamictito e arenito. A sucessão basáltica é correlacionada com a Formação Mazurek Point/Hennequin, datada radiometricamente como do Eoceno, e o diamictito e arenito correspondem ao Membro Krakowiak Glacier da Formação Polonez Cove, datada, paleontológica e radiométricamente como pertencente ao Oligoceno inferior. Cada camada de basalto toleítico exibe uma zona inferior, mais espessa (1 a poucos metros), de rocha fresca, que é seguida transicionalmente por uma zona de alteração, variando de alguns decímetros a 1-1,5 m de espessura. O pacote de basalto está inclinado 25º para leste, provavelmente por tectonismo. A sucessão foi recentemente exposta devido ao rápido recuo da atual geleira Wyspianski. A evidência inicial de campo sugere que a sucessão representa um registro geológico de variação paleoclimática de condições mais amenas para condições glaciais, que pode ser correlacionada com a mudança do ótimo climático do final do Eoceno (greenhouse) para as condições de icehouse do Oligoceno, registradas na curva de paleotemperatura cenozóica estabelecida pela determinação de 18O em carapaças de foraminíferos. Este estudo teve como foco central a análise estratigráfica e geoquímica da ocorrência, a fim de interpretar a sucessão de eventos paleoclimáticos documentados no afloramento e analisá-los, no contexto da história paleoclimática da Antártica. Os dados obtidos mostraram que a transição de zonas não alteradas para alteradas observada em cada derrame de basalto pode de fato ser atribuídas à ação moderada de processos intempéricos no topo de cada derrame. Eles também demonstram uma origem glacial, em parte subglacial com contribuição marinha, dos diamictitos sobrepostos, que apresentam feições, tais como, clastos de litologias e tamanhos variados, facetados e estriados, clastos tipo bullet shaped, clastos partidos por congelamento, estrias intraformacionais e fósseis marinhos encontrados na matriz do diamictito. As condições climáticas amenas responsáveis pelo intemperismo do basalto durou até o surgimento do último horizonte de lava, seguida por movimentação tectônica que inclinou o pacote. Esses eventos indicam condições paleoclimáticas menos rigorosas relativamente longas durante o Eoceno, precedendo o estabelecimento do manto de gelo oligocênico nesta parte da Antártica. / During the Eocene and Oligocene (55 23 Ma) the Earth was undergoing a period of great climatic changes. Geological records, reinforced by climate models indicate that global climate during this period went from a stage in which the Earth was virtually free of polar ice caps to a stage close to what we find today in Antarctica. Most of these records are indirect, taken from the deep-sea cores or fossil material. Clear terrestrial evidence of climate change (greenhouse-icehouse) for the Eocene-Oligocene transition is found in Wesele Cove, King George Island, West Antarctica. This evidence includes a succession of at least thirteen, few meters thick, basaltic lava flows overlain disconformably by diamictite and sandstone. The basaltic section is correlated with the Mazurek Point/Hennequin Formation, radiometric dated as Eocene, and the diamictite and sandstone correspond to the Krakowiak Glacier Member of the Polonez Cove Formation, dated as Early Oligocene, on paleontological and radiometric basis. Each tholeiitic basalt layer exhibits a lower, thicker (1 to few meters) fresh zone, transitionally followed up by a zone of saprolith, varying from decimeters to 1-1.5 m in thickness. The entire basalt package of around 60 m, is tilted 25º to the east. The succession has been recently exposed due to fast retreat of the present Wyspianski Glacier. The initial field evidence suggests that the succession represents the geological record of paleoclimatic variation from mild to glacial conditions, that could correlate with the change from the late Eocene optimum climatic (greenhouse) to icehouse conditions in the Oligocene, as recorded on the Cenozoic paleotemperature curve established by 18O determinations on calcareous foram tests. This study had focus on the stratigraphy and geochemistry analysis of the occurrence, in order to interpret the succession of palaeoclimatic events documented in outcrop and analyze them in the context of paleoclimatic history of Antarctica. Data obtained consistently showed that the supposed transition from unaltered to altered zones observed in each basalt layer may in fact be assigned to the moderated action of weathering processes on top of each flow. They also demonstrate a glacial, in partly subglacial with marine contribution, origin for the overlying diamictites, which has features such clasts of diverse lithologies and sizes, faceted and striated clasts, bullet shaped clasts, clasts broken by freezing and thaw, intraformational striae and marine fossils found in the matrix of the diamictite. The mild paleoclimatic conditions responsible for weathering of the basalt lasted until the emplacement of the highest lava horizon, followed by tectonic movement that tilted the package. These events indicate a relatively long paleoclimatic mild conditions during the Eocene, preceding the establishment and displacement of the Oligocene ice-sheet in this part of Antarctica.

The Impacts of Cenozoic Climate and Habitat Changes on Small Mammal Diversity of North America

Samuels, Joshua X., Hopkins, Samantha S.B. 01 February 2017 (has links)
Through the Cenozoic, paleoclimate records show general trends of global cooling and increased aridity, and environments in North America shifted from predominantly forests to more open habitats. Paleobotanical records indicate grasses were present on the continent in the Eocene; however, paleosol and phytolith studies indicate that open habitats did not arise until the late Eocene or even later in the Oligocene. Studies of large mammalian herbivores have documented changes in ecomorphology and community structure through time, revealing that shifts in mammalian morphology occurred millions of years after the environmental changes thought to have triggered them. Smaller mammals, like rodents and lagomorphs, should more closely track climate and habitat changes due to their shorter generation times and smaller ranges, but these animals have received much less study. To examine changes in smaller mammals through time, we have assembled and analyzed an ecomorphological database of all North American rodent and lagomorph species. Analyses of these data found that rodent and lagomorph community structure changed dramatically through the Cenozoic, and shifts in diversity and ecology correspond closely with the timing of habitat changes. Cenozoic rodent and lagomorph species diversity is strongly biased by sampling of localities, but sampling-corrected diversity reveals diversity dynamics that, after an initial density-dependent diversification in the Eocene, track habitat changes and the appearance of new ecological adaptations. As habitats became more open and arid through time, rodent and lagomorph crown heights increased while burrowing, jumping, and cursorial adaptations became more prevalent. Through time, open-habitat specialists were added during periods of diversification, while closed-habitat taxa were disproportionately lost in subsequent diversity declines. While shifts among rodents and lagomorphs parallel changes in ungulate communities, they started millions of years earlier than in larger mammals. This is likely a consequence of the smaller mammal' greater sensitivity to environmental changes and more rapid evolution. These results highlight the importance of examining understudied members of vertebrate faunas for understanding the evolution of terrestrial communities through time.

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