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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Physico-chemical and microalgal characteristics of the Goukamma Estuary

Kaselowski, Tanja January 2012 (has links)
Estuaries are intrinsically complex and dynamic ecosystems that display marked spatial and temporal variability. Because estuaries are situated at the receiving end of catchment activities, they are at particular risk of alterations to their natural complexity. The overarching objective of this study was to gain an overview of the abiotic conditions and biotic response of the Goukamma Estuary, a small temporarily open/closed estuary (TOCE) which is situated in a relatively undisturbed catchment in the Southern Cape. Physico-chemical properties drive estuarine ecology, and together with biological indicators, are commonly assessed to determine the present status of an estuary. During the study, physico-chemical parameters reflected great spatial and temporal variability in response to the mouth state over a 13 month period. Parameters ranged within expected limits, as proposed by the conceptual model for water quality of TOCE’s (Snow and Taljaard 2007). Of particular importance was the prominent occurrence of salinity stratification and hypoxic conditions (dissolved oxygen [DO] < 3 mg l-1) during both open and closed mouth states. Data indicated that in the wide and shallow lower reaches, weak stratification gradients were present and oxygenated conditions (DO > 6 mg l-1) were maintained throughout the water column mainly by wind and tidal action. However, stratification increased towards the deeper, channel-like middle and upper reaches of the estuary, followed by a significant reduction in bottom DO concentrations and development of hypoxia and anoxia. Bottom water hypoxia commonly occurs in microtidal estuaries due to the limited influence of mixing forces, mainly by wind and tidal action. The Goukamma Estuary is a channel-like microtidal estuary where stratification effectively limited oxygenation of the bottom water which resulted in frequent occurrence of bottom water hypoxia. During June 2010 when the highest local rainfall (75 mm) was recorded for the region, salinity and DO data showed that this amount of rainfall was insignificant as it did not replenish the water column of oxygen. Only the surface 0.5 m layer was fresh and oxygenated while below this, the water column was completely hypoxic. In an unimpacted state, the Goukamma Estuary is a blackwater system and is expected to be nutrient poor; however, farming activities in the catchment have resulted in elevated nutrient concentrations. This study showed that significantly higher nutrient concentrations were measured in the middle and upper reaches of the estuary, adjacent to cattle farms situated in the floodplain of these reaches. Nutrient concentrations represented mesotrophic (dissolved inorganic nitrogen [DIN] > 500 μg l-1) to eutrophic conditions (dissolved inorganic phosphorus [DIP] > 25 μg l-1). Nutrient input stimulated phytoplankton to attain a significantly high biomass, ranging between 0.3 – 112 μg l-1 (~ 7.7 ± 1.3 μg l-1; n = 128) and 0.8 – 289 μg l-1 (~ 21.1 ± 4.4 μg l-1; n = 80) during the open and closed states, respectively. High organic loads are associated with high oxygen demands which consequently result in hypoxia following decomposition. Exacerbated by natural salinity stratification which effectively limits oxygenation of the water column, unnaturally high nutrient concentrations and coinciding organic loads place the estuary at particular risk of degradation. This study captured key patterns and processes by quantifying salinity, oxygen and nutrient concentrations in addition to biological indicators (phytoplankton biomass and community composition). Considering possible budget constraints, it is recommended that monthly salinity and oxygen concentrations should be monitored as well as seasonal nutrient concentrations. It is also recommended that riparian buffer zones should be established in the middle and upper reaches of the estuary, as these vegetation buffers have been well documented to contribute to nutrient attenuation and improved water quality from agricultural run-off.

The importance of estuarine head waters for fishes in selected Eastern Cape systems, with particular emphasis on the influence of freshwater inflow, migration barriers and non-native predators on the juvenile and small fish component

Wasserman, Ryan January 2010 (has links)
The utilisation of estuary headwater environments by young estuary- and marine-spawned fish species was investigated together with the effects of riverflow alteration, in-stream barrier effects and non-native ichthyofauna on the nursery function of these habitats. The distribution and abundance of young estuary- and marine-spawned fish were sampled using seine and fyke nets in the headwater environments of four permanently open Eastern Cape systems, namely the Great Fish, Kowie, Kariega and Sundays Estuaries. Within the suite of study systems, the first of two case studies focussed on barrier effects of in-stream structures on fish migration. This was undertaken in the Sundays River. In the second case study, predation and competition dynamics of the non-native piscivorous Micropterus salmoides on estuary-dependent fish was investigated in the estuary headwater regions of the Kowie River system. In all four estuaries, young estuary-spawned fish species dominated the ichthyofaunal community followed by marine-spawned species, despite varied freshwater inflow resulting in headwaters varying in salinity from fresh to hypersaline. Fish community structure however, differed largely between estuaries, with both freshwater abstraction and unnatural elevation of freshwater into estuaries, as a result of inter-basin transfers, affecting these communities. In-stream structures were found to effect upstream movement of fish in two ways, dependent on the type of barrier. Partial (size-dependent) and complete (species-dependent) restriction to upstream migration of fish by causeway-type instream structures were observed. Weir-type in-stream structures acted as a complete barrier to most species, regardless of fish size. Predation of estuary- and marine-spawned fish species by large sized M. salmoides was recorded, although these fish did not contribute significantly to their diet during this study. However, the main dietary components found in smaller sized M. salmoides stomachs overlap with those of juvenile estuary- and marinespawned fish species, suggesting feeding competition between the juveniles of indigenous and non-native fish species.

Dynamics of macrophytes in the East Kleinemonde, a small temporarily open/closed South Afrcan Estuary

Riddin, Taryn January 2011 (has links)
The East Kleinemonde Estuary is one of 175 temporarily open/closed estuaries (TOCEs) that represent 70 percent of estuaries in South Africa. TOCEs are small (mostly less than 100 ha), shallow estuaries (average depth < 2 m) that respond quickly to freshwater inflow events. Their connection to the sea can be highly variable resulting in considerable changes in abiotic and biotic conditions. Mouth status depends on a balance between freshwater inflow and marine influence, which in turn affects ambient abiotic conditions. The objective of the study was to identify the abiotic variables which influence macrophyte growth and habitat availability. It was hypothesised that water level and salinity were the two main drivers of macrophyte change and macrophyte habitat would respond very rapidly, in less than a month, when habitat was available. Macrophyte habitats would also have high sediment seed reserves to ensure persistence under highly variable abiotic conditions. Macrophyte cover was monitored monthly in the East Kleinemonde Estuary along three permanent transects. The dominant habitats were submerged macrophytes, intertidal salt marsh, supratidal salt marsh, reeds and sedges. The following abiotic variables; water level, water column salinity, water temperature, Secchi depth, air temperature and rainfall were also measured between March 2006 and January 2010. Time-lag responses of the macrophytes to water level and salinity changes up to four months prior to the sampling session were also assessed. The analysis of a one year dataset highlighted only water level as a driver of change in macrophyte cover, whereas the five year dataset identified salinity as an additional important abiotic driver. This is because during September 2008 to January 2010 a series of large marine overwash events maintained high salinity (> 30 ppt) and high water level (> 1.6 m amsl) in the estuary. Water level increased by up to 0.33 m due to large volumetric changes and salinity was significantly higher in the 16 month closed euhaline phase after the breach (31 ± 0.9 ppt) compared to 21.9 ± 0.9 ppt in the closed polyhaline phase before the September 2008 breach. This increase in salinity significantly reduced the cover of the submerged macrophytes Ruppia cirrhosa and Chara vulgaris. They were replaced by macroalgae during this high salinity phase. The cover of supratidal salt marsh and reed habitats was also significantly reduced during the high water level phase, which in turn would lead to the potential for bank destabilisation and erosion. Based on the average elevation above sea level position of the macrophytes in the East Kleinemonde iv Estuary, a threshold water level was identified as 1.55 amsl. This was taken to be the height above sea level at which there was a maximum cover change for each macrophyte habitat. Above this water level emergent macrophyte habitat would mainly be inundated. This, together with 30 ppt salinity, was identified as the two thresholds for macrophyte change in the East Kleinemonde Estuary. From these thresholds and the 5 year dataset four biotic states were identified as State A: open and tidal, State B: closed with a water level below 1.55 m amsl and salinity between 18 to 30 ppt, State C: closed and water level above 1.55 m amsl and salinity between 18 to 30 ppt and State D: closed and water level above 1.55 m amsl and salinity above 30 ppt. Intertidal salt marsh, reeds and sedges were dominant during the open phase. Submerged macrophytes were dominant during the closed polyhaline state and macroalgae during the closed euhaline state. The high variability of abiotic factors common in TOCEs and the response of macrophyte habitat indicated that macrophytes were resilient to changing states provided they were of relatively short (< 3 months) duration. Macrophytes in the East Kleinemonde Estuary were found to have fast growth rates and large seed reserves in the sediment. The seed banks in the East Kleinemonde, as well as the adjacent temporarily open/closed West Kleinemonde Estuary were quantified for the first time in a South African estuary. The averaged data from both estuaries showed that Charophyte öospores represented almost 72 percent of the sexual propagules in the sediment with a mean öospore density of 31 306 ± 2 293 m-2. This was despite the Charophytes being sparsely located and only representing a maximum of 32.5 percent cover in the above ground vegetation. Historically there must have been stands of Charophytes in the East Kleinemonde Estuary, such that öospores could accumulate to such high density found in this study. The second highest seed density was for the intertidal salt marsh plant Sarcocornia tegetaria (18 percent) (7 929 ± 688 seed m-2), followed by the submerged angiosperm Ruppia cirrhosa (7 percent) (2 852 ± 327 seeds m-2). Although seed density did not differ significantly with sediment depth, seeds still occurred at 20 cm below the surface of the sediment providing a regeneration source in the event of sediment scouring during a flood event. Germination studies in the greenhouse showed that most seeds were viable and Sarcocornia tegetaria began to germinate after 3 days to a maximum of 82 percent after 91 days. Submerged species only germinated after 18 days with a low maximum germination of between 11 and 15 percent. This study has made an original contribution to the field of knowledge on macrophyte responses in a small TOCE as it showed that macrophyte habitats in the East Kleinemonde Estuary have a high natural variability in cover over time, they respond quickly after a disturbance event such as a mouth breach and there are large sediment seed reserves that remain viable from 2 to more than 5 years. This ensures habitat persistence even under unfavourable conditions, such as prolonged periods of mouth closure with high water level and flooding which causes loss of salt marsh species. Given this natural variability it is necessary to predict responses both spatially and temporally in order to manage and maintain ecological functioning in TOCEs. This study identified dominant macrophyte habitat for different abiotic states through the use of water level and salinity thresholds. In the determination of the freshwater requirements of any South African estuary freshwater inflow rates are provided for each estuary's past, present and possible future freshwater inflow scenarios. These flow data are generated by hydrological models and simulated monthly inflow volumes for a period of about 72 years are provided. For the East Kleinemonde freshwater requirement study for any year in that 70-odd year period, the number of high flow and low flow mouth breaches were predicted, as well as the closed state periods. The threshold water level of 1.55 m amsl was also used to filter past, present and future inflow monthly volumes to determine the frequency of the four abiotic states identified in this study. It was based on a water level/water volume equation calculation from a digital elevation model. Results showed that the total closed period in the present state was 83 percent, made up of 48 percent of the time in a polyhaline state (State C) and 35 percent in a euahaline state (State D). A second method was used to quantify available spatial habitat under different water level scenarios. A spatial model was written in Model Builder, an application in ArcGIS that allowed a series of processes to be built. A habitat map was overlaid with a bathymetric map and by selecting water level, available habitat areas were determined and empirical equations of water level versus available habitat were produced. These equations were then used to calculate the available habitat areas for monthly water level conditions from the freshwater requirement study for the past, present and two future inflow scenarios. Using both the threshold water level method and the spatial availability model method it was possible to assess the effect of the two future inflow scenarios on macrophyte habitat vi response. Scenario 1 had a 16 percent reduction in mean annual runoff (MAR) generating low flows for 88.6 percent of the time and a 3.5 percent reduction in flood events. In Scenario 2 there would be a 12 percent reduction in MAR with low flows occurring for 87.5 percent of the year, a 5.3 percent reduction in floods and an 11.5 percent reduction in the open mouth state. The model showed that Scenario 1 would have the highest submerged macrophyte area (12.56 ha versus 12.48 ha in Scenario 2), whereas Scenario 2 produced the largest mudflat and intertidal salt marsh area (7.11 ha versus 7.34 ha) due to lower water level in conjunction with the bathymetry of the estuary. A reduction in freshwater inflow to TOCEs either due to anthropogenic influences or natural precipitation cycles is one of the main threats to the optimum functioning of these estuaries. The results from this study and the two methods of assessing the effect of freshwater inflow scenarios on macrophytes in TOCEs can be integrated into the current freshwater inflow assessment methodology in South Africa, as well as adding to our understanding of the ecological functioning of these small, highly variable estuaries. The methods provide a quick assessment of macrophyte habitat associated with abiotic states under past, present and future inflow scenarios. All that is required to predict macrophyte habitat for different freshwater inflow scenarios (present, past and future) is a habitat map, a bathymetric map and the elevation range of macrophytes in the TOCE being assessed. This, together with the knowledge of response rates, provides invaluable information for the management of TOCEs to maintain their ecological functioning under altered freshwater inflow regimes.

The Mgeni Estuary pre- and post Inanda Dam Estuarine dynamics.

Tinmouth, Neil. January 2009 (has links)
The funnel-shaped Mgeni Estuary, at the mouth of the fourth largest river along the KwaZulu- Natal coast, discharges into the Indian Ocean in the northern suburbs of Durban. This system is under considerable anthropogenic stress associated with modern development and industrialisation, both adjacent to the estuary and in the catchment area. The construction of Inanda Dam in 1989, immediately upstream of the estuary, is considered to have had an irreversible impact on the system and the estuary and is addressed in this study. A thorough analysis of available maps, aerial photographs and oblique images from 1860 to 2006, provided a record of the changes in the estuary morphology. The Pre-Inanda Dam period is characterised by the repeated re-establishment of a large central bar after major floods as evident prior to the 1987 flood. The post 1989 Inanda-Dam period, however, is characterised by the deposition of a series of side-attached bars and the development of extensive mudflats. Sediment distribution results show a definite decrease in grain size compared to the predominant gravel fraction in 1986 towards an estuary dominated by medium to fine sand-sized sediment. A reduction in sediment grain size is also complemented by an increase in carbonate concentration throughout the estuary. This indicates an increase in marine incursion with decreased fluvial flow suggesting a shift from a river dominated estuary to a marine dominated system since the completion of Inanda Dam. Linked to the finer grained sediment is a higher increased organic and heavy metal concentration. An analysis of the enrichment factor for 9 metals shows that the Mgeni Estuary is significantly contaminated, especially at the head of the estuary. This situation is exacerbated by decreased fluvial flow rates, an increase in the frequency of mouth closures and the reduction in flooding events effectively preventing the removal of contaminants out of the estuary. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, 2009.

The design and testing of a national estuarine monitoring prgramme for South Africa

Cilliers, Gerhard Jordaan January 2017 (has links)
Adaptive water resource management requires sound scientific based decisions, emanating from robust scientific data. The Department of Environmental Affairs are mandated for collaborative management of the South African coast, including estuaries, through the Integrated Coastal Management Act (Act no 24 of 2008) (ICMA). The Department Water and Sanitation is mandated through the National Water Act (Act no 36 of 1998) (NWA) to design, test and implement monitoring programmes to provide water resource data. Extensive freshwater monitoring programmes exist in South Africa but there is no standard long-term monitoring programme for estuaries. This study designed and tested a National Estuarine Monitoring Programme (NESMP) that is anchored in the NWA and the ICMA. The design was based on a review of international estuary monitoring programmes, consultation with relevant role players and five decades experience in the design, testing and implementation of water resource monitoring programmes by DWS. The main objective of this thesis is 1) to design a national estuarine monitoring programme 2) test the design of the programme for practical implementation by reflecting on collected data from case studies, and 3) design a Decision Support System to translate complex monitoring data into management information. The main objective of the NESMP is 1) to collect long-term data to determine trends in the condition of estuaries in South Africa and 2) to provide management orientated information for effective estuary management. The National Estuary Monitoring programme consists of three tiers. Tier 1 focuses on basic data including system variables and nutrient data. Tier 2 collects data required for the determination of the Ecological Water Requirements (EWR) of estuaries in accordance with a standardised method used by DWS. A tailor made monitoring programme addressing specific issues including pollution incidents and localised development pressure, making use of a combination of Tier 1 and Tier 2 components, forms Tier 3 of the NESMP. This study tested the Tier 1 components of the programme on 28 estuaries across the South African coast since 2012. However, due to space constraints, the data reflected on in this thesis, is only for case studies on the Berg and Breede estuaries between 2012 and 2016. The results indicate that the establishment and operation of the NESMP on South African estuaries making use of monthly surveys, and the deployment of permanent water quality loggers, in line with the proposed protocol, are possible. This does however require collaboration with other role players in order to share responsibility and associated resources. A tiered management structure ensures national, regional and local level implementation takes place seamlessly. A decision support system (DSS) was also designed as part of this thesis to assist with data interpretation and the creation of management orientated information. This DSS includes a measurement of the percentage exceedance of the Threshold of Potential Concern (TPC), which acts as an early warning system for water resource deterioration. This study showed that effective collaboration will ensure the sustainability of the NESMP. Implementation of the more complex and resource intensive Tier 2 and Tier 3 sampling will however need to be investigated to establish the overall success of the NESMP.

A linear model for valuating preferences of freshwater inflows into forty selected estuaries along the South African coastline

Smith, Melnick Jurgen Unknown Date (has links)
According to the National Water Act of 1998, an estuary is an enclosed body of water that is either periodically or permanently open to the ocean. Within an estuary, the seawater is diluted to a measurable degree, creating a unique aquatic environment for animals and plants. Estuaries are environmental and economic assets to the population. The health status of our local estuaries, however, is being compromized due to a steady decrease in the freshwater inflow and supply. Tides and climatic conditions do have an impact upon the dynamics of an estuary, but these factors remain relatively constant throughout each year. The freshwater inflow and supply, however, are highly variable and are directly influenced by human involvement. Upstream abstraction for industrial and domestic use, for example, could lead to mouth closure where the ocean meets the river. The National Water Act of 1998 was established to address the lack of research and predominant mismanagement of freshwater inflow into South Africa’s estuaries (Allanson and Baird, 1999). To ensure proper water resource management, different water allocation costs and benefits need to be compared and analyzed to secure an optimum solution (Mlangeni, 2007). Like many environmental services yielded to man, estuary services are not traded in any markets. Alternative markets are thus sought to allow the estimation of the values of such services. Among the available valuation techniques are the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), Travel Cost Method (TCM) and Hedonic Pricing Method (HPM). The involved benefits of water allocations are predicted in this study by use of the CVM which elicits respondents’ willingness to pay (WTP) towards predetermined changes in freshwater inflow into estuaries. The CVM was applied throughout the Water Research Commission’s (WRC) Project K5/1413 from 2000 to 2008 (Hosking, 2010). Each individual study employed specialized surveys which ideally created a close correspondence between the answers provided by respondents to the supposed scenarios and their voluntary exchanges in markets should money actually have been handled (Mlangeni, 2007). Much criticism has been directed towards the CVM, but careful use and application of the method has been shown to produce significant and satisfactory results (Hosking, 2010). The primary aim of this study was to collectively analyze the collated data provided by the WRC and compare the results with the findings of previous studies. Each variable was analyzed separately in order to reveal any discrepancies between the respective findings. A supplementary objective of this study was to add to the body of knowledge pertaining to South Africa’s estuaries and guide management in the distribution of freshwater towards proficient levels (Du Preez and Hosking, 2010). The associated change in the cumulative consumer surplus with an increased freshwater supply into forty selected estuaries was therefore investigated. The subsequent benefits due to a superior freshwater supply are therefore reflected (Du Preez and Hosking, 2010). The data gathered by each of the individual researchers throughout their studies (supported by the WRC) were combined to form a single dataset including all recorded information supplied by the corresponding respondents. As the investigation progressed, improvements were made upon the questionnaires posed to the considered estuary populations. Consequently, some of the data in the combined dataset were “missing”, since previous studies did not include certain questions, while later studies omitted others. Data imputation was employed to create an imputed dataset, enabling the modeling of the public’s WTP through regression techniques. A linear model was utilized in this study, also incorporating interaction between the predictor variables. The double-log functional form was implemented to estimate the public’s WTP. The population’s total willingness to pay (TWTP) was further estimated by aggregation. A summary of the respective results is displayed in in Table 1.

An application of the choice experiment method to estimate willingness-to-pay for and guide management on estuarine recreational services

Lee, Deborah Ellen January 2012 (has links)
Among the world‘s ecosystems, estuaries have the highest total economic value per hectare. They are dynamic coastal biomes that provide a host of different goods and services to the surrounding terrestrial and aquatic environments and the people who utilise them. These goods and services include, inter alia, nursery areas for marine organisms, harvested natural resources (such as fish, shell-fish, bait organisms, reeds and mangroves), flood attenuation, water purification, nutrient and sediment sinks, waste disposal, transport, aesthetic beauty and areas for swimming, boating and fishing. Assessing the condition of estuaries is difficult as their state can change depending on what is being measured. Assessments have been carried out on the health of estuaries in South Africa with the results of these studies being used as inputs to the process of assessing the minimum water supply requirements for each estuary (ecological reserve) in order to maintain or improve its functionality. These ecological reserve requirements are assigned using Resource Directed Measures (RDM). These measures, however, have been criticised for being highly complex and too costly to implement for all South African estuaries within a reasonable time period. Another concern is that the levels of demand for recreational goods and services provided by the estuary are not taken into account when assessing estuarine value. It is important to understand that the use of estuaries for recreational purposes is inextricably linked to their health and sound ecological functioning. Although South African estuaries have been quite well buffered from impacts until only very recently, their use and pressures have escalated faster than what conservation authorities and policy makers have been prepared for over the last couple of decades. There is thus mounting pressure on estuaries as recreational outlets, which, in turn, has led to their functional deterioration as well as deterioration in the quality of the recreational experience as a whole. One implication for management is that more and more trade-offs have to be made in an attempt to balance the conservation and recreational use of estuaries.

The value of freshwater inflows into the Kowie, Kromme and Nahoon Estuaries

Sale, Michael Charles January 2007 (has links)
An estuary can be defined as a partially enclosed, coastal body of water which is either permanently or periodically open to the sea and within which there is a measurable variation of salinity due to the mixture of sea water with fresh water derived from land drainage. Estuaries are extremely important environmental assets and the management of them is dependent on the active involvement of the people whose livelihoods depend on them. There have been steady decreases in freshwater inflows into them during the past century due to abstraction of river water for human consumption and alien tree and plant infestations. Due to these decreases in freshwater inflows, many estuaries have become smaller and are providing reduced recreational services to users, such as boaters, fishermen and birders. This reduction in recreational service provision has adverse economic consequences. The scale of these consequences have become of great interest to river catchment planners. Of particular interest is the value of the freshwater inflows into estuaries relative to other abstractions of this water. The value referred to here is in terms of the environmental services yielded to recreational users. From a management perspective, it is desirable that these marginal values be compared with marginal cost values of this water in its best alternative use in order to guide the allocation of inflows into the respective estuaries. The aim of this study is to place a monetary value on this freshwater inflow at the Kowie, Kromme and Nahoon estuaries. Due to the fact that the freshwater flowing into estuaries is not a traded good, an alternative method to market price must be used to value it. The method of valuation used in this study is the contingent valuation method. The contingent valuation method (CVM) is a survey technique which asks individuals to place values upon changes to environmental assets. The questionnaires used in the surveys differed slightly. The one administered at the Nahoon Estuary was revised in the light of experience gained at the administration of the ones at the Kowie and the Kromme estuaries. Some questions in the latter two surveys were found to be confusing to the respondents and were made clearer and some of the questions were found to yield little extra information and were scrapped from the Nahoon Estuary survey.

The botanical importance and health of the Bushmans estuary, Eastern Cape, South Africa

Jafta, Nolusindiso January 2010 (has links)
The Bushmans Estuary is one of the few permanently open estuaries in the Eastern Cape that is characterized by large intertidal salt marshes. Freshwater inflow to the estuary has decreased as a result of abstraction by more than 30 weirs and farm dams in the catchment. The mean annual run-off is naturally low (38 x 106 m3 y-1) and thus abstraction and reduction of freshwater inflow to the estuary is expected to cause a number of changes. The aims of this study were to determine the current health/status of the estuary based on the macrophytes and microalgae and identify monitoring indicators for the East London Department of Water Affairs, River Health Programme. Changes in the estuary over time were determined from available historical data which were compared with present data. This analysis showed that under normal average conditions freshwater inflow to the estuary is very low, less that 0.02 m3 s-1 most of the time. Under these conditions the estuary is in a homogenous marine state. Vertical and horizontal salinity gradients only form when high rainfall and run-off occurs (> 5 m3.s-1). Salinity gradients from 30.1 PSU at the mouth to 2.2 PSU in the upper reaches were measured in 2006 after a high flow event. However the estuary quickly reverted back to its homogenous condition within weeks after this flood. This study showed that freshwater inflow increased nutrient input to the estuary. Total oxidised nitrogen (TOxN) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentrations were higher in August 2006, after the flood, than during the other low flow sampling sessions. TOxN decreased from a mean concentration of 21.6 μM in 2006 to 1.93 μM in February 2009. SRP decreased from 55.3 μM to 0.2 μM respectively. With the increased nutrient availability, the response in the estuary was an increase in phytoplankton biomass. After the 2006 floods the average water column chlorophyll-a was 9.0 μg l-1, while in the low freshwater inflow years it ranged from 2.1 to 4.8 μg l-1. The composition of the phytoplankton community was always dominated by flagellates and then diatoms, with higher cell numbers in the nutrient-enriched 2006 period. Although the water column nutrient data indicated that the estuary was oligotrophic, benthic microalgal biomass (11.9-16.1 μg.g-1) in the intertidal zone was comparable with nutrient rich estuaries. Benthic species indicative of polluted conditions were found (Nitzschia frustulum, Navicula gregaria, Navicula cryptotenelloides). These benthic species were found at the sites where wastewater / sewage seepage had occurred. Benthic diatom species also indicated freshwater inflow. During the high flow period in 2006 the dominant diatoms were fresh to brackish species that were strongly associated with the high concentrations of TOxN and SRP (Tryblionella constricta, Diploneis smithii, Hippodonta cf. gremainii, and Navicula species). During the freshwater limited period of 2008 and 2009 the benthic diatom species shifted to a group responding to the high salinity, ammonium and silicate concentrations. The species in this group were Nitzschia flexa, Navicula tenneloides, Diploneis elliptica, Amphora subacutiuscula and Nitzschia coarctata. Ordination results showed that the epiphytic diatom species responded to different environmental variables in the different years. Most of the species in 2008/2009 were associated with high salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, ammonium and silicate concentrations while the response was towards TOxN and SRP in 2006. The dominant species were Cocconeis placentula v euglyphyta in 2006; Nitzschia frustulum in 2008; and Synedra spp in 2009. The average biomass of the epiphytes was significantly lower in May 2008 than in both August 2006 and February 2009; 88.0 + 17.7 mg.m-2, 1.7 + 0.8 mg.m-2, and 61.8 + 14.4 mg.m-2 respectively. GIS mapping of past and present aerial photographs showed that submerged macrophyte (Zostera capensis) cover in 1966 and 1973 was less than that mapped for 2004. Salt marsh also increased its cover over time, from 86.9 ha in 1966 to 126 ha in 2004, colonizing what were bare sandy areas. Long-term monitoring of the health of the Bushmans Estuary should focus on salinity (as an indicator of inflow or deprivation of freshwater), benthic diatom identification and macrophyte distribution and composition (for the detection of pollution input), and bathymetric surveys (for shallowing of the estuary due to sedimentation).

Network analysis of trophic linkages in two sub-tropical estuaries along the South-East coast of South Africa

Vosloo, Mathys Christiaan January 2012 (has links)
Estuaries are some of the most productive yet threatened ecosystems in the world. Despite their importance they face significant threats through changes to river flow, eutrophication, rapid population growth long the caost and harvesting of natural resources. A number of international studies have been conducted investigating the structure and functioning of an array of ecosystems using ecological network analysis. Energy flow networks have been contsructed for coastal, lagoonal, intertidial and, most notably, permantently open estuaries. Despite the valualble insights contributed by these and other studies, a lack of information on the majority of estuarine ecosystems exists.

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