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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Česká hiphopová subkultura: konstrukce autenticity v českém rapu / Czech Hip Hop Subculture: Construction of Authenticity in Czech Rap Music

Oravcová, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Bibliografický záznam ORAVCOVÁ, Anna. Česká hiphopová subkultura: konstrukce autenticity v českém rapu. Praha, 2019. 171 s. Dizertační práce (Ph.D.) Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, Institut sociologických studií. Katedra sociologie. Školitelka: PhDr. Marta Kolářová, Ph.D. Abstract The dissertation focuses on the construction of authenticity in Czech rap music. It seeks to explore attributes based on which one can define a certain rap expression as the "real" one. The theoretical part includes the definition of the term subculture, main attributes of hip hop (sub)culture, and the definition of authenticity, the key concept of the dissertation. In dialogue with the findings of the hip hop studies of Western countries, this dissertation looks at the authenticity claims expressed in Czech rap music and the context and situations in which the question of authenticity of Czech rappers becomes important. The empirical part of the dissertation is based on the perspective of the insider research using a combination of qualitative methods: (1) semi structured interviews with twenty rappers (one of them female); (2) qualitative content analysis of selected rap lyrics; and (3) participant observation at different hip hop events. The research took place between 2010 and 2016. The research shows that Czech...

Přenesené stigma jinakosti v etnicky smíšených partnerstvích v České republice / Trasffered stigma of otherness in ethnically mixed partnerships in the Czech Republic

Weinbergerová, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
My diploma thesis on the basis of intersectionality analyzes the social construction of "otherness" in etnically mixed partnerships and how does it manifests and influences the self- conception of Czech women that are in the mixed relationships. Further, it analyzes how the partners "otherness" affects the position of the women in the society. In my thesis I work with the concept of transmitted stigma, because the etnical otherness is not constructed on the horizontal differences, but contains also classifing and assesing aspects, which may situate the mixed patnerships to the positions of dis/advantage. For my qualitative research I have chosen semi-structured interviews with women, that were born and live in the Czech Republic and are or was in etnically mixed relationship. Key words: mixed partnership, stigma, otherness, etnicity, race, intersectionality

Etnologie gagauzské vesnice Bqlgarevo. Identita bulharských Gagauzů / Ethnology of Gagauz Village Bălgarevo. The Identity of Bulgarian Gagauzes

Christov, Kiril January 2020 (has links)
The work of Ethnology of the Gagauz village of Bălgarevo. The identity of the Bulgarian Gagauz represents the ethnogenesis and hypotheses about the origin of the Gagauz. The author interprets the ethnic identity of the Bulgarian Gagauz from a village in the northeastern part of Bulgaria. Based on the outputs of field return research, empirical data and through the projection of the actors themselves, it identifies the basic characteristics of Gagauz identity: origin, language, religion and tradition. The author describes the symbols and signs important for the community itself and answers the question of whether it is possible to label the current Bulgarian Gagauze as an ethnic group, how they identified themselves and on the basis of which attributes. The space is given by the ongoing revitalization changes against the background of new economic and socio-cultural processes. The work is supplemented by case studies and research reflection.

Etnicita Číny - kdo je Hui a kdo Dungan? / Ethnicity in China - Who are the Hui and who are the Dungan?

Horálek, Adam January 2011 (has links)
Ethnicity in China - Who are the Hui and Who are the Dungan? The thesis has three main objectives: (1) to develop a concept appropriate for the comparison of different ethnicities, (2) to use this concept to identify differences of ethnicity in China, and (3) to analyse these differences in the cases of the Huis and the Dungans. The second section postulates the concept of ethnicity as a secondary identity, and this becomes the main theoretical and methodological frame of the work. Six primary identities and dimensions, that together form the components of ethnicity, are discussed. Policy, which is interpreted as a context of ethnicity, and (ethno)culture, understood as an expression of ethnicity, are not seen as components. The concept enables the comparison of distinct perceptions (emic) and qualitative atributes (etic) of ethnicity from six main perspectives. The third chapter is focused on ethnicity and the ethnic policies of China. The central objective is to define a Chinese official category minzu, its position in the context of European concepts of ethnicity and nation, and its comparison with the concept of nation in the Soviet tradition, which represents minzu's template. Minzu is interpreted, unlike most other concepts, as an ethnic group rather than a nation, and is seen as a political...

Současný tisk polské národnostní menšiny na území ČR / Contemporary press of polish national minority in the Czech republic

Pernis, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
Author of this thesis elaborates the topic of current Polish minority press in the Czech Republic through the media studies view. The thesis describes current structure of the Polish-language press in the Czech Republic. Part of the work consists of content analysis of periodicals Głos Ludu (Voice of the People) and Zwrot (Turnover). These periodicals are playing an important part in the process of emancipation and cultural life of the Polish minority, and thus represent a very specific segment of the Czech media environment. What are the particular specifics is a question the thesis is trying to answer. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Nacionalismus v Srbsku na konci 20. století: Zločin a turbofolk jako krytí autokracie / Nationalism in Serbia at the end of the 20th century: Crime and turbofolk as a cover to autocracy

Duric, Jovana January 2019 (has links)
Crime and turbofolk as a cover to autocracy? Nationalism in Serbia at the end of the 20th century Abstract: In this MA. thesis it will be investigated how, by the influence of the politics of Milosevic in the 1990s, implemented by the political elite gathered around him, a rise of crime, war profiteering and the development of a new popular culture genre of turbofolk appeared in Serbia. Such socio-political conditions, supported by a strong media propaganda by the regime, turned out to be the key pillars of Milosevic's autocratic rule. Special emphasis will be given to a new cultural phenomenon that struck this region in the period - the phenomenon of "turbofolk" as the dominant music genre of the time, that completes the picture of Serbian society during the 1990s. Overwhelmed with elements of kitsch and baroque, this popular music genre which originated in the restaurants of central Serbia suburbs, has become an unavoidable part of everyday life of young people, whose new idols were individuals who measured their success by the number and importance of their criminal ventures. The emergence of turbofolk, therefore, is considered in light of the birth of the new socio-political circumstances. But it is interesting to note that turbofolk, with some adjustments, remains the dominant musical genre in Serbia...

Multikulturalismus ve školní praxi / Multiculturalism in teaching practise

Hvězdová, Aneta January 2018 (has links)
This final thesis deals with the realisation of multicultural education at public elementary schools and at the lower level of eight-year grammar schools in the Czech Republic. In the first part of the thesis I define the most common terms like multiculturalism and multicultural education. Also, I examine the curricular educational documents. In the main part I did a research in schools during the school year 2017/2018 in Central Bohemian Region and in Prague. Here I briefly map the situation at the school and the state of their educational program. I describe the course of the lessons, interviews with the teachers, mostly used methods and the results of the study. In the interviews I ask about the personality of the teacher, their opinion on current status of legislation and multicultural education. Key words: multiculturalism, multicultural education, nation, culture, ethnicity, minorities, educational program

Komparace identity volyňských Čechů usazených v České republice a nereemigrujících volyňských Čechů na Ukrajině / Identity of volhynian Czechs settled in Czech Republic and nonreemigrated volhynian Czechs in Ukraine

Jirka, Luděk January 2017 (has links)
This work deals with transnational ties of reemigrated Volhynian Czechs and ethnic return migration of descendants of non-reemigrated Volhynian Czechs. Dissertation was founded on fieldwork in West Ukraine and in the Czech Republic. Researches of reemigrated Volhynian Czechs were studied in terms of integration or adaptation into the Czech (Czechoslovak) society, but this work, in first part, critically shows immigration narrative of Czech (Czechoslovak) social sciences; there were also transnational ties to Ukraine to which reemigrated Volhynian Czech refers as a meaningful. Next part of this work deals with ethnic return migration of descendants of non-reemigrated Volhynian Czechs. Descendants of compatriots have with Ukrainian ethnic consciousness, but Czech state allows them short-term and long-term stays in the Czech Republic thanks to ancestors, so that they are attracted with Czech surroundings, express wishes to migrate into the Czech Republic and they even could obtain permanent residency more easily due to Czech ancestors. Czech state facilitates migration flow from West Ukraine to the Czech Republic according to presume "closeness" of descendants of compatriots to Czech nation. Common reference of Czech social sciences and Czech state is nationalism which products social reality....

Historický narativ a budování identity: Muzea v Bosně a Hercegovině / Historical Narrative and Identity Building: Museums in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Knappová, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
The thesis analyses historical narratives presented in exhibitions of the History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo and the Museum of Republika Srpska in Banja Luka. It also clarifies who promotes that particular representation of history and which factors influence the decisions museums make. The thesis builds on theoretical literature related to a role of museums in a process of memory institutionalization and identity building as well as to their potential to bring reconciliation in post-conflict society. The subjects of the research are the main museums dealing with the recent history in the two Bosnian autonomous entities, with the History Museum being in predominantly Bosniak while the Museum of Republika Srpska in predominantly Serb environment. The thesis explores the development of the museums, their organization, financing, self-presentation and most importantly the narratives of their permanent and temporary exhibitions. These are analysed especially from the perspective of definition of own group versus the others. The analysis covers museums' activities in the period from 1995 to present days. The thesis argues in detail that historical narrative promoted by the History Museum in Sarajevo reproduces the Bosniak narrative despite its efforts to play a role of state-level...

Etnicita v podnikání: Sociální vztahy v tureckých restauracích v Praze / Ethnicity and entrepreneurship: Social relations in Turkish restaurants in Prague

Hora, Matěj January 2018 (has links)
Matěj Hora horamat@gmail.com Stránka 1 z 3 Abstrakt: Práce přispívá do současného stavu poznání na poli výzkumu etnického podnikání a etnických restaurací. Pomocí etnografického přístupu a kombinace terénního výzkumu a opakovaných rozhovorů tato práce blíže zkoumá turecké kuchaře v pražských restauracích. Přesto, že turecká menšina není v České republice početná, restaurací nabízejících turecká jídla je zde mnoho. Nejprve je tedy analyzován prostor, ve kterém se výzkumník pohybuje, poté je rozdělen na dva hlavní typy restauračních zařízení. Hlavní identifikovaní aktéři jsou zasazeni do v sítě vztahů a tyto vztahy s tureckými kuchaři jsou následně interpretovány. Těchto významných vztahů je v práci identifikováno celkem šest. Vztahy s tureckými dodavateli, s rodinou a tureckými zákazníky, jsou označeny jako vztahy intraetnické. Vztahy s ostatními dodavateli, českými zákazníky, netureckými muslimskými zákazníky a ostatními prodejci, jsou potom označeny jako vztahy interetnické. Zachycené vztahy jsou vzájemně propojeny pomocí jídla a procesů s ním spojených. Pomocí důvěrně známých chutí, receptů a ingrediencí se kuchaři vztahují k domovu a skrze jejich nabídku, a to zejména domácími jídly, se prezentují českým zákazníkům. Prostřednictvím jídla nabízeného českým zákazníkům vnímají Čechy jako konzervativní,...

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