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Vývojové trendy ve světovém a českém pojišťovnictví / Developing trends influencing world insurance market and Czech insurance marketMišičková, Daniela January 2009 (has links)
Today's globalization leads to a wide range of new developing trends influencing the insurance market. The main one is a variance in the character of risks. The generation of new threats means for insurers to face up a difficultness with an identification of risks and a prediction of future damages. Solutions of a catastrophic impact of damages are hidden in an alternative transfer of risks and a higher level of assurance. The treat of longevity has its own impact, too. Demographic shock caused by a strain of population has turned people in advanced western markets to life-insurance. Mainly, because of a current insufficient set up of pensions systems, people has searched a new possibility how to insure their post-active life. It has enabled a development of life-insurance products focusing on individual clients' needs and providing several components of flexibility and variability. As a next globalization push, I cannot omit concentration and consolidation ongoing nowadays on the insurance market. Rise of giant conglomerates can be seen in the accent of cost reduction, diversification of risks and using enormous financial power. Nevertheless, the main impulse has risen from the still changing clients' needs with the necessity of obtaining complex financial service. Last but not least, I would like to mention the implementation of a regulatory project Solvency II accompanying by IFRS in the field of the insurance market. Their objectives are a reduction of information asymmetry, a higher stability of the insurance market and transparency and comparability of insurers' financial reporting leading to higher clients' protection.
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Finansiella sandlådor inom den Europeiska unionen : Behöver finansiella sandlådor regleras på EU-nivå och i så fall genom vilket tillvägagångssätt? / Regulatory sandboxes in the European Union : Does regulatory sandboxes need to be regulated at Union level, and if they do, by what means?Grahn, Sofia January 2021 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har finanssektorn förändrats och en bidragande faktor är teknisk innovation. Teknisk innovation kan utveckla tillhandahållandet av finansiella tjänster som finansiella aktörer såsom banker erbjuder till sina kunder. En jurisdiktion kan främja utvecklingen av finansiella tjänster, antingen genom en finansiell sandlåda eller en innovationshubb. En finansiell sandlåda är en säker miljö där banker och bolag vars verksamhet endast består av teknisk innovation (FinTech-bolag), kan testa sina oreglerade affärsmodeller. Testutrymmet kontrolleras av en tillsynsmyndighet. För närvarande har över 50 jurisdiktioner upprättat en finansiell sandlåda och flera europeiska länder har redan en sandlåda i drift eller överväger att införa en. Flera olika EU-institut, som exempelvis Europeiska kommissionen och Europaparlamentet, är positiva för att införa en reglering av finansiella sandlådor på EU-nivå. Finansiella sandlådor är endast utformade som nationella finansiella sandlådor. Syftet med denna masteruppsats är att utreda huruvida EU behöver reglera finansiella sandlådor och i så fall om regelverket bör antas som ett direktiv eller en förordning. Slutsatsen av denna uppsats är att finansiella sandlådor behöver regleras även om vissa medlemsstater inte vill upprätta en egen nationell sandlåda. En anledning till varför finansiella sandlådor är behövliga i EU är för att de främjar konkurrensen mellan olika finansiella aktörer. Dessutom är finansiella sandlådor ett tillfälle för nya marknadsaktörer såsom FinTech-bolag att växa. Väljer EU att inte reglera finansiella sandlådor kommer det att hämma den fria rörligheten för finansiella tjänster. Den mest effektiva lösningen för EU hade varit att anta ett direktiv om harmoniserade nationella finansiella sandlådor. Genom att anta regelverket som ett direktiv får medlemsländerna själva bestämma vilka bestämmelser som ska implementeras i den nationella lagstiftningen. / In recent times, the financial market has changed and a contributing factor is technological innovation. Technological innovation can develop the provision of financial services which companies such as banks offers their consumers. There are two ways a jurisdiction can promote the development of financial services; either through a regulatory sandbox or an innovation hub. A regulatory sandbox is a safe environment where banks and companies who only works with technological innovation (FinTech-companies) can test their unregulated business models. The environment is controlled and monitored by a supervisory authority. Regulatory sandboxes are available in more than 50 different jurisdictions, and an increasing number of European countries are either thinking of establishing one or have already done it. Within the European Union, some organisations such as the European Commission and the European Parliament have expressed their willingness to regulate regulatory sandboxes at Union level. For now, sandboxes can only be set up as a national regulatory sandbox. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to investigate whether the Union needs to regulate regulatory sandboxes and if so, should the Union introduce a directive or a regulation on harmonized national regulatory sandboxes. The investigation of this thesis shows that regulatory sandboxes are needed even though some Member States are unwilling to establish one. Regulatory sandboxes are needed in the Union because it furthers the competition between companies offering financial services. Regulatory sandboxes also help new entrants such as FinTech-companies to grow. If the Union does not regulate regulatory sandboxes, it will hinder the free movement of services. The best outcome for regulation, would be if the Union adopted a directive on harmonized national regulatory sandboxes. The regulation should be adopted as a directive because it facilitates Member States in determining which provisions should be implemented in national legislation.
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