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Využití evropského sociálního fondu pro zvyšování kvalifikace zaměstnanců firmy BDS spol. s r.o. / Utilization of ESF for employee´s qualification improvement at BDS LtdJaško, Martin January 2007 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with documentation processing of project financing inquiry for employee´s qualification improvement at BDS Ltd. financed by EU´s structural funds, concretely by European social fund.
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Europos Sąjungos paramos poveikio Lietuvos regionų vystymuisi vertinimas / The evaluation of the impact of the European Union support for the development of Lithuanian regionsJankauskaitė, Miglė 21 August 2008 (has links)
Spartų Lietuvos ekonomikos augimą lydi diverguojantis šalies regionų vystymasis. Be papildomos valstybės paramos šis procesas tęsis ir toliau, todėl didžiulę reikšmę įgyja šalyje vykdoma regioninė politika. Tačiau, Europos Sąjungos regioninė politika visų pirma skirta mažinti skirtumams tarp šalių ir šios politikos vykdymas Lietuvoje gali vesti į išsiskiriantį šalies regionų vystymąsi. Šio darbo tikslas – įvertinti Europos Sąjungos paramos poveikį Lietuvos regionų vystymuisi. Teorinėje darbo dalyje atliekama mokslinės literatūros, nagrinėjančios regioninį vystymąsi ir regioninę politiką, analizė. Antroje darbo dalyje atliekama Europos Sąjungos paramos teikimo, įsisavinimo ir Lietuvos regionų vystymosi analizė. Paskutinėje darbo dalyje pateikiama regionų vystymosi prognozė ir ES paramos poveikio Lietuvos regionų vystymuisi vertinimas. Atlikus tyrimą gauti tokie pagrindiniai rezultatai: vis labiau ryškėjanti regionų skyrimosi tendencija Lietuvoje išliks ir artimiausioje ateityje, tuo tarpu Europos Sąjungos parama regioninių skirtumų mažinimui neturės didesnio teigiamo poveikio. Geriausiu atveju, Europos Sąjungos paramą paskirsčius kuo tolygiau visoje šalyje, pavyktų tik sulėtinti regionų skyrimosi tempus. / Rapid economic growth in Lithuania is accompanied by diverging development of the country regions. Without additional support this process will continue in a future, therefore regional police get a great importance. However, regional policy of European Union is primarily designed to reduce disparities between countries and larger regions, hence implementation of this policy in Lithuania can determine diverging regional development. The aim of this work is to evaluate the impact of the European Union support for the development of Lithuanian regions. In the theoretical part is accomplished analysis of scientific literature of regional development and police. The second part provides the dynamic analysis of Lithuanian regional development, as well as the analysis of EU support offering and reclamation. Based on the analysis results, there is provided a forecast on Lithuanian regions development and evaluation of the impact of EU support for the development of Lithuanian regions. The main results drawn from the research is that regional divergence tendency will persist in a near future, while EU support to the reduction of regional disparities will not have a larger positive impact. At best, if EU support will be distributed even as possible in the whole country, there may be succeed only to slow down rates of regional divergence.
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EU Structural Funds in the Czech Republic (including the case of the small-sized Czech firm as an applicant) / EU Structural Funds in the Czech Republic (including the case of the small-sized Czech firm as an applicant)Tománková, Eva January 2009 (has links)
The main intention of the author consisted in understandable presentation of the application of Structural and Cohesion Funds in a member state of the European Union, particularly in the case of a small-sized company. The purpose of the diploma thesis was to provide the reader with an overview of European Union Structural and Cohesion Funds in general and of those available in the Czech Republic as well. The opportunities to gain funding from European Union of one small sized Czech firm were examined in the last part of the essay. The case study of Czech enterprise proved that the co-financing of projects in a member state can be cumbersome but also very beneficial when approached properly.
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Analýza možnosti využití dotací a grantů ve vybraném podniku / Analysis of the possibility of using subventions and grants in the select companyVADLEJCHOVÁ, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
The main object of this thesis is analysis of possibility of using financial resources for the select company. The theoretical part is focused on the concept small and middle-sized company a described support in the level of the European Union. In practical part is performed analysis the select company,elaboration of support programs of small and middle-sized company, is chosen appropriate program and the project is designed in the end.
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Evropský program Grundtvig jako jedna z možností profesního rozvoje jedinců v oblasti vzdělávání dospělých / European programme Grundtvig as an option of persons' development in adult educationBachurová, Aneta January 2012 (has links)
and keywords The thesis "European programme Grundtvig as an option of persons' development in adult education" is conceived as an analytical insight into lifelong learning and education with an orientation on European education programme Grundtvig. The goal of this thesis is to emphasize a significance of the community programme Grundtvig, which support a new European strategy and to point out another option of adults' professional development. This thesis is particularly addressed to a lifelong learning progress in last years and described particular education activities within the frame of Lifelong Learning Programme 2007 - 2013. The main part is focused on the key issues in adult learning. Particularly is focused on current adult education situation in Europe, European Union strategic documents and on success implementation of the lifelong learning concept within particular national politics. At the end are also discussed European structural funds, which represent other possibility of European Union support in terms of adult education. The conclusions can be summarized as follows: although European Union significantly supports particular members in area of adult education, whether by programme Grundtvig or structural funds, there is a strong need to implement, support and propagate the lifelong...
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Nové výzvy pro ředitele středních škol v ČR a ve Francii - Projektový management ve sféře školství / New Challenges for Directors of secondary Schools in the Czech Republic and France - Project management in the sphere of educationVaňková, Pavla January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis explores the issue of project activity which has become a new challenge for school directors in EU member states for the last few years. The projects not only contribute to the fulfillment of the tasks of the educational process, but also to the development of the school environment. The aim of this thesis is to compare the use of project possibilities within the research sample of directors of secondary schools in the Czech Republic and France. Theoretical background specifies the project and its cycle together with the strategy, tools and subsidy opportunities within the educational and regional policy of the European Union. The empirical part investigates the differences between the activity and success in the use of grant funds within the sample of directors of Czech and French schools and views on the form of international cooperation in the Comenius sub-program of lifelong learning.
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Europos Sąjungos struktūrinių fondų teisinio reguliavimo ir įgyvendinimo ypatumai Lietuvoje / Peculiarities of the legal regulation and implementation of European Union structural funds in LithuaniaBernotaitė, Kristina 29 January 2009 (has links)
Disertacijos pagrindinis tikslas – išanalizavus valstybės pagalbos neprieštaraujančios bendrajai rinkai reguliuojančias Bendrijos ir nacionalines teisės normas, taip pat nustatant šių normų aiškinimo ir praktinio taikymo neatitikimus bei atskleidžiant ir įvertinant jų aiškinimo ir taikymo problemas, pateikti siūlymus ir rekomendacijas dėl šio reguliavimo tobulinimo, taip pat palankių prielaidų sudarymo esamos praktikos korekcijai. Tyrimo objektas – Europos Sąjungos Europos Bendrijos ir nacionalinės teisės normos, reguliuojančios Europos Sąjungos paramai taikytiną teisę, o dalykas – Bendrijos valstybės pagalbos neprieštaraujančios bendrajai rinkai, kuri tradiciškai patenka į Bendrijos konkurencijos teisės sistemą, regioninės paramos reguliavimo sistema, reguliavimo pagrindai ir jų sąveika su Lietuvos Respublikos teisine sistema. Į šio tyrimo objektą patenka tik konceptualūs ir probleminiai paramos teisinio reguliavimo Bendrijos sistemoje ir šią sistemą sudarančių teisės normų aiškinimo ir praktinio taikymo aspektai. Disertacijoje naudojamas sisteminės analizės metodas leido nagrinėti Europos Sąjungos struktūrinių fondų teisinio reguliavimo sistemą, kaip Bendrijos teisės sistemos sudėtinę dalį; indukcinis – dedukcinis metodas taikytas naudojant atskirus šio sistemos tyrimų duomenis, formuojant ir pateikiant apibendrinimus; lyginamasis metodas taikytas analizuojant įvairių Vidurio ir Rytų šalių teisinio reguliavimo bazę; naudojant istorinį lyginamąjį metodą atskleista Sanglaudos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of the dissertation research is the European Community and national rules of law, which regulate the law applied to the support of the European Union, the support provided by the state consistent with the single market is the sub-institute of the Community competition law, which is comprised of both of the rules of law, regulating the changes in the market structure, and the rules of law, regulating the influence of the support of the European Union to the united market. The main task and the aim of the research is to provide the proposals and recommendations for the improvement of the regulation by performing the complex analysis of the state support not inconsistent with the Community and national rules of law regulating the single market, also by establishing discrepancies in interpreting and practical application of these rules of law and by disclosing and assessing their interpretation and application problems, and also for the creation of beneficial assumptions for the correction of the current practice. The subject matter of the dissertation includes the regional support regulation system of the Community state aid not inconsistent with the single market, which is traditionally included in the system of the Community competition law, and also the common fundamentals of the European Union regional support regulation and their interaction with the legal system of the Republic of Lithuania. The relevancy of the work and the tasks established herein determined... [to full text]
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Možnosti využití finančních prostředků z EU pro rekonstrukci a rozvoj podnikatelské nemovitosti / Possible utilisation of EU funds for reconstruction and development of a business real propertyFRK, Radek January 2010 (has links)
The subject of my thesis "Possible utilisation of EU funds for reconstruction and development of a business real property" is to analyse the most relevant options of the support for a selected realty with regard to its future use. The theoretical part is focused on the description and analysis of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Czech Republic. There are outlined different types of support for SMEs at the same time. In the practical part is presented a selected real property intended for a reconstruction. An analysis of grant opportunities suitable for that business real property is made furthermore. At the end is drawn up a concept of a project of reconstruction and development for that realty. This concept of a project is based on a selected real property and the appropriate grant program.
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Možnosti využití podpory strukturálních fondů EU na zlepšení kvality životního prostředí / Possibilities of using support of EU Structural Founds in Enhancing the Quality of EnvironmentJIRSA, Aleš January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to determine the public awareness about the possibilities of financial support from the EU funds on enhancing the quality of environment with the special emphasis on waste water and the WWTPs in the Czech Republic. It was studied, whether the attitudes and the public awareness play a role in the construction of WWTPs. Whereas the weight of public opinion in decision-making also testifies the extent of public decision making power on the outcomes of decision making about environmental management, the goal of this work is also to verify the degree of public involvement into the public decision making processes.
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Vybudování odpočinkové zóny Humpolec - Hadina s využitím fondů EU / The Construction of Humpolec - Hadina Rest Area Using The EU FundsHolubová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
The master´s thesis is aimed at the European Union points at issue and to this related European funds that can be the source of finances for the establishment of the leisure zone in Humpolec. The aim of the thesis is to project the financing for the establishment of a leisure zone at the “Hadina” pond surroundings with the aim to adapt the surrounding to various free time activities as well as to an active use by the inhabitants of all generations.
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