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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Preliminary Investigation of the Audiopupillary Response as an Adjunct to Objective Audiometry

Ratliff, Sandra Sue January 1962 (has links)
No description available.

Test-retest reliability of tone-burst evoked otoacoustic emissions

陳霞, Chan, Har. January 1998 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Speech and Hearing Sciences / Master / Master of Science in Audiology

Potenciais evocados auditivos de média latência. Estudo para diferentes níveis de intensidade sonora com estímulo tone-burst em crianças de 10 a 13 anos de idade / Middle Latency Auditory Evoked Potentials study on levels of sound intensity with tone-burst stimulus in childrens between the ages of 10 e 13

Frizzo, Ana Claudia Figueiredo 22 July 2004 (has links)
Introdução: A captação e o estudo de respostas cerebrais evocadas por um estímulo sonoro vem permitindo a investigação objetiva do processamento da informação auditiva e uma melhor compreensão da via auditiva central. A utilidade deste método diagnóstico tem sido cada vez mais valorizada pelos audiologistas, no entanto sua aplicação clínica corrente requer a realização de uma quantidade mais expressiva de estudos, especialmente na literatura nacional, para um conhecimento mais profundo deste método, sobretudo quanto a normatizações, critérios de identificação das ondas e interferências de variáveis como idade, sexo e parâmetros utilizados na aquisição. Os Potenciais Evocados Auditivos de Média Latência são compostos por uma seqüência de ondas com latências em torno de 10 a 80ms, com origem neurogênica múltipla (projeções tálamo-corticais e córtex auditivo, colículo inferior e formação reticular em menor escala). O presente estudo tem como objetivo pesquisar os componentes dos PEAMLs, numa população de crianças saudáveis, estudando a latência e amplitude das ondas, a fim de conhecer as características dos PEAMLs para esta faixa etária. Metodologia: Participaram do estudo 32 crianças de ambos os sexos com idade entre 10 e 13 anos, otologicamente normais e sem histórias neurológicas. A análise estatística incluiu a realização da estatística descritiva (média e desvio-padrão) e análise da variância pelo teste F. Os PEAMLs foram pesquisados utilizando como estímulo tone-burst, nas intensidades de 50, 60 e 70 dBNA. Resultados e conclusão: Os valores médios de latência dos componentes foram Na=20,79ms, Pa=35,34ms, Nb=43,27ms e Pb=53,36ms. Para a amplitude Na-Pa os valores médios obtidos no estudo variaram entre 0,2 e 1,9mV (M=1,0mV). As formas de onda Na-Pa constituíram os componentes mais consistentes e mais facilmente identificáveis. Pode-se concluir que a amplitude aumenta e a latência diminui com o aumento da intensidade sonora. Na intensidade de 50dBNA as latências obtidas são significativamente maiores que as intensidades de 60 e 70 dBNA para a onda Na. A partir de 60dBNA os valores se estabilizam e não há mudanças significativas na latência ou morfologia da onda. Nas comparações inter e intra-individual foram observadas latências mais longas e amplitudes menores para o lado E (A1/Cz). Numa análise posterior dos dados segundo queixa de dificuldade escolar não foram observadas diferenças ao nível de significância para os componentes Na, Pa, Nb e Pb para os grupos de crianças com e sem queixa de dificuldades escolares. Nestas crianças foram observadas anormalidades na morfologia das ondas, as quais não foram atribuídas exclusivamente à queixa de dificuldade escolar, já que poderia haver também interferência da idade do sujeito avaliado e do neuro-desenvolvimento do Sistema Nervoso Auditivo Central. O presente estudo possibilitou um melhor conhecimento das características dos PEAMLs, o que contribuirá para a aplicação mais segura da técnica. Porém, outros estudos ainda se fazem necessários, principalmente na literatura nacional, a fim de estabelecer padrões normativos para o uso na rotina clínica. / Introduction: The record and study of corticals responses evoked by auditory stimulus has allowed the objective investigation from process of auditory information and a better understanding of central auditory path. The utility of the procedure has been valued by audiologists, nevertheless her clinical aplication current demand the a execution a sum more significative of the study, especially in nationals researchs, to knowledge profoundest this procedure, over all as for normative studys, waves?s identification criterion and interference of the variables with age, gender and parameters used in records. The PEAMLs are composed of a waves?s sequence with latency are around 10 a 80ms, with multiple neurogenic origen (thalamus corticais projections and auditory cortex, coliculus inferior and reticular formation in small scale). The present study objetive examined the components dos PEAMLs, in healthy childrens, researching the waves?s latency and amplitude, to know the PEAML in this band of age. Methods: make part of study 32 childrens in both genders between the ages of 10 e 13, normal hearing without neurological desorders. The statistical analises involved the descrition statistical (mean and standard deviation) and variance analises by test F. The PEAMLs are investigated with tone-burst stimuli in 50, 60 e 70 dBNA. Results and conclusions: the means values of the components are Na=20,79ms, Pa=35,34ms, Nb=43,27ms e Pb=53,36ms. To the amplitude Na-Pa the means values obtained in the study varies between 0,2 and 1,9mV (M=1,0mV). The waveforms are more consistents e more easyly identifiable. We are able to conclude that the amplitude increase and latency decrease with growth of intensity of sound. In 50dBNA the latency are significative higher that 60 and 70 dBNA to wave Na. From 60dBNA the values are stabilize and there is no significatives changes in the latency ou morphology of wave. In the comparisions inter e inta-hemisferical were observed latencys lengthest and amplitudes higher to side left (A1/Cz). In a posterior analises in conformity to complaint of hardness scholar were observeds diferrences no significants to the components Na, Pa, Nb e Pb in the childrens groups with and without complaint of hardness scholar. Anormalities in the morphology of waves were viewed in this childrens wich weren´t atribute to complaint of hardness scholar exclusively once there was interference of the patient?s age and the neural development of Central Auditory System Nervous. The present study made possible a better knowledge of PEAMLs and will contribute to securest aplication this procedure. But, another studys still are requisite, essentialy in the researchs national to established normatives standard to utily in the clinical practice.

Brainstem auditory evoked potentials in anuran amphibians

Carey, Marc Brandon 01 January 1992 (has links)
In this study, I looked at the effects of sound level, temperature and dehydration/hypernatremia on the brainstem auditory evoked potential (BAEP) of four species of anuran amphibians (Rana pipiens, Rana catesbeiana, Bufo americanus and Bufo terrestris). The BAEP was used because it allowed me to monitor both the peripheral and central aspects of auditory nervous function simultaneously and over a long period of time.

Achromatic and chromatic VEPs in adults with down syndrome

Lloyd, Robyn, School of Optometry & Visual Science, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
Previous studies have found that spatial processing in children and adults with Down syndrome is different in comparison to the normal population. Some previous studies have also found that there is a high prevalence of colour vision deficiencies in people with Down syndrome. The aim of the present study was to use an objective test, the transient visual evoked potential (VEP), to assess achromatic and chromatic visual processing in adults with Down syndrome. Achromatic VEPs were recorded in response to black-white stimuli presented in patternreversal mode. Chromatic VEPs were recorded in response to two types of colour pattern, presented in pattern onset-offset mode. The two colour types were intended to preferentially stimulate the two principal chromatic pathways of the visual system, the ???redgreen??? and ???blue-yellow??? colour-opponent pathways. These stimuli are here termed the ???LM??? and ???S-(L+M) stimuli, respectively, reflecting the cone types that input to the pathways they are intended to stimulate. Each subject also completed two subjective colour vision tests, the Colour Vision Test Made Easy (CVTME) and the City University Colour Vision Test (CUT). Morphology of the achromatic and chromatic VEPs was found to differ between the group with Down syndrome and an age-matched control group. The latency of the P100 component of the achromatic VEP was found to be significantly later in the group with Down syndrome compared to the control group (the N75 latency was earlier in the group with Down syndrome, but not significantly so). The group-averaged peak-to-peak amplitude of the achromatic VEP was significantly lower in the group with Down syndrome compared to the control group. The major positive component of the VEP in response to the L-M stimulus was of significantly longer latency compared to that of the control group. The major negative component and the peak-to-peak amplitude of this response were not significantly different between the groups. For the response to S-(L+M) stimuli, the latency of the major negativity was significantly earlier in the group with Down syndrome and the major positivity was later, but not significantly so. Amplitude of this response was significantly higher in adults with Down syndrome compared to the control group. Most subjects in both groups passed both the CVTME and CUT. Our findings indicate that chromatic VEPs are abnormal in Down syndrome, and this may reflect abnormal processing of chromatic stimuli in this population. Alternatively, these abnormalities may arise due to abnormal cortical morphology, which may occur with normal or abnormal processing of chromatic signals. These findings further indicate that abnormality of chromatic VEPs may be expected in Down syndrome, and is not necessarily indicative of pathology or other abnormal function that is unrelated to the syndrome.

Maturation of the transient chromatic (L-M) visual evoked potential: insights from linear and nonlinear analysis.

Boon, Mei Ying, Optometry & Vision Science, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
Introduction: Psychophysical and electrophysiological techniques have shown that chromatic contrast sensitivity improves between infancy and adolescence. In adults, electrophysiological and psychophysical methods usually agree. However, in infants electrophysiological techniques may underestimate ability to see chromatic contrast (Suttle et al., 2002). It is not known if the discrepancy between electrophysiological and psychophysical methods continues during childhood nor whether the chromatic VEP can be used as an indicator of colour perception in children. Purpose: To investigate the transient L-M chromatic visual evoked potential and its ability to indicate perception (psychophysical thresholds) of chromatic stimuli in children and adults. In particular, to determine whether a discrepancy between VEP and psychophysical L-M thresholds exists during childhood and if so, to gain some understanding about the nature of the discrepancy. Methods: Transient chromatic VEPs were recorded in children (aged 4.5-13 years) and adults (aged 20-40 years). VEP thresholds were compared with psychophysical thresholds (within-subjects comparison). Because the VEPs of the children were less intra-individually repeatable in morphology than those of the adults, post-hoc objective analysis of the VEPs, linear (Fourier) and nonlinear dynamical (Grassberger and Procaccia's (1983) correlation dimension) analyses, was conducted. Results: VEP and psychophysical estimates of chromatic contrast thresholds agreed using a variety of methods in the adults. In the children, however, the objective methods of assessment (extrapolation from Fourier-derived amplitudes and the correlation dimension) were more accurate than the methods that employed subjective evaluations of VEP morphology. Conclusion: The L-M transient chromatic VEPs of both children (aged 4.5-13 years) and adults appear to contain chromatic information, even in the absence of repeatable VEP morphology and should therefore be able to indicate chromatic perception (psychophysical thresholds). However, the chromatic information may be present as a nonlinear dynamical signal, which may require objective methods (Fourier analysis, the correlation dimension) to reveal the chromatic signal. The greater intra-individual variability of VEP morphology in children compared to adults may reflect poorer precision when switching between cortical states in children's brains. Alternatively, interactions between the immature visual system of the children and their general EEG may occur. Children's VEPs should therefore be interpreted differently to adult VEPs.

Instrumentation for high spatial resolution of steady state visual evoked potentials

Simpson, David Gordon Giles, dsimpson@swin.edu.au January 1998 (has links)
This thesis reports on several new and innovative instrumentation developments to solve some of the problems of brain activity monitoring, particularly SSVEP (Steady State Visual Evoked Potentials) studies. SSVEP systems generate suitable stimuli and record the resulting brain biopotentials from scalp electrodes. The instrumentation is configured as a 'Neuropsychiatric Workstation', supporting up to 136 scalp electrodes. Operating in the SSVEP mode, the Neuropsychiatric Workstation reported here significantly improves upon the previously reported spatial resolution and accuracy of maps related to the generated stimuli. These maps allows insights to be gained into the cognitive workings of the brain. A significant component of the work reported here covers the development of the multielectrode EEG measurement modules and the associated techniques for minimising interference and cross-talk. The techniques for synchronising recordings from all electrodes with the stimulus, interfacing to a host computer and real-time storage of the very large amounts of data generated to hard disk, are all reported. The SSVEP paradigm uses a sinusoidal-modulated visual stimuli. A novel linearised LED (light emitting diode) head-up display was developed, in addition to more conventional stimuli, such as the alternating checker-board display, all with sinusoidal modulation capability over a range of frequencies. The Neuropsychiatric Workstation described in thesis has been replicated several times and is in regular use at Brain Sciences Institute (BSI) at Swinburne University of Technology, and other collaborative research institutes.

Intracranial and surface recordings of the auditory brain stem response in the cat

Runge, Cheryl Ann January 1980 (has links)
No description available.


McDermott, John Charles January 1980 (has links)
The frequency following potential (FFP) is an auditory evoked response which crudely replicates the waveform of the stimulus. The origins of this far-field potential have been localized to the cochlea and specific auditory nuclei. The initiation site of the FFP along the cochlear partition has been thought to be dependent upon stimulus sound pressure level. Low stimulus levels elicit FFP from the apical turn of the cochlea, while moderate and high stimulus levels may elicit FFP from a large segment of the partition, including the basal turn. Simultaneous masking studies have contributed to the knowledge of this potential, but results from these studies may be confounded by interference from bioelectric potentials generated by distortion products from the masking noise. This investigation used non-simultaneous masking tones set at the subject's pulsation threshold level (PTL). This psychophysical method provides a representation of the frequency-resolving properties of the auditory periphery in a repeated gap masking paradigm. Patterns of the relative masking effect of each masking tone were plotted and compared for several probe levels and in the presence or absence of a continuous, high-pass masking noise. Tuning patterns derived in high-pass making noise effectively represented apical turn FFP. Those patterns without masking noise represented whole-cochlea FFP. The results of this study demonstrarted tuning patterns that reflected diminished FFP amplitudes in the primary 500 Hz region as well as in an extended secondary range of 800 to 2000 Hz, depending on the stimulus-masking parameters. Tuning patterns in high-pass masking noise were consistently flatter in the primary and secondary regions than for the tuning patterns without masking noise. The secondary regions of the tuning patterns extended above 2000 Hz for the patterns obtained without high-pass masking. Tuning patterns were consistently broader for the high stimulus level than for the moderate stimulus level. The multiple cochlear initiation sites for the FFP preclude its use as an audiological tool for the assessment of low-frequency hearing. However, the potential is suggested as a method to assess whole-cochlear response for the difficult-to-test patients with suspected profound hearing loss.

Maturation of the transient chromatic (L-M) visual evoked potential: insights from linear and nonlinear analysis.

Boon, Mei Ying, Optometry & Vision Science, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
Introduction: Psychophysical and electrophysiological techniques have shown that chromatic contrast sensitivity improves between infancy and adolescence. In adults, electrophysiological and psychophysical methods usually agree. However, in infants electrophysiological techniques may underestimate ability to see chromatic contrast (Suttle et al., 2002). It is not known if the discrepancy between electrophysiological and psychophysical methods continues during childhood nor whether the chromatic VEP can be used as an indicator of colour perception in children. Purpose: To investigate the transient L-M chromatic visual evoked potential and its ability to indicate perception (psychophysical thresholds) of chromatic stimuli in children and adults. In particular, to determine whether a discrepancy between VEP and psychophysical L-M thresholds exists during childhood and if so, to gain some understanding about the nature of the discrepancy. Methods: Transient chromatic VEPs were recorded in children (aged 4.5-13 years) and adults (aged 20-40 years). VEP thresholds were compared with psychophysical thresholds (within-subjects comparison). Because the VEPs of the children were less intra-individually repeatable in morphology than those of the adults, post-hoc objective analysis of the VEPs, linear (Fourier) and nonlinear dynamical (Grassberger and Procaccia's (1983) correlation dimension) analyses, was conducted. Results: VEP and psychophysical estimates of chromatic contrast thresholds agreed using a variety of methods in the adults. In the children, however, the objective methods of assessment (extrapolation from Fourier-derived amplitudes and the correlation dimension) were more accurate than the methods that employed subjective evaluations of VEP morphology. Conclusion: The L-M transient chromatic VEPs of both children (aged 4.5-13 years) and adults appear to contain chromatic information, even in the absence of repeatable VEP morphology and should therefore be able to indicate chromatic perception (psychophysical thresholds). However, the chromatic information may be present as a nonlinear dynamical signal, which may require objective methods (Fourier analysis, the correlation dimension) to reveal the chromatic signal. The greater intra-individual variability of VEP morphology in children compared to adults may reflect poorer precision when switching between cortical states in children's brains. Alternatively, interactions between the immature visual system of the children and their general EEG may occur. Children's VEPs should therefore be interpreted differently to adult VEPs.

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