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Genealogical arguments which aim to undermine some aspect of ethics by referring to its supposed evolutionary origin have become both more common and more philosophically substantive in recent years. In this thesis, I present what I take to be the strongest evolutionary debunking argument aimed against the meta-ethical view of moral realism. Specifically, I present Sharon Street’s Darwinian Dilemma. I then consider the strongest responses given in defense of moral realism by Derek Parfit and Russ Shafer-Landau. I give reason to reject most of Parfit’s and Shafer-Landau’s responses and then suggest that due to a lack of justification for our moral beliefs (if moral realism is true) we ought to have a lower level of credence in them.
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Původ a cíl člověka: Kompatibilita křesťanské zvěsti v interpretaci Tomáše Akvinského s pojetím evoluční psychologie / The origin and finality of humans: The compatibility of the Christian message in interpretation of Thomas Acquinas with the evolutionary psychologyFuchsová, Aneta January 2020 (has links)
Man as homo moralis in Thomas Aquinas and according to it in evolutionary psychology In my thesis I want to compare two different views on human nature: The view of a Christian, enhanced by the theological ethics, and the view by a non-believer who deals with the origin and goal of the human life. These two points of view will be represented by the philosophy and theology of Thomas Aquinas on one hand and the evolutionary ethincs on the other hand. My goal is especially to point out the the difference between two views on the human being: typically religious one and typically secular one, and their opinion on the origin and purpose of it. I will try to answer the question on existence of such field, which is not explorable by tools of natural (evolutionary) ethics and which points to the "theological" dimension of human nature. On the other hand I will ask whether the traditional concepts of human nature can get by the exploration of the modern science and whether they can be enhanced by it. The outcome of my work should finally be above all practical: how to argue in behalf of the Christian point of view, dealing with the topics of bioethics or Human Rights as general. Keywords Human nature, finality, virtues, freedom, human dignity, Thomas Aquinas, evolutionary psychology, evolutionary ethics,...
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