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Applications of Principal Component Analysis of Fluorescence Excitation-emission Matrices for Characterization of Natural Organic Matter in Water TreatmentPeleato, Nicolas Miguel 16 July 2013 (has links)
Quantification of natural organic matter (NOM) in water is limited by the complex and varied nature of compounds found in natural waters. Current characterization techniques, which identify and quantify fractions of NOM, are often expensive and time consuming suggesting the need for rapid and accurate characterization methods. In this work, principal component analysis of fluorescence excitation-emission matrices (FEEM-PCA) was investigated as a NOM characterization technique. Through the use of jar tests and disinfection by-product formation tests, FEEM-PCA was shown to be a good surrogate for disinfection by-product precursors. FEEM-PCA was also applied in order to characterize differences in humic-like, protein-like, and Rayleigh scattering between multiple source waters and due to differing treatment processes. A decrease in Rayleigh scattering influence was observed for a deep lake intake, and multiple processes were found to significantly affect humic-like substances, protein-like, and Rayleigh scattering fractions.
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Applications of Principal Component Analysis of Fluorescence Excitation-emission Matrices for Characterization of Natural Organic Matter in Water TreatmentPeleato, Nicolas Miguel 16 July 2013 (has links)
Quantification of natural organic matter (NOM) in water is limited by the complex and varied nature of compounds found in natural waters. Current characterization techniques, which identify and quantify fractions of NOM, are often expensive and time consuming suggesting the need for rapid and accurate characterization methods. In this work, principal component analysis of fluorescence excitation-emission matrices (FEEM-PCA) was investigated as a NOM characterization technique. Through the use of jar tests and disinfection by-product formation tests, FEEM-PCA was shown to be a good surrogate for disinfection by-product precursors. FEEM-PCA was also applied in order to characterize differences in humic-like, protein-like, and Rayleigh scattering between multiple source waters and due to differing treatment processes. A decrease in Rayleigh scattering influence was observed for a deep lake intake, and multiple processes were found to significantly affect humic-like substances, protein-like, and Rayleigh scattering fractions.
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Analysis of Photocatalysis for Precursor Removal and Formation Inhibition of Disinfection ByproductsJanuary 2011 (has links)
abstract: Disinfection byproducts are the result of reactions between natural organic matter (NOM) and a disinfectant. The formation and speciation of DBP formation is largely dependent on the disinfectant used and the natural organic matter (NOM) concentration and composition. This study examined the use of photocatalysis with titanium dioxide for the oxidation and removal of DBP precursors (NOM) and the inhibition of DBP formation. Water sources were collected from various points in the treatment process, treated with photocatalysis, and chlorinated to analyze the implications on total trihalomethane (TTHM) and the five haloacetic acids (HAA5) formations. The three sub-objectives for this study included: the comparison of enhanced and standard coagulation to photocatalysis for the removal of DBP precursors; the analysis of photocatalysis and characterization of organic matter using size exclusion chromatography and fluorescence spectroscopy and excitation-emission matrices; and the analysis of photocatalysis before GAC filtration. There were consistencies in the trends for each objective including reduced DBP precursors, measured as dissolved organic carbon DOC concentration and UV absorbance at 254 nm. Both of these parameters decreased with increased photocatalytic treatment and could be due in part to the adsorption to as well as the oxidation of NOM on the TiO2 surface. This resulted in lower THM and HAA concentrations at Medium and High photocatalytic treatment levels. However, at No UV exposure and Low photocatalytic treatment levels where oxidation reactions were inherently incomplete, there was an increase in THM and HAA formation potential, in most cases being significantly greater than those found in the raw water or Control samples. The size exclusion chromatography (SEC) results suggest that photocatalysis preferentially degrades the higher molecular mass fraction of NOM releasing lower molecular mass (LMM) compounds that have not been completely oxidized. The molecular weight distributions could explain the THM and HAA formation potentials that decreased at the No UV exposure samples but increased at Low photocatalytic treatment levels. The use of photocatalysis before GAC adsorption appears to increase bed life of the contactors; however, higher photocatalytic treatment levels have been shown to completely mineralize NOM and would therefore not require additional GAC adsorption after photocatalysis. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Civil and Environmental Engineering 2011
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Impact de la matière organique anthropique issue des stations d'épurations sur la fluorescence de la matière organique en zone côtière / Impact of anthropogenic organic matter on the fluorescence in coastal zoneEl-Nahhal, Ibrahim 10 July 2018 (has links)
Les activités anthropiques ont apporté des changements majeurs à notre système global. Par ailleurs, la matière organique dissoute(MOD) du littoral a une grande influence sur le cycle global du carbone et donc sur le changement climatique. L'apport côtier enMOD représente la matière organique terrestre. Les rivières urbanisées sont fortement impactées par la MOD anthropiqueprovenant des usines de traitement des eaux usées. La MOD chromophorique est un sous-groupe de la MOD qui peut absorber lalumière. La MOD fluorescente est à son tour un sous-groupe de la MOD chromophore. Le signal de fluorescence de la MODanthropogénique dans la zone côtière n'est pas bien caractérisé et évalué dans la littérature. Les dégradations induites parphotochimie et les changements au niveau moléculaire sont peuvent de plus influencer la MOD. Dans la présente étude, plusieursexpériences d'irradiation solaire ont été menées avec plusieurs modes de filtration de mélange d’eau de rivière, d’eau de mer et d'uneffluent de station de traitement des eaux usées dans le but de trouver un signal spécifique de fluorescence comme un traceur de laMOD anthropique en utilisant les matrices d'émission d'excitation de la spectroscopie de fluorescence (EEMs) couplées à latechnique statistique chimiométrique de l'analyse factorielle parallèle CP/PARAFAC. Un modèle de régression multilinéaire a étédéveloppé entre la contribution des composantes CP/PARAFAC et la composition du mélange. La cinétique des paramètres derégression multilinéaire a également été étudiée. Des suivis géographiques de l'évolution du signal de fluorescence dans la rivièreGapeau jusqu'à la mer ont été menées ainsi qu’une étude temporelle du signal de fluorescence. Le modèle de régressionmultilinéaire développé a été appliqué pour modéliser les résultats des expériences de champs géographiques et temporelles. Lesrésultats ont montré que le modèle de régression multilinéaire est excellent. Par contre la recherche d'un signal ou d'une signaturede fluorescence spécifique pour l'eau de rivière, les stations d'épuration des eaux usées ou l'eau de mer n'a pas pu être réalisée dansce travail. Dans la zone côtière affectée par l'homme, les matières organiques fluorescentes résiduelles proviennent principalementsinon uniquement de l'usine de traitement des eaux usées, et aucun signal spécifique provenant de l'eau de mer n'a pu être détectéprès de la côte. / Anthropogenic activities have done major changes to our global system. The coastal dissolved organic matter has great influenceon the global carbon cycle and hence climate change. The riverine input of dissolved organic matter represents the terrestrialorganic matter. Urbanized rivers is greatly impacted by the anthropogenic dissolved organic matter coming from wastewatertreatment plants . Chromophoric dissolved organic matter is a subgroup of the dissolved organic matter which can absorb light.Fluorescent dissolved organic matter in turn is a subgroup of the chromophoric dissolved organic matter .The fluorescence signalof the anthropogenic dissolved organic matter in the coastal zone is not well characterized and evaluated in the literature.Photochemically induced degradations and changes at the molecular level is considered to be a great process which could influencethe dissolved organic matter . In the present study, Laboratory mixing experiments several sunlight irradiation experiments wereconducted with several modes of filtration of three endmember mixing components ( River water, Sea water , wastewater treatmentplant effluent discharge) with the objective of finding a specific signal of fluorescence which could be a tracer of the anthropogenicdissolved organic matter through using the fluorescence spectroscopy excitation emission matrices (EEMs) coupled with thechemometric statistical technique of Parallel Factor analysis CP/PARAFAC. Moreover, multilinear regression model between thecontribution of CP/PARAFAC components and two content fraction of River water and Seawater endmember was developed. Inaddition the kinetics of the multilinear regression parameters were investigated. On top of that , geographical investigations of theevolution of fluorescence signal in the Gapeau river till the sea were conducted. Furthermore, Temporal investigation of thefluorescence signal for four water points in the pathway of Gapeau river were done. The multilinear regression model developedwas applied to model the results of the geographical and temporal field experiments. Results have shown that Multilinearregression model for contribution of CP/PARAFAC components is excellent and could be done for the three endmembers. Inaddition the search for specific fluorescence signal or signature for river water, wastewater treatment plants and sea water couldn’tbe done in this work. In human impacted coastal zone, residual fluorescent organic matter come from wastewater treatment plant,and no specific signal from sea water could be detected near the coast.
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Correlation of Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) Using Regression AnalysisNarteh, Alexander Tetteh 01 July 2015 (has links) (PDF)
This research uses Regression analysis of fluorescence spectroscopy results to correlate with Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5). Fluorescence spectroscopy was applied to samples taken from seven sample sites in the Provo and Orem waste water treatment plants found in Utah County. A total of 161 samples were collected for this research. 23 samples each were taken from four sites in the Provo waste water treatment plant namely Provo head works, aeration basin, primary filter settlement basin and the Provo effluent basin. The Orem head works, the clarifier and the Orem effluent basin were the three sample sites in the Orem waste water treatment plant where 23 samples each were collected to carry out the analysis. The fluorescent characteristics of the samples were determined using fluorescence spectrometry. These intensities were correlated with standard five day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) values which were used as a measure of the amount of biodegradable organic material present. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) data were also taken from these treatment plants for correlation purposes. Three different correlation analyses were made which were the correlation of fluorescence spectroscopy excitation-emission matrix (EEM) against (1) individual sites BOD and COD values (2) Provo only and Orem only BOD and COD values (3) combined Provo and Orem BOD and COD values. The correlation of Individual site EEMs against BOD and COD values produced the best results. There was a higher correlation of EEM with BOD data than COD data. The R-squared for the combined Provo and Orem BOD data was 0.756 and that for COD was 0.729. Very high R-squared was obtained for Provo Influent data and Orem Influent data which were 0.955 and 0.946 respectively. This method can be used by wastewater stakeholders in deriving quick results in determining potential pollution events within a shorter time frame. This research demonstrates that there is a correlation between EEM and BOD/COD.
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Étude des interactions du Benzo(a)pyrène avec les trois fractions physiques de la matière organique du sol par matrices d'excitation et d'émission de fluorescence couplées à PARAFAC / Study of the interactions of Benzo(a)pyrene with the three physical fractions of soil organic matter by means of fluorescent excitation and emission matrices coupled to PARAFACEl Fallah, Rawa 15 December 2017 (has links)
Les propriétés spectrales des composants fluorescents de la matière organique d’un sol naturel ont été étudiées dans les trois fractions physiques ; substances humiques, acide fulvique et acide humique, par la méthode des matrices d’excitation et d’émission de fluorescence couplée à l’algorithme Parallel Factor analysis (PARAFAC). Les modifications spectrales de ces composants ont été suivies (forme et pseudo-concentrations) en présence d’un contaminant de type hydrocarbure aromatique polycyclique (le benzo(a)pyrène (BaP), toxique et à caractère cancérigène) : (1) en faisant varier les volumes d’une solution pure de BaP dans chaque fraction de même concentration en matières organiques, (2) en faisant varier les concentrations en matière organique pour des concentrations fixes de BaP, qui ont été suivies dans le temps. Les résultats ont montré que le BaP influence d’une manière différente les fluorophores présents dans les trois fractions et ont permis de clarifier le type d’interactions avec une fraction ou l’autre. D’autre part, une discussion a été menée sur les paramètres de validation du nombre de composants pour le choix des modèles de PARAFAC. / The spectral properties of the fluorescent components of the organic matter of a natural soil were studied in the three physical fractions; humic substances, fulvic acid and humic acid, by the method of the excitation and fluorescence emission matrices coupled to the Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC) algorithm. The spectral modifications of these components were studied (form and pseudo-concentrations) in the presence of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contaminant (benzo (a) pyrene (BaP), toxic and carcinogenic): (1) by varying the volumes of a pure solution of BaP in each fraction having the same concentration of organic matter, (2) by varying the concentrations of organic matter for fixed concentrations of BaP, which were followed over time. The results showed that the BaP influences the fluorophores present in the three fractions in a different way and clarified the type of interactions with one fraction or the other. On the other hand, a discussion was held on parameters for validating the number of components for the selection of PARAFAC models.
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