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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marketing strategies of South African manufacturing firms in international markets.

May, Christopher. January 2006 (has links)
International marketing has become important to firms of all sizes due to factors such as the continued lowering and elimination of trade barriers, increasing regional integration, improvements in communication and transportation, and an overall increase in world trade. Not only has the international marketplace become more turbulent but globalisation of world markets has become competitively more intense. Because of these trends, the formulation of effective international marketing strategies has become more important. Moreover, firms need to get a better understanding of the relationship between international marketing strategies and international performance, as the international market is becoming more competitive. The primary objective of the research study was to determine the relationship between international marketing strategies and international/export marketing performance of South African manufacturing firms, as well as the role of internal and external determinants with regard to international marketing strategy and international/export marketing performance. The research study intended to determine whether these different independent variables had a significant impact on the dependent variable, namely, international/export performance. The findings of this research study indicated that firm size, investment commitment and that management engages in careful planning as firm characteristics had a significant influence on export/international marketing performance. The finding on the relationship between export experience and export performance was insignificant. Firm characteristics can have both a direct or indirect affect on the export marketing performance of the firm. Therefore, given the secondary research objective - to determine how firm characteristics influence choice of international marketing strategies, and consequently export marketing performance - the following were the important findings of the influence of firm characteristics on international marketing strategies. There were no significant findings between firm characteristics and product adaptation, or firm characteristics and promotion adaptation. However, firm size and firm competencies had a significant relationship with distributor/subsidiary support. It can be assumed that the larger the firm, the more resources the firm have to support distributors and subsidiaries. Furthermore the finding between firm size and the degree of pricing adaptation was also significant indicating that the larger the firm, the more willing the firm is to adapt pricing. The nature and characteristics of the export market can either serve as a barrier or a driving force that facilitate internationalisation. These barriers and/or driving forces can also influence the nature of the international marketing mix strategies that are employed by firms. The barriers and/or driving forces can have both direct and indirect effects on export marketing performance. The competitive intensity of the export markets had a significant relationship with export performance. Furthermore, it had the most significant relationship with export performance compared to all the other independent variables and the relationship was also negative, meaning that the export performances of firms were negatively affected with increased competitive activity. However, given the secondary research objective - to determine how export/ international marketing characteristics influence the choice of international marketing strategies, and consequently export marketing performance - the following relationships were identified. Competitive intensity had a significant relationship with the degree of product adaptation and export market characteristics with the degree of promotion adaptation. Both competitive intensity and export market characteristics had a significant relationship with both the degree of distributor/subsidiary support and the degree of pricing adaptation. Export market characteristics equate to export market barriers, and what the above implies is that with more export market barriers, firms tend to adapt distributor/subsidiary support and pricing more. With regard to the degree of adaptation to marketing mix strategies it was found that the degree of pricing adaptation had a significant effect on export/international marketing performance. There was a significant relationship between the degree of product adaptation and export/international marketing performance. However, this relationship was negative, in that the greater the degree of product adaptation, the more negative the performance. One would have expected that the greater the degree of product adaptation, the greater the export/international marketing performance. A non-significant relationship was found between the degree of promotion adaptation and export/international marketing performance. The relationship between the degree of distributor/subsidiary and export performance was also non-significant. Although the study came up with important findings, it once again highlighted the inconsistency of findings in the export/international marketing literature. Furthermore, given the increasingly competitive nature of international markets, it is more important for firms to identify the success factors in their particular industries that could contribute to greater export/international marketing performance than to assume that all international markets and industries require similar strategies. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2006.

The determinants of South African exports critical policy implications /

Gouws, Andre. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (D. Comm.(Economics))-University of Pretoria, 2005. / Abstract in English. Includes bibliographical references. Available on the Internet via the World Wide Web.

An analysis of factors that inhibit small and medium enterprises from exporting their products to South Africa's most important trading partners

Muller, Franciscus Fredricus January 2003 (has links)
The research problem addressed in this study was concerned with the identification of factors that inhibit Small and Medium Enterprises from exporting their products to South Africa’s most important trading partners. To achieve this objective, a theoretical study was conducted to establish what literature reveals to be the most important trading partners, and the problems which businesses experience when they export their products to these destinations from the Eastern Cape. The information obtained in the literature study was analysed, and, in order to resolve the main problem, the research questionnaire was divided into four parts. • Part 1 consisted of biographical questions. • Part 2 consisted of questions aimed at establishing the reasons why organisations embarked on exporting. • Part 3 was concerned with what the respondents perceived as barriers to their export operations. • Part 4 was concerned with strategic decisions and the minimising of risk. The empirical results obtained indicate that, although inhibiting factors are a reality in exporting, these remain secondary to general market forces of supply and demand. It was shown that inhibiting factors do not play as big a role in the export process as the literature suggests.

Assessment of export potential for a small South African manufacturing enterprise

Simoes, Pablo Jose Coelho Dias de Azevedo 10 September 2012 (has links)
M.Ing. / This research provides an assessment of export potential for a small South African Enterprise. An investigation will be conducted on export as a viable option for improving the small South African manufacturing enterprise's future outlook. Through the years following Apartheid, the manufacturing sector has diminished from once a protected self sufficient industry to an industry open to foreign competition due to the effects of globalization. The advent of reduced skilled workforce as a result of "brain drain" and lack of investment in education has also not helped any local enterprise in achieving growth easily, therefore the need to look at other growth mechanisms including export. Included is a brief overview of the export process procedure; the current and future social economic position of the country, and how the South African government's current policies aim to improve the local Small Medium Enterprises (SME) competitiveness. The export marketing plan, plus the necessary tools and plans for a business to initialize its first steps into export is also investigated and in the last chapters, a case study using a local business will be conducted using and adapting the export function for its own benefit.

International market entry : a South African SME perspective

Basson, Paul M. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since many Small Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) have a lack of resources and knowledge of foreign markets, they tend to develop their activities in the domestic market ftrst. When the home market limits opportunities for expansion. pro-active SMEs naturally progress to international activities by exporting to foreign markets. This natural evolution culminates in decisions of how to enter foreign markets and which markets to enter. Selection of overseas markets and entry modes lies at the heart of any international strategy. The value of the small business sector is recognised in economies worldwide. The SMEs' contribution towards growth, job creation and social progress is valued highly and small business is regarded as an essential element in a successful formula for achieving economic growth. It is thus postulated that SMEs will be one of the driving forces to grow the South African economy. By gaining an understanding of the internationalisation process of International Active Enterprises it is hoped to provide the South African SMEs with a tool that can be used for their international expansion programs. The author starts by reviewing relevant and related literature. He then investigates and highlights the different schools of thought on intemationalisation by looking at process, models, strategy and motivation. The research then describes the different modes of market entry and continues by listing the basic factor categories for market entry mode selection. The penultimate step highlights the various factors for selection of foreign markets and applies these factors into a holistic market entry and mode selection model. Finally the internationalisation is focused on SME and more specifically South African SMEs. Their internationalisation behaviour is explained in the light of the model that was developed. The author explains the framework that will be used to model an international market selection and the mode of entry into that international market. This model can guide SMEs into initial international market entry and to make decisive choices as to which international market and mode of entry they select to penetrate international markets. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Klein en medium grootte sake-ondernemings het 'n tekort aan bronne en kennis van oorsese markte en dienooreenkomstig ontwikkel hulle eers hul besigheidsaktiwiteite in die binnelandse markte. Wanneer die binnelandse besigheidsgroei-geleenthede versadig word, sal sodanige pro-aktiewe klein en medium grootte sake-ondernemings huI produkte begin uitvoer in 'n poging om nuwe markgroei te stimuleer. Hierdie natuurlike evolusie dwing die onderneming om besluite te neem oor hoe om sodanige buitelandse markte te betree, asook die markkeuse op sigself. Die markkeuse en markbetredings metodiek is die kern van enige internasionale strategie. Die ekonomiese waarde van die klein en medium grootte sake-ondememingsektor word wereldwyd erken. Hulle bydrae tot groei, werkskepping, en sosiale ontwikkeling word wyd erken. So word klein en medium grootte sake-ondememings dan gesien as 'n kardinale bestanddeel om ekonomiese groei te behaal. Dit word dus gestel dat klein en medium grootte sake-ondememings een van die dryfvere vir ekonomiese ontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika sal wees. Die ondersoek van die intemasionaliseringsproses van buitelands-aktiewe ondernemings sal 'n model formuleer wat die Suid-Afrikaanse klein en medium grootte sake-ondememings kan bystaan met hul buitelandse markgroei. Die skrywer begin om die relevante literatuur te bestudeer en beklemtoon die verskillende denkwyses oor buitelandse groei deur te kyk na prosesse, modelle, strategiee en motiverings. Die navorsingstuk beskryf dan die verskillende metodes van markbetreding en Iys die verskillende faktore wat 'n invloed het op die betredingsvraagstuk. Die voorlaaste stap in die model beskryf die verskillende faktore wat 'n rol speel op die buitelandse markkeuse. Al hierdie mark- en betredingsfaktore word in 'n globale model gestruktureer. Laastens word daar gefokus op die Suid-Afrikaanse klein en medium grootte sake-ondememings en hulle internasionaliseringsoptrede word in die lig van die model geskets. Die skrywer verduidelik dus die raamwerk wat gebruik word om buitelandse markbetreding en markkeuse te modelleer. Hierdie model toon rigting aan klein en medium grootte sakeondememings se aanvanklike buitelandse belangstelling en ook hoe om daadwerklike besluite te neem oor buitelandse markbetreding en buitelandse markkeuses.

Developing an international export marketing strategy for South African table grapes

Erasmus, George-Chatwind 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: After the deregulation of the South African deciduous fruit industry in 1997 an unregulated grape marketing environment replaced the single channel marketing system. Many new South African grape exporters were now involved in an uncoordinated and uncooperative marketing environment. Each marketing organisation implemented their own marketing plans resulting in an increase in competition among South African suppliers. The South African grape supplies originate from various production areas, each with their unique characteristics and qualities, making it a very competitive environment. South African grapes also share the various markets with other competing Southern Hemisphere grape suppliers. This level of competition makes it very important for the South African grape industry to have a uniform marketing strategy. To achieve a uniform industry marketing strategy the industry has to develop a common vision - to be the preferred table grape supplier in our target markets - that forms the basis of developing a generic South African table grape marketing strategy. A single vision gives the competitive export companies a common marketing objective. This study includes recommendations to industry stakeholders that will enable them to formulate their own marketing strategy, all within the guidelines of the common vision that is adjusted to the specific needs of their respective target markets. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Na die deregulering van die Suid-Afrikaanse sagtevrugtebedryf in 1997 het 'n ongereguleerde bemarkingsomgewing die enkelkanaalbemarking vervang. Verskeie nuwe Suid-Afrikaanse tafeldruifuitvoerders was nou betrokke by 'n ongekoërdineerde bemarkingsomgewing waar daar geen samewerking tussen uitvoerders was nie. Elke bemarkingsagent het sy eie bemarkingsplan gevolg wat gelei het tot 'n toename in kompetisie tussen Suid-Afrikaanse produsente. Die Suid-Afrikaanse tafeldruiwe word in verskillende produksieareas geoes, elk met hul unieke eienskappe en kwaliteite. Dit maak dit 'n baie kompeterende omgewing. Die Suid-Afrikaanse druiwe kompeteer ook in die mark met ander Suidelike Halfrond druiwe produsente. Met so 'n hoë vlak van kompetisie, is dit belangrik dat die Suid- Afrikaanse industrie 'n eenvormige bemarkingstrategie het. Om 'n eenvormige bemarkingstrategie vir die industrie te formuleer, moet die industrie visie - om die voorkeurverskaffer van tafeldruiwe in ons teikenmarkte te wees - die basis vorm vir die formulering van 'n generiese bemarkingstrategie vir Suid-Afrikaanse tafeldruiwe. 'n Eenvormige visie bied vir die kompeterende bemarkingsagente 'n gemene doelwit. Hierdie werkstuk sluit aanbevelings in wat vir rolspelers leiding sal gee om hul eie bemarkingstrategie te formuleer wat die doelwitte van 'n eenvormige visie onderskryf, maar nog steeds die behoeftes van die onderskeie teikenmarkte aanspreek.

Investigating the sustainability of the current marketing models in the South African table grape industry

Kirsten, Johannes Albertus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / The South African table grape industry has a very fruitful history. The landscape of the South African table grape industry has changed at a rapid rate since deregulation in 1997. The sustainability of these changes was questioned and created the opportunity for this research. The orientation of this research report outlines the structure to this research. It indicates that the South African table grape industry is experiencing a strong trend of consolidation of the production and exporter base. Economically sustainable growers and marketing companies produce or attract more volumes of table grapes to export to global destinations. The environment provides the background to the South African table grape industry, since deregulation. Five major trends in this industry are important to mention and give perspective to the research question, namely: - The number of producers has declined at a rapid rate (about 52%) since deregulation. - Traditional production regions like the Berg and Hex River have become less important due to the timing of product supplied to the market. New geographic production regions have grown in importance, like the Orange River and Northern Province. - Production volumes of table grapes have slowed down over the last ten years and in certain regions have become stagnant. - The cultivar spectrum of table grapes has changed from seeded grape that is marginal to the market to a seedless product that earns premiums in the market. - There has been a shift in marketing of table grapes from Western countries like the UK and EU to Eastern countries. There are also certain factors that have a profound impact on the South African table grape industry, namely economic, environmental, political, social and global factors, which required further investigation. The evaluation of trends in the industry and the factors that affect the industry revealed the problem statement for this research and set the foundation for the research question. The research question of this study is: What are the distinguishable marketing models currently used by South African exporters and how sustainable is each model? The research methodology demonstrates that the South African table grapes industry is split into two dominant marketing models, which are the marketing agent and the grower-exporter model. A marketing model metrics was designed, based on literature and consultations with industry experts via a questionnaire, to evaluate the economic, social and environmental sustainability of these two marketing models. The method of data analysis was a qualitative investigation into the sustainability of marketing models that exist in the South African table grape industry. The structure of the holistic marketing dimension model which was used has the following four dimensions (Kotler & Keller, 2009:61): - Relationship marketing - Performance marketing - Integrated marketing - Internal marketing. Semi-structured interviews were held with six different marketing entities in the South African table grape industry, which represented 40 percent of the total population. The interviews were held by utilising a discussion guide that comprised of standard questions to all the interviewees. The information gathered from the interviews was used to design a conceptual marketing model, with the main objective of being sustainable on an economic, social and environmental level. This relevance and practicality of this conceptual marketing model was tested against a grower-exporter model in the South African table grape industry, called Angon Fruit. The findings of this research report focused on the triple bottom-line approach of building economic, social and environmental capital. The economic sustainability revealed the following factors to consider: - Grower-exporter model is a more sustainable marketing model, due to low cost operations. - Marketing agent model should have a definite competitive advantage, to justify relevance in the cost-chain. - Sustainable market share in volume of table grapes to export by a marketing company is five percent. - Prices paid to growers by a marketing company should keep track of inflation on inputs and a ten percent premium earned on top of the production cost is regarded as sustainable. - A sustainable commission percentage charged by marketing companies should not exceed five percent of free on board (FOB) value at Cape Town port. - Growers need to replace marginal seeded cultivars with premium seedless cultivars that are high in demand in global markets. - Marketing companies should supply table grapes at a split of 50 percent to Western countries and 50 percent to Eastern countries. - The sustainability of the Berg and Hex River production regions is at risk, due to global competitions from South American countries. The South African table grape industry revealed the following social sustainability findings: - A marketing company should have a social policy, which governs social responsibility projects (CSI). - The marketing company should be involved one major project instead of a few smaller projects. - Corporate social investment (CSI) projects should aim to provide the opportunity to improve education and training, improve health status and to develop sport among the youth. - The marketing company should not invest in CSI projects if the economic sustainability is at risk. The objective is to invest five percent of net profit in CSI projects, annually. Environmental sustainability revealed the following factors to consider: - A marketing company should have an environmental policy. - The company should measure its carbon and water footprint at least every two years, with the objective to reduce or optimise the level of use. - The company should embrace and implement green technology that utilises renewable energy to reduce the dependency on fossil fuels and coal-generated electricity. - The use of water should be optimised, through implementation of advanced technology. - The marketing company should adopt the practice of recycling. The conclusion to this research report is that the table grape industry is still economically sustainable, however more work can be done on the social and environmental sustainability. Finally, ten recommendations are made to the South African table grape industry to consider from a sustainability perspective. Companies can consider implementing these best practices into their marketing of table grapes.

Effective international expansion strategies for hotel companies

Pienaar, J. A January 2009 (has links)
This study investigated the expansion strategies of hotel companies that want to expand away from their local market. Due to the growing importance of services in economic development, there is an impressive body of knowledge on the process of internationalisation and service industries. Due to the major changes impacting upon the industry due to the effects of technology and globalisation, it would be useful to establish the important key factors and processes involved during internationalisation. Expanding cross border for a hotel group signifies a number of challenges that must be focused on at the same time. Markets need to be identified, political stability needs to be scanned and cultural differences must be taken into consideration. Logistics and supply chain have to be developed together with operational issues from financial reporting, marketing and human resources. Organisational structures must be adapted to take into account the new levels of responsibility. An in-depth review of the literature regarding internationalisation was conducted, which evidenced that the most useful model for answering the questions was the eclectic paradigm as developed by John Dunning (1993). The paradigm has been used in many manufacturing and service sector studies, including that of the hotel sector (Contractor and Kundu, 1994). A questionnaire was compiled and interviews were set up with the directors and executives tasked with the respective companies’ expansion programmes. Due mainly to the effects of new technology and globalisation on the hotel industry, there have been many changes in the last decade, including increasing consolidation and concentration and an increasing importance upon branding and financial performance. It was apparent from the research that the time taken to internationalise by hotel chains has reduced significantly in the last decade, especially if one looks at the performance of hotel companies such as Accor Hotels. iii Only two of the three companies studied in this treatise had undertaken expansion into Africa with the third company ready for entering soon. Nonequity involvement in general was the most favoured form of involvement with majority of their expansions based on management contracts, joint partnership or franchises. The role of the functional departments, the importance of a global outlook and the necessary structural changes during international expansion was also explored. In order to answer the various research propositions that are posed, the researcher chose to base this research on a phenomenological approach through case study analysis.

An empirical analysis of the determinants and growth of South African exports

Choga, Ireen January 2008 (has links)
Exports have considerable effects on economic growth, employment and trade so it is crucial to understand the factors that are responsible for their variation. This study analyses the fundamental determinants of exports using annual South African data covering the period 1980 to 2006. It initially provides an overview of the South African export structure and export growth. A review of theoretical determinants is then specified. The study tests for stationarity and cointegration using the Johansen (1991, 1995) methodology. A vector error correction model is run to provide robust determinant variables on exports. The following variables which have been found to have a long run relationship with exports include: the domestic price of exports, real effective exchange rate, trade openness, foreign income and price of inputs (cost of production). The estimate of the speed of adjustment coefficient found in this study indicates that about 96% of the variation in exports from its equilibrium level is corrected within one year. The results that have emerged from this analysis corroborate the theoretical predictions and are also supported by previous researchers or studies.

`n Ondersoek na konflik en samewerking in die internasionale distribusie van staalprodukte

Muller, Stephanus Johannes Marthinus 10 September 2012 (has links)
M.Comm. / The goal of this study is to investigate the causes for conflict within the distribution channel currently used by a major manufacturer and exporter of steel products. This manufacturer is currently using six South African based agents. These agents are responsible for the marketing of the manufacturer's products in foreign markets. This channel of indirect exports was chosen due to the lack of a proper infra-structure within the export division of the manufacturer. Conflict between manufacturer and agents can cause foreign end-users to get a distorted image of the manufacturer and its products. Therefore it is necessary to investigate the causes for conflict. Plans can then be made to identify what can be done to switch a conflict situation to a situation of co-operation within the distribution channel. The first part of this study provides a theoretical framework, based on literature from many sources, on the different international distribution channels that are available. Special attention is given to indirect exports and the different forms that are available. Thereafter the causes of conflict and co-operation in the channel are discussed, as well as the different types of conflict and how to manage conflict. The second part of the study is practical, with interviews being held with the six agents to get their view on what causes conflict between them and the manufacturer. Thereafter the personnel of the manufacturer is interviewed to get their perception of the cause of conflict. The two different views are combined in order to make recommendations and conclusions regarding the causes of conflict within the distribution channel. The major cause of conflict in this channel is due to poor communication between the manufacturer and agents. This, problem can only be resolved if most of the information flow is computerised. This will ensure that 'information is reliable and on time. If this can be achieved, conflict situations can be switched to a situation of co-operation.

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