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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dramatická tvorba pražských německých autorů v letech 1910-1938 / Dramatic production of Prague german authors in years 1910-1938

Kverková, Pavlína January 2013 (has links)
SYNOPSIS This thesis is devoted to German-speaking dramatists in Prague in the years between 1910 and 1938. The author of this thesis tries to research and emphasize the themes that were the most frequent in their production. The largest space is devoted to expressionist and by expressionism influenced drama. Another objective of this thesis is to integrate the work of these playwrights in the wider socio-cultural context, taking into account the specific atmosphere of Prague as a multicultural and multiethnic city, influenced by the mutual relationship between the three most widespread national minorities. KEYWORDS Prague German literature, expressionism, drama, theatre.

Židovská identita v období pozdního císařství a Výmarské republiky. Jakob Steinhardt a okruh umělců kolem něho / Jewish Identity in the late Empire and in the Weimar Republic. Jacob Steinhardt and his Circle of Artists

Pekárková, Eliška January 2018 (has links)
Jakob Steinhardt (1887 - 1968) has been ranked among the most significant German-Jewish artists of the 20th century. He became famous for his woodcuts depicting Jewish motives such as his Pessach-Haggada. He was also an important representative of the so-called Jewish Renaissance. The aim of this thesis is to present his persona in the context of German-Jewish history in the first three decades of the 20th century. The thesis tries to reconstruct his circle of artists and to analyse the Jewish constructions of identity. Methodologically, the thesis is based on the concept of cultural transfer; at the same time it also draws from historical analyses of social bonds and from the Visual Turn writings. The primary sources consist of individual pieces of visual arts, Steinhardts` guest books, his diaries, memoires of his wife and the then press. Key words: Judaism, Identity, Sionism, Jewish Renaissance, Expressionism, Jakob Steinhardt

Poezie básníků Literární skupiny / The Poetry of Literary Group

BROUČKOVÁ, Veronika January 2007 (has links)
The submitted thesis concentrates on poetry of the Czech art group "Literární skupina", which was established in 1921. This thesis is divided into several chapters, in which the author interprets the poetry of single authors on the basis of several flag features. There are terms and motives of death and life as two inseparable parts of human being, religiousness and religion and shifting of the original meanings, further conception of an individual in terms of community. Another chapter deals with the motive of heart and reflections of sensibility and emotive involvement in interest of creation of "the new world". The last chapter displays reflections of "Literární skupina" by temporal critics and discussions between this art group and Prague avantgarde group "Devětsil". The author is interpreting the poetry in the context with expressionism, which meaning she feels in the wide word sense, not just as an artistic movement, but as a "stream", which goes through all spheres of human activity. From this point of view the group "Literární skupina" can be also seen - as an art group which was not distanced from expressionism, but on contrary in the beginning joined it via its speaker František Götz. The autor of this study analyzes the theoretical thoughts of "Literární skupina" which obviously in strong contrast to practical artistic gesture in poetry can be found.

Modely reprezentace "tajemné postavy" v souvislostech novoromantické a expresionistické literatury / Models of Interpretation of "Mystic Person" in the Contexts of Czech Neo Romantic and Expresionistic Literature

HOTOVÁ, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
The theses deals with mysterious characters in the period of neoromanticism and expressionism. In its first and second parts specifies the terms of neoromanticism and expressionism. The main part is representation of mysterious characters in literary and visual arts.

Vztah filmu a výtvarného umění v první polovině 20. století / Connection between film and visual art in the 1st half of the 20th century

Jouzová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
Jouzová, T.: Connection between film and visual art in the 1st half of the 20th century, [Master thesis], Prague 2017-Charles University, Faculty of Education, Department od Art Education, , 150p. (Attachments: art work of pupls and my own work on DVD) Master thesis is focused on connection between visual art and film in the1st half of the 20th century from the perspective of art history and film history and theory of filmu. It deals with significant art and cinematic styles, trends and lines which connects the sphere of film and visual art. I enrich the historical context through etymological point of view on the modern art and I use subjective associations to this etymological contexts. The mutual content, stylistic and artistic bases are substantiated by the examples of visual artists interested in making movies. In the theoretical text are indicated some didactic subtopics related to the subscribed topics out of artistic view. Some of these inserts can be used separately, some of these are connected to the didactical part of the work. There are the projects linking art and film production in a historical context. Knowledge and experience I've gained of the preceding parts of the text are reflected in my own multimedial instalation. KEYWORDS film avantgarde, modern art, expressionism,...

Představy správného umění a jejich vývoj v době přicházející abstrakce v USA / The concepts of the right art and their development in the time of coming abstraction in the USA

Váňová, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
The question of the existence of the right art has been solved by many theorists and artists themselves. The first half of the twentieth century was affected by the coming world wars, Nazism and socialism. The establishment of avant-garde was associated with it and new movements tried to confront such society. Along with avant-garde artistic critics appeared, those who more or less influenced artists themselves. Theories of Friedrich Nietzsche, Theodor Adorno, Jean Francois Lyotard, Clement Greenberg and Leo Steinberg are different, but are also consistent with the fundamental thing. That is the desire for a change and accuracy of art. The first two authors think that the right art was already there, but it was destroyed. Others are looking into present and future. In the shadow of modern technologies they try to find something that will be unique and original. These thoughts come to the imagination of unrepresent-able things and abstraction. Abstract Expressionism is a movement, which was originally established in the thirties in the USA. Along with it, the art center moved from Paris to New York. Abstract Expressionists were divided into two groups. One of them, artists such as Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning, has been called action painters. The second group, in which Barnett Newman and...

Organická kompozice v abstraktním malířství, literatuře a hudbě 20. století / Organic Composition in 20th century abstract art, music and literature

Mücková, Kristýna January 2010 (has links)
The Diploma thesis Organic composition in 20th century abstract Art, Music and Literature aims to explain the gradual process of liberalization of expressive means in Arts, Music and Literature during the 20th century. It describes the picture's emancipation from the dependence on objective reality, particularly V. Kandinsky's way towards abstract expressionism. In Music it traces A. Schonberg's development of the free atonality, and the stream of consciousness technique of J. Joyce in literature. The thesis' second part will be dealing with various manifestations of the organic composition after WWII- action and informal painting in the USA and Europe with its qualitative change. A musical and literal paralel to the principal of organic order will also be briefly introduced on the example of E. Brown's and J. Cage's aleatoric music and the spontaneous writing of J. Kerouac. Selected artistic personalities will be put into socio-cultural context of their time. As a result there comes a complex picture of the organic composition development process, suitable to be used as a source of information for teachers. The didactical part of the thesis will be focused on the possibility of using the given topic in the educational environment.

Rané literární dílo Josefa Čapka v kontextu moderního umění / Josef Čapek's Early Literary Work in the Context of Modern Art

Kováčová, Eva January 2013 (has links)
Josef Čapek belonged among those Czech artists who dealt with problems of form and function of a modern art work in the beginning of 20th century. Both theoretical reflections on art and his early fiction represent Čapek's specific approach to the debate about modern and avant-garde currents in the times of stylistically inconsistent situation. This thesis analyses the confrontation of aesthetic principles of these art movements. Its focus is to show to what extent was Josef Čapek influenced by the principles of the individual movements and to describe the way in which he acquired and modified them. The goal is to outline Čapek's path from a survey of modern forms to his own independent viewpoint. Key words Josef Čapek, Modern Art, Manifest Česká moderna, Neoclassicism, Cubism, Expressionism

Inscenační principy režiséra K. H. Hilara v Národním divadle v letech 1921-1935 (se zaměřením na spolupráci se scénografem Vlastislavem Hofmanem) / Inscenation Principles by director K. H. Hilar in National Theatre from 1921 to 1935 (focusing on cooperation with stage designer Vlastislav Hofman)

Jančálková, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The thesis Inscenation Principles by director K. H. Hilar in National Theatre from 1921 to 1935 (focusing on cooperation with stage designer Vlastislav Hofman) is about director K. H. Hilar's inscenation principles in position as the boss of National theatre from 1921 to 1935. The aim was to focus on Hilar's work at the National Theatre, as well as its cooperation with the actors, the elements of expressionism and later civilism in his arrangement and last but not least, given his cooperation with the set designer, especially with the architect and artist Hofman. Part of thesis involves a lot of images from Hilar inscenations . Most sources are available in the archives of the National Museum in Terezin, and archives of the National Theatre in Prague. The professional literature is available at the Theatre Institute, also in Prague.

Grafika českého informelu / Czech Informel Graphic Art

Krtička, Jiří January 2020 (has links)
The Printmaking of Czech Art Informel Author: Jiří Krtička Abstract The thesis deals comprehensively with the printmaking of Czech Art Informel: explores its sources, principles and themes, evaluates contributions of individual artists and analyses the technique of "structural printmaking". The first artworks in Informel style in Czechoslovakia were created during World War II by Josef Istler who belongs to European protagonists of Art Informel movement. In post-war years Istler engaged mostly in painting and monotyping. For this reason it was Vladimír Boudník who became the leading personality of Czech Informel printmaking. In 1949 he declared in two manifestos of "explosionalism" his vision of a new art that he followed and carried out with admirable consistency till the end of his life. In the middle of 1950s Boudník started to elaborate "structural printmaking" - innovative printmaking methods that became a way to fulfil his vision. His work influenced strongly the whole generation of Czech artists and essentially helped to introduce Art Informel to Czechoslovakia against the ideologic resistance of the communist regime. Czech Informel achieved excellent qualities in Europe-wide comparison and "structural printmaking" became its original contribution to the world fine art. Keywords Art Informel,...

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