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Detailed simulations of droplet evaporationLupo, Giandomenico January 2017 (has links)
Droplet evaporation (and condensation) is one of the most common instancesof multiphase flow with phase change, encountered in nature as well as intechnical and industrial applications. Examples include falling rain drops, fogsand mists, aerosol applications like electronic cigarettes and inhalation drugdelivery, engineering applications like spray combustion, spray wet scrubbing orgas absorption, spray drying, flame spray pyrolysis.Multiphase flow with phase change is a challenging topic due to the inter-twined physical phenomena that govern its dynamics. Numerical simulation isan outstanding tool that enables us to gain insight in the details of the physics,often in cases when experimental studies would be too expensive, impracticalor limited.In the present work we focus on simulation of the evaporation of smalldroplets. We perform simulation of evaporation of a pure and two−componentdroplet, that includes detailed thermodynamics and variable physical andtransport properties. Some of the conclusions drawn include the importance ofenthalpy transport by species diffusion in the thermal budget of the system, andthe identification and characterization of evaporating regimes for an azeotropicdroplet.In the second part we develop a method based on the immersed boundaryconcept for interface resolved numerical simulation of laminar and turbulentflows with a large number of spherical droplets that undergo evaporation orcondensation. / Droppförångning (och kondensation) är en av de vanligaste fallen av flerfasflöde med fasförändring, både i naturen och i tekniska och industriella tillämpningar. Exempel är fallande regndroppar, dimma, aerosol-tillämpningar som elektroniskacigaretter och läkemedelsleverans via inandning, tekniska tillämpningar som sprayförbränning, våtskrubbning med sprayning, gasabsorption, spraytorkning samt flammsprayspyrolys. Flerfasflöde med fasförändring är ett utmanande ämne på grund av de sammanflätade fysikaliska fenomen som styr dess dynamik. Numerisk simulering är ett utmärkt verktyg som gör det möjligt för oss att få insikt i detaljerna i fysiken, ofta i fall då experimentella studier skulle vara för dyra, opraktiska eller begränsade. I det nuvarande arbetet fokuserar vi på simulering av förångning av små droppar. Vi utför simulering av förångning av en ren och två−komponentdroppe, som inkluderar detaljerad termodynamik samt varierande fysikaliska och transportegenskaper. Några av de slutsatser som dras inbegriper betydelsen av entalpitransport genom diffusion av olika ämnen i systemets termiska budget samt identifieringen och karakterisering av förångningsregimer för en azeotropiskdroppe. I den andra delen utvecklar vi en metod baserad på det nedsänkta rand konceptet för gränssnittskompletterad numerisk simulering av laminära och turbulenta flöden med ett stort antal sfäriska droppar som genomgår förångning eller kondensering. / <p>QC 20171117</p>
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Development of Novel (Cu,Fe)3O4 Coatings for AISI 441 Solid Oxide Cell Interconnects : Coating optimization and long-term studyLarby, Line January 2020 (has links)
As current environmental challenges are gaining increased attention, development of clean energy solutions is becoming one of the essential strategies to keep within the boundaries of established environmental policies. Solid oxide cell (SOC) technology can provide clean energy conversion and storage when hydrogen is the energy carrier. The high total energy conversion efficiency resulting from the high operation temperature of SOCs make the technology promising, but material costs must be reduced to make it commercially viable. Therefore, this thesis aims to study the long- term performance of a novel cost-optimized cell interconnect at 650 and 850 °C. At high temperatures, chromium evaporation from the interconnect result in electrode poisoning, which may be mitigated by application of a protective coating. The studied interconnect is an AISI 441 steel with some different pre-oxidized copper and iron spinel coatings. Sample analysis was made mainly with scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. It was found that the most promising pre-oxidation treatment was 24 h at 750 °C and that chromium migration was restrained at 650 °C long-term treatment but not at 850 °C where it wasfound available for evaporation at the surface. / När samtida milljöutmaningar får ökad uppmärksamhet blir gröna energilösningar en av de viktigaste strategierna för att hålla sig inom satta gränser från etablerade miljöriktlinjer. Teknologin bakom fastoxidceller, eller solid oxide cells (SOCs), kan bidra med grön omvandling och lagring av energi när energibäraren är väte. Den höga totala omvandlingseffektiviteten, som kommer med den höga verkningstemperaturen, gör SOC till en lovande teknologi, men materialkostnaderna måste först reduceras innan den blir komersiellt gångbar. Därför syftar detta examensarbete till att undersöka prestandan av en ny, kostnadsoptimerad cellinterkonnektor på lång sikt i 650 och 850 °C. Vid höga temperaturer förångas krom från interkonnektorn, vilket leder till elektrodförgiftning, men kan mildras genom applicering av en skyddande beläggning. Den undersökta interkonnektorn är ett stål som betäcknas AISI 441 belagt med några olika föroxiderade beläggningar av koppar- och järnspinell. Proverna analyserades i huvudsak genom svepelektronmikroskopi kobinerat med energidispersiv röntgenspektroskopi och röntgendiffraktometri. Det visades att den mest lovande föroxideringsbehandlingen var 24 h i 750 °C och att krom förblev återhållet vid 650 °men inte vid 850 °C då det fanns tillgängligt för förångning vidytan.
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Abatement of Chromium Emissions from Steelmaking Slags - Cr Stabilization by Phase SeparationAlbertsson, Galina January 2013 (has links)
Chromium is an important alloying element in stainless steel but also environmentally harmful element. A number of mineralogical phases present in the slag matrix can contain chromium and lead to chromium leaching. Chromium in slag if not stabilized, could oxidize to the cancerogenic hexavalent state, and leach out if exposed to acidic and oxygen rich environment. Other environmental concerns are slag dusting and chromium escape to the atmosphere. Despite the fact that there is a certain risk of Cr-emission from slags at operating conditions, still very little is known regarding the emission of the oxides of chromium during the slag tapping. Spinel phase is known to be important for controlling the leaching properties of chromium from the slag. The objective of the present study was to get an understanding of the phase relationships and chromium partition in the chromium-containing industrial slags and synthetic slags with a view to control the chromium stabilization in spinel phase. The impact of slag basicity, heat treatment, oxygen partial pressure and Al2O3 addition, on the phase relationships and chromium partition has been determined. The experimental results were compared with the phase equilibrium calculations. It was found that the oxygen partial pressure in the gas phase had a strong impact on chromium partition. The experimental results show that the impact of the slag basicity on chromium partition at lower oxygen partial pressures was negligible in contrast to that in air. The amount of spinel phase was found to increase with increased Al2O3 content. Slow cooling of slag and soaking at low oxygen partial pressure would improve the spinel phase precipitation. This treatment will also lead to less Cr dissolved in the unstable matrix phases. Chromium oxide was found to be emitted when chromium containing slags were exposed to oxidizing atmosphere. The results indicate that chromium oxide evaporation increases with increase in temperature and oxygen partial pressure, but decreases with slag basicity and sample thickness. / <p>QC 20131114</p> / Steel Eco-Cycle
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