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Příprava a charakterizace nanostrukturovaných vstřebatelných náhrad pro akcelerované hojení kůže / Preparation and characterization of nanostructured resorbable substitutes for accelerated skin healingKacvinská, Katarína January 2018 (has links)
Spolu s narastajúcimi nárokmi na kvalitu liečby v oblasti popálenin a plastickej chirurgie existuje možnosť ako uplatniť nové technologické riešenie na liečbu porúch s celkovou stratou kožnej vrstvy. Diplomová práca sa zaoberá prípravou nanoštrukturovaného, dvojvrstvového skafoldu pre využitie v tkánivovom inžinierstve, ktorý nahrádza kožnú časť dermis (dolná porézna vrstva) a bazálnu membránu (horná a tenká nanovlákenná vrstva). Zákaldom dolnej pórovitej vrstvy je kolagén, charakterizovaný v prítomnosti ďalších polysacharidových aditív: chitosan, vápenatá soľ oxidovanej celulózy (CaOC), sodná soľ karboxymetylcelulózy (NaCMC). Zároveň prídavok dopamínu a fibroblastového rastového faktoru (FGF), s cieľom zlepšiť biomechanické vlastnosti, regulovať a podporovať hojenie kože. Tenká nanovlákenná vrstva je zložená zo želatíny, polycaprolaktónu (PCL) a CaOC. Sú navrhnuté dva rôzne mechnizmy prípravy skafoldu, ktoré sa odlišujú sa v prítomnosti sieťovaných a nesieťovaných nanovláken. Skafoldy boli charakterizované z hľadiska biomechanických, štruktúrnych vlastností a in vitro. Vrchná nanovlákenná vrstva poskytuje mechanickú podporu, ktorá je výrazne zvýšená prítomnosťou polydopamínu (PDA). Test botnania poréznej vrstvy skafoldu ukázal na dostatočne veľké póry, umožňujúce filtráciu buniek. Táto botnatosť bola znížená v prítomnosti PDA, ktorý má zároveň významný vplyv na časové predĺženie degrádácie v prítomnosti kolagenázy a lyzozýmu. Spolu s FGF výrazne podporil proliferizáciu a životaschopnosť myších fibroblastov. Nanoštrukturovaný, dvojvrstvový skafold má potenciál pre budúce aplikácie pri hojení rán, kedže sa vyznačuje dobrými mechanickými vlastnosťami a umožňuje bunkám adherovať, proliferovať a formovať extra celulárny matrix.
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Analýza závislostí komunikačních služeb na zpoždění a optimalizace QoS / Analysis of the dependence of communications services to the delay and QoS optimizationSchön, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This thesis discusses wireless network standards 802.11a/b/g/n. First part explains basic principles of networks and media access. Next the standard IEEE 802.11, general QoS parameters and their application in wireless networks, according to standard 802.11e are analyzed. Second part of the thesis verifies the acquired knowledge in simulating program Opnet - effects of the delay, jitter and packet loss on VoIP call are tested. In the last part of the thesis a network for video streaming has been designed. The video was streamed in different qualities and the influence of other network traffic (with and without the support of QoS) on the video streaming was tested.
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Tvorba systému pro hodnocení a řízení výkonnosti pracovníků v zákaznickém servisu / Creation of the System for Management and Evaluation of Employee in Customer's Support CenterKiss, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with question of evaluation and with evaluation connected managing, of employees in Customer's Support Center. The opening part of this work is devoted to theoretical source materials connected to human resource management and dealing mainly with evaluation and management of employee’s performance. The analytical part of the work describes and rates the current system of evaluation and management of employee in a described work team. The aim of the analytical part is to find and identify shortcomings of the current system in force. The final part is devoted to author's proposed solutions. The output is a set of recommendations and solutions on how to relieve the shortages identified by the analytical part.
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Návrh experimentu / Design of ExperimentLachnit, Zdeněk January 2011 (has links)
The main subject of this master thesis is to evaluate using of Design of Experiment in industrial company in the development of LED modules for cars. In background study Design of Experiment methodology is described. Next part of background study describes the general principles of termography measurements, next chapter includes the information’s about LED technology and temperature degradation. At the beginning of the practical part is a description of the team analysis due to selection of factors, next chapter validates importance of vias. In next chapter methodology of print circuit board preparations and measuring are described. A next chapter describes the implementation of design of experiment at voltages 8 V, 13,5 V, 16,5 V. Designs of Experiments were made for four or five factors. The reason for this decision was the manual adjustment of printed circuit boards. At the end of each Design of Experiment is the recommendation of factors and interactions settings with regard on response, which is the minimal temperature. At the end of master’s thesis is the final evaluation.
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Topologicko-geometrický návrh a deformačně-napjatostní analýza tvaru disku železničního kola pro různé provozní podmínky na základě analýz LELM / Topological-geometric design and stress-strain analysis of the railroad wheel disc shape for different operating conditions on the grounds of LEFMBrabenec, Ladislav January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the behaviour of a cracked rail wheel. The aim was to perform the strain analysis of intact wheel as well as the fracture analysis of the primary direct cracked wheel. Solution includes an analysis of operating conditions, assessment of the substantiality of articular components of load, stiffness of the wheel, a comprehensive analysis of fracture of the selected railway wheel profile and optimization of the wheel shape depending on the matching fracture properties.
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Vliv preventivních bezpečnostních opatření na nehodovost v leteckém provozu ČR / Effect of preventive security measures for air traffic accidents in the Czech RepublicJonáš, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
The thesis objective is considerations of effect safety campaigns, which are issued by CAA CZ, on safety of air traffic in Czech Republic. In thesis are considered categories of aircrafts from 0 to 5700 kg except for Ultralight Aircrafts in period 1993 to 2011. Recognition involves describe given campaigns, assurance of information, processing and final assessment of efficiency published safety campaigns.
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Analýza strukturních elementů DNA / Analysis of DNA Structure ElementsKnytl, Marek January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this master's thesis is the design and implementation of tool trackAnalysis for statistical analysis of DNA structure elements. The positions of individual elements in genome are obtained in the form of the track, and with these positions the tool performs a set of analyzes, including randomness test of track, test examining distances between track and genes, detection of clusters and overlaps. The indivudual tests results can be linked together. The results will be displayed in the form of a list, a graph or a new annotation track. An important part of this thesis is also testing the resulting tool on a set of real data.
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Kinetika příjmu hydrofobních organických látek v žížale Eisenia andrei v půdách s rozdílným obsahem organického uhlíku / Kinetics of hydrophobic organic compounds uptake in the earthworm Eisenia andrei in soils with different content of organic carbonŠmídová, Klára January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the fate of hydrophobic organic pollutants (HOCs) in soil. The theoretical part summarizes the current knowledge about bioavailability, factors influencing the bioavailability and methods for its measurement. Attention is paid to the organic carbon content, which is considered to be one of the key factors and to the influence of microorganisms that can degrade or interact with the substances, thus changing their bioavailable ratio. The practical part of the thesis uses bioaccumulation test with earthworm Eisenia andrei for evaluating the uptake kinetics HOCs in three soils with different organic carbon content. Soils were laboratory contaminated with mixtures of selected HOCs (phenanthrene, pyrene, lindane, p,p'-DDT and PCB 153) and the concentrations of substances in these soils were followed for 217 days. Subsequently, bioaccumulation test was conducted; earthworms were exposed from one to twenty-one days. The collected data were used to model uptake kinetics curves for individual substances. Peak-shaped bioaccumulation were found for pyrene, for lindane a steady-state concentration during exposure was observed, whereas for p,p'-DDT and PCB 153 growing concentrations after twenty days of exposure were detected. The reason for the different behavior of the substances was probably their diverse sorption on the organic material, which together with the different speed of elimination influenced final concentration in earthworms. Phenanthrene was not detected in some samples and therefore the modeling of uptake kinetics was not possible.
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Analýza a vyhodnocení rizik dopravně spediční firmy / Risk Analysis and Evaluation in a Transporting and Haulage FirmČegan, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with an analysis and evaluation of risk in the freight transport company – Doprava Vícha s. r. o. The thesis describes the current situation in a freight transport industry, an applicable legislation, and risk analysis methods FMEA and WHAT-IF. Further the thesis analyses risks of a freight transportation and describes the company Doprava Vícha s. r. o. in detail. The thesis proposes a set of actions in order to minimize identified risks. The handbook with most important actions and advices for drivers is attached.
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Vývoj laboratorního modelu pro testování sezonního topného faktoru / Development of a laboratory test model for seasonal heating factor evaluationFiala, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with automation of Seasonal Coefficient of Performance (SCOP) testing process of heat pumps. The thesis includes explanation of testing procedure according to EN 14 825 and flowcharts of its logic. Next there is description of laboratory test model made in LabView and its functionality verifying.
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