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臺灣家庭照顧假之研究 / A study on family care leave in Taiwan陳姮臻, Chen, Heng Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是從企業人資主管的立場,探討家庭照顧假未能全面落實的原因、企業進行把關的目的,以及如何增進目前家庭照顧假的政策內容,期以提升未來的施政成效。研究發現,受訪企業都有依法給假,透過員工請假的舉動,可間接瞭解員工目前身心狀況,提出適時且必要的援助。研究建議,短期建議將家庭照顧假與事假的天數分開計算,長期建議在搭配社會保險方式下,將現行無薪家庭照顧假改制為有薪,最終目的在使家庭照顧假得真正全面落實。 / It has been almost 15 years since the policy on Taiwan’s Family Care Leave was enacted in March 8th 2002. After two amendments, the scope of application of the Family Care Leave has covered all business sectors. This policy ensures that when an employee has to take care of a family member who requires a vaccination or who is seriously ill, or when an employee must personally attend to his/her family member for other important reasons, the employee may take Family Care Leave. In the last 15 years, a portion of the work force has benefited from this policy, which has shown forth the necessity of the policy.
However, Ministry of Labor’s survey report shows that, only 77.1% of the employers agreed to provide Family Care Leave for their employees. This report has shown that even after 15 years, the policy still cannot be fully implemented.
This paper is to examine the extent to which Family Care Leave policy has been implemented, why business corporations maintain checks on the policy, and how can the Family Care Leave policy be enhanced to improve the effectiveness of governance. This study has found, all interviewed companies have complied with the Family Care Leave policy. Through observing the reasons why employees use Family Care Leave, employers can have a better understand of their employees’ family situations and their heath conditions thus provide further assistance. The study suggests that in the short term, Personal Leave and Family Care Leave should be calculated separately. In the long term, accompanied by the social insurance system, a paid Family Care Leave should be implemented. The ultimate goal is to truly implement the Family Care Leave policy.
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Neuchopitelné přední hledisko: Představy o rodině a nejlepším zájmu dítěte v rámci svěřování dětí do náhradní rodinné péče/výchovy / Elusive view: Ideas about the family and best interests of the child in the context of putting children to alternative family care/educationJílková, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
A subject of this diploma paper is to follow practise of putting children into alternative family care. The key method of finding answers is analysis of interviews with social workers and a worker of socially legal protection of children, and content analysis of texts and documents connected with the issue of alternative family care. The paper examines the role of social workers in the process of putting applicants into register for any form of alternative family care and workers' influence in forming such a process. The aim is to focus on social workers' activity analysis and to discover in which moments and in which ways ideological and normative settings of social workers might affect practice of putting children into alternative family care. One of the points of activity analysis is description of social workers' fulfilment of a concept - the best interest of a child and family. The paper is looking for the answer to what extent and in which moments normative ideas of family and topics family related might affect putting or not putting a child into a particular applicant's care.
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Zkušenosti s příbuzenskou pěstounskou péčí v Ústeckém kraji / Experiences with kinship foster care in the Usti regionKrčmářová, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
(in English) The aim of this diploma thesis is to map and analyse psychosocial consequences of over-indebtedness and to emphasize on importace komplex solution considering to all aspect. In the introduction of theoretical part are defined professional terms. The other chapters are focused on history of over-indebtedness, the issue of over-indebtedness in the Czech Republic and several other European countries, the providers and the types of financial products, the conditions under which the debt arises, causes of over- indebtedness, the development phase of the debt, insolvency and related legislation. The theoretical part is also focused on dept issue in social work, specifically on providers social services for over-indebtedness people and social services for over-indebtedness people. Followed by a chapter focused on prevention over-indebtedness and chaptes focused on psychosocial consequences. To achieve an aim was used the qualitative research method, specifically questionnaire of half-structured interviews technique. Followed by case reports of respondents, interpretation and analysis of data, discussion and suggestions and recommendations.
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Sociální znevýhodnění dětí a mládeže na dětském psychiatrickém oddělení. / Social disadvantage of children and the young at the Department of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryBuschtová, Gabriela January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on clients of the Department of child and adolescent psychiatry who are hospitalized because of their behaviour and adaptation disorder. A significant sign of these children is their problematic behaviour and maladaptation resulting from their social handicap which has several forms. The environment of psychiatry centre adjusts different social measures and educational patterns and needs. The theoretic part describes the term of a socially disadvantaged child, moreover, it states the function of a family, relations and educational styles as a base of primal socialisation, as a headstone of their activity in society. The practical part of the thesis describes seven case studies about individual clients of the centre and their activity in this specific environment. The main goal of the investigation was to prove that the psyche of the school aged children is influenced by their social handicap which results in their bad self- control mechanisms, low self-evaluation, and also in their behaviour disorders. Another goal of the work was to discover whether the children are influenced also by their different social environment. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Úloha rodinných pečovatelů v Domově se zvláštním režimem / The Role of Family Carers in the Nursing Home for Persons with Cognitive ImpairmentKastlová, Barbora January 2010 (has links)
Thesis subject: The Role of Family Carers in the Nursing Home for Persons with Cognitive Impairment. The theme of this thesis is the role of the family carers in the nursing home for persons with cognitive impairment. This topic is very actual due to the aging of society and to the increasing of life expectancy. A proportion of the old people in society increases but in the same time there is a decreasing number of people who could take care of them at home (due to negative population balance, disintegration of traditional family, economic situation and high requirements of the care etc.). Many seniors who are depending on the help of the others (such as people with dementia) spend their old age in institutional care. The qualitative research in this thesis shows that families continue in caregiving even after the admission of their relatives to a nursing home. The aim of this research was to describe the involvement of families in the institutional care and to identify factors that influence this phenomenon. Research was conducted in one nursing home for persons with cognitive impairment. Semistructured interviews were conducted with a sample of informants consisting of five professional nurses and four family carers. The analysis of data was carried out using the grounded theory. Research...
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Systém péče o ohrožené děti v ČR - jeho determinanty a východiska / System of care for vulnerable children in the Czech Republic - its determinants and ways outPilná, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the System of care for vulnerable children in the Czech Republic and the increasing number of children in institutional care. While processing was used mainly qualitative methods of collecting data through its own survey in the offices of municipalities with extended competence of employees engaged in the exercise of social and legal protection of children and interviews with selected staff of facilities for institutional care. There was also carried out a secondary analysis of data. Finally, there are some partial measures, whose implementation could improve the situation of vulnerable children in society and reduce the number of children placed in institutional care.
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Příčiny dlouhého pobytu dětí v ústavní výchově / Causes of long staying of children in the institutional careRybáková, Karolína January 2011 (has links)
This diploma deals with the care of vulnerable children in the Czech Republic and in the domeins of foster care and residential care. The main emphasis is in the views of the actors involved and their perception of children, parents, foster parents and applicants for adoption in the space between the biological family, institution and foster care. This thesis attempts to describe the causes of the long stay of children in institutional care, according to some participants. The main methods are interviews with key stakeholders who are selected on the basis of rapid analysis of stakeholders. The research questions are at work identifying the main causes and sub-system problems from the perspective of actors, is devoted to their interest and proposed solutions. Theoretical basis are the stakeholders and their roles, how their behavior, relationships, roles and interests affect the functioning of the system and resolve the problem. Developmental psychology and socialization of individuals are used to explain the problem. The diploma describes the current state of the system of care for vulnerable children in the Czech Republic, family policy and outlined the proposed solutions of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, considerable space is devoted to temporary foster care for the person and social worker.
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Vliv péče o nesoběstačného seniora na vztahy mezi rodinnými příslušníky / The influence of elderly care for dependent senior to the relationsships among family membersKonrádová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
This paper deals with the relationships between family members in a later stage of the family life-cycle, parents have lost their full self-sufficiency. Adult children support their parents, interaction is frequent and this situation often leads to relocation. The basic question of this study is how these circumstances affects a relations between family members and especially intergenerational relationships between adult children and their parents. The paper is mainly based on the concept of ambivalence and the model of intergenerational solidarity. The research conducted in Czech Republic is a further important background. Data from the research titled "Family Cohesion in the Elderly Care" are analyzed. This research is implemented under the guidance of Prof. PhDr.Hynek Jerabek, CSc. and has a qualitative and quantitative part. Author uses the concepts such as conflict, ambivalence and affectual solidarity to describe intergenerational relationships. The conclusion is that intergenerational relationships in families are characterized by a very strong emotional bond, although high degree of conflict and negative emotion also appeared.
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Možnosti neziskového sektoru v oblasti náhradní rodinné péče / The Options of the Non-Govermental Organizations in the Substitutional Family CareRůžičková, Ludmila January 2012 (has links)
This thesis "The Options of the Non-Governmental Organizations in the Substitutional Family Care" deals with the description of the roles, functions and options of the non-governmental organizations in the field of the substitutional family care. First objective is to create a list of these organizations. Next objective is a description of the subtitutional family care system as well as a description of the roles and options of the nonprofit sector in this field from the non- governmental organization's employees point of view. This description is based on the analysis of interviews with these employees as well as the employees of the governmental organizations from this field. This thesis also focuses on the collaboration in the substitutional family care system. The last part offers a summary of the outcomes and some recommendations for the improvement of children at risk assessment system.
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Systém péče o ohrožené děti a novela zákona o sociálně-právní ochraně dětí v reflexi klíčových aktérů / The system of care for vulnerable children and amendment to the Act on Social and Legal Protection of Children in the reflection of key stakeholdersRudolfová, Aneta January 2013 (has links)
The thesis "System of care for vulnerable children and amendment to the Act on Social and Legal Protection of Children in the reflection of key stakeholders" deals with attitudes of actors involved in the issue of care for vulnerable children towards existing state of system of care for vulnerable children, pros and cons of its partial aspects, as perceived by actors from their point of view. Attention is also focused on the process of change that is sphere of care for vulnerable children currently undergoing in connection with the adoption of the amendment to the Act on Social and Legal Protection of Children, which entered into force on January 1st 2013. Based on the knowledge gained through expert interviews, opinions of actors are illustrated both of the comprehensive conception of the amendment, as well as of relation to its individual measures. The aim of the thesis is to present a coherent interpretation of perspectives that actors of different expertise hold with regard to the existing concept of policy and to the way it is modified by the new legislation and thus to find out what are the areas of conflict and consensus between their views and on the basis of that reveal the extent to which the form of amendment to the Act on Social and Legal Protection of Children is based on shared...
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