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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elektronisk motorstyrning för ottomotorer

Olofsson, Oscar January 2013 (has links)
The combustion engines in today’s vehicles are getting more and more advanced and there are increasing demands on that the engines should operate during optimal conditions. Examples of internal combustion engine parameters which may be carefully controlled are the rate between fuel and air, that this gas mixture is homogenous enough and that it is ignited at the correct moment. Moreover, the requirements of these parameters vary depending on, among other, engine speed and load. To meet these requirements in all occurring operation conditions, it is required that many subsystems work together. An important subsystem is the engine management system. This project is about electronic engine management, basically it implies that the engine is controlled by a microcontroller. To manage this, the microcontroller is connected to different sensors and actuators. The project is separated into two parts. The first part is based on theoretical studies of internal combustion engines, obtained results from this area is later used as background material for studies of electrical engine management. The focus lies on the overall function and the technologies which are used of the different components. In the second part a comparison of the basic versions of the electronic engine management systems Motronic and Trionic, developed by Bosch and Saab respectively, is made. This comparison is mainly based on differences between the components used in the different systems. It was found that there are significant differences in how the ignition systems work out. The two main differences are how high-voltage pulses are produced and how a special art of misfiring, knocking, is detected. / Förbränningsmotorerna i dagens bilar blir mer och mer avancerade och det ställs allt högre krav på att motorerna får arbeta under ideala förhållanden. Exempel på förbränningsmotortekniska parametrar som måste kontrolleras noggrant är förhållandet mellan bränsle och luft, att denna gasblandning hålls tillräckligt homogensamt att den antänds vid rätt tillfälle. Kraven på dessa parametrar är dessutom beroende av bland annat varvtal och belastning. För att uppfylla dessa krav vid alla olika driftsförhållanden krävs det att flera delsystem samverkar. Ett mycket viktigt delsystem är motorstyrningen. Det här arbetet behandlar elektronisk motorstyrning som i grunden bygger på att en mikrodator med hjälp av information från givare, kontrollerar motorn via olika ställdon. Arbetet är uppdelat i två delar. Den första delen grundar sig på teoristudier av förbränningsmotorteknik, erhållna resultat från det området används sedan som bakgrund för studier av den elektroniska motorstyrningens funktion och vilka komponenter som ingår i ett sådant system. Den andra delen består av en jämförelse av grundversionerna av styrsystemen Motronic och Trionic som är utvecklade av Bosch respektive Saab. Jämförelsen baseras framförallt på skillnader mellan de komponenter som används i respektive styrsystem. Slutsatsen är att det framförallt föreligger väsentliga skillnader i de olika systemens tändsystem och hur knackningar, en särskild typ av oönskat förbränningsförlopp,detekteras.

Wheel Induced Vibrations on Heavy Vehicles

Garcia, Hector, Smith, Emma January 2013 (has links)
Some of the most significant comfort disturbances in heavy vehicles can often be related to the wheels. In those cases, the vibration of the vehicle is excited by for example force variations within the tire, ovality of the tire or imbalance in the wheel. The disturbances are dependent on vehicle speed and are often perceived as most unpleasant at cruising speed on a motorway, at around 90 km/h. Truck manufacturers want to increase the robustness against this type of disturbance, since this results in an improved operator comfort. But it also makes it possible to lower the requirements on the suppliers of tires and rims, and thereby there is a financial gain for both customer and manufacturer. The aim with this project is to increase the understanding of wheel induced vibrations. In order to achieve this a literature survey has been performed on the subject. Furthermore, the phenomenon has been studied analytically by using a quarter car model which includes a brush tire model. The model is scripted in MATLAB. Simulations have been performed to analyse the effect on the chassis when forces excited by mass imbalance and radial run out are introduced. When looking at the second harmonic radial run out imperfection the unsprung mass, i.e the wheel, starts to bounce during the settling time. Also when comparing two different weights of a mass imbalance the power increase of the vibration in the sprung mass is much larger than the power increase of the unsprung mass at the specific frequency. This implies that the excitation frequency, the wheel rotation frequency in this case, is a harmonic repetition of the sprung mass undamped natural frequency. To avoid this phenomenon the undamped natural frequency of the sprung mass must change either by adding a damper or by changing the weight or the spring stiffness. The simulation is run with a damper although without it the power increase would be much larger.

Vätedriven förbränningsmotor : Klarläggande av framtida hållbarhet

Lönnergård, Alexander January 2013 (has links)
Today when new and harder demands on CO2 emissions are developed, vehicle manufacturers must work to develop new engine solutions to new kinds of fuels to replace fossil fuels. A fuel that could be applied is hydrogen. When hydrogen is combusted only water vapor occurs. Hydrogen is known to be explosive and flammable. These properties are both good and bad for combustion. The purpose of this study is to present the problems and solutions that concern hydrogen as a fuel both inside and outside the combustion engine. The most common method of production is steam reforming of natural gas but produces high CO2 emissions. There are eco-friendly methods using only water as a raw material, but at the present they are expensive and need to be developed. The biggest problem during combustion is abnormal combustion. The reason is that hydrogen is sensitive to knock, have high flame velocity, low required autoignition energy and wide range of flammability. To avoid abnormal combustion and NOx, engines can be run with a lean fuel injection strategy. This helps but the result is lower power and torque output than the stoichiometric combustion. Otto engine, both with port injection and direct injection, and diesel engine can run on hydrogen. It turned out that direct injected otto engine gives the best efficiency, power output and lowest NOx emissions. However, this requires high temperatures and pressures that may contribute to short life length of components. Today's applications are therefore using port injection. The diesel engine could have even better efficiency, but because of high risk of abnormal combustion the engine only runs at low engine loads. Modifications of the engines must be done, in particular new materials are needed because hydrogen embrittles steel. Hydrogen is stored either as a liquid or as a compressed gas. Liquid hydrogen stores more energy on board by volume relatively compressed hydrogen, but must be cooled to -253° C. When the vehicle is not active hydrogen gas is formed and leaks out. In order to build a safe vehicle sensors are required to detect leaks. The conclusion is that hydrogen is applicable as a fuel, but hydrogen alone would not solve the fuel problems. Today the production capacity of hydrogen is too low, more eco-friendly production methods must be developed and new infrastructure to transport and refuel hydrogen must be implemented. This could result in high costs for the society. / Då det hela tiden ställs större krav på låga CO2-emissioner måste fordonstillverkarna arbeta med att ta fram nya motorlösningar för nya bränslen. Ett bränsle som då skulle kunna appliceras är väte. Då väte förbränns uppstår vattenånga. Väte är känt för att vara explosivt och brandfarligt. Dessa egenskaper är både bra och dåliga vid förbränning. Syftet med denna studie är att klarlägga de problem och lösningar som finns runt väte som bränsle, både i och utanför förbränningsmotorn. Den vanligaste framställningsmetoden är ångreformering av naturgas och ger höga CO2-utsläpp. Det finns miljövänligare metoder med endast vatten som råvara, men de är i dagsläget dyra och behöver utvecklas. Det största problemet vid förbränning är onormal förbränning. Orsaken är att väte är känslig för knackning, har hög flamhastighet, låg erfordrad självantändningsenergi samt brett koncentrationsintervall för förbränning. För att undvika onormal förbränning och NOx kan motorerna köras med en mager luft-bränsleblandning. Detta bidrar dock till lägre effekt- och vridmomentuttag än vid stökiometrisk förbränning. Ottomotor, både med insprutning via insug och direktinsprutning och dieselmotor kan köras med väte. Det visade sig att med väte som bränsle är det direktinsprutad ottomotor som ger bäst verkningsgrad, effektuttag och lägst NOx-emissioner. Detta medför dock höga temperaturer och tryck som bidrar till att komponenter får kort livslängd. Dagens tillämpningar använder därför insprutning via insug. Dieselmotorn skulle kunna få hög verkningsgrad, men pga hög risk för onormal förbränning har motorn bara kunnat köras vid låga varvtal och motorlaster vid tester som har gjorts. Modifikationer av motorerna måste göras, framförallt nya materialval då väte försprödar bl. a. stål. Väte lagras antingen i flytande eller komprimerad gasform. Flytande ger mer energi ombord sett till volym, men måste kylas till -253° C. Då fordonet är inaktivt bildas vätgas och läcker ut. För att kunna bygga ett säkert fordon erfordras sensorer för att lokalisera läckage. Slutsatsen är att väte är applicerbart som bränsle, men väte skulle dock inte ensamt kunna lösa bränsleproblemen. Produktionskapaciteten av vätgas är i dagsläget liten, mer miljövänliga produktionsmetoder måste utvecklas och ny infrastruktur för att transpo-tera och tanka vätgas måste implementeras. Detta kan resultera i höga kostnader för samhället.

SUSPLAB : A suspension component simulation tool for MATLAB

Pellfolk, Carl Fredrik January 2013 (has links)
A GUI-assisted (Graphical User Interface) suspension component simulation tool has been developed in the computer package MATLAB. The purpose is to provide an example of a lightweight and expandable platform for educational use in the field of vehicle dynamics and suspension components. In this first version the program focused on passive rail vehicle components and their mechanical behaviour during harmonic displacement excitation. The simulation is however fairly general and may be used for describing suspension components in road vehicles and a range of other engineering applications after some modification. Thus the software and this report also emphasizes on the modular approach of the software and how it can be expanded and tailored by individual users. Calculations are based on linear and non-linear, one-dimensional models with a relation between force and motion. The simulation tool is mainly developed for educational purposes and is therefore, in its current state, subject to compromises between accuracy, model complexity and computational effort. / Ett simuleringspaket med grafiskt användargränssnitt har programmerats för MATLAB. Syftet är att exemplifiera hur en lätthanterlig och utbyggbar datorplattformar kan utvecklas och implementeras för utbildningsändamål inom fordonsdynamik samt införskaffa djupare kunskaper i komponent- och simuleringsteknik. Den version av programmet som beskrivs i denna rapport är också den första och tungvikten ligger på passiva fjädringskomponenter för spårfordon och hur dessa beter sig under harmonisk förskjutningsexcitering. Programmets struktur och utbyggbarhet är också en viktig del i detta utvecklingsarbete. Beräkning och simulering är baserad på endimensionella, linjära modeler byggda på relationen kraft – förskjutning. Simuleringspaketet är utvecklat i utbildningsyfte och därför också begränsat beträffande noggrannhet, modellkomplexitet och krav på beräkningskapacitet.

Analys av instyrning och rolldynamik

Sällberg, Emil January 2013 (has links)
When driving hard and cornering on a circuit good control of a car’s roll is desired, so the car reaches steady state quickly but yet in a controlled fashion. This control is mainly given by the combination of the cars springs, shock absorbers and anti-roll bars. The aim of this report is to investigate, analyze and measure a Porsche Boxster’s turn in behaviour and roll dynamics as well as with the aid of simulation results give suggestions for improvement of the previous mentioned combination. Two different simulations were made, one based on a simpler model that was based on an evolved version of the bicycle model in Matlab and one was more advanced model in the simulation software rFactor. Measurements of the real car was made using a GPS-based measurement system. The results of the simulations and the measurements were compared which showed acceptable correlation between the models and reality. The results were analyzed further, which showed that the car’s suspension system was underdamped. Therefore the first suggestions for improving the car’s roll dynamics are an increase of the car’s roll stiffness of 20 per cent as well as an increase of the hardness of the shock absorbers of 50 per cent. / Vid hårdare körning på tävlingsbana så önskas god kontroll över bilens krängning, så att bilen ”sätter sig”, det vill säga når jämviktsläget i kurvan snabbt men kontrollerat. Denna kontroll ges av kombinationen av bilens fjädrar, stötdämpare och krängningshämmare. Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka, analysera och mäta upp en Porsche Boxsters instyrning och rolldynamik samt med hjälp av simuleringar kunna komma fram till initala steg till förbättring. Två olika simulationer utfördes av bilen, en enklare i Matlab baserad på cykelmodellen samt en något mer avancerad i simuleringsprogramvaran rFactor. Därefter gjordes en mätning av bilens rollbeteende med hjälp av ett GPS-baserat mätsystem. Resultaten från mätningen och simuleringarna jämfördes, vilka visade på godtagbar korrelation mellan modeller och verklighet. Analys utfördes av resultaten, vilka i första hand visade på att bilens hjulupphängning var något underdämpad samt att krängningen skulle kunna hållas mindre med styvare fjädring. En ökning av rollstyvhet på 20% och dämparhårdhet på 50% är därav ett första förslag för förbättring av bilens rolldynamik.

Drivaxeltrycksreglering hos tunga fordon : För en ökad framkomlighet vid vinterförhållanden

Nylander, Erik January 2013 (has links)
Heavy duty vehicles often have problems with traction during the winter periods. For vehicles that can lift tag axles it is possible to increase the normal force on the driven axle by lifting one or more tag axles, this will then increase the propulsive force of friction. This however increases wear on both road and vehicle. A possibility to reduce the wear while achieving nearly equivalent traction compared to lifted tag axles is to allow the vehicle to regulate the normal force by lowering the pressure in the air suspension associated with the tag axles or by the lifting of these axles. The vehicle would then by itself be able to set just the right amount of normal force on the drive wheels to avoid unnecessarily high normal forces while maintaining sufficient traction. The purpose of the report is to find out which parameters affect heavy duty vehicles when driving on slippery slopes and how traction can be improved. To shed some light on this, thorough information searches have been carried out, dynamic models and relations for heavy vehicles have been developed and a program for the simulation of heavy duty vehicles programmed in MATLAB. The results from the simulations show that there is a potential in automatic control of pressure on driven axles. To give good performance such a system would work well in combination with GPS and topographical data. In that way the vehicle can in advance regulate the pressure on driven axles to a level fitting the current incline. This system would also be a lot gentler on the road than if the driver lifts the tag axles. This is because the need for high axle pressure is most of the time at a low level. / Tunga fordon har ofta problem med framkomligheten under vinterperioderna. För fordon som kan lyfta löpaxlar går det att öka normalkraften på drivande hjul genom att lyfta en eller flera löpaxlar för att på så vis öka framdrivande friktionskraft. Detta sliter dock på både väg och fordon. En möjlighet att minska slitaget men samtidigt uppnå nästan likvärdig framkomlighet jämfört med lyfta löpaxlar är att låta fordonet själv reglera drivaxelns normalkraft genom att sänka tryck i luftbälgar tillhörande löpaxlar eller genom lyft av dessa. Fordonet skulle då själv kunna ställa in precis rätt normalkraft på drivaxeln för att undvika onödigt höga normalkrafter men samtidigt bibehålla en god framkomlighet. Syftet med rapporten är att ta reda på vilka parametrar som inverkar på tunga fordon vid körning i hala backar och hur det går att förbättra framkomligheten. För att ge svar på detta har en grundlig informationssökning genomförts, dynamiska modeller och samband för tunga fordon tagits fram samt ett program för simulering av tunga fordon programmerats i MATLAB. Resultaten från simuleringarna visar att det finns potential i att automatiskt reglera drivaxeltryck. Framförallt skulle ett sådant system fungera bra i kombination med GPS och topografidata så att fordonet i förhand kan reglera upp ett anpassat drivaxeltryck mot aktuell backe. Detta system skulle även vara mer skonsamt mot vägen jämfört med om chauffören väljer att lyfta löpaxlar. Detta är möjligt eftersom höga drivaxeltyck endast behöver användas under korta perioder.

Konceptstudie av Waste Heat Recovery System på Tunga Fordon

Nilsson, Niklas January 2013 (has links)
In today’s fast growing and closely connected society, a reliable and energy efficient transportation system is more than ever desirable. Nowadays the significant part of the transportation sector’s energy demand is supplied by fossil fuels. Improving energy efficiency in combustion engines will result in reduction of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. A modern internal combustion engine has an efficiency of 30-45 %, where the most energy loss occurs as result of heat losses in the exhaust and cooling systems. By recovering and converting the thermal energy of a combustion engine to mechanical/electric power the efficiency of the combustion engine can be increased. In this work the performance of a truck engine has been investigated with the aim to increase its efficiency by decreasing the heat losses with a Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) system. Intercooler, coolant system, EGR and exhaust systems have been studied for their heat loss potentials. A model of an ideal Rankine process has been implemented in MATLAB with water as the working fluid. Experimental data sets from a Scania DC1306 and a Volvo D11 engines have served as inputs to the developed MATLAB model. The study shows that an efficiency gain of approximately 2 % can be achieved with a WHR-system where EGR cooler serves as a heat source and 2.5 % with the exhaust as heat source. The combination of both systems can provide an efficiency gain between 4-5 %. / I dagens snabbt växande och energikrävande samhälle är behovet av tillförlitliga och energieffektiva transporterstörre än någonsin önskvärt. En stor del av transportsektorn drivs idag av förbränningsmotorer där energibehovet tillgodoses av fossila bränslen. En energieffektivisering av förbränningsmotorer resultera i minskad bränsleförbrukning och CO2-utsläpp. Hos en modern förbränningsmotor kan en verkningsgrad på 30-45 % normalt uppnås. Den största energiförlusten utgörs av värmeförluster i avgas och kylsystem. Genom att omvandla förbränningsmotorns termiska förluster till mekanisk eller elektriskt arbete kan verkningsgraden höjas. I detta arbete undersöks prestandan hos lastbilsmotorn i syfte att höja dess verkningsgrad genom att ta tillvarata värmeförlusterna. Som lösning introduceras ett externt Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) system där Intercooler, kylsystemet, EGR-och avgassystem tillåts agera som potentiella värmekällor. Systemet beskrivas genom modellering av en ideal Rankineprocess vilket implementerats i MATLAB med vatten som arbetsmedium. Experimentella data från en Scania DC1306 och en Volvo D11 motor har nyttjats som indata till den utvecklade MATLAB-modellen. Studien visar att en effektivitetsvinst på cirka 2 % kan uppnås med ett WHR-system där EGR-kylaren tjänar som värmekälla och 2,5 % med avgaserna som värmekälla. Kombinationen av båda systemen kan åstakomma en effektivitetsvinst mellan 4-5 %.

Modeling of a World Rally Championship Car Damper and Experimental Testing of Its Components

Chahine, Richard January 2011 (has links)
Rally cars are driven on many different types of surfaces. Each type of surface demands a special type of damper setup. In order to achieve optimum performance on the snow covered and icy Swedish roads, the gravel of the Spanish rallies and the smooth tarmac of the German rallies, a large flexibility in the possible damper settings is required. Prodrive, a British motorsport group, has been racing two Mini Countryman as factory team cars for BMW Mini as of Rally D’Italia in Sardinia in May 2011 and has requested that Öhlins Racing AB equips these cars with dampers. Öhlins Racing AB has been developing a damper for rally applications called the TPX. This damper is equipped with an Active Rebound Control system (ARC). The ARC allows for high levels of grip to be achieved together with good chassis control. The TPX damper with its ARC system is quite complex in structure. As there are many parts in the damper which can be altered, optimizing the damper would require a very large number of tests. A physical model of the TPX damper with its ARC system would reduce the time spent in the lab and help speed up the development of the damper. Prodrive would also like to a have a model of the damper that they can use in their model of the entire car which they use to setup the cars for races and to develop the car. The goal of this Master’s Thesis was therefore to create a model based in MatLab Simulink that qualitatively but not necessarily quantitatively replicated the dampers behavioral trends. Components which are very difficult to model, such as shim stacks, needed not be modeled. Their characteristics could be measured in the lab. During this Master’s Thesis project a model for the TPX damper was created using Simulink to model most of the physical parts of the damper. The rest of the model including its inputs and control were taken care of by a GUI. The model functions so simulations can be performed. Plotting the results of the simulations together with data from experimental tests was also made easy by the GUI. The results from comparisons between the simulated damper and the real object indicate that refinements need to be made to the model before it can be put to use as a tool for helping in optimizing the TPX damper’s construction. Hysteresis in the form of friction as well as damper flexibility does not seem to be negligible. The variation of the oil’s compressibility and the dynamic behavior of the check valves also need to be looked into. The graphs from the simulations seem to replicate the real dampers performance trends as intended. The numerical magnitudes of the data produced by the simulation are however not accurate. Overall the model produced during this master’s thesis seems to be a good step forward on the path to producing a useful model. Some suggestions for the next steps in improving the model are provided.

Wheel Corner Modules : Technology and Concept Analysis

Hag, Johan January 2011 (has links)
The wheel corner module represents a new technology for controlling the motion of avehicle. It is based on a modular design around the geometric boundaries of a conventionalwheel. The typical WCM consists of a wheel containing an electrical in-wheel propulsion motor, a friction brake, a steering system and a suspension system. Generally, the braking,steering and suspension systems are controlled by means of electrical actuators. The WCMis designed to easily, by means of bolted connections and a power connector, attach toa vehicle platform constructed for the specic purpose. All functions are controlled viaan electrical system, connecting the steering column to the module. A WCM vehicle cancontain two or four wheel corner modules.The purpose of this thesis is to serve as an introduction to wheel corner module technology.The technology itself, as well as advantages and disadvantages related to wheelcorner modules are discussed. An analysis of a variety of wheel corner module concepts iscarried out. In addition, simulations are conducted in order to estimate how an increasedunsprung mass aects the ride comfort and handling performance of a vehicle.Longitudinal translation over two types of road disturbance proles, a curb and a bump,is simulated. A quarter car model as well as a full car model is utilized. The obtainedresults indicate that handling performance is deteriorated in connection to an increase dunsprung mass. The RMS value of the tire force uctuation increases with up to 18%,when 20 kg is added to each of the rear wheels of the full car model. Ride comfort is deteriorated or enhanced in connection to an increased unsprung mass, depending on the disturbance frequency of the road. When subjected to a road disturbance frequency below the eigenfrequency of the unsprung mass, ride comfort deterioration is indicated. The RMS vertical acceleration of the sprung mass increases with up to 6%, in terms of the full car model. When subjected to a road disturbance frequency above the eigenfrequency ofthe unsprung mass, decreased RMS vertical acceleration of up to 25% is noted, indicatinga signicantly enhanced ride comfort. Implementation of wheel corner module technology enables improved handling performance,safety and ride comfort compared to conventional vehicle technology. Further development, e.g. in terms of in-wheel motors and alternative power sources, is however required. In addition, major investments related to manufacturing equipment andtechnology is regarded as a signicant obstacle in terms of serial production.


Bergsek, Mattias January 2011 (has links)
Marine Jet Power, MJP wishes to investigate the possibility of transforming their current Thrust Prediction Program, TPP written in C++ source code into a more up to date tool for their sales staff. The old TPP, though an accurate and precise tool, is not documented and lacks commentaries in the source code. Therefore the beginning of this master thesis was about documenting and investigates what methods were used to calculate the performance of the water jet system.The next step was splitting the long C++ source code in to smaller functions, this was done using MatLab where several m-files were created with the different functions in. C++ syntax and structure differs from MatLab so the source code must be translated in to MatLab syntax. Once the new TPP was translated and the calculation results were identical with the old TPP a Graphical User Interface, GUI was created and presented to MJP. The current MatLab TPP is not finished, only two of four calculation modes have been translated and MJP wants modifications in the GUI. The additional work needed in order to have the sales tool MJP wishes is currently discussed.

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