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Podnikatelský záměr / Entrepreneurial ProjectHolík, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
The goal of this dissertation is to create a business plan for mr. David Mokrý - owner of café Blue Queen in Boskovice. In a short time he would like to make his business bigger and found another café - pub (Black King).The needed data for creating a project of new successful cafe, which should become the most popular in selected location, I'm going to get by many market analyses, respective by analyses of internal and external neighborhood.
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Posouzení developerského projektu v centru Brna / Assessment of a Developer's Project in the Centre of BrnoHorváthová, Lucia January 2018 (has links)
This master ‘s thesis deals with problems of the development and development process. Part of the thesis is a description of the development market in the Czech Republic and significant changes in the construction area in 2017 and 2018. The thesis is focused on the development project in the centre of Brno and the proposal for its next extension. Description of the feasibility study goes smoothly into the proposal to extend the development project. Part of this thesis is a proposal for establishing and functioning of real estate and facility management in the project.
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Podnikatelský záměr / Business PlanKubešová, Pavlína January 2009 (has links)
In my master´s thesis I analyse on efficiency of investment project of the company SPAME Ltd. considering the financial analysis. The company intends to implement within the extension of its business activities. Substance of work is assessment of present circumstances of company and its financial analysis, recommendation on business plan and elaboration of planned income statement and its economic evaluation.
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Studie proveditelnosti-změna zahradnictví na produkční a realizační firmu / Feasibility Study-Change of Gardening to Production and Implementation CompanyKresa, Ondřej January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis have for object to create a feasibility study focused on change the gardening to the production and implementation company. I have analysed the present structure and condition of management, I have created a proposal of enterprise development for years 2011 till 2013. The proposal’s essence is the enlargement of company capacity and maret share.
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Studie proveditelnosti projektu - Uplatnění kogenerační jednotky v ČOV Valašské Meziříčí / Feasibility study - Application CHP Unit in the Wastewater Treatment Plant Valašské MeziříčíJurenková, Eva January 2011 (has links)
This master's thesis deal with issues project management in the use of renewable energy especially biogas from the waterwaste treatment plant. The purpose of this thesis is to create feasibility study and assess its effectiveness, sustainability and implementation. The output of this thesis is recommendation for the study sponsor if the project adopt and implement.
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Studie proveditelnosti kozí farmy na Vysočině / Feasibility Study of Goats FarmKejklířová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
he objective of this thesis is to prepare a feasibility study of the investment project for the establishment of an organic goat's farm with production of dairy products with organic quality. The thesis also analyses the grant opportunities from the EU Structural Funds for this project.
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Financování projektů ze zdrojů EU / Project Funding from EU Financial ResourcesBoudný, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The submitted thesis is focused on the utilisation of the feasibility study during the preparation of project applications for financial assistance from EU funds. The thesis describes the basics of the project management and its tools in the theoretical part. The inseparable part from the theoretical part informs us also about EU regional policy and Operational programmes. The goal of the thesis is the preparation of the feasibility study of the project in its practical part. This project will be used to obtain a grant from the Human Resources and Employment Operational Programme (HREOP).
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Studie proveditelnosti projektu / Feasibility Study of ProjectŠimko, Vladimír January 2014 (has links)
The Master’s Thesis deals with project management issues in the field of energetic, specifically diversification of fuel base with usage of renewable resources. The thesis is divided into two parts, from which the first part is focused on theoretical background of project, project management and feasibility study issues. In the second part particular feasibility study is elaborated. The goal of this thesis is to create feasibility study, which is one of the requested appendixes of grant application.
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Ekonomické posouzení projektu realizace studentských ubytovacích kapacit / Economic Evaluation of Realization of Student Accommodation Capacities ProjectBedřich, Marek January 2014 (has links)
Thesis deals with feasibility study of students accomodation capacities, which is basic method for investment decision. Thesis goal is to provide qualified technical, economic and financial information neccesary for investment decision. In theoretical part are generally described investments and methods of financial and economic evaluation. Practical part contains feasibilty study.
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Studie proveditelnosti výstavby garážových objektů v městě Břeclav / Feasibility Study of Garages Construction in BřeclavKůrková, Dana January 2015 (has links)
The Master’s thesis deals with the evaluation of an investment project for the construction of terraced garages in Breclav. The aim is to prepare a feasibility study and to appraise the feasibility of the said building project. The structure of the study is tailored to the meaning and objectives of this dissertation, which is focused on marketing research and estimation of demand. Part of the feasibility study are also chapters that describe the essence of the project and its different phases, project management, the impact of construction on the environment, financial plan, evaluation of economic efficiency, schedule and risk analysis. The result of the study is to evaluate the feasibility of the investment project under specified conditions.
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