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Ronnel and its effects on feedlot performanceTobyne, Dwight Nolan January 2010 (has links)
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The ability of a yeast-derived cell wall preparation to minimize toxic effects of high-alkaloid tall fescue straw in beef cattle /Merrill, Melissa L. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Oregon State University, 2007. / Printout. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 52-64). Also available on the World Wide Web.
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Monensin was fed at levels of 0 and 33 ppm in a series of experiments to determine its effect on nitrogen (N) utilization by steers fed diets high in sorghum grain (76%, steam-processed, flaked) and corn (90%, whole shelled). Total ruminal volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentrations measured 3 hr postprandially were not affected by monensin addition to either diet. Molar proportion of acetic acid decreased (P < .05) was observed with monensin addition to the sorghum grain-based diet. Monensin had no effect on apparent total tract digestibility of dry matter or energy in either diet, but consistently improved apparent total tract digestibility of crude protein (CP) in both diets. Improvement was greater (P < .05). Retention of N tended (P > .05) to improve in response to monensin with the sorghum grain-based diet (24 vs 20% of N intake; 41 vs 36% of N absorbed). Ruminal ammonia concentrations measured 3 hr post-prandially were decreased (P < .10) ruminal digestion of feed N (44 vs 51%) for steers fed monensin. Monensin decreased (P < .05) the contibution of bacterial N (42 vs 50%) and increased (P < .05) that of ruminally undegraded feed (bypass) N (58 vs 50%) to total N digested postruminally, resulting in less (P < .10) bacterial N (23 vs 28 g/day) and a tendency (P > .10) for more feed bypass N (32 vs 27 g/day) to be digested in the intestines of steers fed monensin with the corn-based diet. That monensin caused a greater proportion of feed OM and N to be digested and absorbed in the intestines than in the rumen (with possibly greater resultant metabolic efficiency) may account for some of the benefit of feeding this compound with high grain diets, as losses incurred in the ruminal transformation of feed nitrogen to bacterial nitrogen appear to be partially eliminated.
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Feed additives and animal waste phosphorous reactionsBarnett, G. M. (Gordon M.) January 1992 (has links)
Organic phosphorus (P$ sb{ rm o}$) in farm animal wastes must be mineralized to inorganic P for subsequent plant use. This study was conducted to determine if feed additives affect P$ sb{ rm o}$ mineralization, manure decomposition, and plant growth. Feed additives in aqueous systems affected the P mineralization of inositol hexaphosphate by phytase and of adenosine monophosphate by alkaline phosphatase. Pronounced effects were produced by bacitracin and both enzymes and by neomycin on phytase. Feed additives in dairy cattle (Bos taurus L.) manure produced effects on microbial activity as measured by gas production that differed from those produced on fecal phosphatase activity. Additives applied directly or with manure to Ste. Rosalie clay, Greensboro loam, or silica sand had no effect on barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) yield but did produce additive, rate, growth medium, and manure dependent effects on plant P concentration and soil phosphatase activity. Therefore, each feed additive must be independently evaluated to determine its effect on biological systems.
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Effects of feeding flaxseed and probiotic supplementation to layers on egg cholesterol and fatty acid compositionPheko, Lieketseng Gladys. January 1998 (has links)
A study was conducted to examine the response to feeding flaxseed (FS) and probiotics on plasma and egg yolk cholesterol and plasma fatty acid profile in laying hens. A total of 576 Single Comb White Leghorn hens (SCWL) at 26 weeks of age were fed diets containing 15% FS and a corn-soybean meal diet (C) supplemented with and without ferlac 25 (F25) or Lactobacillus acidophilus (LA). Feed consumption was significantly (p < 0.05) increased by FS supplemented with both F25 and LA. Dietary treatments had no significant (p > 0.05) effect on feed conversion. Egg production was significantly (p < 0.05) higher among the FS probiotic supplemented diets and significantly (p < 0.05) lower for dietary FS supplemented with LA. However, egg yolk weight did not respond to dietary treatments (p > 0.05). Body weight was significantly low for all FS fed groups. Shell thickness was not statistically significant (p > 0.05) among experimental treatments, while haugh units were significantly (p < 0.05) higher for FS group supplemented with LA. Probiotic supplementation significantly (p < 0.05) reduced plasma cholesterol (CHL) from 161mg/dL in C diet to 117mg/dL in probiotic supplemented groups. Plasma triglycerides (TG) were significantly (p < 0.05) reduced from 2.8g/dL in FS to 1.9g/dL in probiotic supplemented groups while egg yolk CHL was significantly (p < 0.05) reduced by probiotic supplementation on FS treatments from 14.04mg/g in FS fed group to 10.16mg/g in LA supplemented FS group. Fatty acids profile in the egg yolk responded significantly (p < 0.05) to dietary treatments. FS treatments with and without probiotic supplementation significantly reduced C18:1 o-9 by 12%; while the PUFA families (o-3 and o-6) were significantly (p < 0.05) increased in FS fed group by 93% and 18%, respectively. C20:4, o-6 was significantly reduced from 6.6mg/g in the C group to 3.96mg/g in Fs groups. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
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Effects of feeding flaxseed and probiotic supplementation to layers on egg cholesterol and fatty acid compositionPheko, Lieketseng Gladys. January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Feed additives and animal waste phosphorous reactionsBarnett, G. M. (Gordon M.) January 1992 (has links)
No description available.
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Pharmacological Screening of Some Medicinal Plants as Antimicrobial and Feed AdditivesThakare, Mohan N. 06 August 2004 (has links)
The following study was conducted to investigate the antibacterial and feed additive potential of medicinal plants. Ethanol extracts of different medicinal plants including Curcuma longa (Turmeric), Zingiber officinale (Ginger), Piper nigrum (Black Pepper), Cinnamomum cassia (Cinnamon), Thymus vulgaris (Thyme), Laurus nobilis (Bay leaf), and Syzgium aromaticum (Clove) were tested using the disc diffusion method for their antimicrobial activity against the common poultry pathogens E. coli, S. typhimurium, E. faecium, and E. faecalis. Cinnamon extract (CE), at 130 mg/disk, exhibited antibacterial activity against E. coli, S. typhimurium, and E. faecalis. Thyme extract (TE), at 30 mg/disk, exhibited antibacterial activity against E. coli, E. faecium, and E. faecalis while the remaining medicinal plants extracts showed no activity. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the cinnamon and thyme ranged from 31.25 to 250 mg/ml by the dilution method. From this in vitro antibacterial study, cinnamon and thyme were selected for a 21-d feeding trial in broilers to study their influence on feed consumption, body weight gain, and feed conversion. There were 6 dietary treatments groups: 1) negative control (NC) containing no plant extracts or antibiotic, 2) positive control (PC) containing BMD (bacitracin) at 50g/ton of feed, 3) Diet 1 plus low level of cinnamon extract (LCE) at 290 gm/100 kg of feed, 4) Diet 1 plus high level of cinnamon extract (HCE) at 580 gm/ 100 kg of feed, 5) Diet 1 plus low level of thyme extract (LTE) at 290 gm/100kg of feed, and 6) Diet 6 plus high level of thyme extract (HTE) at 580 gm/100 kg of feed. No significant changes in body weight gain were observed with the cinnamon extracts compared to the NC or PC at 7, 14, or 21 d. The HTE reduced body weight gain compare to the NC and PC at 7, 14, and 21 d (P < 0.02). No difference in feed efficiency was observed with any of the treatments except LCE which reduced feed efficiency compared to other treatments. No difference in feed consumption was found among any of the treatments. These results suggest that cinnamon and thyme have antibacterial activity in vitro, and thyme has an activity that reduces body weight. Since cinnamon caused no significant change in body weight gain compared to positive or negative controls, it warrants further study as a substitute for antibiotics in the diet. / Master of Science
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High moisture corn with additives for cattle finishing dietsYoung, Bruce D January 2011 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries
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Fungal enzymes as animal feed additivesLakay, Francisco Martin 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The use of fungal enzymes as ruminant feed digestibility enhancers was investigated. Currently,
ruminants may not digest 38 to 80 % of fibrous forages' content. A renewed interest in the potential
of feed enzymes for ruminants was prompted by the high costs of livestock production, together
with the availability of newer enzyme preparations. Direct application of enzyme preparations can
improve in vitro dry matter (DM) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) degradation, indicating that
direct-fed fibrolytic enzymes may be effective in enhancing in vivo digestion of forages.
Two commercial enzyme products, Fibrozyme and Celluclast, and fungal extracellular
enzyme extracts from Aureobasidium pullulans, Trichoderma reesei, Aspergillus aculeatus, and
Thermomyces lanuginosus were evaluated for enhancing in vitro feed digestibility. Fibrozyme
addition to both wheat straw and lucerne hay did not improve their in vitro digestibilities, even after
a two hour pre-incubation period. The four fungal enzyme extracts did not enhance wheat straw's
digestibility, but marginal increases were evident for lucerne hay. Celluclast addition resulted in
marginal increases in the digestibility of both oat hay and oat silage, with no enhanced effect on
lucerne hay and NaOH-treated wheat straw. No relationship could be found between the level of
enzyme activity and the degree of feed digestion in the in vitro assay.
Enzyme hydrolysis with Celluclast, in the absence of rumen fluid, gave more conclusive
results. All the feed samples tested showed a positive response to Celluclast addition, even the less
digestible feeds, namely sugarcane bagasse and wheat straw.
In vitro results show that the assays were unsuccessful, because almost all of the
experiments conducted showed inconclusive results. Alternative feed evaluation assays, which
include the in vivo, in sacco and in situ methods of analysis, as well as gas production measurement
and in vitro analysis with the DAISyII system, should be evaluated. A more detailed study of feed
digestibility should be motivated by determining which feeds are hydrolysable, their chemical
composition, i.e. how accessible the feeds are, and also evaluation of feed mixtures. The enzyme
supplements also need to be evaluated for optimum temperature and pH, as well as the compilation
of enzyme cocktails. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gebruik van swamensieme om die verteerbaarheid van herkouervoere te verhoog, is ondersoek.
Tussen 38 en 80 % van veselagtige voere se inhoud is tans onverteerbaar. 'n Hernieude
belangstelling in die potensiaal van voerensieme vir herkouers word deur die hoë koste van
veeproduksie, asook die beskikbaarheid van nuwe ensiempreparate gedryf Direkte byvoeging van
ensiempreparate kan die in vitro droëmateriaal (DM) en neutrale onoplosbare vesel (NOV)
vertering verbeter, wat daarop dui dat fibrolitiese ensieme wat direk gevoer word, effektief mag
wees tydens die in vivo vertering van voer.
Twee kommersiële ensiemprodukte, Fibrozyme en Celluclast, en die vier ekstrasellulêre
ensieme van vier swamme, naamlik Aureobasidium pullulans, Trichoderma reesei, Aspergillus
aculeatus, en Thermomyces lanuginosus is vir hul vermoë om die in vitro verteerbaarheid van voere
te verbeter getoets. Byvoeging van Fibrozyme by beide koringstrooi en lusernhooi het geen
verbetering in hulonderskeie in vitro verteerbaarheid tot gevolg gehad nie, selfs nie eens na 'n twee
uur vooraf inkubasieperiode nie. Koringstrooi se verteerbaarheid is nie verbeter deur die byvoeging
van die vier swam-ensiempreparate nie, maar 'n minimale verbetering is wel waargeneem in die
verteerbaarheid van lusernhooi. Byvoeging van Celluclast het 'n minimale verbetering in beide
hawerhooi en hawerkuilvoer se verteerbaarheid tot gevolg gehad, maar geen effek op lusernhooi of
NaOH-behandelde koringstrooi se verteerbaarheid nie. Geen verwantskap is tussen die vlak van
ensiemaktiwiteit en die mate van vertering tydens die in vitro toets gevind nie.
Ensiematiese afbraak met Celluclast, in die afwesigheid van rumenvloeistof, het meer
konkrete resultate gelewer. Al die voermonsters het 'n positiewe respons op die byvoeging van
Celluclast getoon, selfs ook die minder verteerbare voere, nl. suikerrietbagasse en koringstrooi.
In die wyer konteks was die resulate van die in vitro verteringstoetse egter onbeduidend as
gevolg van groot variasie in die metings. Alternatiewe voerontledingstoetse, wat moontlik beter
resultate mag lewer, sluit in in vivo, in sacco en in situ analises, asook die meting van gasproduksie
en in vitro analise met die DAISyII sisteem. 'n Meer uitgebreide studie van voerverteerbaarheid wat
die bepaling van die afbraak van voere, hul chemiese samestelling, met ander woorde
toeganklikheid van voere, en die ondersoek van voermengsels behels, behoort aandag te geniet. Die
ensiemmengsels behoort ook ten opsigte van samestelling, optimum temperatuur en pH ondersoek
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