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Differences between primary and secondaryprovoked vestibulodyniaÅgren, Karolina January 2020 (has links)
Introduction: Provoked vestibulodynia is a common life impacting disease. Research hasshown higher pain intensity and anxiety levels in primary (pain present since first penetrativeattempt) provoked vestibulodynia (PVD1) compared to secondary provoked vestibulodynia(PVD2) and mixed results regarding age and female sexual functioning when comparing thegroups.Aim: The aim of this study was to further investigate the differences between PVD1 andPVD2 regarding pain intensity, sexual functioning, age and anxiety levels. The secondary aimwas to analyze how PVD group, age, anxiety and pain intensity associates with sexualfunctioning.Method: A total of 57 women from the Netherlands and Sweden were recruited via socialmedia, advertisement and regional caregivers. This study was part of a larger study oncognitive behavioral group therapy for women with provoked vestibulodynia. Data wasextracted from a survey assessing intensity of pain, sexual functioning, age and anxiety levels.A t-test was used to compare the PVD1 and PVD2 groups and a multivariate regressionanalysis was used to analyze the variables association with sexual functioning.Results: No statistically significant differences were found regarding pain intensity, sexualfunctioning, age and anxiety levels between PVD1 and PVD2. Decreased sexual functioningwas significantly related to higher age and pain intensity.Conclusion: We found no significant differences between PVD1 and PVD2. Increased ageand higher pain intensity seems to associate with lower sexual functioning. Longitudinalstudies with a greater sample size are needed for further investigation.
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