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Evaluation of the potential for co-gasification of black liquor and biofuel by-products : An experimental study of mixing and char reactivityHäggström, Gustav January 2015 (has links)
The increased use of fossil fuels during the last centuries has caused elevated levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. There is significant evidence that this is the cause of global warming. To mitigate the global warming, measures has to be taken to use renewable fuels and make processes more efficient. Catalytic gasification and downstream upgrading of synthesis gas is a promising technology for biofuel production, where previous research in black liquor gasification is currently expanding into a wider fuel feedstock. This work focuses on co-gasification of black liquor and by-products from other biofuel production technologies. The interesting by-products were crude glycerol from biodiesel production and spruce fermentation residue from ethanol production. The main goals were to study if the fuels can mix homogeneously and study the char reactivity. CO2 char gasification for mixtures of black liquor and glycerol or fermentation residue respectively was studied using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) for four temperatures between 750°C and 900°C. The results show that glycerol can be mixed in all proportions with black liquor and indicate that the char reactivity is unchanged. The sustained char reactivity for blends is attributed to the volatility of glycerol. The fermentation residue does not produce a homogeneous mixture with black liquor and the char is less reactive. More studies should be performed to further elucidate the validity of the results.
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Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) has been more and more used as a dietary source, mainly in
developing countries. It is the fourth most important crop in the world, right after wheat, rice
and corn. In Brazil, it is one of the most important vegetables being produced in large scale.
Such tuber root, however, has been presenting trading hindrance, which imply economic
losses. In this context, a way to use the exceeding raw material was applying that to the
production of ethanol. The following study aimed at determining the centesimal composition
of the potato tuber in natura to be used in the distillation process for ethanol production, as
well as the solid residue resulting from the fermentation of the tubers, and to evaluate the
effect of different levels of dietary fiber replacement in a standard diet by the solid residue of
the potato in rat biological response. Centesimal composition was assessed in accordance
with AOAC (2000). Wistar rats were used for the biological evaluation. They were feed with
four different rations which composed their treatment, in accordance with AIN-93
recommendations; all of them at equivalent amounts of proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and
total carbohydrates; even though different concerning level of solid residue replacement in
potato tubers. The animals went through a 5-day adaptation period. Throughout the
experimental period (23 days), data and samples were obtained to determine the consumption,
weight gain, food efficiency ratio (FER), liver weight, epididymal fat weight, moisture, feces
pH, fecal nitrogen excretion; in addition to blood for the analyses of triglycerides, total
cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and total proteins. It was feasible, from the obtained results, to
conclusion that the in natura potato tubers had a centesimal composition compatible with date
fron literature, except for some variations. The residue presented a nutritional relevant
centesimal composition, with 8,22% of protein, 16,71% dietary fiber, 62,79% carbohydrates
and 287,91 Kcal. The biological effects observed in the paper suggest that the solid residue
from the fermentation of potato tuber may be used as nutrient source, replacing the dietary
fiber fraction of a AIN-93 standard diet, without damage to the development of rats, as well as
the biochemical parameters; however, it would be early to state that this is appropriate for
human feeding, since the complementation with some researches, which started being
conducted here, would be relevant for more specific conclusions. / A batata (Solanum tuberosum L.), cada vez mais ocupa lugar de destaque como fonte alimentar, principalmente nos países em desenvolvimento. É a quarta cultura na ordem de
importância no mundo, depois do trigo, do arroz e do milho. No Brasil, é uma das principais hortaliças sendo produzida em larga escala. Entretanto, este tubérculo, vem apresentando
problemas na comercialização, implicando em perdas econômicas. Neste contexto, uma forma de aproveitar essa matéria-prima excedente, foi utilizando-a em processo de obtenção de etanol. Sendo assim, o presente estudo foi conduzido com os objetivos de determinar a composição centesimal do tubérculo de batata in natura a ser utilizado no processo de destilação para a produção de etanol, caracterizar o resíduo sólido resultante da fermentação
deste tubérculo, e avaliar o efeito da utilização de diferentes teores de substituição da fibra alimentar de uma dieta padrão por resíduo sólido de fermentação de tubérculo de batata na
resposta biológica de ratos. As análises para determinação da composição centesimal, foram realizadas de acordo com a AOAC (2000). Para a avaliação dos efeitos biológicos foram
utilizados ratos Wistar, alimentados com quatro rações que compuseram os tratamentos, de acordo com as recomendações do AIN-93, todas contendo quantidades equivalentes de proteínas, gorduras, vitaminas, minerais e carboidratos totais, mas diferenciadas quanto ao
teor de substituição da fibra alimentar pelo resíduo sólido de fermentação de tubérculo de batata. Os animais foram submetidos a um período de adaptação de 5 dias e durante o período experimental (23 dias), foram obtidos dados e amostras para a determinação do consumo, ganho de peso, coeficiente de eficiência alimentar (CEA), peso do fígado, peso da gordura epididimal, produção de fezes secas e úmidas, umidade, pH das fezes, excreção de nitrogênio
fecal, além de sangue para análises de: triglicerídeos, colesterol total, colesterol HDL e proteínas totais. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que, o tubérculo de batata in natura apresentou ter uma composição centesimal compatível à apresentada pela literatura, exceto algumas variações. O resíduo apresentou uma composição centesimal nutricionalmente relevante, com 8,22% de proteína, 16,71% de fibra alimentar, 62,79% de carboidratos e 287,91Kcal. Os efeitos biológicos observados no ensaio sugerem que, o resíduo sólido de fermentação de tubérculos de batata pode ser empregado como fonte de nutrientes substituindo a fração fibra de uma dieta padrão do AIN-93, sem comprometer o
desenvolvimento dos ratos e os parâmetros bioquímicos analisados, porém seria precoce afirmar que este seja adequado à alimentação humana, pois a complementação com algumas pesquisas aqui iniciadas seria pertinente para conclusões mais específicas.
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