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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The toxicity of iron to the brown trout, Salmo trutta L

Dalzell, David James Blair January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

Efekt kombinace dávkování koagulantu a flokulantu na odvodňování čistírenských kalů / Efficacy of combined dosing of coagulant and flocculant on wastewater sludge dewatering

Pániková, Kristína January 2019 (has links)
Sludge treatment and disposal are one of the most important parts of sewage treatment. These are economically challenging parts, and therefore emphasis is placed on effective dosing. The dose should be as small as possible but also the highest dry matter output. The main target of this diploma thesis is therefore to show that it is possible to achieve the same or better degree of drainage of the sludge if different flocculant/coagulant ratio is applied to the sludge. Diploma thesis deals with determination of the optimal combination of chemical doses during sludge dewatering. The thesis contains two parts, practical and theoretical. The theoretical part consists of research, overview of processed research and works in the area of sludge dewatering. The second part is a description of laboratory measurements and evaluation of results.

Evaluation and optimisation of chemical treatment for non-point source pollution control:purification of peat extraction runoff water

Heiderscheidt, E. (Elisangela) 11 October 2016 (has links)
Abstract Chemical treatment is considered best available technology for purification of peat extraction runoff in Finland, due to its capability to remove dissolved organic carbon (DOC), suspended solids and nutrients. However, lack of optimisation and adaptation of this method for purification of diffuse pollution sources, e.g., peat extraction runoff, has led to significant fluctuations in purification efficiency. This thesis evaluated the suitability of commercially available coagulants for the treatment of typically humic water. Inorganic (ferric sulphate, aluminium sulphate and a mixed product) and organic (polyDADMAC, polyamine, chitosan and tannin products) coagulants were studied. Investigations included assessment of required dosage and the influence of process parameters (pollutant concentration, mixing, water pH and temperature) on coagulant performance. In addition, the process conditions in existing treatment systems were examined in field experiments aimed at identifying possible factors affecting purification. Ferric sulphate (FS) was the most effective of the coagulants tested. It produced excellent flocs and achieved higher removal efficiency, particularly for DOC, than the other coagulants. However, the dosage required for FS was significantly higher than for e.g., polyDADMAC and chitosan. Moreover, samples treated with FS displayed high iron concentration and acidic pH. The organic polymers achieved satisfactory results, but further research is needed before they can become viable alternatives to metal salts. The quality of peat extraction runoff water was found to vary significantly. It was also observed that variations in DOC concentration, even for particulate rich samples, controlled coagulant dosage and, consequently, treatment efficiency. For inorganic coagulants, mixing provided during flocculation had a more significant influence on purification than mixing provided during coagulation. This is relevant hence in now existing treatment facilities no mixing is employed during flocculation. Based on the research conducted, suggestions were formulated for process optimisation aimed at reducing variations in purification efficiency, thus increasing the reliability of the method and reducing related environmental impacts. / Tiivistelmä Turvetuotannon valumavesien käsittelyssä yksi parhaista käyttökelpoisistatekniikoista on kemiallinen käsittely, koska se pystyy poistamaan valumavedestä liukoista orgaanista hiiltä (DOC), kiintoainetta ja ravinteita. Tästä huolimatta kemiallisen käsittelyn optimointia ei ole tehty hajakuormitukselle, kuten turvetuotannon valumavesille, minkä seurauksena valumavesien puhdistustuloksissa on suurta vaihtelua. Tässä väitöstyössä tutkittiin markkinoilla saatavilla olevien kemikaalien sopivuutta turvetuotannon humuspitoisille valumavesille. Tutkimuksessa testattiin epäorgaanisia (ferrisulfaatti, alumiinisulfaatti ja näiden sekoitus) ja orgaanisia (polyDADMAC, polyamiini, kitosaani ja tanniinipohjaisia polymeerejä) koagulanttikemikaaleja. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin koagulanttien annostarpeet sekä erilaisten prosessiparametrien (vedenlaatu, sekoittaminen, pH ja lämpötila) vaikutus koagulanttien toimintaan. Laboratoriotutkimusten lisäksi väitöstyö sisälsi kenttämittauksia turvetuotannon valumavesien tyypillisten kemiallisen vesienkäsittelyn prosessiparametrien selvittämiseksi. Tutkituista koagulanteista rautasulfaatti oli tehokkain. Se tuotti hyvin laskeutuvaa flokkia ja poisti parhaiten valumavesien orgaanista ainesta. Rautasulfaatti vaati kuitenkin selkeästi suuremman annostuksen kuin esimerkiksi polyDADMAC ja kitosaani. Lisäksi puhdistettuun veteen jäi paljon rautaa ja vesi oli hapanta. Orgaanisilla kemikaaleilla saavutettiin myös kohtalainen/melko hyvä puhdistustulos, mutta lisää tutkimusta tarvitaan ennen kuin ne voivat olla vaihtoehtona epäorgaanisille kemikaaleille. Turvetuotannon valumaveden laatu vaihteli paljon. Valumaveden orgaanisen aineen määrän vaihtelulla oli suurin vaikutus kemikaalin annostukseen ja puhdistustulokseen. Sekoituksista kemiallisen käsittelyn flokkulaatiovaiheen sekoituksella oli suurempi vaikutus puhdistustulokseen kuin koagulaatiovaiheen sekoituksella. Tutkituilla turvetuotantoalueilla ei kuitenkaan ollut tällä hetkellä riittävää sekoitusta flokkulaatiovaiheessa. Tässä väitöstyössä esitetään parannuksia kemiallisen käsittelyn optimointiin paremman ja vakaamman puhdistustuloksen aikaansaamiseksi humuspitoisille vesille.

Pretreatment options for municipal wastewater reuse using membrane technology

Hatt, Juliette W. January 2012 (has links)
Increasing freshwater scarcity across the world means that wastewater reclamation is being considered as a key method in which to meet the growing demand. Evolution of water reuse schemes where high quality product is required such as for indirect potable reuse has led to the adoption in recent years of the integrated membrane scheme using a combination of microfiltration or ultrafiltration with reverse osmosis membrane. However, despite technological advancements, these membranes are still prone to fouling resulting in increased costs through cleaning or replacement. This thesis aims to look at pretreatment to reduce the fouling propensity of the microfiltration membranes via a 600m3 /d pilot plant which was commissioned to investigate indirect potable reuse. A range of pretreatments including pre-screening, pre-coagulation, powdered activated carbon and granular activated carbon were assessed based on fouling amelioration, water quality improvement and cost analysis. Results showed that ferric sulphate dosing was the most effective in terms of reducing the reversible fouling rate especially at high turbidity loads enabling higher flux to be realised leading to a small cost benefit. Activated carbon proved the most effective pretreatment in terms of organic removal and a significant reduction in the irreversible fouling rate. However, the cost involved in using this as a pretreatment is significant compared to possible cost savings through reduced requirement for chemical cleaning. This pretreatment is only viable if it obviates the need for a separate organic removal process.

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