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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An extended relational data base management system for engineering design /

Fung, Charles. January 1986 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Rochester Institute of Technology, 1986. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 71-72).

The performance of a Linux NFS implementation

Boumenot, Christopher M. January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Worcester Polytechnic Institute. / Keywords: LAN; Linux; NFS. Includes bibliographical references (p. 91-92).

Tree indexing on flash disks /

Li, Yinan. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.Phil.)--Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2009. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 47-50).

Hypertextualizing composition instruction a research study /

DeWitt, S. Lloyd. Hesse, Douglas Dean. January 1992 (has links)
Thesis (D.A.)--Illinois State University, 1992. / Title from title page screen, viewed January 25, 2006. Dissertation Committee: Douglas D. Hesse (chair), James R. Kalmbach, Janice G. Neuleib, Anne Rosenthal. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 194-202) and abstract. Also available in print.

Barriers to employment /

Bakker, Shawn Michael. January 1997 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.Ed.)--University of Alberta, 1997. / In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education in Counselling Psychology. Department of Educational Psychology. Also available online.

Regulating dissemination : a comparative digital ethnography of licensed and unlicensed spheres of music circulation

Durham, Blake January 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines the transformations of music circulation and consumption brought about by new media platforms. Specifically, it shows how the social and technical design of online music platforms link the consumption of music immanently to its circulation. The thesis makes contributions to ethnomusicology, media studies, and digital anthropology, as well as to the study of music's technical cultures. It is based on a comparative ethnographic study of music circulation and consumption within two field sites: the commercial streaming service Spotify and the extralegal, unlicensed peer to peer platform 'Jekyll'. Governance comes to the fore in both sites: the study shows how practices of music curation, collection and consumption are regulated by the technical design of these platforms. Surprisingly, music consumption and circulation on Jekyll generates a variety of social relations, including pronounced social hierarchies. This is far less apparent on Spotify, due to the platform's individuated mode of address. The subjectivities of online music consumers are mediated by both their personal histories and by the broader technical genealogies of the platforms they use. The thesis illuminates the mutual interdependencies of the licensed and extralegal spheres, two domains often portrayed as not only separate but antagonistic. It also provides insight into the hybrid modes of exchange that generate digital music platforms. Through examining the entailments of circulatory participation, the study offers new insights into digital polymedia and to labour, exchange and governmentality online, as well as providing nuanced understandings of the ownership and collection of music in digital environments. Moreover, it advances new concepts to identify core aspects of digital music cultures, namely 'circulatory maintenance' and 'circumvention technology'. The thesis shows overall how Spotify and Jekyll are not merely emblematic of emergent consumption practices engendered by new media, but are bound up in the mutual co-creation of culture, engendering novel musical subjectivities, practices, socialities and ideologies. The complex musical, technical and social assemblages formed around music circulation online point to the affective potentials of music itself, producing inalienable attachments to the objects through which music is formatted, experienced, and circulated.

Register File Organization for Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures: Compiler-Microarchitecture Perspective

January 2014 (has links)
abstract: Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures (CGRA) are a promising fabric for improving the performance and power-efficiency of computing devices. CGRAs are composed of components that are well-optimized to execute loops and rotating register file is an example of such a component present in CGRAs. Due to the rotating nature of register indexes in rotating register file, it is very challenging, if at all possible, to hold and properly index memory addresses (pointers) and static values. In this Thesis, different structures for CGRA register files are investigated. Those structures are experimentally compared in terms of performance of mapped applications, design frequency, and area. It is shown that a register file that can logically be partitioned into rotating and non-rotating regions is an excellent choice because it imposes the minimum restriction on underlying CGRA mapping algorithm while resulting in efficient resource utilization. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Computer Science 2014

Optimala inställningar för MTU vid filöverföring : En utredning i Linuxmiljö baserad på protokoll och filstorlek

Roskvist, Filip, Roskvist, Anton January 2012 (has links)
Denna uppsats behandlar ämnet filöverföring i ett nätverk. Fokus för arbetet har varit att undersöka MTU:ns inverkan på överföringshastigheten vid filöverföringar baserat på vilket protokoll som används och storleken på filerna som överförs. I arbetet har ett flertal experiment genomförts som syftat till att utreda detta, samt att finna vilket protokoll som överlag presterar bäst baserat på omständigheterna för överföringen. Olika filöverföringsprotokoll, fildistributionsprotokoll, MTU:er samt filstorlekar har testats för att finna vad som resulterar i högst överföringshastighet vid filöverföring över ett Ethernetnätverk. Resultaten visar på att en hög MTU uppnår högst överföringshastighet vid överföring av stora filer, men att en standard-MTU fungerar bättre för att överföra mycket små filer. / This report concerns the subject of file transfer. The focal point of the report is to study the effect that the MTU has on the speed of file transfers based on the protocol used and the size of the transferred files. During the course of the work, several experiments have been performed in order to determine this, as well as to find which protocol gives the overall best result based on the circumstances of the file transfers. Various file transfer protocols, file distribution protocols, MTUs and file sizes have been tested in order to find what results in the best file transfer speed over an Ethernet based network. The results show that a high MTU has the best performance when transferring large files, while a standard MTU gives better results for transferring very small files.


Terrien, Ron, Endress, William 11 1900 (has links)
In a previous paper “Merging Multiple Telemetry Files From Widely Separated Sources For Improved Data Integrity” presented at the 2012 ITC\USA conference, a method for synchronizing TM files at the minor frame level was presented. This paper expands on that work by describing a method for synchronizing the files at the minor frame level faster and at the earliest frame possible using an internal counter. This method is also useful if the minor frames fall out of sync due to large dropouts.

On implementing the ISO File Transfer, Access and Management protocol for a UNIX 4.2 BSD environment

Goh, Mei Jean January 1987 (has links)
Different computer systems have their own ways of representing, storing and managing files. One approach to facilitate file transfers among systems in a heterogeneous networked environment is for each system to locally map files for transfer onto a virtual filestore (VFS). Conceptually, a virtual filestore provides a universal model for describing files and how they can be manipulated. The ISO File Transfer, Access and Management (FTAM) protocol offers one such virtual filestore model. This thesis reports on the prototype implementation of a useful subset of the ISO FTAM protocol for the UNIX 4.2 BSD¹ file system. We call this implementation ubcFTAM. UNIX files, ordinarily regarded as unstructured, can be endowed with some internal structure thereby allowing the transfer of selective portions of a file. Furthermore, the implementation offers several file attributes not supported by UNIX. ubcFTAM runs on several Sun Workstations² interconnected by a 10 Mbps Ethernet. Some performance data of ubcFTAM are also presented. This thesis also identifies several aspects of the specifications that are ambiguous or that are inadequate, warranting further studies. Resolutions for these issues are discussed. We hope this experience will be useful to others planning to implement FTAM for UNIX systems. ¹UNIX is a registered trademark of American Telephone and Telegraph Bell Laboratories. BSD denotes Berkeley Standard Distribution ²SUN Workstation is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. / Science, Faculty of / Computer Science, Department of / Graduate

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