Spelling suggestions: "subject:"five rescue"" "subject:"fine rescue""
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Zhodnocení a vývoj doby strávené zasahujícími jednotkami požární ochrany při zásazích v Jihočeském kraji za posledních 5 let. / Evaluation and time development by fire department during fire-figting in the south Bohemia region in the last 5 years.HAVLÍK, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the Dissertation was to assess and analyse the times spent by PO brigades of the South Bohemian Region on interventions and to find out what types of interventions are the most time-demanding and to compare the times spent during fire fighting operations by professional and voluntary PO brigades, and thus to find out which PO brigades spend the longest time at fires. The research was carried out on the basis of the data acquired from the SSU programme for the period from 2006 to 2010. The analysis of the time spent on interventions for the period monitored was carried out for all the PO brigades on the whole, separately for professional and voluntary brigades, and measurement was carried out at JPO I. The hypothesis was verified, professional HZS brigades of the South Bohemian Region spend a longer time at a fire fighting intervention than the SDH brigades do. The research found out that both PO brigades and professional brigades spend most time at the intervention type known as ?technical assistance?, while least time is spent at the event type known as ?other extraordinary events?.
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Záchranné práce při požáru plavidla na vodní ploše s ohledem na vybavenost stanic JPO HZS Jihočeského kraje / The Rescue Operations at Fire of the Watercraft on Water Surface Considering the Equipment of Fire Station on the South Bohemia.BOUBAL, Vojtěch January 2013 (has links)
At the beginning of thesis I want to describe few primary characteristics of the South Bohemia Region. It is a region with unique characteristics, which is frequently visited by domestic and foreign tourists. It is popular for its clean environment, historic monuments and especially for sport and recreational activities near water areas, which South Bohemia region has plenty of. Tourists are also frequently seeking recreational boating activities as ferry services for their travel and recration. The development of this economic phenomenon means more employment opportunities for the region, but it also increases chances of accidents and emergencies due to an unforseen accidents which can threaten the lives and wellbeing of the crew and the environment. Fire protection units should be fitted for an emergencies such as: drowning, drowned person search, icy water search and rescue and rescue in stream waters. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and the practical parts. The theoretical part deals with the definition of basic terms describing the issue of fire of the vessels as well as the tasks and procedures during fire fighting operations. It also presents a possible danger to rescuers exposed during operations such as rescue from the vessel burning on the water. There is a listing of the basic terms related to the complex vessel shape and the aquatic characteristics of the vessel. The practical part deals with the study of publications and current legislation, analysis of the Fire protection Units equipment and their readines for rescue work in case of a vessel fire. The enclosed data map illustrates a water area with ferry service in the South Bohemia Region and selected boarding platforms for fire protection units. It describes the use of container technology; modern and economical way of transportation used by the Fire and Rescue Service of South Bohemia Region since 2004. The proposed fire vessel, mounted on a standardize container frame and equipped with special container with stored technical equipment will be transported to the location of event by container carrier from FRS of South Bohemia Region. My theosis also describes the fire protection, fire equipment, personal protective equipment, equipment for working with hazardous substances, rescue tools, communication and portable emergency equipment which is normally used by the fire units of FRS of South Bohemia Region. To achieve the objective of the thesis and to answer the research questions, I did rely on the reference material obtained via search of the professional literary sources relevant to the Fire Fighting equipment and carrying out rescue work. To process the diploma thesis I did use the following: controlled interview with the station sergeants of various fire stations of FRS of South Bohemia, a collection of internal acts of the Ministry of Interior - General Directorate of Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, a collection of internal acts - Regional Directorate of FRS of South Bohemia, Regulations of Mechanical services of FRS of CR and the methodological aids of the Ministry of Interior of CR. In conclusion I am describing the container of fire vessel and its use for rescue and fire-fighting work on water, as well as places where the terrain does not allow the use of mobile fire fighting equipment.
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Důvody předčasného odchodu příslušníků Hasičského záchranného sboru ČR ze služebního poměru / Reasons of Prematurate Departure of Fireme's from Service RelationŽIŽKA, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
ABSTRACT The thesis titled Reasons of Early Retirement of Members of Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic introduces Fire Rescue Service unit in the South Bohemia region, its role, its basic units, and operations. Further, I focused my attention on the personality of the fireman {--} rescuer and its features, as they are necessary for good performance when rescuing. Next part of the thesis describes history, major goals, and methods of work in Psychological service of Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, established in order to prepare firemen professionally in psychological sphere, and in order to provide post traumatic care for firemen, their relatives, and also for the general public. The practical part is focused on the investigations of reasons bringing Fire Rescue Service members to retire early, which is often senseless. This investigation was focused on stress put on firemen during individual actions and how the stress affects firemen as well as how they are able to deal with it. There is also covered the fact, that psychological stress and also dealing with it to some extent, is not the only reason for the early retirement from the service. Amendments in the legislation belongs to the group of major reasons for leaving the service, namely the changes that followed after adopting the Act no 361/2003 Coll. ``The Act of 23rd of September, 2003 on the Service of Members of Security Units{\crqq} applicable since 1st of January, 2007. The Diploma Work could be used as the further lead for possible amendments in the legislation and in the system of the prevention of stress situations in members of Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic.
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Činnost Policie ČR v rámci IZS při povodních v roce 2002, její analýza a doporučení na zlepšení a ujednocení činnosti v rámci celého systému Policie ČR a v Jihočeském kraji. / Activity of the Police Force of the Czech Republic within the IZS framework during the floods in 2002, its analysis and recommendations to improve and integrate its activity within the whole system of the Police Force in the Czech Republic and in the region of South BohemiaBERÁNEK, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
The flood in August 2002, by which the territory of the South Bohemian Region was struck, initiated the engagement of the components of the Integrated Rescue System having participated in the rescue and liquidation work caused by the flood. Due to the scope of the flood, the operability of the change and supplementation of the flood measures prepared in the emergency plans showed itself as necessary. The struck places called for the immediate deployment of forces and means the goal of which is preventing and removing the consequences caused by flood. This brings other problems connected with the organization and logistic assurance which means loading of the usual run of the company. The target of this thesis was to analyze the police activity during the flood in 2002, to recommend the improvement and unification of the activity within CR police as basic components of Integrated Rescue System on the territory of South Bohemian Region. The following hypothesis was determined within the thesis: The flood, emergency and crisis plans of municipalities and regions elaborated on a good quality level help in the activity of Czech Republic Police within the Integrated Rescue System during the flood on the territory of South Bohemian Region. In the thesis I tried partially to cover the course of floods in 2002 on the territory of the South Bohemian Region and the associated Activity of Czech Republic Police as one of the basic elements of the integrated rescue system. This field should be devoted much more attention, especially in relation to the materially technical equipment, item of financial and food supplies assurance and legislation. The treated topic may be utilized in the scope of activity of Czech Republic Police, Firemen Rescue Service, ZZS, Regional Authorities, Municipal Authorities and further subjects dealing with the crisis management, during the training of own employees, and elaborating of emergency plans and type activities.
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Analýza činnosti vybraných jednotek požární ochrany Hasičského záchranného sboru České republiky v geograficky odlišných podmínkách. / Analysis of the activities of selected Fire Protection Units of Fire Rescue Service of Czech Republic in geographically different conditions.Brtna, Matyáš January 2020 (has links)
Title: Analysis of the activities of selected fire brigade units of the Fire and Rescue Service ot the Czech Republic in different geographical conditions. Objective: The aim of the diploma thesis is to analyze the activities of selected fire brigade units of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic and then compare and evaluate the statistical formulation of their interventions. Another goal is also to describe the structure, activities, organization and work system of fire brigade units of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. Methods: The diploma thesis uses methods such as content analysis and data collection from available sources. To obtain more detailed information from the commanders of individual stations, a qualitative method of semi- structured interview is used. The information obtained from the interviews is presented in the form of a transcript. Statistical data taken from the statistical department of the General Directorate of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic are processed into tables and graphs, which are described, compared and evaluated at the end. Results: The result of the diploma thesis is a summary of functioning of the fire brigade units included in the area coverage. Furthermore, the summary is also based on the interviews with the...
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Hasičský záchranný sbor hlavního města Prahy / Fire Rescue Service of Capital of PragueBošanský, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
Fire Rescue Service of Capital of Prague is the subject of this thesis. Generally, Fire Rescue Service is the fundamental element of Integrated Rescue System. FRS of Capital of Prague's primary objective is to protect life, health and property in the case of fire and other emergency events. Area of Capital of Prague is markedly specific in comparison to other regions of the Czech Republic. It puts increased requirements on the labour of Prague's fire fighters. The main aim of this thesis is to obtain integral look in the function of Fire Rescue Service of Capital of Prague and to propose steps that could eventually help to improve conditions for the provided service.
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Šetření vybraných parametrů výjezdů Hasičského záchranného sboru k dopravním nehodám v Jihočeském kraji / Statistic Review of Parameters of Fire Rescue Service's Interventions in Traffic Accidents in South BohemiaPETRŮV, Josef January 2016 (has links)
Fire Rescue Service is territorialized in each region, which means that Fire Rescue Service is present in each region of the Czech Republic as an individual accounting entity. Each accounting entity is obliged to prepare own budget estimate for next year which serves for covering costs related to interventions. Therefore it is beneficial to have an overview about the number of interventions expected in following year. The prediction of the expected interventions should be based utmost on real data from the the last period. Fire Rescue Service units' interventions in traffic accidents are covered from the state budget as well as other performances. The thesis is concerning the statistic survey related to Fire Rescue Service's interventions in traffic accidents. Specified goals of the thesis: G1) The survey of the development in time of the number of traffic accidents associated with South Bohemia Fire Rescue Service's interventions in traffic accidents within one month as the unit of time during the last 5 years. It is considered as the survey of the first of selected parameters concerning Fire Rescue Service's interventions in traffic accidents in the South Bohemia region. G2) The survey of the development in time of costs associated with South Bohemia Fire Rescue Service's interventions in traffic accidents within one month as the unit of time during the last 5 years. It is considered as the survey of the second of selected parameters related to Fire Rescue Service's interventions in traffic accidents in the South Bohemia region. G3) The comparison of the number of interventions and costs, the investigation of the apportionment of the number of interventions and costs in terms of a proper theoretical apportionment. It is considered as the survey concerning the dependence of selected parameters of Fire Rescue Service's interventions in traffic accidents in the South Bohemia region. With regard to a relativelly high number of primary data (entries from about 8 000 traffic accidents in the time period between 7/2010 and 6/2015 in the South Bohemia region, where was always present at least one unit of the South Bohemia Fire Rescue Service), mathematical statistic tools were needed to create a survey of selected parameters of the data file. Determining intervals for individual statistic features is to some extent carried out "by feeling". With regard to it, there was done the sensitivity analysis within which was investigated the influence of minor changes in the number of intervals on apportionment of percent occurrences of monitored statistical features (intervals were determined "by feeling" and based on recommendation from technical literature). For investigation of statistical features were used description statistics and also methods of statistical induction. The information used from technical literature and the interpretation of partial results and conclusions concerning individual sections of the thesis are provided in the section Discussion. The thesis demonstrated that the empirical apportionment of the number of traffic accidents and costs on South Bohemia Fire Rescue Service's interventions in traffic accidents can be considered as standard. Therefore it is correct to use theoretical findings associated with standard apportionment to work with those data. Also the thesis demonstrated that the number of traffic accidents and costs associated with South Bohemia Fire Rescue Service's interventions not only does not decrease but on the contrary increases. It was demonstrated that there is present very high positive correlation between numbers of the traffic accidents and the costs related to South Bohemia Fire Rescue Service's interventions in single months of the monitored time period. This brings us to a conclusion that the increase of costs related to interventions is caused mainly by the increase of the number of traffic accidents where the units of Fire Rescue Service intervene.
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Stresové faktory působící na operátory tísňové linky 112 a jejich prevence na vybraných pracovištích / Stress factors affecting operators of emergency call 112 and their prevention at chosen workplacesDVOŘÁKOVÁ, Kamila January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is dealing with the issues of stress and stress factors found at the 112 emergency call operators. Citizens call the emergency number 112 in case of notification of an extraordinary situation. However, in some cases the emergency call is being misused. The call is then marked as spiteful. The ECC runs in a 24-hour shift operation and the operators change after a 12-hour shift. Each new operator is accepted in the service based on his knowledge, physical, health and above all psychological examination. He is obliged to attend the entrance training and courses in lenght of overall nine weeks. There he gets to know the issues of FRS CR, operational management and he has to pass a language course as well. It is very psychologically demanding for every operator to receive emergency calls. The operator needs to be able to listen, empathize and react adequatly. He deals with calls concerning accidents, injuries, foreigners and spiteful calls. An operator should recognize its gravity and devote to its resolution. However, he has his own personal life along with its joys and problems. It is vital that he is able to separate issues of his work and those of personal nature. This and many other indicators may cause stress reactions to the operator. Many psychologists have attempted to define stress. Each has, however, a different opinion and it is complicated to reach a an accurate definition. One thing is for sure - and that is stress shows itself in different ways and everyone is affected by it differently. In case of an emergency call operator, the stress factors are mainly time to execute the call, character of the notification, as well as the working group, personal life and emotional challenge. Multiple questions have been formulated for this thesis. Both current and former emergency call operators in Ceske Budejovice have been asked these question, which were then processed. The questions were divided into five fields concerning the interviewees' characteristics, collective and family, prevention a one last field was designated for the former operators. The interviews were anonymous, recorded and summarized. Two objectives were defined for this thesis: an analysis of the stressful situations of the emergency call operators and also of the impulses causing the formation of the stress factors, aw well as drafting a solution to stressful situations, possibility of the psycho-training, motivation and relaxation. The answer to the research question 'Which stress factors restrict the operators while performing service and how do they come into being' was determined from the carried-out interviews. There are situations which can make the operators insecure, such as a suicidal call, or when the call is unintelligible, or in case the incident cannot be correctly and quickly localized. Another problem can be the spiteful calls, in which case the telephone just rings and the caller hangs up right away. Another answer has also been extracted from the respondents: 'Which possibilities to handle stress do the operators have, which way to get rid of stress is satisfactory for them'. In the area of FRS of the South Bohemian Region there is a sports ground for every member to use. They would gladly welcome an opportunity to visit the firefighters's intervention in person. They are interested in psychology education, working with a suicidal call and periodic language courses. There are some proposals and ways to prevent stress of the 112 emergency call operators stated in the conclusion of the thesis. The system of training, possibilities to exchange workplaces, periodic language courses and interviews with the regional psychologist of the FRS of the South Bohemian Region. There are relaxation methods introduced, which would enable the operators to reduce stress and thus prevent illnesses, psychic exhaustion and eventually even a burnout. The results of this thesis can be used for all 112 EECs in the Czech republic.
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Změna přístupu k zajištění požární ochrany na Jaderné elektrárně Temelín po havárii na jaderné elektrárně Fukušima / Changing the access to ensuring fire protection at The Temelin Nuclear Power Station after the accident at The Fukusima Nuclear Power Station.KŘÍŽEK, Luboš January 2016 (has links)
The theme of the dissertation is a change in an approach to securing fire protection in the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant after the accident in the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. The theoretical part is an introduction to fire protection. It especially points out the statutory obligations applicable for both the public and the private sector, which are transferred to the companys fire rescue corps too. At the same time, fire protection is interconnected with legislation and specified in greater detail in EU countries. The theoretical part describes the process of building a uniform information system, safety-related issues and prevention of dangerous situations. The theoretical part summarizes the history of the nuclear energy industry, from the discovery of the disintegration of the uranium nucleus in 1938 and the first controlled reaction of uranium liberation by splitting a nucleus in 1942, when, at the same time, the first reactor was built. Unfortunately, this discovery did not only familiarize mankind with positive aspects associated with a controlled reaction, but it also showed the dark side of nuclear energy in the form of atomic bombs used mainly in the course of the World War II. After the World War II, civil defence organizations were gradually founded in the world. The main goal of all these organizations was to prevent nuclear weapons, nuclear power plants and nuclear fuel from being spread. At the present time there are three strong international organizations dealing with nuclear fission. Despite all the efforts to build a system of radiation protection, environmental protection and impacts on living organisms were not elaborated fully. First, passive attitudes aimed at protective equipment were the central theme, and these passive attitudes have been reflecting in an active approach to environmental protection in the past few years, the goal being to eliminate phenomena giving rise to threats to the environment and life as such. The actual history of nuclear power plants is very complex and complicated. The principle of all these power plants, no matter what type of reactor their operation is based on, is always nuclear fission the trouble is that in this case any wrong handling or storage has immense consequences for the whole world's population. The development of the nuclear energy industry in the Czech Republic was slow, which was caused by the occupation of the Jáchymov uranium mines by the Soviet Army after the World War II. Based on an agreement with Czechoslovakia, the Soviet Army exported the uranium extracted to the Soviet Union and left just 10% of it in the territory of Czechoslovakia. At that time, nuclear power plants began to be built in Czechoslovakia, such as the Jaslovské Bohunice Nuclear Power Plant, Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant and the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant as the last one, whose construction was started in times of Czechoslovakia, but which was completed and put into operation in times of the existence of the Czech Republic. The research is focused on emergency events which were the cause of the accident in the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. Based on an FMEA (failure mode and effects analysis), the issues related to the activities of the company's fire rescue corps were specified. Another analysis is focused on the evaluation of outside and inside factors and evaluation of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the company's fire rescue corps. Utilizing an FMEA, possible risks and failures are detected. The goal of this analysis is to eliminate risks and increase safety. The result is objective evaluation and increase in safety within the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant. A considerable negative aspect of this analysis is that it is very time consuming and varies in time due to the changeability of the factors monitored. The result of all the work is the evaluation of the existing state of the company's fire rescue corps through a SWOT analysiS.
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Vývoj počtu kontrol prováděných Hasičským záchranným sborem České republiky v rámci výkonu státního požárního dozoru od roku 2001 v závislosti na počtu právnických osob a podnikajících fyzických osob / The development of the number of the state fire supervision inspections performed by Fire Rescue System of the Czech Republic from year 2001 depending on the number of legal and business natural personsVÁVRA, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The final thesis describes legislative development of the Czech Republic defining the state fire supervision. Next, it presents working aids which are used to unify the process of performing inspection activity within the state fire supervision. In addition, it presents individual steps involved in performing the fire inspection. There were set two hypotheses which correspond to the objective of the thesis. The aim of the thesis was to examine whether the number of performed fire inspections is sufficient considering the number of legal entities and natural persons conducting business activity in the Czech Republic. The practical part was elaborated in the form of qualitative research. The study group included the number of performed fire inspections within the state fire supervision of legal entities and natural persons conducting business activity, the number of members performing inspection activity and the number of legal entities and natural persons conducting business activity registered in registers of economic entities from 2001 to 2011. The research shows that if we checked all the economic entities in the Czech Republic during the fixed period, the repeated average period between fire inspections would be approximately 206 years. The average period of this enormous cycle has been decreasing since 2001 annually for about 5 years. To increase the efficiency of control activity I would suggest establishing a working group at the General Directorate of Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic which would determine according to the risk analysis the risk of performed activities, occurrence of large number of people and activities relevant to the functions of the state or the region, which establishments will be checked, in which periods and what kind of fire inspection will be performed. Therefore, it is necessary to create an integrated information and communication system which enables to store data and documents and follows the procedure of all departments of FRS CR focusing on prevention in similar cases.
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