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Effects of the prominence of first harmonic on the perception of breathiness and vowel identity.Sloane, Samuel David January 2013 (has links)
Authors: Emily Lin, Samuel Sloane,and Donal Sinex
Human communication relies on adequate speech intelligibility to enable the comprehension of verbal messages. Dysphonia (i.e., aberrant voice) may not only result in distraction during communication but also interfere with speech intelligibility leading to a communication barrier. One voice quality commonly found in dysphonia is breathiness, which is related to the presence of excessive airflow during phonation due to incomplete glottal closure. Breathiness has been associated with the prominence of the first harmonic (H1) in the acoustic analysis of voice.
This study aimed to determine whether excessiveness in the first harmonic (H1) dominance, which has been associated with breathy voice, may result in the perception of breathiness and compromise vowel intelligibility.
Participants included 10 female and 10 male normal-hearing adults, aged between 19 to 40 years. Participant’s tasks included a “breathiness rating” and a “vowel identification” task. For the “breathiness rating” task, a direct magnitude method was employed for the participant to rate a 500-ms long vowel (/i/ and /a/) segmented from sustained vowel phonation. For the “vowel identification” task, the vowel stimuli were segmented out from running speech (“Rainbow passage”) and the participants were asked to listen to one vowel stimulus (/i/, /a/, or /o/; duration: 60 ms) at a time and indicate which vowel (i.e., /i/, /e/, /a/, /o/, or /u/) they perceived the stimulus to be. The vowel stimuli included processed and unprocessed voice recordings of individuals with and without voice disorders. Voices showing the lowest, median, and highest amplitude differences between the first two harmonics (H1-H2) were chosen from a voice database for female and male voices respectively. The 18 selected vowel signals (3 vowels X 3 H1-H2 levels X 2 speaker genders) were processed through 12 signal manipulation conditions. The 12 signal conditions involved increasing or decreasing the H1 amplitude of the original signals in six 2-dB interval steps in both directions.
For the “breathiness rating” task, the five-way (3 vowels X 2 speaker genders X 3 H1-H2 levels X 13 signal conditions X 2 listener genders) Mixed Model Analysis of variance (ANOVA) conducted on the breathiness scores for normal speakers and voice patients separately showed significant findings for various main and interaction effects, such as a significant speaker gender by signal condition by vowel interaction effect on the perception of breathiness [F(12, 96) = 1.95, p = 0.038] for normal voice. An increase of H1-H2 through signal manipulation led to an increase of perceived breathiness only when performed on the vowel /i/ produced by female normal speakers. As for the “vowel identification” task, a relationship between H1-H2 increment and vowel intelligibility was found but the relationship was affected by vowel type, speaker gender, and H1-H2 level. With all vowel types, speaker genders, and H1-H2 levels combined, a significant signal condition effect on the number of incorrect vowel identification was found (2 = 188.585, df = 10, p < 0.001). Generally, it appeared that an increase of H1-H2 would worsen the identification of /i/ but enhance that of /o/.
The relationship between H1 dominance and perceived breathiness was non-linear. Factors found to disrupt the linear relationship included speaker gender, vowel type, and the extent of H1 dominance. In addition, there was evidence that acoustic manipulation of the H1 amplitude would affect vowel intelligibility and the relationship between vowel intelligibility and H1-H2 values also vary by speaker genders and vowel types.
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The Impact of Breathiness on Speech Intelligibility in Pathological VoiceThompson, Louise Shirley January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study was to determine how deterioration of voice quality, such as breathiness, may impact on the intelligibility of speech.
Acoustic analysis was conducted on sustained vowel phonation (/i/ and /a/) and sentences produced by voice disordered speakers. Measures included: frequency and amplitude of the first two formants (F1, F2), singing power ratio (SPR), the amplitude difference between the first two harmonics (H1-H2), voice onset time (VOT), and energy ratio between consonant and vowel (CV energy ratio). A series of two-way (glottal closure by vowel) mixed design between and within-subjects Analysis of Variances conducted on these acoustic measures showed a significant glottal closure (complete and incomplete) or glottal closure by vowel interaction effect on the F2 frequency, H1-H2 amplitude difference, and singing power ratio. Based on findings in literature that reported a dominant first harmonic as a useful predictor of breathiness, the measure of H1-H2 amplitude difference was selected as a factor for investigation of the impact of voice quality on the perception of vowel intelligibility and clarity. Fixed-length vowel segments at five levels of H1-H2 amplitude difference were presented to 10 male and 10 female inexperienced listeners between the ages of 19 and 34 years.
It was expected that the tokens with a dominant first harmonic, indicative of a more breathy voice, would be associated with a lower rate of correct vowel identification and of being perceived as “clearer”. Although no linear relationship between breathiness and intelligibility was revealed, results indicated the presence of thresholds of intelligibility for particular vowels whereby once a level of breathiness was reached intelligibility would decline.
The finding of a change of the perceptual ratings as a function of the H1-H2 amplitude difference, identified in previous studies as a measure of breathiness, revealed thresholds of intelligibility for particular vowels below which breathiness would be tolerated with little impact on intelligibility but beyond which intelligibility ratings suffered markedly.
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