Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fish"" "subject:"fins""
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Dynamical excitations in low-dimensional condensates: sound, vortices and quenched dynamicsLarcher, Fabrizio January 2018 (has links)
The dynamics of systems out of equilibrium, such as the phase transition process, are very rich, and related to largely scalable problems, from very small ultracold gases to large expanding galaxies. Quantum low-dimensional systems show interesting features, notably different from the canonical three-dimensional case. Bose-Einstein condensates are very good platforms to study macroscopic quantum phenomena. These three points describe well the motivation behind the study presented in this work.
In this thesis, some dynamical problems of trapped and uniform condensates are studied, both at zero and finite temperature. In particular, we focus on the analysis of the propagation of linear and nonlinear excitations in a quasi-1D and in quasi-2D systems. In the first case, we are able to correctly describe the dynamics of a solitonic vortex in an elongated condensate, as measured by Serafini et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 170402 (2015)]. In the second case, we reproduce the decay rate of a phase-imprinted soliton (collaboration with Birmingham), and assess its dependence on the temperature. We also replicate the propagation speed of sound waves over a wide range of temperatures as in Ville et al. [arXiv:1804.04037] (collaboration with Collà ̈ge de France). The result of this analysis is included in Ota et al. [arXiv:1804.04032], which is currently under revision.
In uniform low-dimensional systems Bose-Einstein condensation is technically not possible, and in two dimensions it is replaced by the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless superfluid phase transition. We study its critical properties by analysing the spontaneous generation of vortices during a quench, produced via the Kibble-Zurek mechanism. This procedure predicts, for any dimension, the scaling for the density of defects formed during a fast transition, when the system is not adiabatically following the control parameter, and regions of phase inhomogeneity are formed. We address the role of reduced dimensionality on this process. All finite temperature simulations are performed by means of the stochastic (projected) Gross-Pitaevskii equation, a model fully incorporating density and phase fluctuations for weakly interacting Bose gases.
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Development and characterization of Silicon Photomultipliers for cryogenic applicationsMarcante, Marco January 2019 (has links)
The R&D program reported in this thesis (develop of cryogenic setups, analysis software and characterizations) has delivered the NUV HD Cryo technology of Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPM) developed in FBK to the DS-20k experiment for the research of Dark Matter. NUV HD Cryo technology currently represents the best cryogenic SiPM performance and fully satisfies the experiment requirements. These developments are relevant also to nEXO experiment and have attracted the attention of other large experiments, such as DUNE, which require large active areas of SiPMs operated in cryogenic noble liquids
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Static and dynamics properties of a miscible two-component Bose-Einstein condensateFava, Eleonora January 2018 (has links)
One of the main reasons which makes Bose-Einstein condensates a successful topic of research is their flexibility for creating systems whose Hamiltonian can be engineered almost at will. A particularly relevant research topic in the field of Bose–Einstein condensation concerns the realization of binary mixtures in the presence of coherent coupling Ω. These systems show properties having analogies with the formation of stripe phases, which are related to supersolidity, or with the formation of domain walls, which are related to quark confinement in quantum chromodynamics. Technically, the realization of coherently coupled binary mixtures requires a deep knowledge of the system properties, even in absence of coherent coupling between the two states, and a highly precise control of the magnetic field. Both these topics are treated in this research work, which aims to lay the foundation for experimental studies in resonantly-coupled spinor BECs. More in detail, the simplest collective oscillation, i.e., the spin-dipole (SD) oscillation and the static SD polarizability are studied to test the miscibility properties of the system and its response to external perturbation of the trapping potentials, both at zero and at finite temperature in order to characterize the behaviour of the system at Ω = 0. This work also reports the theoretical study done to design a magnetic shield able to guarantee a precise control of the environmental magnetic field and suitable to be used to study the binary mixture in the presence of coherent coupling.
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Generation, manipulation and detection of NIR and MIR entangled photon pairsTrenti, Alessandro January 2018 (has links)
The PhD thesis work here presented was carried out within the SiQuro project at the Nanoscience laboratory of the University of Trento. The project started in September 2013 and lasted four years. It was funded by the Provincia Autonoma di Trento (PAT). SiQuro’s goal was to bring the quantum world into integrated photonics by using the silicon platform and, therefore, permitting the integration of quantum photonics with electronics. The vision was to have low cost and mass manufacturable integrated quantum photonic circuits for a variety of different applications in quantum computing and secure communications. It must be said that SiQuro was a challenging and ambitious project, nevertheless important achievements in the quantum photonics arena were reached. My thesis is concentrated on the generation, manipulation and detection of quantum states of light. On one side, this was carried on in strained silicon waveguides, with the final goal to generate MIR entangled photon pairs via SPDC. Alongside, the generation and manipulation of correlated photon pair sources by means of spontaneous FWM in traditional silicon waveguides and microring resonators at telecom wavelength was also investigated. For the detection of MIR photon pairs, a suitable detection unit was developed as well. Moreover, even though the long-term goal of the project was the realization of a silicon quantum photonic circuit, I also implemented free-space quantum optical experiments. For this, I exploited a bulk nonlinear crystal, namely lithium niobate (LiNbO3), which has a well-known sizeable χ(2) nonlinearity.
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Laser diagnostics of non-equilibrium plasmasGatti, Nicola January 2018 (has links)
In the context of the electrification of the chemical industry, this thesis sets itself the goal of studying two promising plasma reactors: a nanosecond repetitively pulsed (NRP) discharge and a microwave discharge. The NRP reactor has been investigated for the dissociation of CO2. The microwave discharge has been used for studies of vibrational energy loading into N2 , as a first step towards the non-thermal synthesis of NO for fertilizer production. The complicated system that a non-equilibrium plasma represents requires sophisticated diagnostics. Such diagnostics have to be species specific and provide spatial and time resolved information about the quantities of interest, such as temperature (vibrational and rotational), product concentration and energy deposition. Given these require ments, diagnostics based upon the use of pulsed lasers are usually employed to study systems where fast kinetics are at play. The diagnostics of choice are Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) and vibrational Raman scattering.
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On-chip photonic label-free biosensorsGandolfi, Davide January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Cellulose-based BioNanoMaterials:Structure and PropertiesMaestri, Cecilia Ada January 2018 (has links)
Biological materials such as wood show outstanding properties due to the self assembly of components from molecular to macroscopic size. An emerging nanotechnology-based strategy consists of the isolation of biological components with size in the range from nanometers to micrometers and of the design of human-driven assembly processes to obtain multifunctional materials.
The aim of this thesis was to isolate cellulose nanocrystals, with dimensions of around 4-5 nm in width and some hundred nanometers in length, and investigate their assembly processes through weak interactions among them and with small molecules, like water or ions. Knowing their interaction properties and self-assembly is indeed fundamental in order to fully exploit the potential of nanocellulose in its recently emerging applications. In particular, I focused on cellulose nanocrystals supramolecular self-organization both in absence and presence of water, studying cellulose nanocrystals-based films and hydrogels.
In dry conditions, the self-assembly of cellulose nanocrystals on a polylactic support was demonstrated to form few micrometers thick films, characterized by a densely packed arrangement of the crystals leaving elongated cavities of about 0.31 nm cross section between them. These cavities provide the pathway for gaseous 2H2 diffusion. Conversely, these films are impermeable barriers for the transport of gaseous molecules such as O2 and CO2.
In aqueous solution, instead, cellulose nanocrystals undergo sonication- or cation-assisted entanglement, forming soft hydrogels. Na+, Ca2+ and Al3+ crosslink the nanocrystals and produce stable hydrogels with structurally ordered domains in which water is confined. Since the gelation process is diffusion controlled, small hydrogel objects with different size and shape have been designed by the coordination-driven assembly of supramolecular rod-like cellulose crystallites, using ionotropic gelation as a methodological approach and Ca2+ as a gelling agent.
In parallel to material characterization, particular attention was devoted to the possible exploitation of cellulose nanocrystals-based materials in the biomedical field. In this regard, toxicity studies were performed both on the individual nanocrystals and on the films and hydrogels resulting from their assembly. Moreover, a hybrid cellulose-nanocrystals/chitosan material was developed and characterized, which shows some potential to be used as therapeutic delivery system in the gastrointestinal tract. Indeed, though a mould assisted gelation process, composite hydrogels can be produced, which are degraded by human digestive enzymes and release a model protein according to a biphasic kinetic profile.
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Studio tramite spettroscopia positronica di difetti di tipo vacanza in idruri metallici a base magnesio e di porositá in membrane selettiveToniutti, Laura January 2008 (has links)
Negli ultimi decenni si è vista la nascita di un grande interesse verso l'utilizzo dell'idrogeno come vettore energetico. Le ragioni sono da ricercarsi nelle problematiche sorte in tempi recenti in relazione alle emissioni inquinanti ed al rapido esaurimento delle fonti energetiche. Per poter concepire un'economia basata sull'idrogeno è tuttavia necessario risolvere una serie di
problematiche connesse alla sua produzione, immagazzinamento e filtraggio.
Il presente lavoro di tesi ha riguardato gli ultimi due punti.
In relazione allo stoccaggio del gas, uno dei sistemi più promettenti risulta quello dell'utilizzo d'idruri metallici. Tali materiali presentano ancora una serie di problematiche che ne limitano l'utilizzo pratico, sia in ambito stazionario, che per applicazioni al settore
della mobilità . Per superare questi ostacoli è necessaria la comprensione dei meccanismi microscopici con cui avviene la formazione e la dissociazione della fase idruro. Il presente lavoro è stato quindi incentrato sull'approfondimento di tale aspetto, concentrandosi in particolare sul ruolo giocato dai difetti di tipo vacanza in sistemi a base magnesio.
Per quanto concerne l'aspetto del filtraggio, le tecniche positroniche sono state impiegate, in concomitanza con altre ad esse complementari, per ottenere una caratterizzazione della porosità , in termini di dimensioni, distribuzione ed interconnettività dei pori, in film di silice da utilizzare per la realizzazione di membrane selettive.
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Tin dioxide-based photonic glass-ceramicsTran, Thi Ngoc Lam January 2019 (has links)
Looking at state of the art of optical devices, it is evident that glass-based rare-earth-activated optical structures represent the technological pillar of a huge number of photonic applications covering Health and Biology, Structural Engineering, Environment Monitoring Systems, Lighting, Laser sources and Quantum Technologies. Among different glass-based systems, a strategic place is assigned to transparent glass-ceramics, nanocomposite materials, which offer specific characteristics of capital importance in photonics. Following this strategy, this PhD thesis exploits tin dioxide (SnO2)-based glass-ceramic activated by erbium ions (Er3+) to put the basis for the fabrication of solid state and integrated lasers. The research discussed in my PhD thesis gives a possible solution to two crucial and decisive points in the development of an optically pumped rare-earth-based laser: (i) the low absorption cross section of the rare-earth ions; (ii) the writing of channels and mirrors in the case of waveguide integrated laser, thanks to the demonstration of two innovative and unique characteristics of SnO2-based transparent glass-ceramics, i.e. luminescence sensitizing and photorefractivity. The role of SnO2 nanocrystals as rare-earth ion luminescence sensitizers allows to overcome the low absorption cross section of the Er3+ ion. The photorefractivity in range of 10-3 of SiO2-SnO2:Er3+ glass-ceramics allows applying the robust direct laser photoinscription technique on the systems to fabricate Bragg gratings and channel waveguides for waveguide integrated lasers. Based on an application-oriented approach, a comprehensive study on SiO2-SnO2:Er3+ glass-ceramic planar waveguides and monoliths, has been carried out. The work covers different research stages and aspects from the material preparation to a complete assessment of systems for the applications employing a rich number and variety of experimental techniques. The energy transfer from SnO2 to Er3+ and the efficient pumping scheme exploiting SnO2 as Er3+ luminescence sensitizers were demonstrated. The relaxation dynamic of the electronic states as well as the location of the dopant and density of states are discussed, and a specific modeling has been developed to the proof of concept realization of the considered devices. The obtained photorefractivity in range of 10-3 allowed the inscription of gratings on the fabricated SiO2-SnO2:Er3+ planar waveguides using UV laser direct writing technique. Exploiting the robust femtosecond laser micromachining, the optical waveguides were inscribed in the fabricated SiO2-SnO2:Er3+ monolithic squares. Another important outcome of this research is the design of a solid state laser with lateral pumping scheme and of an integrated waveguide laser in two different distributed feedback structures using all the parameters measured during the experimental activity.
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Elf magnetic field influence on ION Channels studied by Patch Clamp Technique: exposure set up and "Whole Cell" measurements on Potassium currentsGavoci, Entele <1976> 21 May 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to study the effects of extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic magnetic fields on potassium currents in neural cell lines ( Neuroblastoma SK-N-BE ), using the whole-cell Patch Clamp technique. Such technique is a sophisticated tool capable to investigate the electrophysiological activity at a single cell, and even at single channel level. The total potassium ion currents through the cell membrane was measured while exposing the cells to a combination of static (DC) and alternate (AC) magnetic fields according to the prediction of the so-called â Ion Resonance Hypothesis â.
For this purpose we have designed and fabricated a magnetic field exposure system reaching a good compromise between magnetic field homogeneity and accessibility to the biological sample under the microscope. The magnetic field exposure system consists of three large orthogonal pairs of square coils surrounding the patch clamp set up and connected to the signal generation unit, able to generate different combinations of static and/or alternate magnetic fields. Such system was characterized in term of field distribution and uniformity through computation and direct field measurements.
No statistically significant changes in the potassium ion currents through cell membrane were reveled when the cells were exposed to AC/DC magnetic field combination according to the afore mentioned âIon Resonance Hypothesisâ.
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