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An Analytical Model to Predict the Length of Oxygen-Assisted, Swirled, Coal and Biomass FlamesAshworth, David Arthur 01 March 2017 (has links)
Government regulations to reduce pollutants and increasing environmental awareness in the power generation industry have encouraged coal power plants to begin firing biomass in their boilers. Biomass generally consists of larger particles which produce longer flames than coal for a given burner. The length of the flame is important in fixed-volume boilers because of its influence on heat transfer, corrosion, deposition, and pollutant formation. Many pulverized fuel burners employ a series of co-annular tubes with various flows of fuel and air to produce a stabilized flame. A variable swirl burner with three co-annular tubes, each of variable diameter, has been used to collect flame length data for nearly 400 different operating conditions of varying swirl, fuel type, air flow rate, enhanced oxygen flow rate and oxygen addition location. A model based on the length required to mix fuel and air to a stoichiometric mixture was developed. Inputs to the model are the flow rates of fuel, air, and oxygen, swirl vane position and burner geometries. The model was exercised by changing flow rates and burner tube diameters one at a time while holding all others constant. Physical explanations for trends produced were given.The model also requires two constants, one of which is solved for given a case without swirl, and the other is found by fitting experimental data. The constants found in this study appear to be accurate exclusive to the BYU burner. Thus burner designers will need to obtain minimal amounts of data to predict constants for their reactor and then employ the model to predict flame length trends. The resulting correlation predicts 90% of the flame lengths to be within 20% of the measured value. The correlation provides insights into the expected impact of burner flow rates and geometry changes on flame length which impacts particle burnout, NOx formation and heat transfer.
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Study of Jet Fires Geometry and Radiative FeaturesPalacios Rosas, Adriana 11 January 2011 (has links)
Entre els accidents greus que poden ocórrer a les instal·lacions industrials o durant el transport de substàncies perilloses, els dolls de foc presenten un especial interès. Tot i que tenen una distància relativament més curta d'afectació que altres accidents greus, es caracteritzen per originar grans fluxos de calor i, en cas de contacte de la flama amb un equip, originen sovint un efecte domino, desencadenant una subseqüent explosió, incendi o altres esdeveniments amb greus conseqüències.Diversos estudis experimentals i teòrics han estat efectuats; no obstant això, la majoria d'aquests han estat enfocats a dolls de foc a escala de laboratori, flames subsòniques o torxes, les condicions de les quals difereixen significativament d'aquelles trobades en dolls de foc accidentals reals, que normalment assoleixen majors longituds de flama i velocitats de sortida sònica. Aquesta manca d'investigació és la raó per explicar perquè els dolls de foc eren encara molt mal coneguts i la predicció dels seus efectes i conseqüències era encara un problema. Aquesta tesi ha estat elaborada per a obtenir informació nova i útil sobre els dolls de foc, millorant la comprensió de la seva geometría i de les característiques tèrmiques, mitjançant l'anàlisi, l'experimentació i el modelatge matemàtic.Aquest estudi s'ha centrat alhora en dades existents i en noves dades experimentals, implicant Aixa dolls de foc verticals i horitzontals alliberats en absència de vent, implicant diversos combustibles (hidrogen, metà i propà). L'estudi comprèn una àmplia gamma de variables d'operació (velocitats de sortida del combustible, pressions en la canonada i diàmetres d'orifici de sortida). L'estudi experimental ha implicat dolls de foc amb flames de fins a 10.3 m de longitud i 1.5 m d'amplada. El combustible utilitzat ha estat propà, amb velocitats de sortida sònica i subsònica, utilitzant diversos diàmetres d'orifici de sortida. Els dolls de foc han estat filmats amb dues càmeres de vídeo (VHS) i una càmera termográfica d'alta velocitat (IR). Les principals característiques geomètriques de les flames (dimensions i forma) han estat analitzades en funció de la velocitat de sortida del combustible,del flux màssic i del diàmetre d'orifici de sortida. L'anàlisi i tractament d'imatges infraroges i de les mesures obtingudes amb tres sensors de flux de calor situats a diferents distàncies de la sortida del doll de foc han permès l'obtenció de les seves principals característiques de radiació: flux de calor irradiat als voltants (persones i instal·lacions) en funció de la distancia, poder emissiu i emisivitat de les flames. Diverses expressions han estat proposades per estimar les dimensions de la flama en funció de diverses variables (flux màssic, diàmetre d'orifici de sortida i nombres de Froude i Reynolds). Els resultats i expressions obtinguts en aquest estudi contribueixen a una millor comprensió dels dolls de foc, representant un avanç en les metodologies i l'establiment de noves mesures, normes i polítiques de planificació per a la prevenció i/o el control d'aquest tipus d'accident greu amb foc, tant en establiments industrials com en el transport de materials perillosos. / Among the major accidents that can occur in processing plants or in the transportation of hazardous materials, jet fires are of particular interest. Although they have a relatively shorter distance of influence than other major accidents, they are characterized by high heat fluxes and if there is flame impingement they can originate a domino effect, leading to a subsequent explosion, large fire, or other events with severe effects. Several experimental and theoretical studies have been carried out; however, most of those works have been focused on small-scale jet fires, subsonic flames or flares, the conditions of which significantly differ from those found in real accidental jet fires, usually reaching larger flame lengths and sonic exit velocities. This lack of research is the reason to explain why the current knowledge of jet fires was still rather poor and the accurate prediction of their effects and consequences was still a problem. The present thesis has been addressed to produce a significant amount of novel and useful information on jet fires, by improving understanding of jet fire structure, reach and radiative features, through analyses, experiment and mathematical modelling. This study has been focused on both existing and also new experimental jet flame data, comprising all together, turbulent non-premixed jet flames vertically and horizontally released into still air, involving several fuels (hydrogen, methane and propane), over a wide range of operational conditions (jet exit velocities, release pressures and pipe diameters). The experimental study developed in this thesis has concerned relatively large jet fires with flames of up to 10.3 m in length and 1.5 m in width. The fuel was propane, and both sonic and subsonic jet exit velocities were obtained from different outlet diameters. The jet fires were filmed with two videocameras registering visible light (VHS) and a thermographic camera (IR). The main geometrical features of the flames were analyzed as a function of the fuel velocity, mass flow rate and jet outlet diameter: jet flame size and flame shape. The treatment of infrared images and measurements obtained from three heat flow sensors located at different distances from the jet fire outlet also led the main radiative features of jet fires to be obtained: incident thermal radiation heat over a target, surface emissive power and emissivity of the flames.Expressions for estimating jet flame reach as a function of several variables (mass flow rate, orifice exit diameter, Froude and Reynolds numbers) have also been proposed. The results and the expressions obtained in this study contribute to a better understanding of jet fires for accurate risk assessment, allowing the obtention of important advances in risk assessment methodologies and the establishment of new measures, regulations, and risk planning policies for the prevention and/or control of this type of major fire, occurred world-wide in industrial establishments and in the transportation of hazardous materials.
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Estudo experimental de estabilidade e emissão de radiação térmica em chamas não pré-misturadas de gás natural diluídas com dióxido de carbonoLlanos, Luis Alberto Quezada January 2017 (has links)
Modelos algébricos para prever o comprimento de uma chama turbulenta têm sido foco de estudo de diversos grupos de pesquisa por suas aplicações na área de engenharia. O método experimental para obter o modelo varia desde visualizações simples, até técnicas fotográficas, este último com parâmetros fotográficos variando entre os autores. Técnicas fotográficas são usadas para estimar a altura de levantamento da base da chama, (Lift-Off) e o comprimento médio visível de chama (Visible Flame Length, VFL). Duas técnicas comuns que podem ser encontradas na literatura: por imagens de chama com baixo tempo de exposição e longo tempo de exposição, são comparados com um terceiro que se baseia na intensidade luminosa e na frequência de imagens de chama que ocupam um pixel. O melhor método foi utilizado para caracterizar o comportamento das chamas turbulentas de gás natural para diferentes regimes de velocidade do escoamento. Modelos algébricos que preveem o comprimento de chama, altura de levantamento e a velocidade crítica de extinção de chama são avaliados com os novos resultados experimentais. Logo após, os coeficientes numéricos dos melhores modelos algébricos são reajustados Finalmente, foram obtidos mapas de estabilidade relacionados à altura de levantamento e à velocidade crítica de extinção de chama para cada diâmetro em função da diluição com CO2 e do número adimensional de Reynolds. A terceira parte deste trabalho está focada no estudo da distribuição de radiação térmica. Em particular, foram consideradas três distâncias radiais medidas em comprimentos de chama (0,5 Lf, 1 Lf, 2 Lf) visando obter a distribuição do fluxo radiante experimental ao longo de um eixo vertical adjacente às chamas. Finalmente, os dados experimentais foram utilizados como dados de entrada em uma análise inversa com o objetivo de calcular os fatores de ponderação do modelo das múltiplas fontes ponderadas (por suas siglas em inglês WMPS). Nesta última parte, são apresentados frações radiantes e distribuições de fluxo de calor radiante de chamas de gás natural diluídas para diversas diluições com dióxido de carbono e diâmetros do queimador. / Predicting models for turbulent diffusion flame lengths have several applications driven the attention of many research groups. Since several studies use photographs to measure the flame length, with photographic parameters varying among authors, in other cases simple visualizations were used. It is important to explore possible discrepancies among measurement technics that could affect the results. Optical visualizations of turbulent diffusion flames are used to estimate the visible average flame length (VFL) and the lift-off. The study presents a study of three different methods to measure the VFL using optical techniques. The effect on the image of the main optic parameters such as focus, exposure time and ISO sensibility are analyzed. The VFL obtained with images in low exposure time and long exposure time are compared with a third optical method that is based on the luminous intensity and the frequency of flame images occupying a pixel. One method was used to characterize the behavior of turbulent diffusion flames of natural gas for a range of flames in function of the flow velocity. Universal non-dimensional models that describe the VFL, lift-off and the blow-out stability limit of gaseous jet diffusion flames in the still air have been compared with new experimental data. The numerical coefficients of the best models are adjusted. Finally, maps of stability related to lift-off and blow-out were obtained for each diameter in function of the dilution with CO2 and flow exit velocity expressed in non-dimensional Reynolds number The third part of this work focuses on the estimation of the thermal distribution of radiative flux from turbulent diffusion flames in laboratory-scale. The experimental measurements were gotten from the previous stability study. In particular, was considered three radial distances measured in flame lengths (0,5 Lf, 1 Lf, 2 Lf) aiming at obtaining the experimental radiant flux along a vertical axis adjacent to the flames. Finally, the experimental data was used as input data in an inverse analysis with the purpose of computing weight coefficients of the weighted multi-point source (WMPS) model. Then, experimental data that include: radiant fractions and radiative heat flux are presents for several flames with different dilutions with carbon dioxide and burner´s diameters.
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Estudo experimental de estabilidade e emissão de radiação térmica em chamas não pré-misturadas de gás natural diluídas com dióxido de carbonoLlanos, Luis Alberto Quezada January 2017 (has links)
Modelos algébricos para prever o comprimento de uma chama turbulenta têm sido foco de estudo de diversos grupos de pesquisa por suas aplicações na área de engenharia. O método experimental para obter o modelo varia desde visualizações simples, até técnicas fotográficas, este último com parâmetros fotográficos variando entre os autores. Técnicas fotográficas são usadas para estimar a altura de levantamento da base da chama, (Lift-Off) e o comprimento médio visível de chama (Visible Flame Length, VFL). Duas técnicas comuns que podem ser encontradas na literatura: por imagens de chama com baixo tempo de exposição e longo tempo de exposição, são comparados com um terceiro que se baseia na intensidade luminosa e na frequência de imagens de chama que ocupam um pixel. O melhor método foi utilizado para caracterizar o comportamento das chamas turbulentas de gás natural para diferentes regimes de velocidade do escoamento. Modelos algébricos que preveem o comprimento de chama, altura de levantamento e a velocidade crítica de extinção de chama são avaliados com os novos resultados experimentais. Logo após, os coeficientes numéricos dos melhores modelos algébricos são reajustados Finalmente, foram obtidos mapas de estabilidade relacionados à altura de levantamento e à velocidade crítica de extinção de chama para cada diâmetro em função da diluição com CO2 e do número adimensional de Reynolds. A terceira parte deste trabalho está focada no estudo da distribuição de radiação térmica. Em particular, foram consideradas três distâncias radiais medidas em comprimentos de chama (0,5 Lf, 1 Lf, 2 Lf) visando obter a distribuição do fluxo radiante experimental ao longo de um eixo vertical adjacente às chamas. Finalmente, os dados experimentais foram utilizados como dados de entrada em uma análise inversa com o objetivo de calcular os fatores de ponderação do modelo das múltiplas fontes ponderadas (por suas siglas em inglês WMPS). Nesta última parte, são apresentados frações radiantes e distribuições de fluxo de calor radiante de chamas de gás natural diluídas para diversas diluições com dióxido de carbono e diâmetros do queimador. / Predicting models for turbulent diffusion flame lengths have several applications driven the attention of many research groups. Since several studies use photographs to measure the flame length, with photographic parameters varying among authors, in other cases simple visualizations were used. It is important to explore possible discrepancies among measurement technics that could affect the results. Optical visualizations of turbulent diffusion flames are used to estimate the visible average flame length (VFL) and the lift-off. The study presents a study of three different methods to measure the VFL using optical techniques. The effect on the image of the main optic parameters such as focus, exposure time and ISO sensibility are analyzed. The VFL obtained with images in low exposure time and long exposure time are compared with a third optical method that is based on the luminous intensity and the frequency of flame images occupying a pixel. One method was used to characterize the behavior of turbulent diffusion flames of natural gas for a range of flames in function of the flow velocity. Universal non-dimensional models that describe the VFL, lift-off and the blow-out stability limit of gaseous jet diffusion flames in the still air have been compared with new experimental data. The numerical coefficients of the best models are adjusted. Finally, maps of stability related to lift-off and blow-out were obtained for each diameter in function of the dilution with CO2 and flow exit velocity expressed in non-dimensional Reynolds number The third part of this work focuses on the estimation of the thermal distribution of radiative flux from turbulent diffusion flames in laboratory-scale. The experimental measurements were gotten from the previous stability study. In particular, was considered three radial distances measured in flame lengths (0,5 Lf, 1 Lf, 2 Lf) aiming at obtaining the experimental radiant flux along a vertical axis adjacent to the flames. Finally, the experimental data was used as input data in an inverse analysis with the purpose of computing weight coefficients of the weighted multi-point source (WMPS) model. Then, experimental data that include: radiant fractions and radiative heat flux are presents for several flames with different dilutions with carbon dioxide and burner´s diameters.
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Estudo experimental de estabilidade e emissão de radiação térmica em chamas não pré-misturadas de gás natural diluídas com dióxido de carbonoLlanos, Luis Alberto Quezada January 2017 (has links)
Modelos algébricos para prever o comprimento de uma chama turbulenta têm sido foco de estudo de diversos grupos de pesquisa por suas aplicações na área de engenharia. O método experimental para obter o modelo varia desde visualizações simples, até técnicas fotográficas, este último com parâmetros fotográficos variando entre os autores. Técnicas fotográficas são usadas para estimar a altura de levantamento da base da chama, (Lift-Off) e o comprimento médio visível de chama (Visible Flame Length, VFL). Duas técnicas comuns que podem ser encontradas na literatura: por imagens de chama com baixo tempo de exposição e longo tempo de exposição, são comparados com um terceiro que se baseia na intensidade luminosa e na frequência de imagens de chama que ocupam um pixel. O melhor método foi utilizado para caracterizar o comportamento das chamas turbulentas de gás natural para diferentes regimes de velocidade do escoamento. Modelos algébricos que preveem o comprimento de chama, altura de levantamento e a velocidade crítica de extinção de chama são avaliados com os novos resultados experimentais. Logo após, os coeficientes numéricos dos melhores modelos algébricos são reajustados Finalmente, foram obtidos mapas de estabilidade relacionados à altura de levantamento e à velocidade crítica de extinção de chama para cada diâmetro em função da diluição com CO2 e do número adimensional de Reynolds. A terceira parte deste trabalho está focada no estudo da distribuição de radiação térmica. Em particular, foram consideradas três distâncias radiais medidas em comprimentos de chama (0,5 Lf, 1 Lf, 2 Lf) visando obter a distribuição do fluxo radiante experimental ao longo de um eixo vertical adjacente às chamas. Finalmente, os dados experimentais foram utilizados como dados de entrada em uma análise inversa com o objetivo de calcular os fatores de ponderação do modelo das múltiplas fontes ponderadas (por suas siglas em inglês WMPS). Nesta última parte, são apresentados frações radiantes e distribuições de fluxo de calor radiante de chamas de gás natural diluídas para diversas diluições com dióxido de carbono e diâmetros do queimador. / Predicting models for turbulent diffusion flame lengths have several applications driven the attention of many research groups. Since several studies use photographs to measure the flame length, with photographic parameters varying among authors, in other cases simple visualizations were used. It is important to explore possible discrepancies among measurement technics that could affect the results. Optical visualizations of turbulent diffusion flames are used to estimate the visible average flame length (VFL) and the lift-off. The study presents a study of three different methods to measure the VFL using optical techniques. The effect on the image of the main optic parameters such as focus, exposure time and ISO sensibility are analyzed. The VFL obtained with images in low exposure time and long exposure time are compared with a third optical method that is based on the luminous intensity and the frequency of flame images occupying a pixel. One method was used to characterize the behavior of turbulent diffusion flames of natural gas for a range of flames in function of the flow velocity. Universal non-dimensional models that describe the VFL, lift-off and the blow-out stability limit of gaseous jet diffusion flames in the still air have been compared with new experimental data. The numerical coefficients of the best models are adjusted. Finally, maps of stability related to lift-off and blow-out were obtained for each diameter in function of the dilution with CO2 and flow exit velocity expressed in non-dimensional Reynolds number The third part of this work focuses on the estimation of the thermal distribution of radiative flux from turbulent diffusion flames in laboratory-scale. The experimental measurements were gotten from the previous stability study. In particular, was considered three radial distances measured in flame lengths (0,5 Lf, 1 Lf, 2 Lf) aiming at obtaining the experimental radiant flux along a vertical axis adjacent to the flames. Finally, the experimental data was used as input data in an inverse analysis with the purpose of computing weight coefficients of the weighted multi-point source (WMPS) model. Then, experimental data that include: radiant fractions and radiative heat flux are presents for several flames with different dilutions with carbon dioxide and burner´s diameters.
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