Spelling suggestions: "subject:"food anda health"" "subject:"food ando health""
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Prevalence of organo-microbial entities in selected commercial foods and food wrappersMasakona, Ndingoho 10 1900 (has links)
Phthalate esters (PEs) belong to a class of organic compounds used as plasticisers
in plastic materials such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene (PP),
polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and so on, including those used in the food
packaging industry. Phthalate plasticisers are not chemically bound to plastic
materials and hence, migrate into items such as foodstuffs they house. The study
aimed at investigating the prevalence of selected phthalate esters from plastic
wrappers into food as well as the presence of food and/or pathogenic microorganisms.
Plastic-wrapped cheese, vienna sausages and polony samples purchased from
commercial stores in the four regions of Pretoria (Tswane), South Africa, were
analysed for the presence of plasticisers; di-2-ethylhexyl adipate (DEHA), di-n-butyl
phthalate (DnBP), benzyl-butyl phthalate (BBP), di-butyl phthalate (DBP) and dimethyl
phthalate (DMP). Soxhlet extraction using hexane with florisil column cleanup
was carried out. Analysis of PEs was by Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization
Detection (GC-FID). Microbiological investigations were performed using standard
The concentrations of PEs detected in food samples ranged from below detection
limit (bdl) to 4.7003 μg/kg. However, DBP, DMP and BBP were predominantly
present with more PEs detected in cheese compared to polony and vienna. In polony
samples, DBP levels ranged from 0.0412 to 0.611μg/kg, in cheese, ranged from
0.049 to 0.256 μg/kg and in vienna DBP ranged from 0.074 to 0.209 μg/kg. The
phthalate DMP ranged from 0.072 to 4.700 μg/kg in cheese, 0.056 to 0.241 μg/kg in
polony and 0.092 to 0.816 μg/kg in vienna. The DEHA detected in cheese and
polony was 0.120 μg/kg and 0.075 μg/kg respectively and no DEHA was detected in
vienna sausages.
For microbiological analysis, the total microbial activity (TMA) ranged from 6.8 x 104
to 1.03 x 108 cfu/g; coliforms ranged from no growth to 2.62 x 106 cfu/g; yeast ranged
from no growth to 1.49 x 107 cfu/g; and mould ranged from no growth to 9.2 x 104
cfu/g. The results revealed that microbial activity was high in each sample type but
revealed the absence of pathogens. Results revealed incidences of PEs in foods wrapped or packaged in plastics, which gave cause for concern and showed the
need for proper monitoring and inspection of the levels of organo-microbial entities in
the South African food wrapped in plastic wrappers. / Environmental Sciences / M.Sc. (Environmental Science)
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Food hygiene and safety practices of food vendors at a University of Technology in DurbanKhuluse, Dawn Sihle January 2016 (has links)
Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the Masters Degree of Applied Science in Food and Nutrition, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2016. / Introduction: Food vending is becoming a very important and a useful service. Moreover, socioeconomic factors and lifestyle changes forces customers to buy food from street vendors. Since the food industry is growing worldwide, good hygiene practices coupled with food safety standards is of vital importance. Currently there is inadequate information or scientific data on the microbiological quality and safety of vended foods in South Africa more especially in Durban. To date limited research has been conducted on the food handlers (FH’s) operating as food vendors in different areas of Durban, and a lack of documented evidence about the knowledge that food vendors have on food safety and food hygiene has resulted in the interest in this research.
Aim: The aim of this study was to ascertain food hygiene practices and knowledge, food safety practices and the nutritional value of the food served by various food vendors at DUT in Durban.
Method: A total number of 15 food vending stalls (comprising of 15 managers and 39 food handlers) situated within the Durban University of Technology (DUT) Durban campuses participated in the study. The study was conducted on all food vendors who prepared and served food items on site.
Data collected was of a quantitative nature with two sets of questionnaires (Managers questionnaires and (FH’s) questionnaires), observation sheets to observe FH’s during food preparation and cleanliness, and weighing and recording of menu items prepared and served in order to determine portion sizes and the nutritional content. All the administration of data was completed by the researcher on a Microsoft Excel spread sheet and analysed on the SPSS software version 20. Recording and weighing of menu items was done using an electronic food portion scale. A statistician was consulted to assist in the interpretation of the data.
Results: The majority (66.67%) of vendors were females with the educational level that was fairly high, (73.33%) had secondary education. Most of the respondents (80.00%) had been in the food vending business for more than 3 years.
The availability of proper infrastructure was poor, 40.00% of the vendors obtained running water from the kitchen taps within the stalls and 60.00% obtained water from a communal sink tap outside the food stalls. Most vending stalls 66.67% had no proper storage facilities; perishable stock was stored on refrigerators, while non-perishable food items were stored on built-in shelves, on top of fridges, on the floor, in storage containers, and on tables due to shortage of space. Thirty three percent of the vendors had designated storerooms for non – perishable items. Food preparation and cooking space was very minimal as a result the researcher observed that in some stalls white and red meat was grilled in the same griller and that increases the chances of cross-contamination.
The researcher also observed that the area where most of the vending stalls were situated had no shelter and paving, as a result during food preparation and service, food was exposed to dust, air pollution and flying insects. Most managers 73.33% and FH’s 56.41% attended hygiene and food safety training but observational findings indicated that important hygiene practises such as washing of hands before serving food were not practised. Another concerning observation regarding personal hygiene was that students did not wash hands prior to eating food despite the availability of tap water within the dining area.
The majority of managers had contracts with suppliers, and grocery items were mainly purchased from wholesale stores, meat items from formal retailers. A large number of managers 73.33% bought and delivered perishable products themselves using own cars, while 13.33% used refrigerated trucks from the suppliers for the delivery of perishable goods. In that way delivery temperature of food items was not monitored and maintained.
The nutritional value of food served by vendors was imbalanced with the majority of the meals exceeding the recommended energy contribution from fat of 15–30%, the carbohydrates (CHO) contribution was lesser than the stipulated percentage of 55-75%, and the mean energy contribution of protein was within the recommended percentage of 10-15%. The mean energy contribution made by fat in all meals was higher than the recommended percentage 15-30%, with the highest contribution of 63.59% and the lowest of 34.12%. High fat meals were of great concern as prospects of cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart diseases were high. The CHO content of meals was below the stipulated percentage of 55- 75% with the maximum percentage of 49.86% and the minimum of 31.04%. The mean energy contribution of protein was 15.36% which was generally within the recommended percentage of 10- 15%. Furthermore, the study revealed that out of the 12 881 kJ recommended for men and 10 093 kJ for females; male students on an average were consuming approximately 14% more kJ than recommended, and female students were consuming approximately 27% more kJ than recommended from the meals. Frequent consumption of such high energy meals can lead to overweight and obesity among young adults.
Conclusion: The results of the study revealed the urgent need for basic infrastructure such as a decent food kiosk with adequate working space, proper washing and storage facilities to improve food safety and hygienic practices. Even though food vendors claimed to have received hygiene training, knowledge attained was not effectively practiced or demonstrated; and that placed students at risk of foodborne illnesses. Furthermore, the nutritional value of food served by vendors was imbalanced with the majority of the meals exceeding the recommended energy contribution from fat of 15–30% and the CHO contribution being lesser than the stipulated percentage of 55-75%.
Recommendations: Extensive training programme and regular supervision should be put in place by management of the Institution to ensure that proper hygiene practices are in place and also to ensure the quality of food served to students is of acceptable standard. All vending stalls to be provided with basic infrastructure. Food court yard to be well sheltered to avoid food being contaminated by air pollution, dust and pests. DUT management, together with the Department of Health, should organise nutrition awareness programmes to enlighten students about the dangers of unhealthy eating habits. / M
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Евалуација интегрисане едукације деце узраста 7 до 10 година о исхрани и физичкој активности / Evaluacija integrisane edukacije dece uzrasta 7 do 10 godina o ishrani i fizičkoj aktivnosti / Evaluation of integrated nutrition and physical activity education in 7 to 10 year old childrenŠumonja Sanja 26 May 2016 (has links)
<p>УВОД: Нeпрaвилнa исхрaнa и нeдoвoљнa физичкa aктивнoст припaдajу групи нajзнaчajниjих здрaвствeнo-ризичних пoнaшaњa шкoлскe дeцe. Незадовољавајући трендови стања ухрањености и физичке активности деце школског узраста у Србији намећу потребу креирања и евалуације програма за унапређење исхране и физичке активности деце. Према искуствима других земаља, најефективнији програми унапређења исхране и физичке активности деце су програми који комбинују учење кроз наставни програм и утицај на родитеље или школску средину. Унапређење исхране и физичке активности у школама у Србиjи спрoвoди сe углaвнoм крoз краткотрајне кампање, промоције правилне исхране и физичке активности чији резултати нису евалуирани. У образовном систему Р. Србије не придаје се довољно значаја садржајима везаним за правилну исхрану и физичку активност у највећој мери због оптерећења наставника и ученика другим наставним предметима и садржајима. Интегрисана едукације деце и родитеља прeдстaвљa jeдaн нaчин нa кojи сe мoжe oргaнизoвaти едукација о исхрани и физичкој активности у нижим рaзрeдимa oснoвнe шкoлe, бeз дoдaтнoг oптeрeћeњa учeникa и aнгaжoвaњa нaстaвникa. ЦИЉЕВИ: Циљеви овог рада били су да се утврди да ли интегрисана едукација деце о исхрани и физичкој активности може значајно да унапреди знање и навике деце везане за исхрану и физичку активност, те стање ухрањености деце узраста 7 до 10 година. МАТЕРИЈАЛ И МЕТОДЕ: У истрaживaњу су употребљене мeтoде eкспeримeнтa сa пaрaлeлним групaмa, дескриптивна и аналитичка метода. У истраживање су укључена деца узраста 7 до 10 година из две основне школе у Сомбору. Формирање узорка вршено је по принципу једнофазног кластер узорковања. Нeзaвисне вaриjaбле истраживања биле су едукација деце о исхрани и физичкој активности и едукација родитеља о исхрани и физичкој активности. Зависне варијабле истраживања чинили су: ниво знања дeцe o прaвилнoj исхрaни и физичкoj aктивнoсти, навике у исхрани, одлике породичне исхране, физичка активност, седентарно понашање и стaњe ухрaњeнoсти дeцe. Утврђивање навика у исхрани, стања физичке активности, стања ухрањености деце и одлика породичне исхране у експерименталној групи спроведено је пре (термин Т1) и по завршетку примене едукације деце и родитеља (термин Т2). Утврђивање нивоа знања о правилној исхрани и физичкој активности спроведено је пре (термин Т1), по завршетку (термин Т2) и два месеца после примене интегрисане едукације деце и родитеља (термин Т3). Утврђивање значајних разлика између Е и К групе у терминима Т1, Т2 и Т3 вршено је применом χ2 теста за категоријске податке, Mann Whitney U теста за нумеричке непараметријске варијабле односно t-теста за параметријске варијабле. Утврђивање значајних разлика унутар Е и К групе у одпносу на термине Т1 и Т2 односно Т2 и Т3 вршено је применом hi2 теста за категоријске податке, Вилкоксоновог теста за упарене непараметарске податке односно t-теста упарених узорака за параметријске податке. Евалуација је извршена у односу на пол и узрасне групе деце. РЕЗУЛТАТИ: У термину Т1 узорак је чинило укупно 167 испитаника (94 испитаника у Е-експерименталној групи, а 73 испитаника у К-контролној групи), док је у термину Т2 узорак чинило 177 испитаника (92 испитаника у Е-експерименталној групи, а 85 испитаника у К-контролној групи). У термину Т2 постигнуто је значајно повећање знања деце првог разреда о улогама хране (T1=0,84; Т2=1,56; рТ1:Т2<0,001), поступку прања руку (T1=0,28; Т2=1,85; рТ1:Т2<0,001), пореклу производа (T2=2,12; Т3=3,10; рТ2:Т3=0,001), сезонској доступности воћа и поврћа (T1=1,58; Т2=2,66; рТ1:Т2<0,001), пирамиди физичких активности (T1=0,88; Т2=3,21; рТ1:Т2<0,001) и способности деце да примене стечено знање о исхрани на састављање јеловника (T1=1,14; Т2=1,98; рТ1:Т2=0,001). У Т2 постигнуто је значајно повећање знања деце другог разреда о улогама хране (T1=1,25; Т2=1,71; рТ1:Т2=0,001), прању руку (T1=0,32; Т2=1,48; рТ1:Т2<0,001), пореклу производа (T1=1,89; Т2=2,92; рТ1:Т2=0,004), пирамиди исхране (T1=2,46; Т2=3,89; рТ1:Т2<0,001), штетности седентарног понашања (T1=0,42; Т2=1,04; рТ1:Т2<0,001) и хранљивим својствима намирница (T1=0,52; Т2=0,73; рТ1:Т2=0,002). Применa интегрисане едукације о исхрани и физичкој активности допринела је значајном унапређењу знања деце узраста 9 година о прању руку (T1=0,47;Т2=1,88;рТ1:Т2<0,001), систему органа за варење (T1=0,86; Т2=1,38; рТ1:Т2=0,019), сировинама и производима (T1=1,48; Т2=2,45; рТ1:Т2=0,001)., пирамиди исхране (T1=1,89; Т2=3,18; рТ1:Т2=0,007), хранљивим својствима намирница (T1=0,57; Т2=0,78; рТ1:Т2=0,021) и штетности седентарног понашања (T1=0,06; Т2=2,03; рТ1:Т2<0,001), као и унапређењу способности примене знања о исхрани на састављање једноставног оброка (T1=0,82; Т2=1,80; рТ1:Т2=0,026), јеловника (T1=1,23; Т2=2,22; рТ1:Т2<0,009) и решавање проблема гојазности деце (T1=0,21; Т2=3,00; рТ1:Т2<0,001). У Т2 дошло је до значајног унапређења знања деце четвртог разреда о улогама хране (T1=2,75; Т2=4,93; рТ1:Т2<0,001), прању руку (T1=0,70; Т2=1,57; рТ1:Т2<0,001), сезонској доступности воћа и поврћа (T1=1,04; Т2=2,57; рТ1:Т2<0,001), пирамиди исхране (T1=3,08; Т2=3,69; рТ1:Т2<0,001) и штетности седентарног понашања (T1=0,87; Т2=1,66; рТ1:Т2=0,023). У Т2 постигнуто је значајно унапређење знања деце узраста 7 до 10 година на нивоу памћења (р=0,040), разумевања (р<0,001), примене (р<0,001), анализе (р<0,001), синтезе (р=0,026) и евалуације (р<0,001). У Т3 значајно је опало знање на нивоу памћења (р=0,016) и разумевања (р=0,029). У обе групе испитаника дошло је до значајног повећања конзумирања поврћа (Е:р< 0,001; К:р= 0,016) у термину Т2. Само у Е групи дошло је до значајног повећања конзумирања воћа (Е:р< 0,001; К: р= 0,440) и млека и млечних производа (Е:р=0,005; К:р=0,916) у Т2. Значајно смањење времена проведеног у гледању телевизора (Е:р=0,005; К:р=0,782) и игрању на рачунару (Е:р=0,047; К:р=0,390) постигнуто је у експерименталној групи у Т2. Време проведено у умереним физичким активностима значајно се повећало у обе групе испитаника (Е:р<0,001; К:р<0,001), док је значајно повећање времена проведеног у интензивним физичким активностима утврђено само у експерименталној групи (Е:р=0,046; К:р=0,217) у Т2. после примене интегрисане едукације утврђени благи трендови промена стања ухрањености деце узраста 7 до 10 година и експерименталне и контролне групе. У Т1 утврђене су значајне разлике у слагању родитеља Е и К групе са ставом да правилна исхрана значи јести сву храну у одређеним количинама (р=0,014) и да деци треба забранити унос слаткиша и грицкалица (р=0,001), гледање телевизора и играње на рачунару (р=0,008). Значајне разлике у слагању родитеља обе групе са ставом да децу треба натерати да се баве спортом постојале су и у Т1(р=0,027) и у Т2 (р=0,016). Није утврђена статистички значајна разлика у дистрибуцији испитаника у односу на степен ухрањености у терминима Т1 и Т2 ни у Е групи (р=0.271) ни у К групи (р=0.534). ЗАКЉУЧЦИ: Применом интегрисане едукације о исхрани и физичкој активности постигнуто је значајно повећање знања деце узраста 7 година о улогама хране, поступку прања руку, пореклу производа, сезонској доступности воћа и поврћа, пирамиди физичких активности и способности деце да примене стечено знање о исхрани на састављање јеловника. Применом интегрисане едукације о исхрани и физичкој активности постигнуто је значајно повећање знања деце узраста 8 година о улогама хране, систему органа за варење, прању руку, пореклу производа, пирамиди исхране, штетности седентарног понашања и хранљивим својствима намирница, као и способности деце да примене стечено знање о исхрани на састављање јеловника. Применa интегрисане едукације о исхрани и физичкој активности допринела је значајном унапређењу знања деце узраста 9 година о прању руку, систему органа за варење, сировинама и производима, пирамиди исхране, хранљивим својствима намирница и штетности седентарног понашања. Применом интегрисане едукације постигнуто је значајно унапређење способности деце узраста 9 година да примене знање о исхрани на састављање једноставног оброка, јеловника и решавање проблема гојазности деце. Применa интегрисане едукације о исхрани и физичкој активности допринела је значајном унапређењу знања деце узраста 10 година о улогама хране, прању руку, сезонској доступности воћа и поврћа, хранљивим својствима намирница, пирамиди исхране и штетности седентарног понашања. Применом интегрисане едукације постигнуто је значајно унапређење знања деце узраста 7 до 10 година на нивоу памћења, разумевања, примене, анализе, синтезе и евалуације. Знање на нивоу памћења и разумевања нису били трајног карактера. После примене интегрисане едукације дошло је до значајног пораста уноса воћа, поврћа, млека и млечних производа у експерименталној групи деце узраста 7 до 10 година. Применом интегрисане едукације постигнуто је значајно смањење времена проведеног у гледању телевизора и игрању на рачунару код деце експерименталне групе узраста 7 до 10 година. После примене интегрисане едукације дошло је до значајног пораста времена проведеног у умереним физичким активностима у експерименталној групи деце узраста 7 до 10 година. Значајно повећање времена проведеног у интензивним физичким активностима утврђено је у експерименталној групи деце узраста 9 до 10 година. Реализација програма интегрисане едукације родитеља била је успешна у развијању свести родитеља експерименталне групе о принципима правилне исхране и штетности седентарног понашања. Примена интегрисане едукације није имала значајан ефекат на стање ухрањености деце.</p> / <p>UVOD: Nepravilna ishrana i nedovoljna fizička aktivnost pripadaju grupi najznačajnijih zdravstveno-rizičnih ponašanja školske dece. Nezadovoljavajući trendovi stanja uhranjenosti i fizičke aktivnosti dece školskog uzrasta u Srbiji nameću potrebu kreiranja i evaluacije programa za unapređenje ishrane i fizičke aktivnosti dece. Prema iskustvima drugih zemalja, najefektivniji programi unapređenja ishrane i fizičke aktivnosti dece su programi koji kombinuju učenje kroz nastavni program i uticaj na roditelje ili školsku sredinu. Unapređenje ishrane i fizičke aktivnosti u školama u Srbiji sprovodi se uglavnom kroz kratkotrajne kampanje, promocije pravilne ishrane i fizičke aktivnosti čiji rezultati nisu evaluirani. U obrazovnom sistemu R. Srbije ne pridaje se dovoljno značaja sadržajima vezanim za pravilnu ishranu i fizičku aktivnost u najvećoj meri zbog opterećenja nastavnika i učenika drugim nastavnim predmetima i sadržajima. Integrisana edukacije dece i roditelja predstavlja jedan način na koji se može organizovati edukacija o ishrani i fizičkoj aktivnosti u nižim razredima osnovne škole, bez dodatnog opterećenja učenika i angažovanja nastavnika. CILJEVI: Ciljevi ovog rada bili su da se utvrdi da li integrisana edukacija dece o ishrani i fizičkoj aktivnosti može značajno da unapredi znanje i navike dece vezane za ishranu i fizičku aktivnost, te stanje uhranjenosti dece uzrasta 7 do 10 godina. MATERIJAL I METODE: U istraživanju su upotrebljene metode eksperimenta sa paralelnim grupama, deskriptivna i analitička metoda. U istraživanje su uključena deca uzrasta 7 do 10 godina iz dve osnovne škole u Somboru. Formiranje uzorka vršeno je po principu jednofaznog klaster uzorkovanja. Nezavisne varijable istraživanja bile su edukacija dece o ishrani i fizičkoj aktivnosti i edukacija roditelja o ishrani i fizičkoj aktivnosti. Zavisne varijable istraživanja činili su: nivo znanja dece o pravilnoj ishrani i fizičkoj aktivnosti, navike u ishrani, odlike porodične ishrane, fizička aktivnost, sedentarno ponašanje i stanje uhranjenosti dece. Utvrđivanje navika u ishrani, stanja fizičke aktivnosti, stanja uhranjenosti dece i odlika porodične ishrane u eksperimentalnoj grupi sprovedeno je pre (termin T1) i po završetku primene edukacije dece i roditelja (termin T2). Utvrđivanje nivoa znanja o pravilnoj ishrani i fizičkoj aktivnosti sprovedeno je pre (termin T1), po završetku (termin T2) i dva meseca posle primene integrisane edukacije dece i roditelja (termin T3). Utvrđivanje značajnih razlika između E i K grupe u terminima T1, T2 i T3 vršeno je primenom χ2 testa za kategorijske podatke, Mann Whitney U testa za numeričke neparametrijske varijable odnosno t-testa za parametrijske varijable. Utvrđivanje značajnih razlika unutar E i K grupe u odpnosu na termine T1 i T2 odnosno T2 i T3 vršeno je primenom hi2 testa za kategorijske podatke, Vilkoksonovog testa za uparene neparametarske podatke odnosno t-testa uparenih uzoraka za parametrijske podatke. Evaluacija je izvršena u odnosu na pol i uzrasne grupe dece. REZULTATI: U terminu T1 uzorak je činilo ukupno 167 ispitanika (94 ispitanika u E-eksperimentalnoj grupi, a 73 ispitanika u K-kontrolnoj grupi), dok je u terminu T2 uzorak činilo 177 ispitanika (92 ispitanika u E-eksperimentalnoj grupi, a 85 ispitanika u K-kontrolnoj grupi). U terminu T2 postignuto je značajno povećanje znanja dece prvog razreda o ulogama hrane (T1=0,84; T2=1,56; rT1:T2<0,001), postupku pranja ruku (T1=0,28; T2=1,85; rT1:T2<0,001), poreklu proizvoda (T2=2,12; T3=3,10; rT2:T3=0,001), sezonskoj dostupnosti voća i povrća (T1=1,58; T2=2,66; rT1:T2<0,001), piramidi fizičkih aktivnosti (T1=0,88; T2=3,21; rT1:T2<0,001) i sposobnosti dece da primene stečeno znanje o ishrani na sastavljanje jelovnika (T1=1,14; T2=1,98; rT1:T2=0,001). U T2 postignuto je značajno povećanje znanja dece drugog razreda o ulogama hrane (T1=1,25; T2=1,71; rT1:T2=0,001), pranju ruku (T1=0,32; T2=1,48; rT1:T2<0,001), poreklu proizvoda (T1=1,89; T2=2,92; rT1:T2=0,004), piramidi ishrane (T1=2,46; T2=3,89; rT1:T2<0,001), štetnosti sedentarnog ponašanja (T1=0,42; T2=1,04; rT1:T2<0,001) i hranljivim svojstvima namirnica (T1=0,52; T2=0,73; rT1:T2=0,002). Primena integrisane edukacije o ishrani i fizičkoj aktivnosti doprinela je značajnom unapređenju znanja dece uzrasta 9 godina o pranju ruku (T1=0,47;T2=1,88;rT1:T2<0,001), sistemu organa za varenje (T1=0,86; T2=1,38; rT1:T2=0,019), sirovinama i proizvodima (T1=1,48; T2=2,45; rT1:T2=0,001)., piramidi ishrane (T1=1,89; T2=3,18; rT1:T2=0,007), hranljivim svojstvima namirnica (T1=0,57; T2=0,78; rT1:T2=0,021) i štetnosti sedentarnog ponašanja (T1=0,06; T2=2,03; rT1:T2<0,001), kao i unapređenju sposobnosti primene znanja o ishrani na sastavljanje jednostavnog obroka (T1=0,82; T2=1,80; rT1:T2=0,026), jelovnika (T1=1,23; T2=2,22; rT1:T2<0,009) i rešavanje problema gojaznosti dece (T1=0,21; T2=3,00; rT1:T2<0,001). U T2 došlo je do značajnog unapređenja znanja dece četvrtog razreda o ulogama hrane (T1=2,75; T2=4,93; rT1:T2<0,001), pranju ruku (T1=0,70; T2=1,57; rT1:T2<0,001), sezonskoj dostupnosti voća i povrća (T1=1,04; T2=2,57; rT1:T2<0,001), piramidi ishrane (T1=3,08; T2=3,69; rT1:T2<0,001) i štetnosti sedentarnog ponašanja (T1=0,87; T2=1,66; rT1:T2=0,023). U T2 postignuto je značajno unapređenje znanja dece uzrasta 7 do 10 godina na nivou pamćenja (r=0,040), razumevanja (r<0,001), primene (r<0,001), analize (r<0,001), sinteze (r=0,026) i evaluacije (r<0,001). U T3 značajno je opalo znanje na nivou pamćenja (r=0,016) i razumevanja (r=0,029). U obe grupe ispitanika došlo je do značajnog povećanja konzumiranja povrća (E:r< 0,001; K:r= 0,016) u terminu T2. Samo u E grupi došlo je do značajnog povećanja konzumiranja voća (E:r< 0,001; K: r= 0,440) i mleka i mlečnih proizvoda (E:r=0,005; K:r=0,916) u T2. Značajno smanjenje vremena provedenog u gledanju televizora (E:r=0,005; K:r=0,782) i igranju na računaru (E:r=0,047; K:r=0,390) postignuto je u eksperimentalnoj grupi u T2. Vreme provedeno u umerenim fizičkim aktivnostima značajno se povećalo u obe grupe ispitanika (E:r<0,001; K:r<0,001), dok je značajno povećanje vremena provedenog u intenzivnim fizičkim aktivnostima utvrđeno samo u eksperimentalnoj grupi (E:r=0,046; K:r=0,217) u T2. posle primene integrisane edukacije utvrđeni blagi trendovi promena stanja uhranjenosti dece uzrasta 7 do 10 godina i eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe. U T1 utvrđene su značajne razlike u slaganju roditelja E i K grupe sa stavom da pravilna ishrana znači jesti svu hranu u određenim količinama (r=0,014) i da deci treba zabraniti unos slatkiša i grickalica (r=0,001), gledanje televizora i igranje na računaru (r=0,008). Značajne razlike u slaganju roditelja obe grupe sa stavom da decu treba naterati da se bave sportom postojale su i u T1(r=0,027) i u T2 (r=0,016). Nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u distribuciji ispitanika u odnosu na stepen uhranjenosti u terminima T1 i T2 ni u E grupi (r=0.271) ni u K grupi (r=0.534). ZAKLJUČCI: Primenom integrisane edukacije o ishrani i fizičkoj aktivnosti postignuto je značajno povećanje znanja dece uzrasta 7 godina o ulogama hrane, postupku pranja ruku, poreklu proizvoda, sezonskoj dostupnosti voća i povrća, piramidi fizičkih aktivnosti i sposobnosti dece da primene stečeno znanje o ishrani na sastavljanje jelovnika. Primenom integrisane edukacije o ishrani i fizičkoj aktivnosti postignuto je značajno povećanje znanja dece uzrasta 8 godina o ulogama hrane, sistemu organa za varenje, pranju ruku, poreklu proizvoda, piramidi ishrane, štetnosti sedentarnog ponašanja i hranljivim svojstvima namirnica, kao i sposobnosti dece da primene stečeno znanje o ishrani na sastavljanje jelovnika. Primena integrisane edukacije o ishrani i fizičkoj aktivnosti doprinela je značajnom unapređenju znanja dece uzrasta 9 godina o pranju ruku, sistemu organa za varenje, sirovinama i proizvodima, piramidi ishrane, hranljivim svojstvima namirnica i štetnosti sedentarnog ponašanja. Primenom integrisane edukacije postignuto je značajno unapređenje sposobnosti dece uzrasta 9 godina da primene znanje o ishrani na sastavljanje jednostavnog obroka, jelovnika i rešavanje problema gojaznosti dece. Primena integrisane edukacije o ishrani i fizičkoj aktivnosti doprinela je značajnom unapređenju znanja dece uzrasta 10 godina o ulogama hrane, pranju ruku, sezonskoj dostupnosti voća i povrća, hranljivim svojstvima namirnica, piramidi ishrane i štetnosti sedentarnog ponašanja. Primenom integrisane edukacije postignuto je značajno unapređenje znanja dece uzrasta 7 do 10 godina na nivou pamćenja, razumevanja, primene, analize, sinteze i evaluacije. Znanje na nivou pamćenja i razumevanja nisu bili trajnog karaktera. Posle primene integrisane edukacije došlo je do značajnog porasta unosa voća, povrća, mleka i mlečnih proizvoda u eksperimentalnoj grupi dece uzrasta 7 do 10 godina. Primenom integrisane edukacije postignuto je značajno smanjenje vremena provedenog u gledanju televizora i igranju na računaru kod dece eksperimentalne grupe uzrasta 7 do 10 godina. Posle primene integrisane edukacije došlo je do značajnog porasta vremena provedenog u umerenim fizičkim aktivnostima u eksperimentalnoj grupi dece uzrasta 7 do 10 godina. Značajno povećanje vremena provedenog u intenzivnim fizičkim aktivnostima utvrđeno je u eksperimentalnoj grupi dece uzrasta 9 do 10 godina. Realizacija programa integrisane edukacije roditelja bila je uspešna u razvijanju svesti roditelja eksperimentalne grupe o principima pravilne ishrane i štetnosti sedentarnog ponašanja. Primena integrisane edukacije nije imala značajan efekat na stanje uhranjenosti dece.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: Improper diet and lack of physical activity belonging to the group the most significant health risks behavior of school children. Current trends in nutritional status and physical activity of schoolchildren in Serbia impose the need for creating and evaluating programs to improve nutrition and physical activity of children. According to the experience of other countries, the most effective programs for the improvement of nutrition and physical activity of children are programs that combine learning across the curriculum and the impact on parents or the school environment. Programs for improving nutrition and physical activity in schools in Serbia are usually carried out through short-term campaigns whose results are not evaluated. Contents about nutrition and physical activity are not properly represented in the curriculum for elementary schools in Serbia partly due to the workload of teachers and students in other school subjects and contents. Integrated education of children and parents may be a solution for conducting nutrition and physical activity education in primary schools without the additional burden of engaging students and teachers. AIMS: Aims of this study were to determine whether integrated education of 7 to 10 year/old children may have significant influence on children`s knowledge about nutrition and physical activity, dietary habits, physical activity, sedentary behavior, characteristics of family nutrition and children`s nutritional status. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study used experimental methods with parallel groups, descriptive and analytical methods. The study included children aged 7 to 10 years from two primary schools in Sombor. Single-phase cluster sampling was used to form sample. Independent research variables were nutrition and physical activity program education for children and nutrition and physical activity education program for parents. Dependent research variables were the level of knowledge about proper nutrition and physical activity, dietary habits, physical activity, sedentary behavior, characteristics of family nutrition, and nutritional status of children. Determining sohrani habits, physical activity status, nutritional status of children and the quality of family nutrition in the experimental group was carried out before (the term T1) and after application of educating children and parents (a term T2). Determining the level of knowledge about proper nutrition and physical activity was carried out before (term T1) at the end (term T2) and two months after the application of the integrated education of children and parents ( term T3). Determination of significant differences between the groups E and K in terms of T1, T2 and T3 was conducted using hi2 test for categorical variables, the Mann-Whitney U test for numerical non-parametric variables and t-tests for continuous variables. Determining significant differences within the group E and K in relation to the time slots T1 and T2 or T2 and T3 was performed using hi2 test for categorical variables, the Wilcoxon test for paired data for the non-parametric variables and t-test for paired samples for parametric data. The evaluation was made in relation to gender and age groups of children. RESULTS: In the term T1 total sample included 167 subjects (94 subjects in the experimental group E, and 73 subjects in the K-control group), while in the term T2 sample consisted of 177 subjects (92 subjects in the experimental group E and 85 respondents in K-the control group). Significant increase in the knowledge of 7 year-old children in the term T2 was achieved on the roles of food (T1 = 0.84, T2 = 1.56; T1: T2 <0.001), hand washing (T1 = 0.28; T2 = 1.85; T1: T2 <0.001), the origin of foods (T2 = 2.12; T3 = 3.10; pT2: T3 = 0,001), the seasonal availability of fruits and vegetables (T1 = 1.58; T2 = 2.66; T1: T2 <0.001), physical activity pyramid (T1 = 0.88; T2 = 3.21; T1: T2 <0.001) and the ability to apply knowledge of nutrition to compose menus (T1 = 1.14; T2 = 1.98; T1: T2 = 0.001). Significant increase in knowledge of 8 year-old children was determined for the roles of the food (T1 = 1.25; T2 = 1.71; T1: T2 = 0.001), hand washing (T1 = 0.32; T2 = 1.48; T1: T2 <0.001), the origin of food products (T1 = 1.89; T2 = 2.92; T1: T2 = 0.004), the food pyramid (T1 = 2.46, T2 = 3.89; T1: T2 <0.001), harmfulness of sedentary behavior (T1 = 0.42, T2 = 1.04; T1: T2 <0.001) and nutritional properties of foods (T1 = 0.52, T2 = 0.73; T1: T2 = 0.002). In the term T2 it was determined significant improvement of 9 year-old children`s knowledge of hand washing (T1 = 0.47, T2 = 1.88; T1: T2 <0.001), digestive organ system (T1 = 0.86 ; T2 = 1.38; T1: T2 = 0.019), origins of food products (T1 =1.48; T2 = 2.45; T1: T2 = 0.001), the food pyramid (T1 = 1.89; T2 = 3 18; T1: T2 = 0.007), nutritional properties of foods (T1 = 0.57; T2 = 0.78; T1: T2 = 0.021) harmfulness of sedentary behavior (T1 = 0.06, T2 = 2.03; T1 T2 <0.001), as well as improving the ability to apply knowledge of nutrition to assemble a simple meal (T1 = 0.82; T2 = 1.80; T1: T2 = 0.026), the menu for one day (T1 = 1.23; T2 = 2, 22; T1: T2 <0.009) and to solve the problem of obesity in children (T1 = 0.21, T2 = 3.00; T1: T2 <0.001). In the term T2 there was a significant improvement of the knowledge of 10 year-old children of the roles of food (T1=2.75; T2=4.93; T1:T2 <0.001), hand washing (T1=0.70; T2=1.57; T1 T2<0.001), the seasonal availability of fruits and vegetables (T1 = 1.04; T2 = 2.57; T1: T2 <0.001), the food pyramid (T1 = 3.08; T2 = 3.69; T1:T2 <0.001) and harmfulness of sedentary behavior (T1=0.87; T2=1.66; T1:T2 p=0.023). Significant improvement of knowledge of 7 to 10 year-old children in the term T2 was determined at the level of memory (p=0.040), understanding (p <0.001), application (p<0.001), analysis (p<0.001), synthesis (p=.026) and evaluation (p <0.001). In the term T3 there was a significant decrease of knowledge at the level of memory (p=0.016) and understanding (p= 0.029). In both groups there was a significant increase in the consumption of vegetables (E: p <0.001; K: p = 0.016) in the term T2. A significant increase in the consumption of fruit (E: p <0.001; K: p = 0.440) and milk and dairy products (E: p = 0.005; K: p= 0.916) at T2 was determined only in experimental group. A significant reduction in the time spent watching television (E: p = 0.005; K: p = 0.782) and playing on the computer (E p=0.047; K: p= 0.390) was achieved in the experimental group in the term T2. The time spent in moderate physical activities significantly increased in both groups (E: p <0.001; P: p <0.001), while the time spent in intense physical activities significantly increased only in experimental group (E: p = 0.046; K: p= 0.217) in the term T2. There were found significant differences in the agreement between parents from experimental and control group with the view that proper nutrition means eating all foods in proper quantities (p=0.014), and that children should be prohibited to consume sweets (p= 0.001), watch television and play on the computer (p = 0.008) in the term T2. Significant differences in the agreement between parents from experimental and control group with the view that children should be forced to engage in sports were found in terms T1 (p=0.027) and T2 (p=0.016). There were not found significant changes in the nutritional status of children in experimental (p=0.271) and control groups (p=0.534) in the term T2. CONCLUSIONS: Integrated nutrition and physical activity education contributed to significant increase in knowledge on health and safe food handling in 7 to 10 year-old children. Significant increase in knowledge on the roles of food was achieved in 7, 8 and 10 year-old children. Knowledge of the origin and types of food significantly increased in 7,8 and 9 year-old children. Knowledge of the seasonal availability of fruits and vegetables significantly improved in 7,9 and 10 year-old children. Significant improvement in knowledge on food pyramid, nutritional properties of foods and harmfulness of sedentary behavior was found in 8,9 and 10 year-old children. The ability to apply knowledge of nutrition to compose menus significantly improved in 7,8 and 9 year-old children. Integrated nutrition and physical activity education significantly improved 9 year-old children`s ability to apply knowledge of nutrition at solving the problem of obesity in children. Integrated nutrition and physical activity education significantly improved the knowledge of 7 to 10 year-old children at the level of memory, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Knowledge at the level of memory and understanding were not permanent. After the application of integrated nutrition and physical activity education, there was a significant increase in the intake of fruit, vegetables, milk and dairy products in the experimental group of 7 to 10 year-old children. Integrated nutrition and physical activity education contributed to significant reduction in the time spent watching television and playing on the computer in the experimental group of 7 to 10 year-old children. After the application of integrated education, there was a significant increase in the time spent in moderate to intense physical activity in the experimental group of 7 to 10 year-old children.</p>
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Prevalence of endocrine disrupting phthalate esters in selected foods and food wrappers from some some supermarkets around Pretoria, South AfricaBaloyi, Ntsako Dellas 06 1900 (has links)
Food is one of the main routes by which xenobiotic (synthetic) chemicals enter the body of man and wildlife. The routes could be from wrappers in which the foods are presented with possible transfer of the compounds to consumers, hence need for regular screening. The research work is aimed at investigating possible prevalence of phthalate esters in selected foods (cheese, polony and vienna) and their plastic wrappers from commercial stores in Tshwane metropolis. Food samples were purchased from selected stores, taken to the laboratory and stored at 4oC until analysed. Analysis was done by soxhlet extraction while determination and quantification of phthalates was carried out using Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID). Quality assurance of the process was by standard addition of the phthalate ester standards.
Results obtained revealed good chromatographic separation of the analysed esters which ranged from 5.55 min for Dimethyl phthalate (DMP) to 8.96 min for Benzylbutyl phthalate (BBP). Instrumental detection limit of the esters varied from 0.03 - 0.05 μg/kg. The percentage recovery of the phthalate esters ranged from 75 – 90% from spiked cheese samples; 33 – 66% from spiked polony samples and 69 – 99% from spiked vienna samples. These recoveries are quite acceptable and applicable to the analysis and quantification of the compounds in the samples with the exception of Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) (33%); DMP (34%) and BBP (46 %) in polony samples. Results from chromatographic quantification revealed the absence of or non-detection of most of the analysed phthalate esters in the selected food samples. However, level of 0.031 μg/kg of BBP - 0.816 μg/kg of DMP were obtained in some of the analysed samples. / Environmental Sciences / M.Sc. (Environmental Science)
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Prevalence of endocrine disrupting phthalate esters in selected foods and food wrappers from some supermarkets around Pretoria, South AfricaBaloyi, Ntsako Dellas 06 1900 (has links)
Food is one of the main routes by which xenobiotic (synthetic) chemicals enter the body of man and wildlife. The routes could be from wrappers in which the foods are presented with possible transfer of the compounds to consumers, hence need for regular screening. The research work is aimed at investigating possible prevalence of phthalate esters in selected foods (cheese, polony and vienna) and their plastic wrappers from commercial stores in Tshwane metropolis. Food samples were purchased from selected stores, taken to the laboratory and stored at 4oC until analysed. Analysis was done by soxhlet extraction while determination and quantification of phthalates was carried out using Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID). Quality assurance of the process was by standard addition of the phthalate ester standards.
Results obtained revealed good chromatographic separation of the analysed esters which ranged from 5.55 min for Dimethyl phthalate (DMP) to 8.96 min for Benzylbutyl phthalate (BBP). Instrumental detection limit of the esters varied from 0.03 - 0.05 μg/kg. The percentage recovery of the phthalate esters ranged from 75 – 90% from spiked cheese samples; 33 – 66% from spiked polony samples and 69 – 99% from spiked vienna samples. These recoveries are quite acceptable and applicable to the analysis and quantification of the compounds in the samples with the exception of Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) (33%); DMP (34%) and BBP (46 %) in polony samples. Results from chromatographic quantification revealed the absence of or non-detection of most of the analysed phthalate esters in the selected food samples. However, level of 0.031 μg/kg of BBP - 0.816 μg/kg of DMP were obtained in some of the analysed samples. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Science)
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