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Changement dans la construction sociale de la production alimentaire localisée : analyse à partir du cas drômois / Social change in the construction of local food production : analysis case with the DrômeFiamor, Anne-Emmanuelle 24 October 2014 (has links)
Les productions alimentaires régionales, dites « de terroir » ou « localisées » se sont remarquablement développées à partir du tournant des années 80, selon des modes de valorisation variés allant du petit producteur à l’industriel labélisé. A l’aune d’une enquête de terrain portant sur la diversité des modalités de valorisation des nombreuses productions du département de la Drôme, nous nous sommes rendus compte que la diversité des modes de valorisation sur ce territoire n’était pas seulement de nature organisationnelle et stratégique. En effet, le terrain nous a conduit à supposer l’existence d’une diversité de significations sociales associées à la production localisée. Cette diversité s’incarnait dans le fait que la référence à la tradition n’était plus le seul vecteur de légitimation pour une production localisée. C’est ainsi que nous avons cherché à analyser la diversité organisationnelle mais aussi symbolique des différents processus de valorisation. Au vu de la fonction sociale d’aliment identifié dans un contexte industrialisé qu’ont les productions localisées, nous avons alors compris, qu’un nouveau sens social associé à la production locale serait signifiant d’un rapport nouveau au besoin d’identification de l’alimentation dans un contexte industrialisé et mondialisé. Pour analyser cette diversité organisationnelle et symbolique, nous avons pensé les processus de valorisation comme des systèmes de domination, au sens où l’entend Max Weber. Ainsi, le système et la stratégie de valorisation ont été mis au jour, de même que la forme de la légitimation sur laquelle repose la signification sociale de la production. Dans ce cadre, nous avons analysé six variations de localisation par référence à la tradition ainsi qu’une manière de localiser émergente. Dans cette dernière, l’ancrage local de la production s’effectue par le fait d’avoir été produite, transformée et vendue localement par le petit fermier local, souvent néo-rural, selon des savoirs et des savoir-faire de production, de transformation et d’organisation de vente construits à travers les réseaux de partage et de vente existants entre ces exploitants. Ces réseaux, formels et informels, sont créés soit par le biais du monde associatif agricole soit en toute autonomie. Dans ce cadre, chaque exploitant a pour objectif de produire et de vendre mais aussi de « faire groupe » tout en gardant son indépendance face à ses pairs et face aux acteurs institutionnels. Ainsi, ces producteurs, dans leur rapport à la production et au groupe, permettent l’émergence de savoirs et de savoir-faire de production localisée ancrés dans un « ici et maintenant » culturel associé à leur figure de petits fermiers locaux. / This research emanates from a field survey we conducted in the Department of Drôme, France, which deals with the analysis of a variety of valorization methods of local food productions we sought to explain. Local food productions are a traditional production rooted in time and space, regardless the organizational and strategic variety of valorization methods. In the Drôme territory, we found a variety of productions and a variety of organizational and strategic valorization methods. But those patterns are not sufficient to explain what we observed in the field. We observed also another form of reference to location of these productions than only the reference to tradition. From there, in addition to the analysis of the organizational diversity of valorization methods of local food production in Drôme, the characterization of a new form of reference to location of production we spotted is the main issue of this research. To analyze the organizational and symbolic diversity, we conceptualize the valorization methods as systems of domination (in the sense of Max Weber). Indeed, the system and the strategy of valorization are pointed out as well as the shape of the legitimacy on which the social significance of the production is expressed. In this framework, we analyzed six variations of localization types by reference to tradition and one emergent way of localizing productions. This last is assessed through the fact that productions are produced, processed and sold locally by small local farmers, often neo-rural, according to production knowledge and expertise, processing and selling organization built through sharing and selling networks constructed among these farmers. These networks, either formal or informal, are either created through agricultural associations, or either were built autonomously. In this framework, each farmer aims to produce and sell, but also to “build a community” while keeping its independence from peers and institutional actors. Therefore, these farmers, through their relationships to the production and to their community, induce the emergence of knowledge and know-how rooted in “here and now” cultural bedrock crystallized in the representation of the small local farmer
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Comunicação, promoção da saúde e espaço social alimentar: um estudo exploratório na ECA-USP / Communication, health promotion and food social space: an exploratory study at ECA-USPSilveira, Perolah Caratta Macedo Portella 03 November 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação explora as interfaces e possíveis articulações entre os conceitos de Comunicação, Promoção da Saúde e Espaço Social Alimentar. Por meio de revisão bibliográfica, traça-se a história do conceito da Promoção da Saúde no mundo e no Brasil. Em seguida, debate-se o papel do profissional de Comunicação como possível agente de mobilização social, destacando-se a Comunicação Pública como conceito essencial para o desenvolvimento da cidadania. Pautando-se no pensamento da Escola de Montreal, aborda-se a Comunicação Organizacional e suas interfaces com a Comunicação Pública. Propõe-se os modelos comunicacionais de Haswani e de Jaramillo López, como alicerce teórico para ações de Comunicação Interna. A análise da Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde (PNPS) e da Política Nacional de Alimentação e Nutrição (PNAN) expõe a importância de práticas alimentares adequadas e saudáveis para a promoção da saúde. Elas são contextualizadas, em relação ao estudo exploratório realizado com os funcionários da Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (ECA-USP), sobre suas práticas alimentares. A metodologia de Jean Pierre Poulain, da Sociologia da Alimentação, pauta o estudo exploratório. A pesquisa pretende ser o primeiro passo para a estruturação de um banco de dados sistematizado sobre fatores condicionantes e determinantes da saúde dos funcionários desta instituição. Este banco proverá dados essenciais para a elaboração e implementação de políticas e ações que visem a Promoção da Saúde na Escola no futuro. / This dissertation explores the commonalities and possible interactions between the concepts of Communication, Health Promotion and Food Social Space. The literature review retraces the historic evolution of Health Promotion as a concept worldwide and regionally in Brazil. It then correlates that field with the current state of Public Communication research in Brazil, defending the notion that Communication professionals have a role to play as health promoters. Based on the theories of the School of Montreal, this paper connects Organizational Communication and Public Communication concepts, with the goal of establishing a path for action that corroborates the defended thesis of the role of the Communication professional in Health Promotion. Lopez and Haswani\'s Public Communication models are used as the theoretical basis for action. The analysis of two public policies (on \"Health Promotion\" and \"Food and nutrition\") lays the ground for the empirical study developed with the employees of ECA-USP. Jean-Pierre Poulain\'s Sociology of Food methodology is adopted in the study of the food practices of the aforementioned public. This dissertation seeks to be a first step in structuring a database with information that can guide future organizational action and programs aimed towards the promotion of employees\' health.
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Comunicação, promoção da saúde e espaço social alimentar: um estudo exploratório na ECA-USP / Communication, health promotion and food social space: an exploratory study at ECA-USPPerolah Caratta Macedo Portella Silveira 03 November 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação explora as interfaces e possíveis articulações entre os conceitos de Comunicação, Promoção da Saúde e Espaço Social Alimentar. Por meio de revisão bibliográfica, traça-se a história do conceito da Promoção da Saúde no mundo e no Brasil. Em seguida, debate-se o papel do profissional de Comunicação como possível agente de mobilização social, destacando-se a Comunicação Pública como conceito essencial para o desenvolvimento da cidadania. Pautando-se no pensamento da Escola de Montreal, aborda-se a Comunicação Organizacional e suas interfaces com a Comunicação Pública. Propõe-se os modelos comunicacionais de Haswani e de Jaramillo López, como alicerce teórico para ações de Comunicação Interna. A análise da Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde (PNPS) e da Política Nacional de Alimentação e Nutrição (PNAN) expõe a importância de práticas alimentares adequadas e saudáveis para a promoção da saúde. Elas são contextualizadas, em relação ao estudo exploratório realizado com os funcionários da Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (ECA-USP), sobre suas práticas alimentares. A metodologia de Jean Pierre Poulain, da Sociologia da Alimentação, pauta o estudo exploratório. A pesquisa pretende ser o primeiro passo para a estruturação de um banco de dados sistematizado sobre fatores condicionantes e determinantes da saúde dos funcionários desta instituição. Este banco proverá dados essenciais para a elaboração e implementação de políticas e ações que visem a Promoção da Saúde na Escola no futuro. / This dissertation explores the commonalities and possible interactions between the concepts of Communication, Health Promotion and Food Social Space. The literature review retraces the historic evolution of Health Promotion as a concept worldwide and regionally in Brazil. It then correlates that field with the current state of Public Communication research in Brazil, defending the notion that Communication professionals have a role to play as health promoters. Based on the theories of the School of Montreal, this paper connects Organizational Communication and Public Communication concepts, with the goal of establishing a path for action that corroborates the defended thesis of the role of the Communication professional in Health Promotion. Lopez and Haswani\'s Public Communication models are used as the theoretical basis for action. The analysis of two public policies (on \"Health Promotion\" and \"Food and nutrition\") lays the ground for the empirical study developed with the employees of ECA-USP. Jean-Pierre Poulain\'s Sociology of Food methodology is adopted in the study of the food practices of the aforementioned public. This dissertation seeks to be a first step in structuring a database with information that can guide future organizational action and programs aimed towards the promotion of employees\' health.
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