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Efficiency of diatom and flagellate-based marine food webs.Hamladji, Yasmina January 2021 (has links)
Aquatic microbial food webs are in general size structured. Phytoplankton, which constitute the base of the food web, are grazed by protozoa and mesozooplankton, which in turn are consumed by planktivorous fish. Food web efficiency (FWE) is a measure of how efficiently energy is transported up the food web. FWE is low if the phytoplankton is inedible by the grazers, while FWE is higher if the phytoplankton community is dominated by edible phytoplankton. Recently, the presence of microfungi in aquatic food webs have been suggested to facilitate energy transfer up the food web, via the “mycoloop”. The aim of the study was to set-up a model system of phytoplankton – zooplankton food chains, relevant to the Baltic Sea, and to test FWE in diatom and flagellate-based food webs. Further, I wanted to introduce microfungi in the system and observe their impact on FWE. After many phytoplankton and zooplankton species tests, I decided to perform grazing experiments using one grazer, the ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis, and two phytoplankton species: a diatom (Skeletonema marinoi) and a flagellate (Rhodomonas baltica). I hypothesized that T. pyriformis would more efficiently feed on flagellates than on diatoms. I performed a grazing experiment where the increase in ciliate abundance was measured, the consumption of the phytoplankton monitored and the FWE estimated. The diatom-based food web led to 14 times higher FWE than the flagellate-based food web. The variation in FWE may be explained by a difference in initial abundances introduced in the experimental treatment, which created unequal grazer:prey ratio between treatments. Further, the swimming behaviour of the flagellate might have reduced the capture efficiency by the ciliate. Microfungi were introduce in an experiment, from a natural seawater sample, but fungal infection was not observed for any of the tested phytoplankton species. Further development is needed to test the effects of microfungi on marine FWE.
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Food web structures and carbon transfer efficiencies in a brackish water ecosystemDahlgren, Kristin January 2010 (has links)
Two differently structured food webs can be distinguished in the pelagic habitat of aquatic systems; the classical one (autotrophic) with phytoplankton as a base and the microbial food web (heterotrophic) with bacteria as a base. Energy (produced at the basal trophic level) reaches higher trophic levels, i.e. zooplankton, directly in the classical food web in contrast to the microbial food web where it passes through additional trophic levels before reaching zooplankton. Energy is lost between each trophic level and therefore less energy should reach higher trophic levels in the microbial food web than in the classical food web. However, factors such as edibility of prey, temperature and properties of the predator, might also influence the food web structures and functions. In this thesis I studied which factors are important for an efficient carbon transfer and how a potential climate change might alter the food web efficiency in pelagic and pelagic-benthic food webs in the Baltic Sea. Furthermore, one of the most dominant zooplankton in the northern Baltic Sea, Limnocalanus macrurus, was studied in order to establish the seasonal pattern of lipid reserves in relation to food consumption. My studies showed that the carbon transfer efficiency during summer was not directly connected to the basal production, but factors such as the ratio between heterotrophs and autotrophs, the relationship between cladocerans and calanoid copepods and the size and community structure of both phytoplankton and zooplankton were important for the carbon transfer efficiency. In a climate change perspective, the temperature as well as the relative importance of the microbial food web is likely to increase. A temperature increase may have a positive effect on the pelagic food web efficiency, whereas increasing heterotrophy will have a negative effect on the pelagic and pelagic-benthic food web efficiency, reduce the fatty acid content of zooplankton and reduce the individual weight of both zooplankton and the benthic amphipod Monoporeia affinis. During the seasonal study on the calanoid copepod L. macrurus, I found that this species is mainly a carnivore, feeding on mesozooplankton during most of the year but switches to feeding on phytoplankton when these are abundant. Furthermore, when food is scarce, it utilizes lipids that are built up during the course of the year. From these studies I can draw some major conclusions; there are many factors that influence how efficient carbon is transferred in the food web and different factors are probably of various importance in different areas. In order to determine the carbon transfer efficiency, the various strategies exerted by different organism groups have to be considered, as for example that some zooplankton utilize lipid reserves instead of feeding all year around. Also, in a climate change perspective, the pelagic-benthic food web efficiency will decrease, as will the quality of zooplankton and M. affinis, possibly having implications for higher trophic levels such as fish.
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Response of marine food webs to climate-induced changes in temperature and inflow of allochthonous organic matterDegerman, Rickard January 2015 (has links)
Global records of temperature show a warming trend both in the atmosphere and in the oceans. Current climate change scenarios indicate that global temperature will continue to increase in the future. The effects will however be very different in different geographic regions. In northern Europe precipitation is projected to increase along with temperature. Increased precipitation will lead to higher river discharge to the Baltic Sea, which will be accompanied by higher inflow of allochthonous organic matter (ADOM) from the terrestrial system. Both changes in temperature and ADOM may affect community composition, altering the ratio between heterotrophic and autotrophic organisms. Climate changes may thus have severe and complex effects in the Baltic Sea, which has low species diversity and is highly vulnerable to environmental change. The aim of my thesis was to acquire a conceptual understanding of aquatic food web responses to increased temperature and inputs of ADOM. These factors were chosen to reflect plausible climate change scenarios. I performed microcosm and mesocosm experiments as well as a theoretical modeling study. My studies had a holistic approach as they covered entire food webs, from bacteria and phytoplankton to planktivorous fish. The results indicate a strong positive effect of increased temperature and ADOM input on the bacterial community and the microbial food web. However, at the prevailing naturally low nutrient concentrations in the Baltic Sea, the effect of increased temperature may be hampered by nutrient deficiency. In general my results show that inputs of ADOM will cause an increase of the bacterial production. This in turn can negatively affect the production at higher trophic levels, due to establishment of an intermediate trophic level, consisting of protozoa. However, the described effects can be counteracted by a number of factors, as for example the relatively high temperature optimum of fish, which will lead to a more efficient exploitation of the system. Furthermore, the length of the food web was observed to be a strong regulating factor for food web responses and ecosystem functioning. Hence, the effect of environmental changes may differ quite drastically depending on the number of trophic levels and community composition of the system. The results of my thesis are of importance as they predict possible ecological consequences of climate change, and as they also demonstrate that variables cannot be examined separately. / <p>This thesis was supported by grants from the Swedish Research Council FORMAS to AA and SL (217-2006-674), the Centre for Environmental Research in Umeå (CMF) to UB, AA and SL, and by the Swedish strategic research program ECOCHANGE to Umeå University.</p>
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Effects of inorganic nitrogen and organic carbon on pelagic food webs in boreal lakes / Effekter av oorganiskt kväve och organiskt kol på pelagiska födovävar i boreala sjöarDeininger, Anne January 2017 (has links)
Anthropogenic activities are increasing inorganic nitrogen (N) loadings to lakes in the northern hemisphere. In many boreal lakes phytoplankton are N limited, wherefore enhanced N input may affect the productivity of pelagic food webs. Simultaneously, global change causes increased inflows of terrestrial dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to boreal lakes. Between clear and humic lakes, whole lake primary and consumer production naturally differs. However, research is inconclusive as to what controls pelagic production in these lakes. Further, it is unclear how DOC affects the response of the pelagic food web to enhanced inorganic N availability. The overarching goal of this thesis was to study the effects of inorganic N and organic C for pelagic food webs in boreal lakes. In the thesis, I first identified the main drivers of pelagic production during summer in eight non-manipulated Swedish boreal lakes with naturally low or high DOC. Then I investigated how increased N availability affects the pelagic food chain, and how the response differs with DOC. Therefore, whole lake inorganic N fertilization experiments were conducted in six Swedish boreal lakes across a DOC gradient (low, medium, high) divided into three lake pairs (control, N enriched) with one reference and two impact years. In each lake, I also investigated the response of zooplankton growth using in situ mesocosm experiments excluding planktivores. I found that humic boreal lakes had lower phytoplankton production and biomass than clear water lakes. Further, phytoplankton community composition and food quality differed with DOC. However, high DOC did not reduce pelagic energy mobilization or zooplankton biomass, but promoted a higher dominance of cladoceran relative to copepod species. N addition clearly enhanced phytoplankton biomass and production in the experimental lakes. However, this stimulating N effect decreased with DOC as caused by light limitation. Further, the newly available phytoplankton energy derived from N addition was not efficiently transferred to zooplankton, which indicates a mismatch between producer energy supply and consumer energy use. Indeed, the mesocosm experiment revealed that decreased food quality of phytoplankton in response to N addition resulted in reduced food web performance, especially in clearer lakes. In humic lakes, zooplankton production and food web efficiency were clearly more resilient to N addition. In summary, my thesis suggests that any change in the landscape that enhances inorganic N availability will especially affect pelagic food webs in clear water lakes. In contrast, brownification will result in more lakes being resilient to eutrophication caused by enhanced N deposition.
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