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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Task Oriented Privacy-preserving (TOP) Technologies Using Automatic Feature Selection

Jafer, Yasser January 2016 (has links)
A large amount of digital information collected and stored in datasets creates vast opportunities for knowledge discovery and data mining. These datasets, however, may contain sensitive information about individuals and, therefore, it is imperative to ensure that their privacy is protected. Most research in the area of privacy preserving data publishing does not make any assumptions about an intended analysis task applied on the dataset. In many domains such as healthcare, finance, etc; however, it is possible to identify the analysis task beforehand. Incorporating such knowledge of the ultimate analysis task may improve the quality of the anonymized data while protecting the privacy of individuals. Furthermore, the existing research which consider the ultimate analysis task (e.g., classification) is not suitable for high-dimensional data. We show that automatic feature selection (which is a well-known dimensionality reduction technique) can be utilized in order to consider both aspects of privacy and utility simultaneously. In doing so, we show that feature selection can enhance existing privacy preserving techniques addressing k-anonymity and differential privacy and protect privacy while reducing the amount of modifications applied to the dataset; hence, in most of the cases achieving higher utility. We consider incorporating the concept of privacy-by-design within the feature selection process. We propose techniques that turn filter-based and wrapper-based feature selection into privacy-aware processes. To this end, we build a layer of privacy on top of regular feature selection process and obtain a privacy preserving feature selection that is not only guided by accuracy but also the amount of protected private information. In addition to considering privacy after feature selection we introduce a framework for a privacy-aware feature selection evaluation measure. That is, we incorporate privacy during feature selection and obtain a list of candidate privacy-aware attribute subsets that consider (and satisfy) both efficacy and privacy requirements simultaneously. Finally, we propose a multi-dimensional, privacy-aware evaluation function which incorporates efficacy, privacy, and dimensionality weights and enables the data holder to obtain a best attribute subset according to its preferences.

Биометријско обележје за препознавање говорника: дводимензионална информациона ентропија говорног сигнала / Biometrijsko obeležje za prepoznavanje govornika: dvodimenzionalna informaciona entropija govornog signala / A novel solution for indoor human presence and motion detection in wireless sensor networks based on the analysis of radio signals propagation

Božilović Boško 26 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Mотив за истраживање је унапређење процеса аутоматског препознавања говорника без обзира на садржај изговоренoг текста.<br />Циљ ове докторске дисертације је дефинисање новог биометријског обележја за препознавање говорника независно од изговореног текста &minus; дводимензионалне информационе ентропије говорног сигнала.<br />Дефинисање новог обележја се врши искључиво у временском домену, па је рачунарска сложеност алгоритма за његово издвајање знатно мања у односу на обележја која се издвајају у фреквенцијском домену. Оцена перформанси дводимензионалне информационе ентропије је урађена над репрезентативним скупом случајно одабраних говорника. Показано је да предложено обележје има малу варијабилност унутар говорног сигнала једног говорника, а велику варијабилност између говорних сигнала различитих говорника.</p> / <p>Motiv za istraživanje je unapređenje procesa automatskog prepoznavanja govornika bez obzira na sadržaj izgovorenog teksta.<br />Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je definisanje novog biometrijskog obeležja za prepoznavanje govornika nezavisno od izgovorenog teksta &minus; dvodimenzionalne informacione entropije govornog signala.<br />Definisanje novog obeležja se vrši isključivo u vremenskom domenu, pa je računarska složenost algoritma za njegovo izdvajanje znatno manja u odnosu na obeležja koja se izdvajaju u frekvencijskom domenu. Ocena performansi dvodimenzionalne informacione entropije je urađena nad reprezentativnim skupom slučajno odabranih govornika. Pokazano je da predloženo obeležje ima malu varijabilnost unutar govornog signala jednog govornika, a veliku varijabilnost između govornih signala različitih govornika.</p> / <p>Тhe motivation for the research is the improvement of the automatic speaker recognition process regardless of the content of spoken text.<br />The objective of this dissertation is to define a new biometric text-independent speaker recognition feature &minus; the two-dimensional informational entropy of speech signal.<br />Definition of the new feature is performed in time domain exclusively, so the computing complexity of the algorithm for feature extraction is significantly lower in comparison to feature extraction in spectral domain. Performance analysis of two-dimensional information entropy is performed on the representative set of randomly chosen speakers. It has been shown that new feature has small within-speaker variability and significant between-speaker variability.</p>

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