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Information Integration Using aLinked Data Approach : Information Integration Using aLinked Data ApproachMunir, Jawad January 2015 (has links)
Enterprise product, in our case either an embedded system or a software application, development is a complex task, which require model approaches and multiple diverse software tools to be linked together in a tool-chain to support the development process. Individual tools in the tool-chain maintains an incomplete picture of the development process. Data integration is necessary between these various tools in order to have a unified, consistent view of the whole development process. Information integration between these tools is a challenging task due to heterogeneity of these tools. Linked data is a promising approach for tool and data integration, where tools are integrated at data level in a tool-chain. Linked data is an architectural style to integrate and require more definitions and specifications to capture relationships between data. In our case, data of tools are described and shared using OSLC specifications. While such an approach has been widely researched for tool integration, but none covers the aspect of using such a distributed approach for lifecycle data integration, management and search. In this thesis work, we investigated the use of linked data approach to lifecycle data integration. The outcome is a prototype tool-chain architecture for lifecycle data integration, which can support data intensive queries that require information from various data sources in the tool-chain. The report takes Scania´s data integration needs as a case study for the investigation and presents various insights gained during the prototype implementation. Furthermore, the report also presents the key benefits of using a linked data approach for data integration in an enterprise environment. Based on encouraging test results for our prototype, the architecture presented in this report can be seen as a probable solution to lifecycle data integration for the OSLC tool - chain. / Företagets produkt, i vårt fall antingen ett inbyggt system eller ett program, är utvecklingen en komplicerad uppgift, som kräver modell metoder och flera skiftande programverktyg som ska kopplas samman i en verktygskedja för att stödja utvecklingsprocessen. Enskilda verktyg i verktygskedjan bibehåller en ofullständig bild av utvecklingsprocessen. Dataintegration är nödvändigt mellan dessa olika verktyg för att få en enhetlig och konsekvent syn på hela utvecklingsprocessen. Informationsintegration mellan dessa verktyg är en utmanande uppgift på grund av heterogenitet av dessa verktyg. Kopplad data är en lovande strategi för verktygs-och dataintegration, där verktyg är integrerade på datanivå i en verktygskedja. Kopplade uppgifter är en arkitektonisk stil att integrera och kräver fler definitioner och specifikationer för att fånga relationer mellan data. I vårt fall är data av verktyg beskrivna och delad med hjälp av OSLC specifikationer. Medan ett sådant tillvägagångssätt har i stor utsträckning forskats på för integrationsverktyg, men ingen täcker aspekten att använda en sådan distribuerad strategi för livscykeldataintegration, hantering och sökning. I detta examensarbete, undersökte vi användning av länkad data strategi för livscykeldataintegration. Resultatet är en prototyp av verktygskedjans arkitektur för livscykeldataintegration, som kan stödja dataintensiva frågor som kräver information från olika datakällor i verktygskedjan. Rapporten tar Scanias dataintegrationsbehov som en fallstudie för utredning och presenterar olika insikter under genomförandet av prototypen. Vidare presenterar rapporten också de viktigaste fördelarna med att använda en länkad-data-strategi för dataintegration i en företagsmiljö. Baserat på positiva testresultat för vår prototyp, kan arkitekturen presenteras i denna rapport ses som en trolig lösning för livscykeldataintegration för OSLC verktyg - kedja.
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Push-based low-latency solution for Tracked Resource Set protocol : An extension of Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration specificationNing, Xufei January 2017 (has links)
Currently, the development of embedded system requires a variety of software and tools. Moreover, most of this software and tools are standalone applications, thus they are unconnected and their data can be inconsistent and duplicated. This increase both heterogeneity and the complexity of the development environment. To address this situation, tool integration solutions based on Linked Data are used, as they provide scalable and sustainable integration across different engineering tools. Different systems can access and share data by following the Linked-Data-based Open Service for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) specification. OSLC uses the Tracked Resource Set (TRS) protocol to enable a server to expose a resource set and to enable a client to discover a resource in the resource set. Currently, the TRS protocol uses a client pull for the client to update its data and to synchronize with the server. However, this method is inefficient and time consuming. Moreover, high-frequency pulling may introduce an extra burden on the network and server, while low-frequency pulling increases the system’s latency (as seen by the client). A push-based low-latency solution for the TRS protocol was implemented using Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) technology. The TRS server uses MQTT to push the update patch (called a ChangeEvent) to the TRS client, then the client updates its content according to this ChangeEvent. As a result, the TRS client synchronizes with the TRS server in real time. Furthermore, a TRS adaptor was developed for Atlassian’s JIRA, a widely-used project and issue management tool. This JIRA-TRS adaptor provides a TRS provider with the ability to share data via JIRA with other software or tools which utilize the TRS protocol. In addition, a simulator was developed to simulate the operations in JIRA for a period of time (specifically the create, modify, and delete actions regarding issues) and acts as a validator to check if the data in TRS client matches the data in JIRA. An evaluation of the push-based TRS system shows an average synchronization delay of around 30 milliseconds. This is a huge change compared with original TRS system that synchronized every 60 seconds. / Nuvarande inbyggda system kräver en mängd olika program och verktyg för att stödja dess utveckling. Dessutom är de flesta av dessa programvara och verktyg fristående applikationer. De är oanslutna och deras data kan vara inkonsistent och duplicerad. Detta medför ökad heterogenitet och ökar komplexiteten i utvecklingsmiljön. För att hantera denna situation används verktygsintegrationslösningar baserade på Länkad Data, eftersom de ger en skalbar och hållbar integrationslösning för olika tekniska verktyg. Olika system kan komma åt och dela data genom att följa den Länkad Data-baserade tjänsten Open Service for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC). OSLC använder TRS-protokollet (Tracked Resource Set) så att en server kan exponera en resursuppsättning och för att möjliggöra för en klient att upptäcka en resurs i resursuppsättningen. TRS-protokollet använder för tillfället pull-metoden så att klienten kan uppdatera sin data och synkronisera med servern. Denna metod är emellertid ineffektiv och tidskrävande. Vidare kan en högfrekvensdriven pull-metod införa en extra börda på nätverket och servern, medan lågfrekvensdriven ökar systemets latens (som ses av klienten). I det här examensprojektet implementerar vi en pushbaserad låg latenslösning för TRS-protokollet. Den teknik som används är Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT). TRS-servern använder MQTT för att pusha uppdateringspatchen (som kallas ChangeEvent) till TRS-klienten. Därefter uppdaterar klienten dess innehåll enligt denna ChangeEvent. Vilket resulterar i att TRS-klienten synkroniseras med TRS-servern i realtid. Dessutom utvecklas en TRS-adapter för Atlassians JIRA som är ett välanvänt projekt och problemhanteringsverktyg. JIRA-TRS-adaptern tillhandahåller en TRS-leverantör med möjlighet att dela data via JIRA med annan programvara eller verktyg som använder TRS-protokollet. Dessutom utvecklade vi en simulator för att simulera verksamheten i JIRA under en tidsperiod (specifikt skapa, ändra och ta bort åtgärder rörande problem) och en validator för att kontrollera om data i TRS-klienten matchar data i JIRA. En utvärdering av det pushbaserade TRS-systemet visar en genomsnittlig synkroniseringsfördröjning på cirka 30 millisekunder. Detta är en stor förändring jämfört med det ursprungliga TRS-systemet som synkroniseras var 60:e sekund.
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The designer perspective: Opportunities and Obstacles toward circular fashionRidler, Sophie Joyce January 2020 (has links)
Circular fashion has become a favoured option for the fashion industry to transition toward as the fast fashion industry becomes unsustainable. Current research within academia, business and policy focuses on the lifecycle stages of the garments, with the designer and design phase in focus. Research on circular economy predominantly looks at material flows and the lifecycle. This however fails to acknowledge potential innovation and the capacity for this change to occur. This study uncovers the perspectives of the designer, who are largely absent from the current research agenda, in order to identify leverage points in the current system which would allow accelerated transition toward a circular fashion system. Using workshops as a method to involve designers, paired together with critical systems theory; the study first highlights a large gap between academia and reality, and reveals that there is a large misconception between designers from fast fashion and designers from luxury fashion and the power influences they allow, while, underlying internal organizational structures pose as an obstacle minimizing capacities for change. Finally, using a three horizons framework as a technique, six leverage points are identified: cultural norm, strong teams, digitalization, leadership for sustainability, education & knowledge and reducing intergenerational conflicts. Overall, the study provides a holistic view of the current environment and the transition toward circular fashion, how lifecycle phases connect to circular economy frameworks and highlights innovation and the ways in which the designer can be re-empowered. The study bridges fashion business with sustainability science in a straightforward way and sets and refines the future research on solutions and challenges.
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Investigation of an OSLC-domain targeting ISO 26262 : Focus on the left side of the Software V-modelCastellanos Ardila, Julieth Patricia January 2016 (has links)
Industries have adopted a standardized set of practices for developing their products. In the automotive domain, the provision of safety-compliant systems is guided by ISO 26262, a standard that specifies a set of requirements and recommendations for developing automotive safety-critical systems. For being in compliance with ISO 26262, the safety lifecycle proposed by the standard must be included in the development process of a vehicle. Besides, a safety case that shows that the system is acceptably safe has to be provided. The provision of a safety case implies the execution of a precise documentation process. This process makes sure that the work products are available and traceable. Further, the documentation management is defined in the standard as a mandatory activity and guidelines are proposed/imposed for its elaboration. It would be appropriate to point out that a well-documented safety lifecycle will provide the necessary inputs for the generation of an ISO 26262-compliant safety case. The OSLC (Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration) standard and the maturing stack of semantic web technologies represent a promising integration platform for enabling semantic interoperability between the tools involved in the safety lifecycle. Tools for requirements, architecture, development management, among others, are expected to interact and shared data with the help of domains specifications created in OSLC.This thesis proposes the creation of an OSLC tool-chain infrastructure for sharing safety-related information, where fragments of safety information can be generated. The steps carried out during the elaboration of this master thesis consist in the identification, representation, and shaping of the RDF resources needed for the creation of a safety case. The focus of the thesis is limited to a tiny portion of the ISO 26262 left-hand side of the V-model, more exactly part 6 clause 8 of the standard: Software unit design and implementation. Regardless of the use of a restricted portion of the standard during the execution of this thesis, the findings can be extended to other parts, and the conclusions can be generalize.This master thesis is considered one of the first steps towards the provision of an OSLC-based and ISO 26262-compliant methodological approach for representing and shaping the work products resulting from the execution of the safety lifecycle, documentation required in the conformation of an ISO-compliant safety case. / Espresso 2 / Gen&ReuseSafetyCases
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