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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Black/white joint small business ventures in South Africa

Miller, Patricia Kathryn 06 1900 (has links)
The political history of South Africa, especially that of the apartheid years, has affected the structuring and functioning of business in the country profoundly. In general, White business is highly developed and formal, with access to financial and infrastructural support. Black business is often subsistence-based, informal and struggles for access to support mechanisms. These structural inequities have had a depressing impact on the economy that will continue if they are not resolved. Following the 1994 elections, policies and legislation have been introduced aimed at redressing structural imbalances. There is thus both a political and an economic imperative to bridge the gaps that have arisen between Black and White business. The study proposes Black/White joint ventures as a mechanism to this end. The history of Black/White relationships means that these enterprises are likely to face many problems. A model has been developed through the study for the formulation, structuring and operation of Black/White joint ventures that takes into account the factors that are likely to impact on these ventures and affect their success potential. The process of applying the model in practice is directed towards results that are not prejudiced by the background of the parties to the venture. The study expands the concept of joint ventures within the South African context to incorporate initiatives along a continuum ranging from extensions to employment to full joint ventures. Depending on its nature and objectives, a venture may be placed and remain at any stage along the continuum, or may progress along it. Case studies of Black/White joint ventures were investigated in depth and analysed in terms of the application of the model, in order to determine the relevance of the model. In all cases, the success or failure of the venture under scrutiny could be ascribed to the way in which the presence of various elements identified as being components of the model had been accommodated in practice within the venture. The use of the model when applied to formulating, structuring and operating a Black/White joint venture can contribute to its success potential. / Business Management / DBL

Product development sourcing strategies over technology life cycle in high-tech industry

Shahmarichatghieh, M. (Marzieh) 21 April 2017 (has links)
Abstract The main objective of this study is to observe product development sourcing strategies over technology life-cycle stages, including assessing evaluation conditions and strategy formulating models. This dissertation approaches product development sourcing from the perspectives of 1) main concepts of product development and technology life-cycles, 2) mapping product development activities over technology life-cycles, 3) mapping product development sourcing over technology life-cycles, and 4) a decision making flowchart. The individual findings are further synthesised and a three dimensional view to analyse the strategic positioning of technology, product and market development as a core context of the organisation is presented. This as it is proposed that the product development sourcing strategies should be analysed and decided according to strategic positioning of the technologies, products and markets and based on the related life-cycle phases. Different product development sourcing strategies can increase the competitiveness of the company by effectively managing critical knowledge of the technology and product development resources. The dissertation is qualitative and inductive in nature and is based on both, reviewing the literature and interviewing experienced industrial managers. The empirical material is based on semi-structured interviews with R&D managers and meetings with R&D directors. The study was realised by investigating historical data on product development activities and sourcing strategies of one of the high-tech industry leaders over four technology generations. The technology evolution of all the generations are considered and the collected data is analysed to understand if there are any significant relationships with the literature based findings. The analysis consists of five individual publications and related synthesis in this compilation. The principal results of this study is a product development sourcing framework (PDSF) proposing how product development sourcing strategies could be managed according to technology maturity levels by considering the specific needs and motivations of each prevailing situation. This necessitates the understanding of the characteristics of different technology life-cycle stages, and evaluating product development activities. This study points out how different models can be utilised to support the evaluation. As a result, various factors can be used to support the product development sourcing decisions for each specific situation, whereas strategy formulating theories are also beneficial as a support for these decisions. The main implications include providing a structure, PDSF, to support managers in their decisions on product development activities and sourcing strategies. The created PDSF is an amalgam of seven technology life-cycles that enable cross-functional investigations over each technology with market penetration situation, manufacturing capabilities, product development factors, and sourcing capability factors of all technology products. Aside providing support for selecting suitable product development sourcing strategies, this study may also ease the considerations over killing unproductive projects and unprofitable product lines. / Tiivistelmä Tämä tutkimus tarkastelee tuotekehityksen hankintastrategioita teknologioiden, tuotteiden ja markkinasegmenttien eri elinkaarivaiheissa. Väitöskirja lähestyy tuotekehityksen hankintaa seuraavista näkökulmista: 1) tuotekehityksen ja teknologioiden elinkaarien pääkonseptit, 2) tuotekehitystoiminnat teknologianelinkaarien vaiheissa, 3) tuotekehityksen hankinnat teknologianelinkaaren vaiheissa, ja 4) päätöksenteon vuokaavio. Yksittäiset löydökset on edelleen syntetisoitu ja kolmiulotteinen näkemys teknologioiden, tuotteiden ja markkinoiden kehittymiseen on esitetty keskeisenä kontekstina organisaatioille. Väitöstutkimus esittää että tuotekehityksen hankintastrategiat pitäisi analysoida ja päättää perustuen teknologioiden, tuotteiden ja markkinoiden strategiseen positioon elinkaarivaiheissa. Erilaiset tuotekehityksen hankintastrategiat voivat parantaa yritysten kilpailukykyä teknologioihin ja tuotekehitysresursseihin liittyvän kriittisen tiedon tehokkaan johtamisen ansiosta. Väitöskirja on luonteeltaan laadullista tutkimusta hyödyntäen induktiivista päättelylogiikkaa perustuen sekä aiemman kirjallisuuden tarkasteluun, että empiirisesti puolistrukturoituihin haastatteluihin kokeneiden tuotekehityspäälliköiden ja -johtajien kanssa. Tutkimus toteutettiin tarkastelemalla neljään eri teknologiasukupolveen liittyviä tuotekehityksen ja hankintastrategioiden historiatietoa ja aineistoa yhdessä johtavassa korkeanteknologian yrityksessä. Tarkasteltujen teknologiasukupolvien teknologiaevoluutiota on pohdittu ja kerättyä dataa on analysoitu mahdollisten merkittävien yhteyksien tunnistamiseksi ja ymmärtämiseksi suhteessa aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin ja kirjallisuuteen. Suoritettu analyysi sisältää viisi erillistä osajulkaisua ja tässä kokoomaosassa esitetyn synteesin. Tämän tutkimuksen keskeinen tulos on kehitetty tuotekehityksen hankintaviitekehys (PDSF) joka esittää tuotekehityksen hankintastrategioiden muodostamisen ja valitsemisen perustuen teknologioiden, tuotteiden ja markkinoiden kypsyysasteisiin, elinkaarivaiheisiin. Tämä edellyttää eri teknologiaelinkaarivaiheiden erityispiirteiden ymmärtämistä ja tuotekehitysaktiviteettien strategista arviointia. Tutkittuja strategisia tekijöitä voidaan hyödyntää tukemaan tuotekehityksen hankintamallin valitsemista ja päätöksiä. Tutkimuksen keskeiset implikaatiot sisältävät struktuurin luomisen, tuotekehityksen hankintaviitekehyksen (PDSF) muodossa tukemaan tuotekehitysjohtajia heidän päätöksenteossaan liittyen tuotekehityksen hankintastrategioihin. Luotu tuotekehityksen hankintaviitekehys mahdollistaa poikkiorganisaatiollisen tarkastelun tuotekehityksen strategisista hallintamalleista huomioiden teknologioiden, tuotteiden ja markkinasegmenttien elinkaaret ja niiden vaikutukset strategiseen päätöksen tekoon. Lisäksi, tämä tutkimus voi myös osaltaan helpottaa tuottamattomien tuotteiden ja tuotelinjojen lakkauttamiseen liittyvää analyysia ja päätöksentekoa.

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