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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fundamentals of the flotation behaviour of palladium bismuth tellurides

Vermaak, M.K.G. (Matthys Karel Gerhardus) 13 October 2005 (has links)
Previous mineralogical investigations (QemSCAN) performed on all effluent flotation streams of Mimosa mine (Zimbabwe) indicated the presence of appreciable amounts of platinum group minerals (PGMs), which are not recovered. Most, generally in excess of 70%, of the liberated PGMs in these streams belonged to the Pt-Pd-Bi-Te class in all the samples investigated. In the first part of this work, electrochemical investigations, electrochemically-controlled contact angle measurements and Raman spectroscopy have been employed to investigate the interaction of ethyl xanthate with Pd-Bi-Te and PtAs2. Impedance measurements showed lower capacitance values in solutions containing KEX indicating the formation of a continuous surface layer. Anodic and cathodic polarization diagrams show the mixed potential to be higher than the reversible potential of the xanthate-dixanthogen equilibrium reaction, hence the formation of dixanthogen on the surface is possible. Electrochemically controlled in situ Raman spectroscopy has confirmed the co-presence of xanthate with dixanthogen indicating that xanthate retains its molecular integrity when it adsorbs on the surface of the Pd-Bi-Te. The result of this investigation has shown dixanthogen to be present on both the minerals (PtAs2 and Pd-Bi-Te) when the surfaces are anodically polarized. Chemisorbed xanthate could be identified within 120 seconds yielding a hydrophobic surface as indicated by electrochemically-controlled contact angle measurements. Maximum contact angles of 63o were measured in the case Pd-Bi-Te. As a result the mineral surface is expected to be hydrophobic and a lack of collector interaction with the mineral is not the reason for low PGM recoveries experienced. Secondly, the flotation recovery of synthetically prepared Pd-Bi-Te was compared with that of chalcopyrite (a typical fast-floating mineral) and pyrrhotite (a typical slow-floating mineral), with microflotation tests. These indicated Pd-Bi-Te to be a fast-floater with flotation rates exceeding that of chalcopyrite. Predicted flotation rate constants (from the Ralston model) were significantly lower for small particles (with diameters similar to those lost to the effluent streams) compared with those of particle with intermediate sizes. This supports the suggestion that losses to effluent streams are caused by particle size effects. / Thesis (PhD (Metallurgical Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering / unrestricted

Online Metallurgical Mass Balance and Reconciliation / On-line metallurgisk massbalansering och haltjustering

Andersson, Emil January 2021 (has links)
In mineral processing, one of the most important and versatile separation methods is flotation. Flotation utilizes the different surface properties of the valuable minerals in the ore to separate them from the less valuable gangue material in the ore. Crushed and ground ore is mixed with water and fed into flotation tanks. In the flotation tanks, the particles of valuable mineral are made hydrophobic. That way, they can be floated by attaching to air bubbles and gather on top of the flotation tank as froth. This froth, containing higher concentrations of valuable mineral, is recovered and then processed further. The flotation circuit is controlled and maintained using measurements on the mass flows and grades of different materials. Due to economical, practical, and technological limitations, these measurements are performed at a chosen number of points in the circuit and at discrete points in time. Poor measurement data can have devastating consequences if the operators are left with limited information and errors in the circuit remain undetected. The accuracy of the acquired measurements is improved by performing mass balance and reconciliation. Traditionally, mass balance uses the sum of the total mass flows and the average grades over long times to avoid including the internal mass of the circuit in the calculations. It is desirable to perform mass balance directly to allow for faster intervention if any failures occur in the circuit during the on-line process. This report describes an on-line dynamic approach towards mass balancing and reconciliation of the mass flows and grades in a flotation circuit. Here, physical models of the flotation circuit are used to construct mass balance constraints using interpolation and test functions and the mass balance problem is posed as an optimization problem. The optimization problem is to adjust the assay such that the residual, the difference between the measured and the adjusted assay, is minimized while maintaining mass balance. An implementation in MATLAB and tests on synthetic data show that the dynamic formulation of mass balance does adjust 'erroneous' measurements such that mass balance is fulfilled. Given this result, there are still important aspects of the implementation that have to be addressed. The model uses the unknown and cell specific parameters flotation rate and recovery. Thus, these must be found or properly modeled. This report proposes a possible model for flotation rate as well as a strategy to find the recovery. The requirements of accuracy and speed of the implementation are also discussed. Possible next steps of this project is to further confirm a time effective implementation using synthetic data. Consequently, the implementation can be adapted for natural data in order to verify correctness of models. / I malmanrikning, är flotation en av de viktigaste och mest mångsidiga metoderna. Flotation utnyttjar de fysikaliska ytegenskaperna som partiklar av värdemineral har för att separera dessa från det mindre värdefulla gråberget i malmen. Krossad och mald malm blandas med vatten och matas in i flotationstankar. I flotationstankarna görs partiklarna av värdemineral hydrofobiska. På så vis kan de fästa sig vid luftbubblor och flyta till ytan och bilda ett skum. Detta skum samlas sedan ihop och behandlas vidare eftersom det innehåller en högre koncentration av värdemineral. Flotationskretsen styrs och underhålls med hjälp av mätningar av massflödena och halterna av de olika ämnena som finns i kretsen. På grund av ekonomiska, praktiska, och teknologiska hinder kan dessa mätningar bara göras på ett utvalt antal punkter i kretsen samt bara vid diskreta tillfällen. Felaktigt data kan ha förödande konsekvenser om operatörerna lämnas med begränsad information och processen fortlöper med oupptäckta fel. Mätsäkerheten kan förbättras med hjälp av massbalansering och haltjustering. Traditionellt görs massbalansering genom att summera den totala massan som löpt genom kretsen samt medelvärden av halterna över lång tid för att undvika att räkna in den interna massan i systemet. Det är önskvärt att utföra massbalansering direkt för att möjliggöra snabbare ingrepp ifall fel uppstår i kretsen under den fortlöpande processen. Denna rapport beskriver en dynamisk lösning för massbalansering och justering av massflöden och halter i en flotationskrets. Här används fysikaliska modeller av kretsen för att konstruera bivillkor för massbalans med hjälp utav interpolation och testfunktioner och massbalanseringsproblemet ställs upp som ett optimeringsproblem. Optimeringen sker genom att justera mätserien så att residualen, skillnaden mellan det uppmätta värdet och det justerade värdet, minimeras under uppfyllande av mass balans. En implementation i MATLAB och tester på syntetisk data visar att den dynamiska formuleringen av massbalans justerar de felaktiga mätvärdena så att massbalans uppfylls. Med det resultatet i åtanke, finns det fortfarande viktiga aspekter av implementationen som bör tas hänsyn till. Modellen använder de okända och cellspecifika parametrarna flotationshastighet och utbytet och dessa måste kunna bestämmas för att denna modell ska kunna användas. Ett förslag på modellering av flotationshastigheten föreslås i rapporten. Dessutom ges förslag på strategier att hitta utbytet. Kraven på noggrannhet och snabbhet diskuteras också. Möjliga nästa steg för projektet är att vidareutveckla en tidseffektiv implementation genom att använda syntetiska data. Därefter kan en implementation för naturligt data verifiera modellerna.

The role of turbulence on the bubble-particle collision – An experimental study with particle tracking methods

Sommer, Anna-Elisabeth 29 July 2022 (has links)
Die Analyse von Kollisionen zwischen Partikeln und Blasen in einer turbulenten Strömung ist ein grundlegendes Problem von hoher technologischer Relevanz, z. B. für die Abtrennung wertvoller Mineralpartikel durch Schaumflotation. Dieser Relevanz steht ein Defizit an experimentellen Daten und Erkenntnissen über den Kollisionsprozess gegenüber. Ein Hauptproblem ist die geringe Anzahl der verfügbaren Messtechniken zur direkten Beobachtung der Kollisionen zwischen Partikeln und Blasen. Daher besteht das Ziel dieser Dissertation darin, neue Methoden zu entwickeln, um die Wechselwirkung zwischen Blasen und Partikeln unter definierten hydrodynamischen Bedingungen zu messen. Diese Methoden beruhen auf der Verfolgung von einzelnen Partikeln mit 4D Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) und Positron Emission Particle Tracking (PEPT), um die Lagrangeschen Partikeltrajektorien in der Nähe einer Blase zu bestimmen und die kollidierenden Partikel zu klassifizieren. In zwei Versuchsaufbauten werden diese Messmethoden angewandt, um die Wechselwirkung zwischen Blasen und Partikeln in turbulenten Strömungen zu untersuchen. In einer Blasensäule wird die Turbulenz im Nachlauf einer frei aufsteigenden Blasenkette erzeugt, während in einem Wasserkanal die Turbulenz durch die Umströmung eines Gitters produziert wird. In beiden Fällen wird das vorhandene turbulente Strömungsfeld um die Blasen mittels Tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry (TPIV) charakterisiert. Zunächst wird der Einfluss des Blasennachlaufs auf die Blasen-Partikel-Kollision für beide Versuchsaufbauten mit dem 4D-PTV-Verfahren analysiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass in beiden Versuchsanordnungen die Kollision von feinen Partikeln nicht nur an der Vorderseite, sondern auch an der Hinterseite der Blase stattfindet. Diese Ergebnisse werden mit der gemessenen turbulenten kinetischen Energie und der Dissipationsrate um die Blase korreliert. Anschließend werden die experimentell ermittelte turbulente kinetische Energie und Dissipationsrate genutzt, um die Kollisionsfrequenz vorherzusagen. Dafür werden bestehende Modelle angewendet und deren Vorhersagen den experimentellen Ergebnissen gegenübergestellt. Weiterhin wird der Wasserkanal genutzt, um den Einfluss der turbulenten Flüssigkeitsströmung auf die Kollision zwischen einer stagnierenden Blase und den Modellpartikeln zu verdeutlichen. Neben der Untersuchung in einer verdünnten Feststoffsuspension wird auch die Blasen-Partikel-Wechselwirkung in einer dichten Strömung mit dem PEPT-Verfahren untersucht. Das PEPT-Verfahren hat das Potenzial, Suspensionen mit einem hohen Feststoffanteil zu messen, was mit optischen Trackingverfahren, wie 4D-PTV, nicht möglich ist. Für den Nachweis einzelner Partikel mit dem PEPT-Verfahren wurden radioaktive Tracerpartikel entwickelt, welche repräsentativ für die Modellpartikeln sind. Die Trajektorien der markierten Partikel werden verwendet, um die durchschnittliche Partikelverteilung im turbulenten Feld zu bestimmen und die Blasen-Partikel-Wechselwirkung zu beschreiben. Insgesamt bieten die entwickelten Methoden eine Möglichkeit die Kollision zwischen Partikeln und Blasen in einer turbulenten Strömung direkt zu untersuchen. Die gewonnenen experimentellen Daten ermöglichen es, bestehende Kollisionsmodelle zu überprüfen und das Verständnis über die Rolle von Turbulenzen in der Schaumflotation zu verbessern. / The analysis of collisions between particles and bubbles in a turbulent flow is a fundamental problem of high technological relevance, e.g. for the separation of valuable mineral particles by froth flotation. That relevance contrasts with an apparent lack of experimental data and insights into this collision process. A major issue is the limitation of available measurement techniques to directly observe the collisions between particles and bubbles. In this dissertation, novel methodologies are developed to measure the interaction between bubbles and particles under defined hydrodynamic conditions. These methodologies comprise particle tracking techniques such as 4D PTV and PEPT to triangulate the Lagrangian particle trajectories in the vicinity of a bubble and classify those which are colliding. In two experimental setups, these techniques are applied to investigate the bubble-particle interaction in turbulent flows. In a bubble column, turbulence is generated in the wake of a freely rising bubble chain, whereas in a water channel, a fluid passing through grid produces a turbulent flow upstream of a stagnant bubble. Accordingly, the turbulent flow field around these bubbles is characterized by TPIV. Firstly, the influence of the bubble wake on the bubble-particle collision is analyzed for both experimental setups with 4D PTV. It is shown that the collision of fluorescent fine particles take place not only at the leading edge but also at the trailing edge of the bubble, independently of the experimental setup. These findings are correlated with the measured TKE and dissipation rates around the bubble and in the bubble wake. Subsequently, the experimental TKE and dissipation rates are applied to existing models for collision frequency, and their predictions are discussed. Secondly, the impact of the turbulent liquid flow on the collision between a stagnant bubble and model particles is studied for a range of turbulent length scales. Besides the investigation in a dilute solid suspension, the bubble-particle interaction is also examined in a dense flow with PEPT. PEPT has the potential to measure suspensions with a high solid fraction, which could not be achieved with optical particle tracking methods. For the detection of individual particles with PEPT, radioactive tracer particles were designed to represent the bulk particles. The trajectories of the labeled particles are used to determine the average particle distribution in the turbulent field and describe the bubble-particle interactions. Overall, the developed methodologies in this dissertation provide a framework to investigate directly the collision between particles and bubble in a turbulent flow. The gained experimental validation data allows to verify existing collision models and to advance our understanding of the role of turbulence in froth flotation.

Beneficiation Of Himmetoglu And Beypazari Oil Shales By Flotation And Their Thermal Characterization As An Energy Source

Altun, Naci Emre 01 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Processing of Bolu-Himmetoglu (Type I Kerogen) and Ankara-Beypazari (Type II Kerogen) oil shales by flotation techniques were investigated for achieving clean solid fuel substitutes. Materials characterization was done through mineralogical, XRD and FTIR analyses. Flotation responses of the samples were tested with non-ionizing and ionizing collectors of cationic and anionic types. The effects of the collector dosage and pulp pH on cleaning were determined. Other important flotation parameters, conditioning time, flotation time, pulp density, particle size and frother dosage were encountered using a statistical approach, through a full two level factorial experimental design. An advanced flotation procedure, assisted by ultrasonic application, was developed for further improvement in flotation performance. The effects of cleaning on thermal characterstics and combustion kinetics were evaluated with Differential Scanning Calorimetry and ASTM methods while the changes in the emission profiles were assessed using Effluent Gas Analysis. Himmetoglu sample was characterized as a carbonate and organic rich humic oil shale with XRD and FTIR analyses while Beypazari oil shale involved significant carbonate and clay minerals and exhibited a fulvic character with a poor organics content. Reverse flotation with amine acetates provided the most effective means of cleaning with Himmetoglu oil shale. Ash was decreased from 34.76 % to 23.52 % with a combustible recovery of 83.57 % using 800 g/ton Flotigam CA at natural pH and the calorific value increased from 4312 kcal/kg to 5010 kcal/kg. Direct flotation with amines was most effective for Beypazari oil shale cleaning. Using Armoflote 17, ash was reduced from 69.88 % to 53.10 % with 58.64 % combustible recovery using 800 g/ton Armoflote 17 at natural pulp pH and the calorific value of the sample increased from 876 kcal/kg to 2046 kcal/kg. Following optimization, ash of Himmetoglu oil shale decreased to 16.81 % with 84.10 % combustible recovery and calorific value increased to 5564 kcal/kg. For Beypazari oil shale ash decreased to % 48.42 with 59.17 % combustible recovery and the calorific value increased to 2364 kcal/kg. Ultrasonic pre-treatment before flotation further decreased the ash of Himmetoglu sample to 11.82 % with 82.66 % combustible recovery at 15 minutes pre-conditioning time and 50 % power level. For Beypazari oil shale, ash decreased to 34.76 % with 64.78 % combustible recovery after 15 minutes pre-treatment time at 70 % power level. Comparative XRD spectra and SEM analyses revealed that the extent of mineral matter removal relied on the flotation performance. The thermal indicators considerably improved after cleaning and the extent of improvement increased with a decrease in the ash of the concentrates. Kinetic analysis showed the favorable effect of inorganics removal on the effectiveness and easiness of combustion and activation energies decreased after cleaning for both oil shales. The contributions of cleaning on the effectiveness of combustion were also revealed by the increases in the emission rates and total CO2 and CO emission amounts. CO2 emissions due to mineral matter decomposition and harmful SO2 emissions apparently decreased as a consequence of the cleaning of the undesired inorganic contituents and potentially cleaning components. Results of the cleaning and thermal analysis sudies revealed that it was possible to achieve a clean energy source alternative from oil shales through flotation and a significant potential can be anticipated for future use of oil shales as a cost effective and environmental friendly solid fuel substitute in view of Turkey&amp / #8217 / s great oil shale reserves.

An integrated model of milling and flotation for the optimal recovery of sulphide ores at the Kansanshi mine

Lusambo, Martin 11 1900 (has links)
Kansanshi mine sulphide ore circuit did not achieve target flotation recovery in 2016, hence it was deemed necessary to carry out a research aimed at optimizing this circuit. The objective of the research was to optimise the Kansanshi milling and flotation circuit processing a copper sulphide ore. In line with this, samples were obtained around the circuit and processed in the laboratory for moisture content, slurry concentration, particle size distribution, and flotation response. This information was then used to build a computer-based model of the Kansanshi milling and flotation circuit. This was done in MODSIM®, a software package specialising in the design and simulation of mineral processing operations. After careful appraisal, appropriate models were selected for the semi autogenous grinding (SAG) and ball mills, SAG mill discharge screen, hydrocyclones, pebble crusher, and the flotation cells. The calibrated model was then used to simulate the effects of key operating parameters on flotation recovery. Analysis using the attainable region technique revealed that the SAG mill feed-rate should be adjusted from 1719 tph to 2090 tph. This would lead to a better utilisation of the pebble crusher that can process 358 tph of pebbles from the current 198 tph. From the simulation work, it was established that rougher flotation recovery can be improved from the current 80.0 % to 82.3 %. The technoeconomic benefits of the proposition are yet to be investigated. Findings from the research concluded that the milling circuit optimum operating parameter; which generated a final product falling predominantly in the range - 150 +38 μm were SAG and ball mills conditions of ball sizes 200 and 40mm respectively, ball mill ball filling 32% and rotational speed between 75 and 80% for both SAG and ball mills. The optimum hydrocyclone feed slurry concentration was found to be 62% solids. Additionally, the SAG mill discharge screen aperture size of 6 mm was the optimum. It must be noted that slurry concentration did not show any impact on both the SAG and ball mills performance. The SAG mill ball filling did not show any significant improvement on performance. / College of Engineering, Science and Technology / M. Tech. (Chemical Engineering)

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